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Neneng Qori Farida. 205040207113025. Response of Growth and Yield of Sweet

Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt L.) Talenta Pertiwi Variety to Types of Manure
and Doses of KCl Fertilizer. Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurul Aini, MS.
Sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt L.) or commonly known as sweet
corn is one of the horticultural commodities most popular with the public because
it has a sweeter taste. The sugar content in sweet corn is 4-8 times more than regular
corn when the corn is 18-22 days old. One of the sweet corn cultivated in Indonesia
is the Talenta Pertiwi sweet corn cultivar with a sugar content of 12-14ºbrix. Sweet
corn is a commodity that has increasing market demand. One of the things that
needs to be done is to make fertilization efforts, both organic and inorganic. This is
combined because the type of manure and the dose of KCl fertilizer have a
relationship that can increase the growth parameters and yields of sweet corn plants.
Fertilizing organic matter is shown to improve soil, while inorganic fertilization is
used to increase nutrition in plants. This study aimed to determine and analyze the
interaction between types of manure and doses of KCl fertilizer on the growth and
yield of sweet corn plants.
This research was conducted from October 2023 to January 2024 in
Jemekan Village, Ringinrejo District, Kediri Regency. This research used a
factorial experiment arranged in a Randomized Block Design consisting of 12
treatments with 3 replications. This treatment consisted of two factors, namely the
first factor consisted of types of manure, P1 = Cow manure 10 t ha-1, P2 = Goat
manure 10 t ha-1, P3 = Chicken manure 10 t ha-1. The second factor was the dose of
KCl fertilizer which consisted of, N1 = 50 kg.ha-1, N2 = 100 kg.ha-1, N3 = 150
kg.ha-1, N4 = 200 kg.ha-1. Therefore, 12 treatment combinations with a total of 36
plots and a population of 1440 plants had been gotten. Sweet corn observations in
this study were the growth and harvest results. The growth observation variables
consisted of plant length, number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant. Meanwhile,
the harvest observation variables consisted of fresh weight of cobs with husks, fresh
weight of cobs without husks, fresh weight of the harvest and measurement of
sweetness content (brix). The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (F test)
with a level of 5%. If the results have a significant effect, then it will be continued
to a comparison test between treatments using the BNJ test at the 5% level.
The research results proved that there were several interactions with plant
growth parameters, namely the variable length of plants aged 49 DAP and aged 63
DAP. Then the variable number of leaves aged 63 DAP and the variable leaf area
aged 21 DAP. Meanwhile, the addition of KCl fertilizer doses at doses of 50, 100,
150 and 200 kg.ha-1 had a real influence on all yield parameters. Overall, there is
no optimum type of manure and optimal dose of KCl fertilizer that can be
recommended for future researchers.

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