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Received: 26 November 2023 Revised: 31 January 2024 Accepted: 29 February 2024

DOI: 10.1002/pol.20230889


Progress in photocontrolled radical polymerization

for the synthesis of nonlinear polymer architectures

Dongjoo Lee 1 | Hanqing Wang 1 | Rafael Verduzco 1,2

Department of Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering, Rice Abstract
University, Houston, Texas, USA Controlled radical polymerization (CRP) techniques enable the preparation of
Department of Materials Science and diverse, chemically tailored polymers with a variety of chain architectures.
NanoEngineering, Rice University,
Separately, light-mediated polymerization reactions offer a number of advan-
Houston, Texas, USA
tages over thermal polymerizations in terms of energy efficiency, sustainabil-
Correspondence ity, and versatility. Recent work has combined photopolymerization and CRP
Rafael Verduzco, Department of Chemical
and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice
techniques to advance the synthesis of polymers with nonlinear architectures,
University, Houston, TX, 77005, USA. including bottlebrush polymers, star polymers, hyperbranched polymers, and
Email: cyclic polymers. These photoCRP methods offer novel routes to nonlinear
Funding information polymers using mild reaction conditions. In this review, we provide an over-
Welch Foundation, Grant/Award view of photoCRP techniques for the synthesis of nonlinear polymers. We start
Number: C-2124; Division of Chemistry,
with a discussion of photoCRP applied to the synthesis of linear polymers and
Grant/Award Number: 2247729
discuss the underlying reaction mechanisms. Then, we discuss photoCRP
applied to the synthesis of bottlebrush, star, hyperbranched, cyclic, and
surface-initiated polymer brushes. For each case, we discuss the synthetic
strategy and the unique properties and characteristics of the resulting poly-
mers, and we provide a perspective on potential future directions for research.

bottlebrush polymers, branched polymers, controlled radical polymerization, cyclic
polymers, photopolymerization, polymer brushes, star polymers

1 | INTRODUCTION interactions between the side chains, and as a result, they

have higher entanglement molecular weights and lower
The development of controlled radical polymerization (CRP) Young's modulus compared to their linear counterparts.6
or reversible deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP) This control over architecture therefore enables the study
represents a significant breakthrough in the field of polymer and development of polymers for unique applications.
chemistry. In contrast to free radical polymerization, which Recent innovations have also demonstrated strategies for
produces polymers with broad molecular weight distribu- achieving oxygen tolerance in CRP,7 producing graft, block,
tions and poorly controlled molecular weights, CRP enables multiblock, and stimuli-responsive polymers,8,9 and demon-
control over both the molecular weights and architecture of strating the depolymerization of polymers produced by
polymers.1,2 The ability to control polymer architecture is CRP.10
critical, as polymer properties can vary significantly with the The development of photochemical reaction path-
introduction of branches, loops, and densely grafted brushes ways for polymer synthesis has similarly revolutionized
(Figure 1).3–5 For instance, bottlebrush polymers exhibit par- the field.11–13 Various review papers on photopolymeriza-
tially or fully extended backbones due to strong repulsive tion have comprehensively highlighted the advantages of

J Polym Sci. 2024;1–18. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1

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F I G U R E 1 Schematic for
the preparation of a variety of
polymer architectures through
photoCRP techniques.

photoCRP over thermal CRP.14–19 Some of these advan-

tages include temporal and spatial control. Temporal
control allows researchers to synthesize polymers with
accurate molecular weights by simply switching the light
source “on” and “off” over multiple cycles. The advantage
of spatial control, such as in surface-initiated polymeriza-
tion through a photomask, enables researchers to synthe-
size chemically tailored, surface-attached polymers by
selectively irradiating specific regions of the surface.
Recent work has sought to control polymer architecture
by combining the advantages of photopolymerization with
controlled radical polymerization using reversible addition-
fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) and atom transfer
radical polymerization (ATRP). Photoinduced RAFT poly-
merization involves either direct activation of the RAFT
agent (chain transfer agent, CTA) or the utilization of an
external photoinitiator/photocatalyst to generate a radical
source, as shown in Figure 2.16,20,21 In the case of direct
activation, exposure to a light source excites the CTA which
leads to homolytic cleavage of the C-S bond. This generates
R-group-based radicals which can initiate the polymeriza-
tion. Alternatively, a radical photoinitiator can be used to F I G U R E 2 Different mechanisms for initiating photoRAFT
generate the R-group-based radicals (Figure 2B).21 A third polymerization: (A) direct activation of CTA, (B) photoinitiator,
route to photoinduced RAFT is through the use of a photo- and (C) photocatalyst approaches.
catalyst, which can participate in photoinduced electron
transfer to the CTA, generating a thiocarbonylthio anion
along with a propagating radical species (Figure 2C).16 ranges. This can be leveraged to perform multiple, sequen-
ATRP can also be activated using light. In contrast to tial polymerization reactions by activating different CTAs
conventional thermal-based ATRP, photoinduced ATRP using different wavelengths, enabling the synthesis of
involves the generation of a Cu(I) activator complex block and graft copolymers.24,25 Another advantage of
through the photochemical reduction of Cu(II) deactivator photoCRP is that, in some cases, it can also be conducted
complexes, as depicted in Figure 3A.17 Alternatively, the without initiator or catalyst. This improves the end-group
photocatalysts can directly reduce halogen-based ATRP ini- fidelity and minimizes the synthesis of dead polymer
tiators to produce active carbon-centered radical species chains. Polymerization reactions that rely on a radical ini-
which then can initiate the polymerization (Figure 3B).17,22 tiator inevitably produce some quantity of initiator-derived
PhotoCRP offers several advantages over conventional chains.26 The photoCRP method does however have disad-
thermal CRP when synthesizing polymers with nonlinear vantages relative to thermal RDRP. For example, it can be
architectures. One of the primary advantages of photoCRP more difficult to reproduce photoCRP conditions across
comes from its chemoselective reaction mechanism.23 For different laboratories due to the dependence on the config-
example, in photoinduced RAFT polymerization, CTAs uration of the photoreactor.15 Additionally, RDRP has
can undergo fragmentation over specific wavelength broader compatibility with various solvents and monomers
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F I G U R E 3 Different
mechanisms for photoATRP:
(A) regeneration of active
Cu(I) species and (B) direct
reduction of halogen-based
ATRP initiators processes.

T A B L E 1 Comparison of advantages of PhotoCRP and

thermal CRP.

Thermal CRP
PhotoCRP (or RDRP)
Temporal control ✓ ✕
Spatial control ✓ ✕
Initiator/catalyst free ✓ ✕
Reproducibility ✕ ✓
Compatibility ✕ ✓ F I G U R E 4 Homolytic cleavage of the C S bond in
Oxygen tolerance ✓ ✓ thiocarbonate compound upon blue light (λmax = 460 nm)
irradiation. Reprinted with permission.27 Copyright 2015, American
Simplicity ✓ ✓
Chemical Society.

compared with photoCRP.14 A summary of the advantages

and disadvantages of photoCRP in comparison to 2 | LINEAR POLYMERS
thermally-initiated-CRP or RDRP is provided in Table 1. AND PHOTOCHEMICAL CRP
We note that both can be designed to be tolerant of oxygen MECHANISM
and both are simple approaches to polymer synthesis.
Herein, we review examples and developments in the In this section, we will describe the mechanisms for both
synthesis of polymers with nonlinear architectures using photoinduced RAFT and ATRP techniques using exam-
photoCRP techniques. There have been a large number ples of linear polymer synthesis. Early advances devel-
of studies that utilize photoCRP, and a SciFinder search oped photopolymerization techniques that do not rely
using “photochemical controlled radical polymerization” on catalysts. Notably, McKenzie et al. introduced a
identifies over 50,000 publications in just the last 5 years. thiocarbonate-mediated RAFT polymerization under
Therefore, we do not attempt to provide a comprehensive visible light, without the need for a catalyst or photoini-
review of all works related to photoCRP. Rather, we focus tiator.27 Since the n ! π* electronic transition of thiocar-
specifically on photoCRP methods used to prepare poly- bonate compound has an absorption energy that falls in
mers with nonlinear architectures. Specifically, we will the visible light region, blue light (λmax = 460 nm) causes
detail examples of photoCRP used to prepare bottle- homolytic cleavage of the C-S bond in thiocarbonate
brushes, star, hyperbranched, cyclic, and polymer compound, generating a radical, as depicted in Figure 4.
brushes, and we note that the use of photoCRP to synthe- The authors used this to synthesize PMA using benzyldo-
size polymers with nonlinear architectures is by compari- decyl carbonotrithioate (BDTC) as a CTA with blue
son much more limited. We briefly discuss the synthesis LED light irradiation. The polymerized product had a
of linear polymers using photoCRP methods, but only to molecular weight of 8290 g/mol (Đ = 1.07) with 92%
review and describe the synthetic strategies. The develop- monomer conversion after 16 h. They also compared
ment of photoCRP methods and application to linear the polymerization of MA under visible and UV light
polymer synthesis is described in other reviews.1,2,8 We (λmax = 365 nm), as UV light can also initiate the photo-
also do not describe the role of oxygen tolerance,7 the polymerization through π ! π* electronic transition.
synthesis of block copolymers,9 or the depolymerization Interestingly, a significantly shorter induction period was
of polymers prepared using CRP techniques.10 We close observed under UV light irradiation, due to the lower
by discussing future research directions in the field. absorbance energy of the n ! π* transition compared to
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the π ! π* transition. Despite this disparity in induction polymerization rate (kpapp = 1.4  106 s1). Sunlight was
time, the rate of polymerization under visible light was also proven to be capable of performing the polymeriza-
nearly identical to that of the UV system. To validate the tion, with the rate of polymerization comparable to the
end-group fidelity of the proposed approach, the authors blue LED system (kpapp = 8.3  105 s1). CPDB itself is
polymerized pseudo-diblock copolymer (PMA-b-PMA). photoactive in the visible light range, indicating that the
They successfully produced the diblock copolymer while reaction can be self-initiated by direct activation of the
maintaining low molecular weight dispersity (Đ = 1.05), CTA. However, in this study, the authors showed that TEA
indicating both successful reinitiation and high- served as a redox catalyst which accelerated the reaction.
end-group fidelity. Under light irradiation, TEA becomes oxidized which
In 2016, Allegrezza et al. reported that the presence of induces electron transfer from tertiary amines to CPDB,
amines accelerated the photoRAFT process.28 Specifically, generating dithiobenzoate radical anion. Subsequently, the
they found that dithiobenzoate-mediated RAFT photopoly- dithiobenzoate radical anion cleaves to generate carbon
merization was accelerated by triethylamine (TEA), which radical which can propagate the polymerization.
acted as a redox-active catalyst. They first polymerized Recently, heterogeneous catalysts such as covalent
methyl methacrylate (MMA) using 2-cyanoisopropyl organic frameworks (COFs) have been used as photocata-
dithiobenzoate (CPDB) as the CTA with excess TEA under lysts with several advantages over conventional small
blue light (λmax = 440 nm), achieving a molecular weight molecule-based photocatalysts, including easy separation,
of 23,000 g/mol (Đ = 1.19) with 66% monomer conversion broad absorption spectra, and recyclability.30–32 In 2021,
after 27 h of reaction. To confirm that the process was Zhu et al. synthesized porphyrin-based COFs with strong
entirely photochemically-driven, the authors monitored donor-acceptor characteristics, namely RICE-1 and RICE-2
the polymerization reaction with intermittent periods of (Figure 5A).29 In this study, the strong reduction potential
illumination and found that the polymerization only of photoexcited COF catalysts was responsible for reducing
occurred in the presence of light and that no polymeriza- the CTA in the system, generating radical species that could
tion occurred during dark periods. Different wavelengths initiate chain growth (Figure 5B). To test the catalytic ability
of light were also tested. Since blue and green LED emis- of the porphyrin-based COFs, the authors explored the
sion spectra overlap with the absorption spectrum of the photopolymerization of MA using a concentration of 1 mg/
CTA end-group, blue and green LED irradiation produced mL of the RICE COFs. When utilizing RICE-1 as a photoca-
the highest polymerization rate (kpapp = 1.1  105 s1) talyst under blue light irradiation (λmax = 460 nm), they
while the red LED irradiation produced the slowest achieved a conversion rate of 85.0% (Đ = 1.06) in 17 h.

F I G U R E 5 Porphyrin-based donor-acceptor COFs. (A) Synthesis of porphyrin COFs RICE-1 and RICE-2. (B) Proposed photoRAFT
mechanism using RICE COFs as photocatalyst. Reprinted with permission.29 Copyright 2021, Royal Society of Chemistry.
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Similarly, polymerization with RICE-2 yielded a comparable flow system showed nearly 100% initiation efficiency and
conversion rate of 79.6% (Đ = 1.05) in 17 h. They also tested produced polymers with low dispersity (Đ ≤ 1.20). To
polymerizations using different wavelengths of light. Chang- study the effect of the photocatalyst in the continuous
ing the irradiation light to green (λmax = 535 nm) and red flow system, the authors varied the catalyst loading from
(λmax = 635 nm) light resulted in a lower conversion of 0.1–0.005 mol%. For 0.01–0.1 mol% catalyst, the polymer-
61.8% and 50.1% while still maintaining low dispersities ization reached beyond 40% conversion with relatively
(Đ = 1.10), respectively. Lastly, the recyclability of the COF low dispersity (Đ < 1.27) polymer product. However,
photocatalysts was tested. The authors were able to reuse when the concentration of the catalyst loading decreased
the RICE COFs for PET-RAFT polymerization of MA to 0.005 mol%, the molecular weight distribution of the
monomers at least 5 times while maintaining a high conver- polymer increased (Đ = 1.60), indicating the importance
sion rate ( 80%) and low dispersity (Đ < 1.15). of photocatalyst in the O-ATRP.
Konkolewicz et al. made significant contributions to Recently, visible light-driven photoredox/copper-based
the development of photoinduced ATRP by demonstrat- dual-catalyzed ATRP has emerged as a promising strategy
ing that it could be conducted without the use of a photo- for providing well-defined polymers at low catalyst load-
initiator and with ppm quantities of copper catalyst.33 ing. In 2023, Ti et al. demonstrated a photoATRP approach
They initially demonstrated the polymerization of MA to synthesize PMMA at extremely low catalyst loadings
using ethyl α-bromoisobutyrate (EBiB) as an ATRP initia- using 5–10 ppm of CuBr2, 1 ppm organophotoredox of cat-
tor at room temperature with 100 ppm of CuBr2 and tri alysts (OPCs) relative to the monomer concentration, and
((4-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpyridin-2-yl)methyl)amine tris(2-pyridinylmethyl)amine (TPMA) as a ligand.34 Their
(TPMA) ligand using three different wavelengths of light. mechanism involved a dual-catalyzed approach, involving
The fastest polymerization rate was observed under sun- both excitations of the photoredox catalyst to both generate
light, followed by a slower polymerization rate with violet alkyl radicals directly and to reduce CuBr2/TPMA, as
irradiation (λmax = 392 nm) and even slower under blue shown in Figure 6. Ppm levels of OPCs were sufficient for
irradiation (λmax = 450 nm). However, no polymerization generating propagating radical species. To enhance visible
occurred under red light irradiation (λmax = 631 nm), light absorption and excited state reduction capabilities,
indicating the importance of efficient ligand-to-metal the authors synthesized a series of donor-acceptor type
charge transfer (LMCT) in the excited state for photoin- OPCs based on diarylamine-substituted terephthalate
duced ATRP. In addition, regardless of the polymeriza- derivatives. Even at low catalyst loading, 5 ppm CuBr2 and
tion rate, the authors were able to control the molecular 1 ppm OPC, well-defined PMMA with a conversion rate of
weight of the polymerization which had good agreement 77% (Đ = 1.17) was obtained after 24 h of reaction under
with the theoretical values with low dispersities mild conditions. Interestingly, the proposed mechanism
(Đ < 1.10). The proposed mechanism was remarkable, as also showed excellent oxygen tolerance. Polymerization of
they proposed that halogen radicals rather than alkyl PMMA in the presence of oxygen produced PMMA with
radicals were responsible for initiating polymer chain 75% monomer conversion and only slightly higher in dis-
growth. persity (Đ = 1.25).
To avoid the incorporation of potential metal contam-
inants into polymer products and the associated purifica-
tion process, Ramsey et al. investigated organocatalyzed
photoinduced ATRP (O-ATRP) in a continuous flow sys-
tem.22 They used strong reducing organic photocatalysts,
which generated radicals under irradiation through a
photoredox reaction with alkyl halide ATRP initiators.
While batch systems can have poor light penetration
through the entire reaction medium, flow systems can
operate with narrow tubing and therefore offer higher
surface-area-to-volume ratios and more uniform irradia-
tion throughout the system. This leads to a higher con-
centration of photoexcited catalysts in the reaction and
accelerates the overall reaction kinetics. The authors first
synthesized PMMA using four different types of
photocatalysts, namely N,N-diaryl phenazines, perylene, F I G U R E 6 Proposed mechanism of dual catalyzed (OPC/Cu)
and N-aryl phenoxazines. Among those photocatalysts, photoATRP of methacrylate monomers. Reprinted with
polymerization using N-aryl phenoxazine in a continuous permission.34 Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society.
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2.1 | Bottlebrush polymers study, the group developed a simplified synthetic

approach. First, the backbone of the bottlebrush polymer
Bottlebrush polymers have densely grafted side chains was synthesized through copolymerization of acrylate-
attached to a linear polymeric backbone, resulting in par- functionalized Irgacure (M2959) with AM.40 Through this
tially or fully extended backbone due to steric repulsive process, the grafting density (or density of the initiation
interactions. Due to the unique structure of the bottle- sites) was easily controlled by varying the monomer com-
brush polymers, they typically have lower entanglement position during the backbone polymerization rather than
molecular weight and lower Young's modulus compared attaching the initiating group to the bottlebrush backbone.
to linear polymers.6 Bottlebrush polymers are usually Then, using a similar approach to the previous study, AM
synthesized by either the “grafting-from” or “grafting- was grafted on the bottlebrush backbone upon UV light
through” approaches, which involve either synthesizing irradiation (λmax = 254 nm), resulting in a molecular
the bottlebrush backbone or side chains first, respec- weight of 1.36  107 g/mol with excellent water solubility.
tively.6,35–37 Each approach has specific advantages and Arrington et al. compared the thermal and photo-
disadvantages. The “grafting-from” approach can pro- chemical synthesis of bottlebrushes using both “grafting-
duce bottlebrush polymer with long backbones, but the through” and “grafting-from” approaches (Figure 7A).26
approach cannot guarantee 100% grafting density of To implement both techniques, the authors synthesized
the side chains. The “grafting-through” approach enables norbornene-functionalized trithiocarbonate-based CTA,
the synthesis of bottlebrush polymer with 100% grafting which can be used to synthesize side chains through
density of the side chains but generally cannot access photopolymerization and can undergo ring-opening
very long polymer backbones and becomes more difficult metathesis polymerization (ROMP) to produce the bottle-
with increasing molecular weight of the side chains. brush backbone. To investigate the “grafting-through”
In 2023, Sivokhin et al. developed a continuous flow
photoinduced RAFT polymerization approach for pro-
ducing high molecular weight amphiphilic polyethylene
glycol (PEG)-based bottlebrush (co)polymers under
mild reaction conditions (22–50  C).38 By using the
“grafting-through” approach, they copolymerized meth-
oxy oligo(ethylene glycol)8.5 methacrylate (MOEGMA)
and alkoxy(C12 – C14) oligo(ethylene glycol)6.2 methacry-
late (AOEGMA) under blue light (λmax = 470 nm) using
a trithiocarbonate-based CTA (CDTPA). When the (co)
polymer was synthesized at 22  C, the system reached a
conversion rate of 77% in 150 min (Đ = 1.29) at a poly-
mer production rate of 39 g per 8 h. However, when the
system temperature was increased to 50  C, the reaction
even had a higher conversion rate of 91% in 137 min
(Đ = 1.28) with a polymer production rate of 54 g in 8 h
due to the reduction in the solution viscosity. However,
regardless of the reaction temperature, both cases were
able to synthesize the (co)polymer with accurate mono-
mer compositions in a continuous flow system.
Wu et al. used a “grafting from” approach to synthe-
size water-soluble bottlebrush polymers with controllable
grafting densities. In one study, they first copolymerized
styrene and maleic anhydride to synthesize the backbone
of the bottlebrush polymer (PSM).39 Then, they attached
the initiating group (2-hydroxy-40 -(2-hydroxyethoxy)-
F I G U R E 7 (A) Two different routes to synthesizing
2-methylpropiophenone, Irgacure 2959) on the PSM bottlebrush polymers. SEC refractive index traces of bottlebrush
backbone. Next, by utilizing the “grafting-from” approach, polymers synthesized through (B) thermal and (C) light-mediated
the authors were able to polymerize the acrylamide approaches. Peaks correspond to poly(photoiniferter/CTA 2) and
(AM) under UV irradiation (λmax = 254 nm). The synthe- bottlebrush polymer are indicated in blue and orange, respectively.
sized polymer had a molecular weight of 1.54  107 g/mol Reprinted with permission.26 Copyright 2017, Royal Society of
and showed excellent water solubility. In a follow-up Chemistry.
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synthesis, they prepared n-butyl acrylate (nBA) side-chains polymer was synthesized through homopolymerization of
by using both thermal and photoRAFT mediated by blue BTPEMA mediated by CDTPA under green light irradia-
light (λmax  470 nm). Both thermal and photoinduced tion (λmax = 520 nm), achieving a molecular weight of
approaches were able to synthesize poly(n-butyl acrylate) 97,300 g/mol (Đ = 1.38) after 22 h of reaction. The
(PnBA) side chains with high monomer conversions of authors confirmed that during the homopolymerization of
86% and 95%, respectively, and with low molecular weight the bottlebrush backbone, only the Z-group of the CDTPA
dispersity (Đ = 1.01). Next, these macromonomers were was fragmented while the Z-group of the BTPEMA
polymerized through ROMP to form bottlebrush polymers. remained intact. Side chains were then polymerized using
They found that the conversion of side chains to bottle- monomer by simply switching to blue light irradiation
brush polymers was 77% for thermally-initiated and 96% (λmax = 465 nm), which activated the BTPEMA units in
for photo-initiated side chains. The authors attributed this the backbone. After 3 h of reaction, the molecular weight
to the presence of initiator-derived chains, which do not of the bottlebrush polymer reached 434,800 g/mol with
contain the norbornene end-group, in thermally-initiated low dispersity (Đ = 1.19), indicating successful polymeri-
RAFT polymerization but not the photo-initiated synthesis zation of bottlebrush polymer by using an entirely photo-
of the side chains. However, this effect was more signifi- induced polymerization technique.
cant in the “grafting-from” approach. Thermally synthe- In addition to advancing and refining photopolymeri-
sized bottlebrush PnBA showed a significantly high zation methods, Corrigan et al. pioneered the implemen-
molecular weight shoulder at 40% conversion (Đ = 2.21) tation of a flow system for the precise synthesis of
due to bottlebrush oligomerization (Figure 7B). In contrast, branched copolymers, eliminating the need for interme-
bottlebrush PnBA synthesized by photo irradiation showed diate purification steps.25 Similar to the approach used by
a symmetrical and monomodal bottlebrush peak at 50%, Shanmugam et al.,24 the authors employed spatially
indicating no bottlebrush-bottlebrush coupling occurred in selective photopolymerization by using two different
the reaction (Figure 7C). The authors hypothesized that RAFT agents. The backbone of the branched polymer
this was due to lower radical concentration and lower tem- was synthesized through copolymerization of MMA and
perature used in the photoinduced polymerization. BTPEMA mediated by CDTPA under green light irradia-
Shanmugam et al. demonstrated that bottlebrush poly- tion (λmax = 520 nm). After 6 h of reaction at 60  C,
mers could be synthesized using only photoCRP reactions, poly(MMA-stat-BTPEMA) was synthesized with a molec-
by relying on RAFT CTAs that are active at different wave- ular weight of 18,300 g/mol with low dispersity
lengths to synthesize the bottlebrush backbone and side (Đ = 1.13). The authors also confirmed that the MMA
chains separately (Figure 8).24 The authors first synthesized and BTPEMA monomers had a similar reactivity (conver-
a RAFT inibramer (initiator + branching junction + sion rate of 92% after 6 h). A nonselective photoinduced
monomer),41 2-(2-(n-butyltrithiocarbonate)propionate)ethyl RAFT polymerization was performed to graft the side
methacrylate (BTPEMA). The backbone of the bottlebrush chains to the polymeric backbone. DMA monomer was

F I G U R E 8 Proposed two-step synthesis of branched and bottlebrush polymers via chemoselective photoRAFT polymerization.
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F I G U R E 1 0 Proposed one-pot pathway synthesis of star

polymers via “arm-first” approach. Reprinted with permission.47
Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society.

Therefore, the central core of star polymers can vary,

ranging from small molecules, crosslinked macromole-
F I G U R E 9 Controlling the architecture of the polymers by cule cores, or nanoparticles. In the “arm-first” approach,
adjusting the light in each stage. (A) Provides controlled side-chain the linear polymeric arms are first prepared, and subse-
lengths. (B) Provides branched or graft copolymer architectures. quent crosslinking enables the formation of star poly-
(C) Provides controlled grafting densities and side-chain lengths. mers. On the other hand, “core-first” approaches usually
(D) provides controlled backbone lengths, grafting densities, and require a multifunctional core with initiating sites, from
side-chain lengths. Reprinted with permission.25 Copyright 2021,
which polymeric arms are grown.
American Chemical Society.
In 2015, McKenzie et al. presented a one-pot pathway
toward controlled photoinduced RAFT polymerization of
polymerized from the poly(MMA-stat-BTPEMA) back- star polymer using an “arm-first” approach.47 The authors
bone under red light irradiation (λmax = 630 nm) acti- first synthesized the arm of the star polymers by polymer-
vated by 5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphine zinc izing MA under blue light (λmax = 460 nm) by using
(ZnTPP) photocatalyst. Upon red light irradiation, side trithiocarbonate-based CTA (2-(((butylthio)-carbonothio-
chains of the branched polymer were formed, resulting in lyl)thio)propanoic acid, BCTP), as shown in Figure 10.
the final molecular weight of 33,300 g/mol (Đ = 1.28) The PMA had a molecular weight of 6000 g/mol with low
after 4 h of reaction at room temperature. The authors dispersity (Đ = 1.25). After reaching a high conversion of
also demonstrated that they were able to control the monomer (>95%), a divinyl-based crosslinker (ethylene
topology (graft, hyperbranched, etc.), grafting density, glycol diacrylate, EGDA) was added to the solution to
backbone length, and side-chain length of the polymer crosslink the presynthesized arms. Interestingly, the struc-
product by simply adjusting the light in each stage of the ture of the star polymer was strongly affected by the ratio
polymerizations (Figure 9). between PMA arms and EGDA crosslinker. Lower ratios
(1:5) produced star polymer with a molecular weight of
34,430 g/mol, Narm (number of arms) = 7, and conversion
2.2 | Star polymers rate of 60%. However, when they increased the amount
of the EGDA crosslinker in the system (1:15), the final star
Star polymers are a class of branched polymers character- polymer had a molecular weight of 268,800 g/mol,
ized by linear macromolecular chains (arms) attached to Narm = 56, and a conversion rate of 96%. Additionally, the
a central branching point (core).42 Star polymers are length of the polymer arm had a huge impact on the for-
characterized by the chemistry of the arms, which can be mation of the star polymer. When short arms were used
homopolymer or copolymer, the number of arms (Narm), (Mn = 4040 g/mol), star-star coupling occurred, leading to
and the degree of polymerization of the arms (DParm). the formation of high molecular weight multistars. How-
Compared to their linear counterparts, star polymers ever, when longer arms were used (Mn = 10,220 g/mol),
exhibit much lower chain entanglement due to steric the conversion rate of the arm to star polymer decreased
interactions between arms, resulting in lower viscosity to 89% compared to the conversion rate of 94% when the
in dilute solutions.43 Star polymers are usually prepared shorter arm was used (Mn = 6000 g/mol) due to steric hin-
by either “arm-first” or “core-first” approaches.44–46 drance between the arms.
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An alternative approach in the synthesis of star poly-

mers involves a “core-first” strategy. In 2019, Allison-
Logan et al. prepared ultra-high molecular weight star
polymer through photoinduced RAFT polymerization by
using tetrafunctional xanthate-based (4-XAN) CTA cores
to polymerize DMA arms.48 The Z-group approach was
used to polymerize the arms of the star polymers to pre-
vent any star-star coupling, a common side reaction
when using the R-group approach. Due to the highly liv-
ing property of the xanthate-based CTA, authors were
able to synthesize star polymers with an extremely long
arm degree of polymerization (DParm = 10,100). The
F I G U R E 1 1 Comparison of termination routes in
polymerized PDMA arms had a molecular weight of
conventional RAFT and PET-RAFT polymerizations. Reprinted
0.96 Mg/mol with a conversion rate of 96% and a total with permission.49 Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society.
molecular weight of 3.8 Mg/mol for star polymer. Inter-
estingly, light had a significant impact on the polymeriza-
tion kinetics. To achieve high conversion of monomers to ACMO or DMA blocks were polymerized using ZnhTPP
star polymers ( 96%), it took 6 h of reaction time under as a photocatalyst under green light irradiation
UV light (λmax = 365 nm) irradiation while it took 102 h (λmax = 565 nm). After 4 h for each block extension, a
under violet light (λmax = 401 nm) irradiation. Addition- robot was programmed to take aliquots for analysis and
ally, the authors prepared multifunctional xanthate-based add fresh monomer solution for block extension. Interest-
CTA cores by using β-cyclodextrin (21 arms). After 18 h ingly, the authors found that it was important to main-
of reaction under UV light irradiation, the final polymer tain constant catalyst concentration for each block
had a DParm of 11,000 with 96% monomer conversion extension. Without the addition of fresh catalysts in each
(total molecular weight of 21.9 Mg/mol), confirming the stage, only a slight increase in the molecular weight was
successful synthesis of star polymers with ultra-high observed after the 5th block. However, with the addition
molecular weight. of fresh catalysts in each stage, a linear increase in the
By taking advantage of the photoinduced polymeriza- molecular weight was observed up to the ninth block
tion, Foster et al. developed an automated photoinduced with moderate dispersity (Đ < 1.70).
RAFT technique to synthesize star polymer using a liquid Buss et al. introduced O-ATRP using multifunctional
handling robot. In contrast to a previous study by Alli- initiators possessing 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 alkyl bromide initiat-
son-Logan et al.,48 the authors used the R-group ing functionalities.50 The authors polymerized star poly-
approach to avoid broad molecular distribution caused mers with MMA side chains with a target DParm of
by steric hindrance in the Z-group approach. However, 50 catalyzed by using 3,7-di(4-biphenyl)-1-naphthalene-
the R-group approach is still prone to star-star coupling 10-phenoxazine as a photocatalyst. At dilute conditions
due to bimolecular radical termination. Foster et al. over- (1:2 vol. ratio of monomer to solvent), star polymers
came this problem by incorporating photocatalyst achieved conversion rates of >50% with low dispersities
(5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-21H,23H-porphine (Đ < 1.33) regardless of the Narm of the star polymer. The
zinc, ZnhTPP) in the reaction. The electron transfer from authors hypothesized that the low monomer concentra-
the ZnhTPP catalyst to trithiocarbonate-based CTA leads tion of the polymer solution was the main reason for a
to the formation of trithiocarbonate anion and a radical low conversion rate of monomer to arm of the star poly-
species that can propagate the polymerization. As these mer. As expected, the experiment conducted at a higher
fragments can recombine and return the electron to concentration (1:1 vol. ratio of monomer to solvent)
ZnhTPP, it enables reversible capping of the propagating increased the conversion rates to >84%, however, with
radicals, which then reduces the probability of star-star higher dispersities (Đ < 1.90). Significantly, regardless of
coupling or termination (Figure 11). The reaction was the solution concentration and Narm of the star polymer,
conducted in 96-well plates to run multiple simultaneous no star-star coupling events were observed in all cases,
reactions by using trithiocarbonate-based CTA with 3 ini- indicating controllable synthesis of star polymer through
tiating sites (Narm = 3). Since the authors found that a “core-first” approach.
polymerization of the first block was slow, they first syn- Cuthbert et al. demonstrated a simple approach to
thesized poly(N-acryloylmorpholine) (PACMO) with synthesizing degradable star polymers using photoCRP
DParm of 10 and used this as a macroCTA to synthesize techniques.51 This was achieved by incorporating tannic
decablock star polymers. By using macroCTA, either acid (TA), a biodegradable polyphenol-based molecule
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with 25 hydroxy groups found in plants, as a core of the

star polymer. By using TA, authors were able to synthe-
size a biodegradable core with 25 ATRP initiating sites
through an esterification reaction. Both MMA and ethyl-
ene glycol (EO) were polymerized as an arm of the star
polymer under UV light (λmax = 365 nm) irradiation. All
of the resulting star polymers, regardless of arm chemis-
tries, had low molecular weight dispersities (Đ < 1.30)
except for one case when star polymer with a long arm
was synthesized (DParm = 37). Additionally, since the TA
molecule is biodegradable, TA-based star polymers were
degradable in the presence of a base (NaHCO3). After
72 h of reaction, they confirmed successful cleavage of
the polymer arms from the TA core. However, due to the
innate sterically hindered structure of TA, it was found
that grafting densities of the resulting star polymers were
low (32%–53%).
In addition to various approaches to synthesizing star
polymers, Bradford et al. developed a technique to
synthesize helical-shaped star polymer by using ortho-
phenylene hexamer (oP6(OH)6) as a core of a star poly-
mer.52 oP6(OH)6 was chosen for the core as it has a com-
pact helix structure (folded) where all dihedral angles are
55 (Figure 12A). The authors first attached the
trithiocarbonate-based CTA to the oP6(OH)6 core, as
depicted in Figure 12B. Upon blue light (λmax = 450 nm)
irradiation with tris[2-phenylpyridine]iridium(III) (Ir
(ppy)3) as a photocatalyst, various types of monomers
were successfully synthesized with target DParm of F I G U R E 1 2 (A) General structures of an ortho-phenylene
10, achieving low dispersity (Đ = 1.10–1.20). Then, the hexamer (oP6(OH)6) and its compact helix structure (folded).
(B) Attaching the trithiocarbonate-based CTA to the oP6(OH)6 core.
authors analyzed the structural conformation of
Reprinted with permission.52 Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH.
the resulting star polymer proving that star polymers
maintained their folded structure regardless of the bulki-
ness of the monomers. To test the effect of the DParm on mass for the same hydrodynamic radius compared to its
the structure of the star polymer, oP6(MA)6 with various linear counterparts.55 Additionally, their globular struc-
DParm were synthesized (DParm = 10, 20, 40, 80). The ture endows them with abundant functional end-groups,
resulting star polymers had high conversion (>95%) with intramolecular cavities, and high solubility, which
low dispersity (Đ = 1.20–1.50). Interestingly, oP6(MA)6 enables their applications in adhesion, molecular imag-
still maintained their folded structure regardless of ing, and organic semiconductors.56–58 In photopolymeri-
DParm, indicating successful synthesis of helical-shaped zation, hyperbranched polymers are usually synthesized
star polymers with various arm chemistries. by double-monomer methodology involving copolymeri-
zation of inibramer as a comonomer with a monomer of
2.3 | Hyperbranched polymers In 2013, Bektas et al. developed an approach to syn-
thesize hyperbranched polymers by using visible light-
Hyperbranched polymers are highly branched three- induced self-condensing vinyl polymerization (SCVP).61
dimensional polymers with random branch-on-branch The authors copolymerized 2-bromoethyl methacrylate
topology.53,54 Their hyperbranched structure is character- (2-BEMA) and MMA with dimanganese decacarbonyl
ized by degree of branching (DB), defined as the ratio of (Mn2(CO)10) under blue light irradiation (λ = 400–
branched and terminal units relative to that of the total 500 nm). During polymerization, 2-BEMA inibramer
possible branching sites. The morphology of the hyper- served as both a comonomer and branching site. Upon
branched polymer resembles micelles, with a high end- blue light irradiation, Mn2(CO)10 underwent irreversible
group density-to-volume ratio, leading to larger molar decomposition and abstracted a bromine atom, leading to
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the formation of initiating radicals in the 2-BEMA end- was synthesized by copolymerizing RAFT inibramer with
group. Increasing the amount of 2-BEMA monomer, poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether acrylate (PEGMEA) as
Mn2(CO)10, and irradiation time increased both monomer a monomer. Reactions were conducted in both batch and
conversion rates and molecular weight of the resulting flow reactor systems. Interestingly, monomer conversions
hyperbranched polymer with the highest molecular were low (<5%) for the batch reactor system, regardless of
weight of 596,500 g/mol. Interestingly, increasing the the RAFT inibramer. The highest conversion, 77%, was
2-BEMA amount to 10 mol% resulted in gelation and achieved using flow and a total of 20 h of reaction time,
the formation of partially cross-linked polymers due to the resulting in a product with molecular weight dispersity
dual functionality of the 2-BEMA monomer. However, the Đ < 1.6. The authors concluded that higher conversion
synthetic approach involved conventional free radical was achieved in the flow system due to more uniform
polymerization, resulting in hyperbranched polymers with light irradiation compared to the batch system. This
uncontrolled structures. Therefore, in 2017, the same enhanced the reaction rate in the flow system. Addition-
group reported an O-ATRP technique to synthesize hyper- ally, the versatility of the approach was tested by chain
branched polymers with controlled structures.60 They extension polymerization of ethylene glycol methyl ether
used a similar approach, except 2-(2-bromo-isobutryloxy) acrylate (EGMEA) monomer achieving a molecular
ethyl methacrylate (BIBEM) was used as an inibramer weight of 19,500 g/mol with dispersity Đ = 1.58.
instead of 2-BEMA. BIBEM was copolymerized with While previous examples were limited to photoin-
MMA to form hyperbranched polymers (Figure 13). As duced controlled radical polymerization, either thiol-ene
expected, increasing the amount of inibramer (BIBEM) or thiol-yne reactions are also common alternative
and light irradiation time resulted in an increase in mono- approaches to synthesizing hyperbranched polymers. In
mer conversion and polymer molecular weight, with the 2016, Cook et al. presented an approach to synthesize
highest molecular weight achieved of 604,000 g/mol hyperbranched polymers with well-controlled architec-
(Đ = 6.2 with degree of branching of 0.39). Additionally, tures.63 The approach involved photopolymerization of
increasing the inibramer amount to 40 mol% and 12 h of the thiol-yne reaction of bifunctional (thiol/yne) mono-
light irradiation resulted in gelation of the product, sug- mer (prop-2-ynyl 3-mercaptopropanoate) with trialkyne
gesting the importance of the reaction conditions in con- core (tri(prop-2-yn-1-yl) 1,3,5-benzene-tricarboxylate)
trolling the structure of the hyperbranched polymers. under UV light (λmax = 365 nm) irradiation (Figure 14).
Rong et al. demonstrated photoinduced RAFT poly- The authors found that using a trialkyne core was impor-
merization of hyperbranched polymers in a flow reactor tant for synthesizing hyperbranched polymers with low
system.62 The authors first synthesized the RAFT inibra- molecular weight dispersities. Without the trialkyne core,
mers, BTPEMA, and 2-(2-(n-butyltrithiocarbonate)propio- the synthesized hyperbranched polymers had a molecular
nate)ethyl acrylate (BTPEA). Under green light irradiation weight of 16,100 g/mol with a degree of branching
with Eosin Y as a photocatalyst, hyperbranched polymer (DB) of 0.84 and high molecular weight dispersity

F I G U R E 1 3 o-ATRP
synthetic approach to
hyperbranched polymer by
copolymerizing BIBEM with
MMA under light irradiation.
Reprinted with permission.60
Copyright 2017, American
Chemical Society.
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(Đ = 1.38), indicating uniform grafting of hyperbranched


2.4 | Cyclic polymers

Cyclic polymers, distinguished by their ring-like architec-

ture without chain ends, exhibit unique characteristics
that set them apart from other polymer architectures.65,66
Their closed-loop architecture leads to higher effective
intramolecular repulsion between polymer segments,
leading to improved mechanical properties and potential
usage in biomaterial applications. While some cyclic
photopolymerization techniques involve step-growth
F I G U R E 1 4 Synthesis of hyperbranched polymers via
polymerization,67,68 there are a handful of studies on
thiol-yne reactions. Reprinted with permission.63 Copyright 2016,
photoinduced CRP of cyclic polymers. In 2021, Hakobyan
American Chemical Society.
et al. demonstrated an approach to synthesize a cyclic
polymer through intermolecular cyclization of homo-tele-
(Đ = 2.88). However, the addition of trialkyne core in the chelics.69 They first synthesized the homo-telechelic by
system (1.1 M) significantly decreased the molecular using photoinduced RAFT polymerization using either
weight dispersity (Đ = 1.44) of the hyperbranched poly- xanthate-based or trithiocarbonate-based CTA with bis-
mers with similar molecular weight (19,600 g/mol) and muth oxide (Bi2O3) as a catalyst under irradiation with
degree of branching (DB = 0.82). compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). Regardless of CTA type,
The solution concentration was also found to impact the synthesized polymers had controllable molecular
the molecular weight and dispersity of the hyperbranched weight with moderate dispersity (Đ < 1.70). Through
polymers. As the solution concentration increased, the aminolysis of synthesized polymers, the CTA end-groups
molecular weight and dispersity of the product increased were removed, resulting in polymer chains with thiol
from 13,300 g/mol (Đ = 1.38) to 77,700 g/mol (Đ = 4.44) ( SH) end-groups. Interestingly, the CTA was completely
for 0.5 M and 2.0 M, respectively. removed in xanthate-based polymers while dimers were
In 2023, Kapil et al. presented an open-air photoinduced formed in trithiocarbonate-based polymers. Upon addi-
ATRP technique under biologically relevant conditions to tion of iron trichloride to the polymer solution with thiol
synthesize hyperbranched polymers.64 The authors chose end-group, the telechelics underwent intermolecular
2-bromoacrylic acid (BAA) as a starting material. BAA forms cyclization at a dilute concentration (0.05 mg/mL) to
sodium 2-bromoacrylate (SBA), which acts as an inibramer, form cyclic polymers (Figure 15).
when dissolved in an aqueous solution of Na2CO3. After the
in situ formation of SBA in aqueous solution, oligo(ethylene
oxide) methyl ether methacrylate (OEOMA) was copolymer- 2.5 | Surface-initiated polymer brushes
ized with SBA using Eosin Y as a photocatalyst and CuBr2/
TPMA as a deactivator under green light (λmax = 520 nm) The physical and chemical properties of surfaces can be
irradiation. After 30 min of reaction, OEOMA-based hyper- modified by tethering polymers, resulting in robust chemi-
branched polymer was synthesized with a molecular weight cal functionality.70,71 Photopolymerization methods for
of 81,000 g/mol and low molecular weight dispersity surface grafting generally involve a “grafting-from”
(Đ = 1.19). The authors were able to control the molecular approach from surface-bound initiators, enabling precise
weight of the hyperbranched polymer by simply lowering control of the functionality, density, and thickness of poly-
the initiator concentration in the solution. Due to the mild mer brushes. There are broad applications of polymer
reaction conditions, they were able to graft hyperbranched brush coatings, including antibacterial coatings and bio-
polymers directly from biomacromolecules. Hyperbranched sensing platforms.72,73
protein-polymer conjugates were synthesized by copolymer- In 2013, Poelma et al. demonstrated a method to con-
izing SBA inibramer with 3-[[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]- trol the brush formation on the silicon oxide surface
dimethylammonium] propionate (CBMA) using chymotryp- through visible light-mediated radical polymerization.74
sin with α-bromoisobutyrate groups as a macroinitiator. First, the authors functionalized silicon oxide with
The synthesized bioconjugate had a molecular weight trichlorosilane-substituted α-bromoisobutyrate-based initia-
of 480,000 g/mol with low molecular weight dispersity tors, achieving grafting density of 0.27 ± 0.02 chains/nm2.
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In 2023, Rong et al. developed an approach to synthesize

hyperbranched polymer films using oxygen-tolerant SI-
RAFT polymerization.75 Their approach could produce poly-
mer brushes with linear, branched, linear-block-branched,
and branched-block-linear polymers tethered to a surface.
The authors first attached the carbazole-functionalized
BTPA (Cbz-BTPA) and hydroxyl-terminated carbazole
(Cbz-OH) on the gold-coated glass substrate by electrodepo-
F I G U R E 1 5 Intermolecular cyclization of homo-telechelics.
sition. Cbz-OH was used to provide additional space on the
Reprinted with permission.69 Copyright 2021, American Chemical
surface for the hyperbranched polymers to grow. To synthe-
size the linear brush, PEGMEA was polymerized by using
Eosin Y as a photocatalyst and triethanolamine (TEOA) as
an electron donor under green light (λmax = 506 nm) irradi-
ation, achieving a brush height of 10 nm after 2 h of irradia-
tion. When acrylate-functionalized BTPA inibramer (2-(n-
butyltrithiocarbonate)propionate acrylate), which acted as
both CTA monomer and branching point, was copolymer-
ized with PEGMEA, the branched structure was formed
with the height of 17 nm after 2 h of green light irradiation.
By sequential addition or alternating the order of the desired
monomers, more complex structures such as linear-block-
branched and branched-block-linear structures were formed
with brush heights of 21.8 and 33.8 nm, respectively.
Seo et al. further developed an open-air SI-RAFT
F I G U R E 1 6 (A) Patterning of polymer brushes on the surface
polymerization by using glucose oxidase (GOx) for in situ
of silicon oxide with trichlorosilane-substituted
oxygen removal.76 The incorporation of GOx in the pres-
α-bromoisobutyrate-based initiators with (B) spatial control and
(C) gradient control. Reprinted with permission.74 Copyright 2013,
ence of glucose (reducing agent) resulted in the reduction
Wiley-VCH. of molecular oxygen. By using this method, a PDMA
brush was synthesized on the BTPA-grafted silicon sur-
face under ambient conditions. Upon green light
Then, MMA was polymerized using fac-tris(2-phenylpyri- (λmax = 530 nm) irradiation, the brush height reached
dine)iridium(III) (fac-[Ir(ppy)3]) as a photocatalyst under 30 nm after 15 min and reached 100 nm after 2 h of light
visible light irradiation (CFL) (Figure 16A). Three factors irradiation. They found that the stability of the GOx was
were varied to control the architecture of the brush layer crucial to the open-air photopolymerization. When DI
on the surface: light exposure time, photomasking, and water was used as a reaction solvent, a brush height of
optical density. It was found that the brush height was line- 50 nm was observed after 2 h of light irradiation. How-
arly dependent on the light exposure time. The produced ever, when nanopore water (MilliQ) was used as a sol-
brushes with a height of 25 nm after 10 min for light expo- vent, a brush height of 100 nm was achieved after the
sure and 115 nm after 60 min of light exposure. They also same irradiation time. The authors concluded that
demonstrated spatial control over brush growth using pat- the difference in the brush heights was due to the resid-
terning (Figure 16B). Using light irradiation through a pho- ual minerals and salts in the DI water which affected
tomask, MMA was polymerized only in the unmasked GOx stability and as a result decreased the reaction kinet-
regions. They achieved a high resolution of the patterned ics. Lastly, to test the importance of the GOx in the poly-
structure due to the short excited state lifetime ( 50 ns) of merization, the reaction was conducted in the absence of
the fac-[Ir(ppy)3] photocatalyst. Lastly, it was found that GOx. As expected, little to no polymer brush growth was
brush height was inversely proportional to optical density observed ( 10 nm) demonstrating the GOx for enabling
of the photomask. In order to test this relationship, the sur- polymerization.
face was covered by a grayscale photomask with gradient Binary polymer brushes, which include two different
optical density (0.2–0.9) (Figure 16C). Brush heights of 42 polymer brushes grafted on the surface, have gained great
and  16 nm were produced using photomasks with opti- interest for functional coatings and micro-electromechanical
cal densities of 0.2 and 0.9, respectively. This study shows materials.78–80 However, current methods to fabricate sur-
the advantages of the photopolymerization technique to faces with binary polymer brushes are often limited to
precisely control the architecture of the brush on a surface. surface-initiated photopolymerization from the surface with
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F I G U R E 1 7 (A) Schematic illustration of negative-type patterning of polymer brushes on the surface of silicon oxide with alkyl iodide
(R-I) initiator. (B) Comparison between brush height in masked and unmasked regions. (C) Preparation of binary polymer brushes using
sequential polymerization reactions along with partial masking of the surface. (D) contact angle measurements reflecting the hydrophobicity
or hydrophilicity of the brush grafted on the surface. Reprinted with permission.77 Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

pre-patterned initiators. To overcome this limitation, Wang While previous papers focused on the synthesis of
et al. demonstrated a simple approach to synthesizing polymer brushes on glass or silicon substrate, Hou et al.
binary polymer brushes using an alkyl iodide (R-I) initiator, prepared homogenous polymer brushes on the surface of
which can be degraded under UV light (λmax = 250– the metal–organic framework (MOF) nanoparticles and
385 nm) irradiation, as shown in Figure 17A.77 The authors membranes without immobilization of external initia-
demonstrated both positive-type and negative-type pattern- tors.81 MOFs are usually comprised of various functional-
ing using this initiator. To demonstrate, positive-type ities including amino or phenol groups. Due to the low
patterning, they grafted the R-I initiator (6-(2-iodo-2-isobu- bond dissociation energies of these R-H bonds, hydrogen
tyloxy) hexyltriethoxysilane, IHE) on the silicon wafer. atoms from these functional groups can be abstracted to
Next, they polymerized benzyl methacrylate (BzMA) form radicals on the MOF surface, which will serve as
through a glass photomask using 10 ,30 -dihydro-8-methoxy- initiating sites for the photoinduced free radical polymer-
10 ,30 ,30 -trimethyl-6-nitrospiro[2H-1-benzopyran-2,20 -(2H) ization. MOF (UiO-66-NH2) nanoparticle was grafted
indole] (DHMI) as a photocatalyst under visible light irradi- with PMMA upon UV light (λmax = 300 nm) irradiation,
ation (λmax = 550 nm). This produced a brush height of achieving a molecular weight of 470,000 g/mol with high
64 nm only for the exposed portions of the surface. They dispersity (Đ = 2.80). The authors showed that grafting
could also produce negative patterns by exposing the with PMMA on the surface of MOF significantly
surface to UV light to degrade the initiator. By selectively increased the chemical and thermal stability of the mate-
degrading unmasked regions of the surface, a brush rial. They showed that the porous structure of the
height remained constant only in masked regions IRMOF-3 was preserved even after grafting with PMMA.
(Figure 17B). Finally, they combined positive and Additionally, unmodified MOF decomposed and porous
negative-type approaches to produce surfaces selectively architecture was lost after 3 days of air exposure while
patterned with different types of brushes. As shown in PMMA-modified MOF maintained its crystallinity and
Figure 17C, employing photomask allows the sequential porous structure.
polymerization of the hydrophobic 1H,1H,2H,2H-tride-
cafluoro-n-octyl methacrylate (PRfMA) and hydrophilic
poly(poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) 2.6 | Future directions
(PPEGMA) polymer brushes as well as removal of the
R-I initiator to deactivate the polymerization in specific 1. Photoinduced Depolymerization of Polymers with
regions. Contact angle measurements supported the suc- Nonlinear Architectures
cessful fabrication of the binary polymer brushes with
water contact angle measurements of 113 and 51 for Recent studies have shown that linear polymers syn-
hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, respectively thesized through controlled radical polymerization tech-
(Figure 17D). niques, such as ATRP and RAFT, can be depolymerized
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primarily at high temperatures (100–170  C) under This work demonstrates that light accelerated the
dilute reaction conditions (approximately 5–750 mM) average rate of depolymerization and the maximum
(Figure 18A,B).10,83,84 Moreover, these polymers can be depolymerization rate in the system, and similar
depolymerized in solvent-free condition at 150–230  C approaches could potentially be applied to polymers with
with spontaneous removal of the depolymerized mono- nonlinear architectures that are synthesized by using
mers from the system.85–87 In 2023, Bellotti et al. demon- either photo or thermal CRP. Previous studies on the deg-
strated that the rate of depolymerization could be radation of polymers with nonlinear architectures have
accelerated under visible light irradiation by using Eosin generally been limited to degrading them to form macro-
Y as a photocatalyst.82 Eosin Y enhanced the activation monomers instead of the original monomers or the start-
of the CTA group in the polymer chain, which led to fas- ing reagents.88,89 This may be architecture-independent
ter macroradical generation and subsequent depolymeri- and could provide a simpler and more energy-efficient
zation. Compared to the depolymerization experiment strategy for polymer degradation.
conducted without light and Eosin Y, the rate of the
monomer regeneration increased from 12 to 50% within 2. Heterogeneous photocatalysts
1 h of the reaction and from 40% to 70% within 8 h of the
reaction (Figure 18B). Various types of organic photocatalysts have been
developed to conduct light-mediated reactions.91,92 These
organic catalysts have advantages over inorganic catalysts
in terms of sustainability, cost, and safety, but they cannot
be easily recycled or separated from the final product.
Therefore, developing organic photocatalysts that can be
recycled multiple times should be a priority for future
work. Photoactive covalent organic frameworks (COFs)
provide a potential approach to recyclable and reusable
catalysts.30–32 COFs have high surface areas and can be
designed to have broad absorption spectra and highly
reductive conduction bands, favorable for their use as a
photocatalyst. Also, pore size and functionality can be

F I G U R E 1 8 (A) Simplified comparison of ATRP mechanism

favoring polymerization and depolymerization. Reprinted with
permission.10 Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society. F I G U R E 1 9 (A) PhotoRAFT polymerization of methyl
(B) Comparison between kinetics of depolymerization with and methacrylate using FPB@SiO2. (B) Recycle of FPB@SiO2
without the presence of Eosin Y photocatalyst. Reprinted with photocatalyst for multiple photoRAFT polymerization. Reprinted
permission.82 Copyright 2023, Royal Society of Chemistry. with permission.90 Copyright 2022, Royal Society of Chemistry.
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molecularly tuned based on the desired reaction. Since RE FER EN CES

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B.S. in chemical engineering from Rice University in
2001. Rafael then went on to a postdoctoral position
Dongjoo Lee received his B.S. in the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at the
degree in Chemical Engineering Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, where
from Pennsylvania State Univer- he studied bent-core liquid crystals and conjugated
sity in 2019. He is currently pur- polymeric materials for organic electronics. The Ver-
suing a Ph.D. degree in Chemical duzco laboratory uses a combination of polymer
and Biomolecular Engineering at chemistry and multiscale characterization tools to
Rice University, working under broadly address challenges in polymer science, and
the supervision of Prof. Rafael current areas of research include polymers for micro-
Verduzco. His research focuses on bial bioelectronics, polymeric membranes for water
understanding the properties of bottlebrush polymer treatment, and bottlebrush polymer additives for sur-
additives and innovative chemistries for synthesizing face modification.
bottlebrush polymers.
Hanqing Wang is an undergrad-
uate student at Rice University,
majoring in Chemical and Biomo- How to cite this article: D. Lee, H. Wang,
lecular Engineering. Starting in R. Verduzco, J. Polym. Sci. 2024, 1.
2022, she started to work as an 10.1002/pol.20230889
undergraduate researcher under
the guidance of Prof. Rafael Ver-
duzco. Her current research inter-
est includes the synthesis of
degradable bottlebrush polymers under mild reaction
Rafael Verduzco is a Professor
of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering and Materials Sci-
ences and NanoEngineering at
Rice University. He received his
Ph.D. in chemical engineering
from the California Institute of
Technology in 2007 studying liq-
uid crystal polymer gels and his

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