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1. Which of the following is a convulsant?

A. Strychnine

2. Toxicokinetics and factors affecting the action of poisons include all the following except:

A. Route of administration

B. Rate of administration

C. Dose


3. Someone ingested a pesticide. Which of these is an effective antidote to use for this

A. Acetylcholine

B. Pralidoxime

4. Naloxone is an effective antidote for which of the following?

A. Arsenic

B. Mercury

C. Morphine

D. Acetaminophen

5. Examples of cathartics for purgation

6. In Islam, the detailed interpretation about autopsy is found in the

A. Quran
B. Hadith

C. Sharia

D. Fatwas

7. As a requirement for medicolegal autopsy includes all the following except

A. Mandate/authority from the coroner

B. History as provided by the police detailing the circumstances of death

C. Any weapons at scene of crime

D. None of the above

8. Deaths in which of the following places constitute a coroners case except

A. Prisons

B. Asylum

C. Hospital

D. Cell or Lock up

9. An enquiry can be carried out in which of the following cases?

A. When the cause of death is unknown

B. A violent death

C. Coroner thinks so

D. All of the above

10.What proportion of blood loss can lead to death?

A. One-fifth
B. One-third

C. One-fourth

D. One-half

11.Which gun has barrel with spiral grooves cut into the metal

12.Which of the following will not be part of substances that come out of a shot gun when fired

A. Smoke

B. Flame

C. Grease

D. Mouth plug

13.Features of contact shotgun wounds

14.The following are features of entrance wounds except:

Slide 223-229 (Dr. Akakpo)

15. Wounds from rifled weapons have the following features except:

A. May be perforating or penetrating

B. Are of low velocity and have a greater mass

C. Contact wounds are usually circular

D. Cause entrance and exit wounds if perforating

16. Anoxic anoxia produced by all except

a. Drowning
b. Fire accidents

c. Cyanide poisoning

d. Strangulation

17. Tardieu spots in hanging are common at all the following sites except

a. Scalp

b. Eyebrow

c. Chest wall

d. Face

18. Tardieu’s spot

a. Septicemia

b. Endocarditis

c. Meningococcemia

d. All of the above

19. Earliest sign of death is

a. loss of skin elasticity

b. Corneal clouding

c. Cooling of body

d. Postmortem lividity

20. Cut-throat wound cause death by

a. Air embolism
b. Haemorrhage

c. Tracheobronchial aspiration

d. All of above.

21. Blunt trauma more likely to produce incised like wounds

a. Hand

b. Neck

c. Chest

d. Scalp

22. Fabricated wounds are mostly

a. Abrasions

b. Incised wounds

c. Contusions

d. Lacerations

23. Diastatic fracture refers to fracture through

a. Outer table

b. Inner table

c. Sutural line

d. None

24. In Contrecoup impact lesion is present

a. At site of impact
b. At a site opposite to impact

c. At a site tangential to impact

25. Extradural haemorrhage commonly occurs from rupture of

a. Superior sagittal sinus

b. Middle meningeal artery

c. Dural sinus

d. None of above.

26. Common cause of death in Extradural haemmorhage is

a. Haemorrhagic shock

b. Respiratory failure

c. Cardiac failure

d. Neurogenic shock

27. Rupture of berry aneurysm commonly produces

a. Subarachnoid bleed

b. Intracerebral sued

c. Subdural bleed

28. Most common cause of aneurysm formation

a. Trauma

b. Septic emboli

c. Congenital
d. Syphilitic endarteritis

29. The commonest cause of death in extradural hemorrhage is:

a. Hemorrhagic shock

b. Respiratory failure

c. Cardiac failure

d. Neurogenic shock

30. A 32 year-old farmer received abdominal trauma, after 2 hours the pulse reached 136/min,
blood pressure 70/40. The cause is:

a. Shock

b. Sympathetic shock

c. Internal haemorrhage

d. Air embolism

31. The most important sign for identification of contact firearm inlet is:

a. Loss of substance

b. Presence of two wounds

c. Muzzle imprint around the wound margin

d. Abraded inlet

32. A person with a head injury can talk normally and tell about the circumstantial evidence in
case of:

a. Lucid interval

b. Concussion
c. Retrograde amnesia

d. Automatism

33. Tear in the intima of the carotid artery with bleeding into its wall is seen in cases of:

a. Smothering

b. Antemortem hanging

c. Postmortem hanging

d. Traumatic asphyxia

34. One of the following is a sure external sign of drowning that can be found in postmortem

a. Goose skin

b. Washer woman’s hands

c. Peeling of the skin

d. Fine froth at the mouth and nostrils

35. One of the following is not the immediate cause of death in criminal abortion:

a. Hemorrhage

b. Septic instrumentation

c. Reflex vagal inhibition of the heart

d. Air embolism

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