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Lesson Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:

• Discuss the salient features of problem-based learning and

project-based learning and their application to the attainment
of language learning competencies and language learning
Problem-Based outcomes.
• Analyze how technologies for teaching and learning
learning and
languages can be maximized in problem-based learning and
Project-Based project-based learning; and
Learning • Share some performance standards from the curriculum
guide that can employ problem-based learning and project-
based learning.


Step 1: Study a picture from the internet and create a meme or a question about it.

Step 2: Write 1-2 sentences about literature.

Step 3: Between creating a meme or a question about picture from the internet and writing sentences about
literature, which did you find the easier to write about? Explain your answer.


Nature of Problem-Based Learning

It is an approach that involves a process of inquiry and solving open-ended question that serve as the
main problem that the learners will work on. The type of question posited is focused on a specific content
standard and its application to real life issues. It also requires more than on answer or solution. Learners are
engaged in a collaborative task as they work towards the solution to the problem. This learning activity is done
in small groups with each member assigned a certain task to accomplish. In the process of engaging PBL, they
learn several skills such as problem-solving, communicating, research, among others which are essential in the
workplace. The end goal of PBL is to ensure that the target, the learning competencies are achieved in the

Ali (2019) described PBL as a process that is used to identify problems with a scenario to increase
knowledge and understanding. In her article, she proposed the following five principle of PBL that may be
considered by teachers in planning or using the approach:
1. It is power of independent and self-directed learning.
2. Learning happens in a group and a teacher is a facilitator.
3. All groups have to participate equally.
4. Students learn about motivation, teamwork, problem-solving and engagement with the task.
5. Materials such as data, photographs, articles, can be used to solve the problem.

Lo (2009, p. 208) proposed six-stage process used in the adoption of the online PBL:

1. Identifying the problem

2. Brainstorming
3. Collecting and analyzing the information
4. Synthesizing information
5. Co-building knowledge
6. Refining the outcomes

Benefits of Problem-Based Learning

1. Promotes self-confidence and motivation

2. Reduces students’ nervousness during the learning process
3. Increases student’s responsibility in learning
4. Makes students easily learn the material through sharing of ideas
5. Promotes problem-solving skills
6. Promote self-directed learning
7. Promotes active learning
8. Makes students explore many learning resources
9. Makes students develop positive attitude towards learning.

For Baresh, Ali, & Darmi, 2019 -EFL students:

• Enhances fluency in communication

• Improves grammar
• Increases comprehension
• Enhances good pronunciations and intonations
• Enhances self-confidence
• Increase range of vocabulary

For English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students, PBL:

• Enhances fluency in communication

• Improves grammar
• Increases comprehension
• Enhances good pronunciations and intonations
• Enhances self-confidence
• Increase range of vocabulary

Nature of Project-Based Learning/Approach

Is an approach but has evolved as a teaching method that engages learnings in a series of planned task
resulting to the generation of solutions to real-world problems. It is a student-centered approach as it takes into
account the realm of experiences and interest of students. This method is based on John Dewey’s principle of
learning by doing and Vygotsky’s Constructivist theory of learning that advocates social construction of
knowledge. PrBL/PBA is a collaborative learning activity where learners work on an authentic task guided by an
open-ended question. Each member has an assigned role that will contribute to the solution of the problem that
was identified. This problem reflects real issues in their community or the world at large.

Past and more recent research have proven PrBL to be beneficial in the development of various skills
such as:

1. Research methodology skills (Tiwari, Arya, & Bansal, 2017)

2. Oral communicative competence (Bakar, Noordin, & Rali, 2019)
3. Development of life skills (Wurdinger & Qureshi, 2015)


Based on the stated inputs, it is your turn to prepare for a potential PrBL activity in your future classroom. Follow
the steps and the instructions given.

Step 1: Using Notetaking Applications

Bring out your K to 12 Curriculum in English. Use any notetaking apps or tool for recording your output.

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