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Cagayan SU-Lasam remains a center of excellence

Cagayan State University (CSU) Lasam campus maintains its mark in

excellence as it continues to strive as the “Giant Killer” among the nine campuses
of the CSU system.
In a speech, Janilette R. Cortez, Campus Academic Coordinator introduced what
the campus in known for.
“CSU Lasam is the smallest campus among the CSU campus system in terms of
land area and students but we are filled with export quality products such as
cacao,” Cortez mentioned.
Furthermore, she mentioned how the campus maintain its positive learning
atmosphere and how it carves history on its path.
“CSU Lasam gives you positive learning atmosphere, our university gives you
affective and efficient learning capabilities. We hold the highest numbers of
research publication on international and national refereed journals on 2017.” She
“We warmly invite you to the CSU Lasam Campus and we promise you all to be
in safe place in our hands and give you a positive learning area,” concluded.
According to Cortez, CSU Lasam provides the requirements that their students
need in their as it helps them maintain good and positive learning.
“We provide the needs that our students need as it helps them and us also
good and positive learning place to learn, she mentioned.
We inspired other universities by our record for having highest numbers of
research publication on international and national refereed journals on 2017.
CSU Lasam also offers different products such as cocoa products called
chocolate tableyas, a kind of drink
“CSU also serves you delicious chocolate drink for you to enjoy everyday made
by high quality cocoa,” Cortez added.

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