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Safety Review

Q1 What is Cabin Crew action during Rejected Take-Off (RTO)? CCMM 9.6.1

A 1) Adopt appropriate Brace position

2) Shout command: “Heads down stay down” (For High Speed RTO ONLY)

Q2 What is the Cabin Handset Pre-flight check? CCMM

A After boarding the aircraft, the Purser shall initiate cabin handset pre-flight check
1) Lift the handset and press ALL ATTND button
2) ALL cabin crew to lift the handset and acknowledge the call
3) Reset & Stow the handset (Cross check all the indications in respective areas ACP/AIP/CHIMES)
NOTE: Each cabin crew to mention their respective stations and confirm by saying “loud and clear”

Q3 What is the capacity of the slide raft? (A320) CCMM

Q4 What is the OWEE Pre-flight check? CCMM 11.10.2

A 1) Cover flap is fitted (slide armed indicator is not illuminated)
2) Exit opening instructions fitted/readable
Q5 What are the Physiological Effects of Slow decompression? CCMM
1) Gradual cold sensation
2) Signs and symptoms of Hypoxia:
A. Increased rate of breathing
B. Headache
C. Nausea
D. Light-headedness
E. Dizziness
F. Tingling sensation in hands and feet
G. Sweating
H. Irritability
Q6 What acronym OLDABC stands for? CCMM

A 1) Operation of exits
2) Location of equipment
3) Drill (Brace for impact)
4) Able-Bodied Passengers and persons with reduced mobility
5) Brace Position
6) Commands.
Q7 Are Passenger allowed to visit Cockpit when aircraft on ground? CCMM
As per company policy, no passenger (unauthorized personal) is permitted to enter the
cockpit upon request.
Q8 How lights should be set when entering Cockpit at Night? CCMM
A Lights shall be set to dim in the forward galley when entering or leaving the cockpit.
Q9 Flynas infant’s carriage depends on? CCMM

1) number infant life jackets.
2) fixed spare oxygen masks in the PSU.

Q10 What is the Seat allocation for all the guests who need assistance? CCMM

A 1) When traveling alone: preferably an aisle seat close to the lavatories.

2) When traveling with an escort: the disabled guest will take the inbound seat and the escort will take the aisle
3) At all times guests requiring WCHR/S assistance must be pre-boarded, however on arrival they might need to
wait for other passengers to disembark, or be disembarked when the passenger egress stops for one reason or
4) The number of passengers who used wheelchairs should be reported to the PIC when boarding is completed.

Q11 What are the Five Commitments that are critical for Just Culture and the need to balance safety and the
administration of justice?
A 1. Ensure freedom to work, speak up and report without fear.
2. Support people involved in incidents or accidents.
3. Don’t accept unacceptable behavior, gross negligence and willful misconduct are very rare, but cannot
be tolerated.
4. Take a systems perspective: Safety must be considered in the context of the overall system, not
isolated individuals, parts, events or outcomes.
5. Design systems that make it easy to do the right things. Improving safety means designing ways of
working that make it easy to do the right thing and hard to do the wrong thing.
Q12 What is the Pre-flight Check of Fire Extinguisher – HAFEX? CCMM

A 1) Correct number of units.

2) Secured in the correct location.
3) In good condition.
4) The safety pin is inserted between the lever and the handle and secured with a seal.
5) Pressure gauge needle is in the green zone.
What is the duration of Protective Breathing Equipment – PURITAN BENNETT? CCMM
A The oxygen supply is at least 15 min.
Q14 What are the Precautions when using Emergency Locator Transmitter R406? CCMM

1. The ELT must remain vertical to operate.
2. To deactivate, re-stow the antenna and place ELT horizontally.
Q15 What is the operation of Emergency Locator Transmitter – KANNAD 406 AS (ON WATER)? CCMM
A 1) Unwind the lanyard beginning with the snap hook.
2) Connect the snap hook with the lanyard securely to the raft.
3) Carefully pull the antenna from the opening and position the antenna.
4) Put the ELT into the water.
Note: The ELT operates automatically in a few seconds and drifts out to the end of the lanyard.
5) Check if the buzzer operates and the red LED flashes.
Q16 What are the different types of hijackers? CCMM 8.16.4
A 1) Criminals,
2) Mentally Unbalanced (Psychopath)
3) Refugees
4) Terrorists
Q17 What is the Ground Evacuation Main Exit – (Type I) Drill? CCMM 9.3.8

Q18 How to prevent fire in the Galleys? CCMM 9.9.4

A 1) Galleys to be checked every 20 minutes for any signs of smoke / fire

2) For take-off and landing, all galley electrical equipment (except fridges and chillers) must be completely
powered OFF
3) Ovens must not be used as storage place
4) Ventilation grills must not be covered
5) Ensure no paper, plastic, grease, or dry ice inside the ovens before switching ON.
NOTE. In case of spillage/leakage of food/grease inside the ovens, an entry must be made in ACL by Purser

Q19 What is Cabin Crew Action in case of Electric Fire? CCMM

A 1) Turn the appropriate switch and circuit breakers off.

2) Use fire extinguisher.
Q20 How long does it take for the overwing ramp/slide to become fully inflated? CCMM

A The ramp/slide takes approximately 4-6 seconds to become fully inflated.

Q21 What acronym I.A.M.S.A.F.E. in new Safety Policy stands for?

A I. Implement the Safety Management System.

A. Administer a safe and efficient airline service to our customers
M. Making sure that all necessary resources such as human, financial, facilities and systems are provided to
ensure that this policy is fully implemented.
S. Strengthen all aspects of safety reporting by all Flynas staff and our subcontractors through our positive
safety reporting culture.
A. Awareness of management and staff on their responsibilities with respect to Flynas safety objectives
F. Follow-up corrective and preventive actions resulting from the conducted analysis and investigation on safety
related reports
E. Ensure that the safety policy, objectives, and indicators are periodically reviewed for its continued relevance,
currency, and effectiveness.
First Aid Review
Q1 How to check Circulation on sick passenger after applying dressing or bandage? CCMM

A The Circulation to any injured part should always be checked to ensure that a dressing or bandage has not
been applied too tightly. Swelling can also affect the tightness of the bandage; therefore, checks must be
made at regular intervals (every 10 minutes). Observations should include any abnormal color, movement,
sensation and temperature.
Q2 What is the Care for Choking Adult- (Conscious Adult)? CCMM

A 1) Reassure passenger and confirm that they are choking

2) Encourage passenger to cough and do nothing else
If the passenger is unable to clear out the object through coughing:
1) Administer up to 5 Back Blows
2) Check to see if each back blow has relieved the obstruction
3) If back blows do not clear out the obstruction, administer up to 5 Abdominal Thrusts
4) Give 5 more back blows, if necessary
5) Keep alternating between back blows and abdominal thrusts until the obstruction is removed
6) If passenger collapses, revert to Care for unconscious choking passenger
NOTE: Use chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts for obviously pregnant women or obese casualties
Q3 How to administer CPR to passengers in the later stages of pregnancy? CCMM 3.4.4

A CPR in pregnancy
If a woman in the later stages of pregnancy requires CPR:
• Position her on her back
• Place pillows under her right buttock to tilt the pelvis to the left
Q4 If the passenger’s heart is not in a shockable rhythm, what AED will prompt? CCMM

A “Check for sign of circulation, if no circulation start CPR”, and the AED
operator should direct person administering CPR to check breathing and continue CPR as required.
Q5 What is Cabin Crew action If the passenger faints? CCMM

A 1) Lay passenger down on his back.

2) Elevate legs about 12 inches (30.5cm) to help blood circulate to the vital organs.
3) Loosen tight clothing and open air vents.
If the passenger does not regain consciousness, check ABC and be ready to perform CPR.

Q6 What is Care for Decompression Sickness? CCMM 3.6.9

1) Secondary Survey
2) Lay passenger flat
3) Administer oxygen on high flow (4 liters/minute)
4) Monitor closely
NOTE: Inform Captain immediately if passenger has been diving as it may be possible to reduce cabin
altitude to help ease symptoms.

Q7 What are the Signs & symptoms of Ear Distress? CCMM 3.6.12

A 1) Mild – severe pain in one or both ears, not relieved by swallowing or the Valsalva
maneuver (closing mouth, blocking nose and blowing).
2) Discomfort, pain or fullness in the ear.
3) Impaired hearing.
Q8 What is Care for Food Poisoning? CCMM 3.6.16

A 1) Check the passenger level of consciousness and breathing.

2) Care for any life threatening condition.
3) For absorbed poison: Flush the affected skin with large amounts of water.
4) For inhaled poison: Get the passenger to fresh air by opening the air vents.
5) If the passenger vomits, position him on his side.
6) Gather information on what happened from passenger if conscious, or onlookers.
7) Keep any empty containers you may find in the area.

Q9 What are the 3 types of Fracture? CCMM

1) Closed – the skin integrity is intact.
2) Open – the skin integrity is broken and the bone may protrude through the skin.
3) Complicated – both open and closed fractures may be complicated when there is associated injury to a
major nerve, blood vessels or vital organ e.g. fractured ribs puncturing a lung

Q10 What is Care for Burns? CCMM

A 1) Put on gloves
2) Remove clothing or jewelry from affected area if not stuck to skin (before swelling occurs)
3) Flush the skin with cool water for at least 10 minutes (maximum 20 minutes)
4) If unable to flush skin, apply water soaked white towels to area
5) Once cooled, if moderate to large area, cover with dressing (Burn shield), non-stick dressing and bandage.
6) Monitor for signs of shock.
Briefing Highlights: MAY 2024

Onboard Service Delivery & Service Excellence Discussion

1. Utilizing both Sky Menu Carts ( Two Corner Service)

Ref. Service This has been brought to our attention that, once prepaid meals have been distributed, some
Manual Page crew are sitting in the Galley and not starting with a second Sky Menu cart from aft. This is not
107 only putting pressure on crew on Cart 1 but also some guests are not able to order from Sky
2.21.1 Menu as by the time their seat rows come it is the time for top of decent. Pursers must monitor
service compliance and assist crew where applicable.
2. Heating second sector meals on first sector

During a turnaround flight, please refrain from heating meals for second sector. Meal heating
guide should always be followed and once heated, meals should not be served if it stays in oven
for more than two hours.
3. Point of Engagements & Service Update emails

Service • Crew Members are reminded to read Service updates and emails sent by Service
Excellence Excellence Manager and Team prior to each flight and familiarize themselves with the
• Crew must follow POEs (Point of Engagements) guideline on each of their flight. This
shall give you an unique opportunity to make connections with your guests and make the
travel experience for our guests a special one. Ensuring all POEs during a Trip will make
service related issues also easier for crew to deal with.
Briefing Highlights: MAY 2024

Grooming Topics to Discuss

1 Personal Decorum when in Flynas Uniform

• Chewing gum is not permitted. Use a breath freshener or mouthwash whenever you can,
whilst on duty especially after your meals will ensure that your mouth remains fresh.
• Checking and reading social media is not permitted whilst in uniform (except on transport to
and from the airport). No posts are permitted to be uploaded onto social media which
mention or allude to Flynas or NAS Holdings.
• Earphones, headsets and other gadgets are not permitted while in Flynas Uniform
2 Male Hairstyle

• Hair should not be longer then the eyebrows when brushed or the back neckline of the vest
or jacket.
• Style should be classic (Flat to the flat to head and not spiky, evenly trimmed or shaved.

3 Bobby Pins - female

• Bobby pins are allowed and must be the same color as hair (black, brown, or gold for
• Maximum visible hairpins allowed are 4 and should be thin, additional pins must not be

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