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Fuel System

PTS 16.39.02
October 2017

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or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright
owner. PETRONAS Technical Standards are Company’s internal standards and meant for authorized users only.
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PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) has been developed based on the accumulated knowledge,
experience and best practices of the PETRONAS group supplementing National and International
standards where appropriate. The key objective of PTS is to ensure standard technical practice across
the PETRONAS group.

Compliance to PTS is compulsory for PETRONAS-operated facilities and Joint Ventures (JVs) where
PETRONAS has more than fifty percent (50%) shareholding and/or operational control, and includes
all phases of work activities.

Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers who use PTS are solely responsible in ensuring the quality of
work, goods and services meet the required design and engineering standards. In the case where
specific requirements are not covered in the PTS, it is the responsibility of the
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers to propose other proven or internationally established
standards or practices of the same level of quality and integrity as reflected in the PTS.

In issuing and making the PTS available, PETRONAS is not making any warranty on the accuracy or
completeness of the information contained in PTS. The Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers shall
ensure accuracy and completeness of the PTS used for the intended design and engineering
requirement and shall inform the Owner for any conflicting requirement with other international
codes and technical standards before start of any work.

PETRONAS is the sole copyright holder of PTS. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, recording or
otherwise) or be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever, without the prior written
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The PTS shall be used exclusively for the authorised purpose. The users shall arrange for PTS to be
kept in safe custody and shall ensure its secrecy is maintained and provide satisfactory information to
PETRONAS that this requirement is met.

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Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 4
1.1 SCOPE .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERM ........................................................................................................ 4
1.3 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ................................................................................................. 7
2.0 FUEL SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................ 8
2.1 AVAILABILITY ................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 FUEL BALANCING ............................................................................................................ 8
2.3 FUEL SELECTION .............................................................................................................. 9
2.4 FUEL PROPERTIES AND CONDITIONS .............................................................................. 9
3.0 GASEOUS FUEL SYSTEM ....................................................................................... 11
3.1 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................ 11
3.2 SPECIFIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................. 13
4.0 LIQUID FUEL SYSTEMS ......................................................................................... 22
4.1 REFINERY FUEL OIL SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 22
4.2 LOW BOILING FLUID (LBF) SYSTEM ............................................................................... 27
4.3 GAS OIL SYSTEM/DIESEL SYSTEM .................................................................................. 28
5.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 29

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This PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) provides the minimum design requirement for the
gaseous and liquid fuel systems as applied in oil refineries, gas plants, petrochemical plants,
upstream offshore and onshore oil and gas receiving and export terminals.

This PTS covers the design considerations of fuel system for combustion equipment and power
generators and other users such as for blanketing and purging and Instrument gas for control
and shutdown applications.

This PTS also incorporates PETRONAS lesson learnt and best practices.


1.1.1 This PTS covers design requirement and recommendations for gaseous and liquid fuel
systems. The scope of this PTS is to provide common design considerations for variety of fuel
depending on the operational and environmental priorities that will dictate specific system
design requirement to achieve desired fuel conditions for users.

1.1.2 Detail specifications of safety relief valves, heat tracing, Insulation, and gas treatment for
removal of contaminants such as H2S, CO2 and Hg are excluded from this PTS. This PTS shall
not be applied to solid fuel system.


1.2.1 General Definition of Terms & Abbreviations

Refer to PTS 00.01.03 for PTS Requirements, General Definition Of Terms, Abbreviations &
Reading Guide.

1.2.2 Specific Definition of Terms

No Term Definition

1 Availability According to ISO 20815, availability is define as

ability of an item to be in a state to perform a
required function under given conditions at a
given instant of time, or in average over a given
time interval, assuming that the required
external resources are provided.

2 Combustion System Combustion system is the system within the

user boundary which burns, controls and
safeguards the fuel systems and equipment in
the fired application.

3 Fuel Gas Fuel gas is supplied from various sources,

treated and conditioned (if necessary) prior to
distribution to users.

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No Term Definition

The fuel gas may contain H2S, Nitrogen, CO, Hg

and other impurities.

Fuel may also contain H2 and other

hydrocarbons leading to significant variations in
gas compositions, molecular weight, heating
value and Wobbe Index.

4 Fuel System The system which receives a fuel or multiple fuel

component streams, stores the fuel if required,
conditions the fuel and distributes the fuel to
the user(s) at the required conditions.

5 Heavy Fuel Oil High viscosity fuel oil with relatively high
proportion of high boiling point residues.

6 Higher Heating Value (HHV) or The theoretical gross heat produced by

Gross Heating Value (GHV) combustion of the fuel, assuming water formed
by combustion is condensed. It is expressed in
heat units per unit mass for liquid fuels but for
gaseous fuels it may be expressed on a mass,
molar or volume basis.

7 Light Fuel Oil Low viscosity fuel oil with relatively high
proportion of volatile components.

8 Lower Heating Value (LHV) or Total heat produced by combustion of the fuel
Net Heating Value (NHV) minus the latent heat contained in the water
vapour (produced by combustion) discharged as
flue gas. As this latent heat is not normally
recovered, LHV or NHV represents the heat
available to a user. It is expressed in heat units
per unit mass for liquid fuels but for gaseous
fuels it may be expressed on a mass, molar or
volume basis.

9 Natural Gas Naturally occurring mixtures of hydrocarbon

gases and inert, the more important of which
are Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane,
Pentane and Hexane.

10 Reliability According to ISO 20815, reliability is define as

ability of an item to perform a required function
under given conditions for a given time interval.

11 Vent Gas Vent gas refers to gas which has heating value
comparable to refinery fuel gas but which is

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No Term Definition
available at pressure below that of the main fuel
gas system i.e. < 200 kPag. This vent gas can be
considered as fuel if it is in significant quantity.

12 V50 Viscosity It is based on the kinematic viscosity of the fuel

oil, ν, for fuel oil blending characteristic
measured at temperature T (°C), corrected to
50°C according to the formula:

V50 = 19.2 + 118 * log [(T + 273)/323] + 33.5 * log

(ν + 0.85).

ν = fuel oil kinematic viscosity, mm2/s


NOTE(S): log is to base 10

13 Waste Gas Waste gas is gaseous product which can be

combusted/incinerated, however the same
require support of additional fuel to make it
combustible for sustaining combustion. These
gases are not considered as fuels.

14 Wobbe Index Wobbe Index relates the heating value of a gas

to its density and is important for combustor

The Wobbe Index is dimensional and so the

calculated value is dependent on the units and
formula used.

Generally :

WI = HHV/(SG) 0.5

Depending on the units used for heating value

either as mass or volume basis the following

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No Term Definition
may apply for inclusion of absolute

WI = 37,256 LHV/((1.8 * Tg + 491.61) *SG) 0.5


WI = Wobbe Index
HHV = Higher heating Value on volumetric basis
LHV = Lower Heating Value in J/m3 at
conditions [15 °C and 101.3 kPa A)]
Tg = Gas temperature in °C
SG = Specific gravity at standard conditions.
Table 1.1: Specific Definition of Terms

1.2.3 Specific Abbreviations

No Abbreviation Description

1 JT Joule-Thompson

2 RAM Reliability, Availability and Maintainability

Table 1.2: Specific Abbreviations


This PTS 16.39.02 (October 2017) replaces PTS 16.39.02 (December 2016).

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2.1.1 Fuel systems shall be designed with high reliability and availability to ensure continuous
supply to combustion system users and other consumers. Specific critical users shall be
identified to maintain continuous supply of fuel and essential utility in operations during major
plant emergencies. Appropriate sparing philosophies shall be applied to achieve the
continuous operations.

2.1.2 For downstream facilities 100% availability of the fuel system excluding downtime required
for plant turnaround or shutdown shall be provided. For upstream facility, targeted availability
should be typically 95% to 98%.

2.1.3 For critical rotating equipment, a sparing philosophy of N+1 shall be provided preferably with
independent drivers (using different energy source). For Static equipment, which are
expected to require regular maintenance (Electric heater, filter), spare requirement shall be
provided to achieve 100% duty with one of these equipment is shutdown.

2.1.4 A RAM study shall be conducted to assure the reliability, availability and maintainability of the
system, taking into account specific availability issues including sparing of critical elements.

2.1.5 An independent or different type of fuel back up system such as LPG back-up or Natural gas
supply from the gas pipeline should be provided for start-up or upset. The reliability of back
up fuel supply can impact the sparing philosophy of each fuel gas system equipment.

2.1.6 The fuel system facilities shall ensure that the plant start-up sequence can be accomplished
smoothly and without interruption as it changes over to own-produced fuel.

2.1.7 If a back-up liquid fuel system is needed to maintain continuity of operation during an
emergency when the main fuel supply is lost, this fuel system should be on continuous stand-
by (e.g. circulating).


2.2.1 Fuel balance study shall be performed during all engineering phases. Fuel balance shall be
made to match fuel demand with overall fuel production either from by- product gas or
Natural Gas or liquid streams, and the required balancing of fuel either through LPG
vaporization or by Natural Gas Pipeline.

2.2.2 The purpose of this balance is to ensure the availability of specific fuel under all operating
conditions (start-up, normal operating conditions, maximum and minimum plant operations
and specific operations – catalyst regeneration etc.).

2.2.3 Based on fuel availability, Fired heaters and Boilers can be equipped to burn either Gas, liquid
or liquid and gaseous fuels simultaneously (Dual firing) and thus can provide option of fuel
balancing with respect to demand/supply variations of respective consumers.

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2.2.4 The provision of dual fuel firing facilities shall allow fuel gas production to be balanced by an
appropriate increase or decrease of the oil/gas ratio in such a way that the firing symmetry of
the burners is maintained at individual user.

2.2.5 The fuel balance under all possible operating scenarios are required to be carefully
determined for the most economical installation, providing dual fuel supply only where
necessary to satisfy balancing needs.

2.2.6 Typically, fuel balance should be expressed in Nm3/hr for gaseous fuel and Kg/hr for liquid fuel
derived from energy equivalent basis (e.g. LHV, fuel oil equivalent barrels etc.).


2.3.1 Fuel gas selection study for downstream facility shall be performed and shall at minimum
i. Cost
ii. Availability and reliability of supply
iii. User required fuel specification
iv. Convenience of use and storage
v. Environmental regulations

2.3.2 The by-products produced in the plant such as heavy fuel oil, off gases etc., which cannot be
sold for least monetary value should possibly be used as fuel.

2.3.3 The fuel system shall comply with environmental and emission legislation with respect to the
resultant contaminants and emissions produced by the equipment.

2.3.4 Local regulatory requirement related to emission limitation shall be adhered to while selecting
fuel for particular services.


2.4.1 For gaseous fuel system, the heat and material balance for various units show the composition
of the various gases entering into the fuels system from each source. The composition and
properties of the mixed fuel gas must be provided for the all possible modes of operating
cases used in the fuel balance.

The following data shall be defined as a minimum for basis of design:

i. Specific gravity
ii. Net Heating Value, Gross Heating Value, Wobbe Index
iii. Impurities such as total sulfur, H2S, chloride, mercury etc.
iv. Maximum, Normal, Minimum Operating Temperature
v. Maximum, Normal, Minimum Operating Pressure
vi. System Mechanical Design Pressure and Temperature
vii. Flow rate: Maximum, Normal, Minimum supply and demand

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2.4.2 For liquid fuel system, liquid streams which are diverted from plants to fuel system typically
include slop oils, visbreaker tar, vacuum tower bottoms pitch, lube extracts and waxes. The
majority of these materials are difficult to blend to a commercial fuel of acceptable
specification because of viscosity; sulphur content and presence of contaminants and
therefore maximizing their usage in the fuel system are commonly evaluated.

2.4.3 The following data shall be defined as a minimum for basis of design:
i. °API
ii. Viscosity at 100 °C or at specified temperature
iii. Vapor Pressure at specified temp
iv. Net Heating Value, Gross Heating Value
v. Flash Point
vi. Pour Point
vii. Total Sulfur, Vanadium, Sodium, Nickel, Iron, Ash and other impurities
viii. Conradson Carbon
ix. Supply header Max, Normal and Minimum Operating Temperature
x. Supply and Return Header Max, Normal and Minimum Operating Pressure
xi. System mechanical design pressure & temperature
xii. Flow rate: Maximum, Normal, Minimum supply and demand

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A typical fuel gas system shall consist of:

i. Source gas intake facilities/point to transport gas from its source into the
treatment facilities.
ii. Gas conditioning facilities to knock-out any liquid entrained or drop-out after
pressure reduction (either hydrocarbon or water) and remove solid particles if
iii. Heating facilities to superheat the fuel gas above the gas dew point prior

Gaseous fuel systems also comprise of pressure control system to deliver fuel gas at the
pressure which is within the safe operating limits for users e.g. fired equipment and gas


The capacity of the fuel gas system shall be sufficient to allow for maximum production from
the facility. This corresponds to fuel gas consumption when all production/processing trains
including spare (or future) train(s) are in service.

The system capacity should consider appropriate design margin above the calculated
maximum demand and include start-up requirement for system flexibility.

Fuel gas system design should also consider train concept (one operating/one standby) if
economically feasible, which could be beneficial in comparison to providing single train and
standby equipment with isolation valves.

Fuel gas systems shall be designed to provide a constant gas supply pressure to the users while
allowing gas production and consumption to vary independently from each other within
specified ranges.

The Fuel gas system shall be protected by means of liquid knock-out facilities against liquid
carryover of the fuel gas supplied to the user. Also the system shall be designed to avoid liquid
formation during normal operation.

3.1.1 Fuel Gas Sources

i. The main source of fuel gas supply should be the gas produced by process units
and treated by treating unit (if required). The gas supply should be from the most
reliable source.
ii. In case of multiple source, the effect of various sources of fuel gas shall be studied
to ensure safety and mechanical integrity of the fuel gas system with respect to:
a) Process Parameter
 High source pressure
 Low source temperature
 Ice and hydrate formation due to pressure reduction

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b) Quality
 Heating value, specific gravity and Wobbe Index
 Water content
 Chemical reactivity (e.g. forming fouling compounds)
 Solid particle and other impurities
iii. Gas sources containing potential chemical reacting compounds shall not be used
as the fuel gas.

3.1.2 Fuel Gas Mixing and Buffer

i. A fuel gas liquid knock-out vessel or scrubber shall be provided to receive a
combination of fuel gas streams considering all operating modes such as at
normal operation, start-up and shutdown situations.
ii. Location of knock-out drum shall be such that collection and distribution piping
are minimized. Liquid from mixing drum or knock-out drum / scrubber should be
drained to a closed recovery system e.g. close drain system etc.
iii. In downstream application, where fuel gas system must be maintained in
continuous operations, two (2) vessels in parallel or a bypass around the vessel
shall be provided to achieve 100% availability.
iv. The fuel gas scrubber and piping should be sized to have adequate buffer capacity
to control the gas pressure during normal swings in fuel gas supply or demand.
The system should be sized to absorb / liberate 10% of the normal system gas
flow rate for one hour operation from normal operating pressure to maximum/
minimum operating pressure respectively. Also buffer volume shall take care the
smooth change over dual fuel equipment from fuel gas to liquid fuel or vice versa.
v. The fuel system piping shall be designed according to PTS 12.30.01, PTS 12.30.02,
PTS 12.31.01 and PTS 12.31.02. Fuel gas KOD shall be designed in accordance
with PTS 16.52.09.
vi. Special internals and mixer should be applied if necessary to improve gas mixing
from the various sources of fuel gas to ensure the rate of change of Wobbe index
is acceptable to fuel gas users (i.e. gas turbine, furnaces) whenever there is a step
change in fuel gas supply.
vii. A gas pre-heater and /or hydrate inhibitor injection point shall be installed in the
gas supply line prior to expansion if there is possibility of hydrates or ice
viii. Burners and auxiliary system for Fired heaters shall be designed in accordance
with PTS 12.41.01.

3.1.3 Fuel Gas Pressure Control

i. The fuel gas system for upstream application is operated under pressure control.
High pressure fuel gas is letdown to required normal operating pressure.

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ii. For fuel gas system for downstream application, pressure of fuel gas supply
system is controlled by letdown of excess gas to the low pressure system. The fuel
gas header shall be provided with makeup natural gas or vaporized LPG to
maintain the pressure and an overpressure control by venting to flare or
The overpressure vent control to flare/incinerator shall be designed to maintain
the pressure within defined safe limits of the set control pressure, taking into
account of any possible fluctuations in supply and demand during normal
operation, start-ups and shutdowns.
iii. The fuel gas supply system shall be equipped with adequate controls and
safeguarding system such as alarms and trips.
iv. Fuel system Pressure reliefs and connections to the flare system shall comply with
PTS 16.52.04.

3.1.4 Hydrocarbon and Water Dew Point

i. All fuel gas supply streams shall be checked for its hydrocarbon and water dew
point, considering all operating scenarios.
ii. The fuel gas shall be heated and maintained at a temperature of at least 20°C
above the hydrocarbon dew point or minimum ambient temperature or as
prescribed by equipment manufacturer. The temperature shall not exceed the
maximum fuel gas temperature as specified by equipment manufacturer.
iii. Heat tracing and/or insulation of Fuel gas distribution piping to user should be
provided to maintain the fuel gas at required temperature and to avoid liquid
drop out. Provisions for removal and collection of any condensed liquid
hydrocarbon from low point shall be required.
iv. Thermal insulation shall comply with PTS 15.13.01.
v. Electrical heat tracing shall comply with PTS 13.13.01.


3.2.1 Fuel Gas System for Upstream Facilities

i. Following are the fuel gas source for upstream facilities:
a) Primary source
 Production header (typically for wellhead platform)
A stand pipe is installed at the production manifold to tap the
produced gas for fuel gas. The stand pipe shall be designed to
avoid any liquid intake to the fuel gas system.
 Downstream of dehydration unit (typically for central processing
 Gas lift/gas injection piping (typically for wellhead platform)
b) Secondary source
 Sales gas (buy back pipeline)
 Production separators

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ii. Refer to Figure 3.1 for the overview of the typical fuel gas system for various
development concepts.
iii. The supply gas pressure can be divided into:
a) High (HP)/ Medium (MP) pressure fuel gas.
 Typical high pressure fuel gas users are turbine drivers for main
power generators or gas compressors. Supply pressure depend
upon which turbine driver is utilized.
b) Low pressure (LP) fuel gas
 Typical users such as pilot ignition, back up purge to HP/LP
headers, blanket gas or stripping gas to glycol regeneration.
iv. For remote location, fuel gas can also be used as utility gas or instrument gas.
Refer PTS 16.39.07 for specific details related to utility or instrument gas

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Figure 3.1: Typical Fuel Gas Systems for Upstream Facility

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v. Fuels gas system for upstream facility have typically following components:
c) Precooler/Preheater
 For high temperature gas supply from well to fuel gas system,
installation of cooling unit at upstream of JT Valve should be
considered to knock out more liquid upon pressure reduction.
 Fluid phase envelope at downstream of the JT valve shall be
checked to confirm if hydrate will form upon pressure reduction.
Installation of pre-heating unit at upstream of JT Valve shall be
considered to ensure the gas temperature after pressure
reduction is minimum 10°C above hydrate formation
d) JT Valve
 Since the JT Valve's function is critical, N+1 unit of JT valve shall
be installed. Manual bypass in the event of failure of the JT Valve
shall not be relied upon for this critical service.
e) Knock out Drum/Scrubber
 Liquid knock-out drum shall be provided to receive fuel gas
streams considering all operating modes such as at normal
operation, start-up and shutdown situations. Refer section 3.1.3
of this PTS for general design consideration of knock-out drum/
f) Coalescing Filter
 Coalescing filters shall be provided to protect fouling and
blockage of burner tips and tight shut off (TSO) valves.
 Two x 100% fuel gas coalescing filter shall be provided
downstream of the fuel gas scrubber. These filters shall have
facilities for isolation and cleaning and be equipped with pressure
drop monitoring/alarm facilities.
 Coalescing filter shall be capable to remove solid particles and
liquid droplets to an acceptable limit by the users.
Turbine/engine, fired equipment suppliers shall be consulted to
obtain the maximum particle size and total particulates
acceptable for the machine.
g) Superheater
 A heater shall be installed to superheat the gas at least 20°C
above hydrocarbon and water dew point, or as prescribed by the
gas turbine Manufacturer and not exceeding the maximum fuel
gas temperature specified by the Manufacturer.
 If waste heat is available on the platform, the same heating
medium should be used to superheat the fuel gas, or electrical
heating may be used.
 For single fuel gas system train, two (2) x 100% superheaters shall
be provided where each superheater shall be designed to handle
fuel gas requirements corresponding to at least 50% of the
maximum production from the facility plus 100% of all normally
on-line turbo-generators and miscellaneous users.

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 A smaller electric heater should be installed in parallel for start-

up purpose if other heating medium is used for continuous
heating of the main superheater.

3.2.2 Fuel Gas System for Downstream Refinery and Petrochemical Facilities
i. Refinery and Petrochemical fuel gas system are mainly a LP (Low Pressure) fuel
gas systems, where process gas streams are collected, combined and distributed
at a controlled pressure to the combustion control systems of fired heaters /
furnaces and boilers.
ii. Fuel gas from the system is also used for purging of flare headers, blanketing of
vessels, tank etc.
iii. Gaseous product diverted to fuel gas system are those which cannot be processed
to salable products economically, and frequently include varying compositions of
H2, CH4, C2H6, H2S, and other impurities. Fuel quality also depends on operating
cases of facility as well as effect of back-up gas e.g. Vaporized LPG or natural gas.
iv. The Fuel gas source selection should minimize the change in molecular weight to
the user. However, due to the possible molecular weight variation of about 100%,
the combustion systems shall be designed with appropriate Instrumentation to
adjust the air/fuel ratio automatically to compensate for molecular weight
v. The Fuel gas supply system shall be designed to provide the user with liquid free
gas at constant pressure of about 350 kPa (g) to 500 kPa (g) and reasonably
constant heating value (33.5 to 41 MJ/m3).
vi. System shall typically include collection piping, mixing Drum or Knock-out drum
and pressure controls, distribution piping, back-up LPG and / or Natural gas
provision etc.
vii. If Fuel gas system supply header pressure drops to its preset value due to
imbalance in supply/demand, LPG and/or natural gas shall be used to supplement
as back-up gas.
viii. Refer Standard Drawing D 16.92.001 for Refinery Fuel gas system for further
ix. In order to ensure higher reliability of pilot gas supply, a dedicated natural gas
network (Pilot Gas system) including Knock-out drum should be provided for pilot
burners of boilers, fired heaters and flare. In such cases, Fuel gas supply will be
used as back-up for pilot gas system.

3.2.3 Fuel Gas System for Downstream Gas Processing Facilities

i. Main source of fuel gas for gas processing plant is generally from the production
header, Dehydrated and dewpointed gas post treatment or Natural gas from
pipeline. Two pressure levels namely HP and LP fuel gas are provided according
to the requirement of fuel gas users.

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ii. Electric heaters may be used for fuel gas heating on gas plants, particularly where
other heating mediums are not available (e.g. plant start-up).
iii. HP fuel Gas
HP fuel gas system generally operates at operating pressure of 2300 to 3000 kPa
(g). HP fuel gas is mainly used as fuel for Gas turbines and starter fuel for gas
engines. HP fuel gas system shall also consider provision of Fuel gas KOD, Pre-
heater, fuel gas filters, fuel gas super heaters as required to meet the fuel quality
and conditions as required by user.
iv. LP fuel Gas
LP fuel gas system generally operates at operating pressure of 350 to 500 kPag.
Source for LP fuel gas is let own gas from HP fuel gas header, and / or Low pressure
gas stream produced within gas plant. LP fuel gas is mainly used for pilot burners
of flare stack / burn pit, flare header and blowdown header purging, fuel for gas
engines and blanketing gas for vessel, tank.

3.2.4 Fuel Gas for Turbine

Fuel gas system for turbine operate at a higher pressure than refinery fuel gas systems. The
required supply pressure for the gas turbine is dependent on the type of gas turbine and the
fuel gas heating value. Following are the design considerations:
i. The fuel gas system for gas turbine shall be capable to provide clean fuel at
constant pressure and with relatively constant heating value (Natural gas heating
minimum of 30 MJ/m3 and maximum of 45 MJ/m3) which produces a constant
flame characteristic and maximize the lifetime of the combustors. The fuel gas
selected for gas turbines shall meet Wobbe Index acceptable both as an absolute
variation (up to ± 5%) and also as a rate of change.
ii. Wider Wobbe index fluctuations may require fuel gas blending and separate fuel
gas manifolds.
a) Manufacturer/Supplier of the gas turbine shall state clearly the definition
of Wobbe Index used and specify the variations in Wobbe Index
acceptable both as an absolute variation and also as a rate of change. This
is of particular importance where the design includes the option of
switching from one fuel gas type to another (e.g. a back-up supply)
b) A constant Wobbe Index provides a constant heat input for a given burner
pressure but does not necessarily provide a constant flame type. Flame
types are dependent on the composition of fuel particularly the
proportion of hydrogen which will affect the resulting flame
characteristics and may require safety devices specific to hydrogen use.
c) The Manufacturer/Supplier shall always be consulted on the suitability of
the machine for the range of fuel gas compositions envisaged.
d) For base load operations, gas mixing and buffering equipment is required
to maintain to maintain a sufficient supply of fuel gas within the Wobbe
Index variation limits during supply upsets and particularly during
change-over to back-up fuel supply.

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iii. The fuel shall be free of contaminants, metals, sulphur and particulates. Liquid
and solids carryover in gaseous fuel systems shall be avoided to prevent flashback
in the combustion zone. Allowable contaminants shall be verified with the gas
turbine Manufacturer.
iv. Efficient liquid knock-out followed by gas superheating to a minimum of 20°C
above hydrocarbon and water dew point or as prescribed by turbine manufacture
and not exceeding the maximum fuel gas temperature specified by Manufacturer
shall be provided to ensure no liquid entrainment (either water or hydrocarbons)
can occur. Heat tracing and insulation off fuel gas piping is required to keep the
fuel gas at the required temperature for Wobbe Index control. Additionally,
downstream piping shall be designed for the range of operating temperatures.
v. The fuel system design shall meet the requirement for the gas turbine installation
as described in PTS 12.10.01.
vi. Unless there is an adequate back-up electrical supply to the plant from the
national grid, a back-up fuel supply shall be provided to enable continued gas
turbine power generation during operational upset. For Offshore applications,
emergency Diesel Generator shall be considered as a back for electric power
vii. In case of Back-up supply or duel fuel firing, the system shall be designed to allow
a fuel change-over while maintaining base load operation of the gas turbine for:
a) Gaseous fuel back-up other than the primary fuel gas.
b) Diesel (distillate) fuel can be used provided that the gas turbine is
equipped for dual fuel. Gas turbine Liquid fuels ranges from naphtha to
distillate fuels. If Heavy fuels are used, they shall always require heating
for proper fuel atomization, the temperature required is related to the
type of fuel atomization. A secondary fuel shall be provided for heavy
fuels system flushing and to provide fuel light off.
c) For LPG vaporisers which are used as the back-up system, the capacity
shall be sufficient for maintaining base load operation. The design shall
ensure that steam condensate does not accumulate in the heating coil, if
steam heating is utilised, which could inhibit heat transfer when a
demand occurs.
viii. Liquid free gas supply shall be assured at start-up operations. A liquid knock out
facility and Warm-up vent lines routing the start-up fuel gas to flare, immediately
upstream of the gas turbine shall be provided. This vent connection shall be as
close as possible to the fuel control valve.
ix. A parallel 100% capacity filters shall be provided to prevent particulate
contamination of the gas. These filters shall have facilities for isolation and
cleaning and be equipped with pressure drop monitoring/alarm facilities.
x. Fuel system for Gas engines shall be in accordance PTS 12.10.40.

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3.2.5 LPG Fuel System

i. Liquefied petroleum gas vaporiser shall be required if LPG is used as back-up to
fuel gas network. The LPG vaporiser shall be designed to ensure adequate
response capability such that the fuel gas system pressure is maintained within
the pressure range limits required by the user (s) in the event of sudden loss of
the largest producer or the largest step change in demand.
ii. The vaporiser hold-up between the normal liquid level and the low liquid level
alarm shall be sufficient to supplement the fuel system for 1 hour for the following
a) Trip or loss of the largest fuel gas producer;
b) A trip of liquid fuel supply to a dual fuel fired unit with auto-control on
fuel gas;
c) A trip of a liquid fuel fired utility boiler and resultant increase in load on
gas fired steam generation.
In case of, LPG fuel back-up due to Natural gas shortage to Refinery fuel gas
system, appropriate consideration of Natural gas hold-up in pipeline to be made
for optimizing hold-up time of LPG Vaporiser, if economically feasible.
iii. The vaporisation capacity shall satisfy the largest demand as determined by the
a) The equivalent flow of the largest fuel gas producer;
b) The required fuel gas demand of essential fuel gas users, e.g. utilities;
c) The fuel gas demand for plant start-up, i.e. prior to other gas producers
being available.
iv. Film boiling shall be avoided in the design of vaporiser by the appropriate
selection of heating medium and LPG vaporisation pressure.
a) Contamination of LPG into the steam heating system shall be mitigated
by: A non-return valve in the steam supply line in order to prevent
backflow of LPG into the steam system should there be a rupture of the
heating coil;
b) Detection of high pressure on the steam side to initiate isolation of the
steam supply and the condensate collection to avoid contamination with
hydrocarbon. Condensate from the vaporizer shall be diverted to avoid
contamination of condensate system.
v. The maximum butane (and heavier hydrocarbon) concentration in fuel gas shall
be calculated for the worst case scenario and the corresponding dewpoint of the
gas shall be determined. Heat tracing and insulation shall be applied to
downstream piping to maintain the operating temperature of 20°C above the fuel
gas hydrocarbon dew point at user.
vi. The location of vaporised LPG pressure reduction valve and safety valve shall be
in the vapor segment of the piping to avoid LPG liquid accumulation and flowing
into flare header.
vii. Equipment in LPG Installation system shall be in accordance to PTS 16.52.01.

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3.2.6 Flare Gas Recovery

The flare gas recovery system is considered for recovering gases which are vented at low
pressure. These gases cannot be directed to fuel gas network and flare gas recovery system
can be considered to avoid environmental impact and waste of energy.

When considering fuel gas from a flare recovery system the following shall be ensured:
i. Location of suction for recovery system shall(PSR) be from the main flare gas header
upstream of the water seal vessels.
ii. The flare gas recovery compressor shall be under suction pressure control to
maintain a positive pressure in the flare gas header and thus avoid the risk of air
ingress. Adequate safeguarding with low suction pressure trip of the compressor
shall(PSR) be provided.
iii. The quality and impact of the mixed fuel's final composition due to presence of
inert and other contaminants shall be assessed and mitigated accordingly to the
overall fuel gas system.

3.2.7 Waste Gas and Vent Gas

i. Waste gas is usually not suitable for fuel systems. Therefore, effects on fuel gas
composition and system reliability shall be evaluated before considering using
and injecting the offgas stream into the fuel gas system.
ii. In case of low pressure vent gas, the system shall be designed to operate with an
effective pressure control and safeguarding of the fired equipment and burner
system when considering to recovering lower pressure gas than the pressure of
the plant fuel gas system typically for combustion for furnaces within the same
iii. Refer Standard Drawing D 16.92.010 for system for burning low pressure vent gas.

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Fuel oil system for the refinery is termed as Refinery fuel oil system. Supply sources for
Refinery fuel oil system are not specific and it varies from one location to another. These
sources generally depend on the refinery economics of disposal of particular streams through
fuel oil system.

Fuel oil system are categorised based on its liquid viscosity. The fuel oil system shall be
designed to deliver fuel oil to the users at a temperature which ensures that the kinematic
viscosity at the burner does not exceed 20 mm2/s as per tabulated below.

No Type Kinematic Viscosity, Temperature of

V50 (mm2/s) 20 mm2/s (°C)

1 Long Residue 30-38 100-160

2 Short Residue 38-44 160-220

3 Heavy Residue 44-50 220-280

Table 4.1: Fuel Oil System Type/Category

4.1.1 Fuel Oil Combustion System Requirements

i. Supplied fuel oil shall be equipped with efficient atomization system. To achieve
this temperature of supplied fuel oil shall be such that fuel oil Kinematic viscosity
(V50) is kept at a maximum of 20 mm2/s.
ii. Fuel oil lighter than V50 of 32 mm2/s shall not be supplied to steam-atomised
burner systems. Also, Fuel oil temperature for steam-atomised burners shall be
at least 120°C to prevent condensation of steam leading to detrimental effect on
burner performance.
iii. Critical review is required for firing of alternate fuel oils such as gas oil for startup
in fuel systems with steam atomised burners designed for higher temperature to
prevent over firing. The fuel oil shall be adequately filtered to ensure that oil
borne particles cannot block the atomizers.
iv. All pipework and related equipment for heavy fuel oil distribution such as vacuum
tower residue shall be heat traced with steam or electrical tracing .The fuel
distribution temperature of up to 300°C shall be maintained by high circulation
rates throughout the system via the heater.
v. The design shall ensure that the low pressure loop is protected against over-
pressurisation from the high pressure loop if a high-pressure fuel oil distribution
system is used to supply a low pressure loop. The system shall deliver fuel oil to
the burners at a pressure of 850 to 900kPa.

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4.1.2 Choice of Liquid Fuel and Blending

i. Suitability of fuel is to be analysed by test method based on ASTM D4870,
Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sediment in Residual Fuels –
Accelerated (Chemical) Ageing or IP 375 (ISO 10307), and Petroleum Products –
Total sediment in residual fuel oils.
ii. Heavy residue (such as from a deasphalting unit) shall be blended with a low-
viscosity diluent stream, if required, to produce a fuel of the required viscosity.
iii. Heavy residue fuel oil shall have a back-up liquid fuel system since the system is
not suitable for start-up purposes.
iv. High-temperature streams shall not be mixed with light product streams to avoid
v. Fuel oils streams that are not compatible and/or can interact and cause the
asphaltenes to flocculate shall not be blended together.
vi. Mixing of fuel streams shall be by in-line blending or by means of a mixing vessel.
The storage tank shall not be used as a mixing vessel. Static in-line mixers shall
not be used for blending cracked fuels because of potential blockage problems.
vii. The effect of the supplied fuel on the downstream equipment and the stack
emissions shall be evaluated against the permissible limits.

4.1.3 Fuel Oil Distribution System

i. Fuel oil distribution system consists of main supply and return headers to each
user. Recirculation from each user is necessary to maintain the minimum
temperature and viscosity conditions at the burner under all system flow rates.
Fuel oil shall be taken from storage, pumped, heated, filtered and distributed to
users via a circulating loop.
ii. Fuel oil pumps shall have sufficient capacity to recirculate oil at a rate equal to
150% of normal requirements. The flow return to the pump suction should not be
less than 20% of the pumped flowrate at the design fuel consumption rate but
may be higher depending on the length/heat loss from the circulation loop.
iii. Refer Standard Drawing D 16.92.002 and D 16.92.003 for Refinery Fuel oil system.

4.1.4 Fuel Oil Storage Tank

i. A fuel oil storage tank is required to provide hold-up capacity in the fuel system.
The capacity of the fuel tank shall be taken as the hold-up volume of fuel oil
system plus the volume of fuel oil required for 24 hours operations of fired
heaters and Boilers. The volumes are based on the maximum fuel requirements
as determine from operating cases in the fuel balance.
ii. The worst-case flash point of the fuel oil shall govern the tank selection.
iii. The storage tank shall(PSR) be blanketed with, nitrogen or fuel gas unless the
storage temperature is at least 10°C below the flash point. The blanketing gas
shall be vented, flared or incinerated.

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iv. The short residue fuel oil in the tank shall be maintained above its pour point and
at a viscosity which permits gravity flow from the tank to the distribution pumps
at the design rate.
v. The storage tank heating coils shall be installed in the lower part of the tank.
Provisions shall be made to drain off water below the heating coil.
vi. The fuel oil offtake to the pump suction line shall be located above the top of the
heating coil to ensure that the coil is always completely below the fuel oil level.
vii. Fuel oil that has been heated above the operating limits of storage temperature
shall(PSR) not be returned to the tank as this can result in overheating of the
contents e.g. long residue fuel circulated at 140°C but stored below 90°C as water
may be present in the tank.
viii. For short residue fuel where storage temperature is required to be above 100°C,
the storage tank heating shall(PSR) maintain the tank above the pour point and
avoid fluctuation of boiling water.

Fuel Oil Type Heating Medium Storage


Long Residue LP Steam Less than 90°C

Short Residue Hot Oil Electrical Heating (Appropriate protection 110°C

against high surface temperature >300°C
Table 4.2: Type of Heating Medium for Fuel Oil Tank

4.1.5 Fuel Oil Circulation Pumps

i. Pumps supplying the distribution loops should be of the centrifugal type. Fuel oil
pumps are located close to the source of supply e.g. storage tank outlet.
ii. Fuel oil pumps shall have sufficient capacity to recirculate oil at a rate equal to
150% of normal requirements. The flow return to the pump suction should not be
less than 20 % of the pumped flow rate at the design fuel consumption rate but
may be higher depending on the length/heat loss from the circulation loop. To
provide a reliable supply of fuel, the fuel pump arrangement shall be
a) Two 100% capacity pumps or
b) Three 60% capacity pumps
iii. The capability for auto start shall be provided for the stand-by fuel oil pumps. Low
pump discharge pressure of fuel supply should be used to initiate the auto start
system. This ensures that the fuel oil pressure is restored to normal without the
system pressure falling to the low pressure trip setting of the users.
iv. Facilities shall be provided to keep the stand-by pump casing evenly warm to
avoid it seizing on start-up. The stand-by pump shall be provided with an electric
motor driver of the high starting torque type capable of load start.

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v. Different driver types shall be considered to provide reliability during utility

outage. The drives of the pumps may be electric or steam turbine. If an all-electric
drive option is selected, the pumps shall have independent power supplies.
vi. Suction strainers shall be installed in the pump suction line. Fuel oil pumps are
located close to the source of supply (e.g. storage tank outlet).
a) The strainers shall be 100 % spared with facilities for switching from one
to the other to allow cleaning/flushing without interrupting the fuel oil
supply if in fouling service.
b) Vent and drain connections shall be provided on the filter body
c) The strainers shall be provided with differential pressure measurement
for indicating when cleaning is necessary.
d) Strainers shall be of the bucket-type design.
e) Mesh size of suction strainer should be 0.75 mm (Unless otherwise
specified by pump manufacture).

4.1.6 Fuel Heater

i. The fuel viscosity shall not exceed 20 mm2/s at the burner for the most remote
user. This viscosity of the fuel oil delivered to the most remote customer shall be
maintained by appropriate temperature controls. The outlet temperature is
controlled by adjustment of the heating medium with total fuel oil flow through
the heater.
ii. The fuel oil heaters shall be adequately spared if the fuel oil system is required for
continuous operation i.e. there is no other alternative fuel for the heaters and
iii. The fuel oil film temperature in the heater tubes shall not exceed above fuel oil
degradation/cracking temperature, i.e. the heating system shall not cause any
flashing of light components or the formation of coke particles. This film
temperature shall be taken as 330 °C, if no other property data is available.

4.1.7 Fuel Oil Filters

i. Pressure or 'hot' filters shall be installed in the common line downstream of the
a) Filters shall be 100 % spared with facilities for on-line switching from one
to the other, and to allow cleaning/flushing without interruption of the
distribution fuel flow.
b) Vent and drain connections shall be provided on the filter body.
c) The filters shall be provided with differential pressure measurement for
indicating when cleaning or replacement of filter elements is necessary.
d) The filter size shall be designed at 98% filtration efficiency for particulate
size of not bigger than 300 micron, subject to confirmation by the fired
equipment requirement

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ii. As an alternative, self-cleaning filter which uses a stack of circular filter plates
(instead of a mesh screen) with cleaning blades can be used.
iii. Filters/strainers designed with flushing facilities shall be provided with an
appropriate collection pot for the flushing’s with personnel protection against hot
fuel oil splashes.

4.1.8 Heat Tracing and Insulation

i. All fuel oil piping and associated equipment shall be heat-traced and insulated to
minimize heat loss from the fuel.
ii. The temperature of the heat tracing medium shall be high enough to maintain
fluidity (i.e. pumpability) in stagnant lines but need not be as high as the
circulating fuel oil.
iii. Provision shall be made for flushing with lower viscosity fuel, or flushing oil, where
the heat tracing is not sufficient to maintain fuel in a stagnant line at the
distribution temperature, so that combustion systems are not supplied with fuel
with a viscosity higher than 20 mm2/s when flow in the line is re-established.
iv. If the heat tracing medium temperature is higher than the Fuel oil distribution
header temperature, the consequences of heating the fuel oil to that temperature
in a stagnant line shall be evaluated. Provision shall be made for thermal
expansion relief, irrespective of the temperature of the heat tracing. The
associated instrumentation shall have a pressure rating which can tolerate the
maximum pressures which can arise from expansion.
v. LP steam at around 350 kPag (condensing temperature 148°C) is acceptable for
long residue fuel oil systems and, if available, should be used in preference to
higher pressure steam due to its lower cost.
vi. MP steam at around 1800 kPag (condensing temperature 210°C) is acceptable for
all systems and shall be applied in short residue fuel systems.
vii. Electrical tracing may be used and shall be provided with facilities for monitoring
each heating circuit and to give warning when it is not operational. Also, the
maximum temperature which can develop in the heating elements shall be
limited so that the fuel in a stagnant line cannot be overheated to the point of
coking or vaporisation.
viii. Heat transfer fluids (Hot oil) are not considered suitable for heat tracing due to
potential leakage from the numerous connections with consequential fire risk
ix. The heat-tracing system shall be designed to allow access to equipment which will
require routine maintenance. For example, it shall be possible to remove a control
valve without breaking the heat-tracing system.

4.1.9 Flushing and Steam-out Connections

i. Flushing connections shall be provided for filling the system with lighter fuel oil or
flushing oil prior to system shut-down particularly for short residue systems.

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ii. Connections shall be provided on equipment which is subject to maintenance on

a routine basis such as pumps, heaters and filters. The piping connections should
enable such equipment to be taken with appropriate flushing and draining
without interrupting operation of the fuel oil system.
iii. Connections shall be provided on user supply lines to enable flushing of the
downstream system for high viscosity fuel oil systems. Lower viscosity fuel supply
should be chosen as flushing oil. The flushing fuel oil used in this way shall be
compatible with the burner installation. Flushing oil shall not be injected directly
into a hot system to avoid flashing of light components.
iv. Alternatively, MP steam shall be used to displace fuel from piping to a suitable
disposal point (e.g. slops tank). The flushing system or steam-out line-up shall be
designed to avoid backflow of fuel oil into the flushing or steam system cannot
v. Steaming-out connections to appropriate reception facilities (slops, fuel oil pool)
shall also be provided for the above equipment, at strategic points for emptying
the system or individual branches of the system.


4.2.1 General
i. Low Boiling Fluids used in these systems are typically light tops, light naphtha and
gasoline. LBF systems can be used intermittently for disposing of products which
are off-specification if reprocessing is not possible.
ii. LBF systems should be designed only for fluids which are liquid at maximum
ambient temperature and lowest atmospheric pressure and only applied when a
disposal facility by this route is considered necessary.
iii. LBF used for combustion, such as propane and butane is strongly preferred to be
burned as a gas rather than liquid to avoid premature vaporization in the
combustion system, leading to burner instability and hydrate formation.
iv. Burner system used to fire LBF are based on pressure atomization and all fuel
piping shall be kept completely separate from fuel oil systems to avoid any risk of
contamination and prevent any heating of the LBF.
v. Leaking LBF is a fire hazard and so welded connections shall be kept to a minimum.
This is of particular importance close to the consumer furnace.

4.2.2 LBF Storage

The LBF storage system does not need to be designed as a primary fuel system in terms of
storage capacity. Storage capacity is determined on the basis of the intermediate storage
required to hold a batch of off spec product. Tanks shall be designed to the same type and
standard as the product storage tanks to which the product normally flows.

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4.3.1 In gas oil/diesel systems, industrial grade gas oil is mainly used as flushing medium for Refinery
Fuel oil system or as diluent for the viscosity control of residual fuel oil systems. Gas oil should
not be used for the flushing of high-temperature fuel system.

4.3.2 Automotive grade gas oil (Distillate fuel or Diesel fuel) is used in diesel engine, Diesel
generator and Gas turbines as back-up fuel. The same shall be designed in accordance with
PTS 16.39.06.

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In this PTS, reference is made to the following Standards/Publications. Unless specifically

designated by date, the latest edition of each Standards/Publications shall be used, together
with any supplements/revisions thereto:


Index to PTS PTS 00.01.01
PTS Requirements, General Definition of Terms, Abbreviations & PTS 00.01.03
Reading Guide
Combustion Gas Turbines PTS 12.10.01
Spark Ignited Gas Fuelled Engines PTS 12.10.40
Piping Class – Basis of Design PTS 12.30.01
Piping General Requirements PTS 12.30.02
Piping Classes – Oil Refineries, Chemical and Gas Plants PTS 12.31.01
Piping Classes - Exploration And Production (Offshore) PTS 12.31.02
Fired Heaters Based on ISO 13705 PTS 12.41.01
Electrical Heat Tracing and Frost Heave Prevention Systems PTS 13.13.01
Thermal Insulation (Amendments/Supplements to the CINI PTS 15.13.01
Diesel Fuel System PTS 16.39.06
Instrument Gas and Instrument Air System PTS 16.39.07
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) System PTS 16.52.01
Design Of Pressure Relief, Flare and Vent Systems PTS 16.52.04
Two Phase Gas and Liquid Separator PTS 16.52.09
Refinery fuel gas system D 16.92.001
Refinery fuel gas system (including off-spec. LPG disposal) D 16.92.002
Refinery fuel oil system D 16.92.003
System for burning low pressure gas D 16.92.010

Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sediment in ASTM D4870
Residual Fuels – Accelerated (Chemical) Ageing
Petroleum Products – Total Sediment in Residual Fuel Oils IP 375 (part of ISO

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Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulation for Onshore
Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA) for Offshore Application


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