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Journal of lHcalthcare Enginoerin

Volume 2021, Article 11) 9947373, 10 pagecs

Research Article
The Effect of Biofeedback Therapy Combined with Comprehensive
Nursing Intervention on the Quality of Life of Patients with
Functional Constipation Based on Dynamic Magnetic
Resonance Defecation

Zhongshao Kuang 'Shuangyuan Dai@,'Yinjuan Xiao Weio Luo,'

Jing Tian
Manjit Kaur
Ashutosh Sharma Shailendra Tiwari, Manish Gupta
and Mohd Asif Shah
Hunan 121999, China
The ThirdAfiliated Hospilal of South China University, Hengyang, 730030, China
Universily, Lanzhou, Gansu
AJfiliated Hospital of Northwest Minzu Rostov-on-Do. Russia
Securily, Southern Federal University,
Institute of Conpuler lechnologyand InformationPaliala,
Technology, India
Thapar Institute of Engineering Moradabad, India
Department, Moradabad Institule of Technology,
Compuler Science and Engineering and Applied Sciences, Bennett Universily, Greater Noida 201310. India
Computer Science Engineering,
School of Engineering
Bakhtar University, Kabu, Afghanistan
should be addressed to Weio Luo; and Mohd Asif Shah;
Published 13 May 2021
Received 15 March 2021; Revised 15 April 2021; Accepted 2 May 2021;

Academic Editor: Jiawen Kang

arlicle distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
Zhongshao Kuang et al. "Ihis is openand
an access
Copyright 2021
reproduction in medium,
any the original work is
unrestricted use, distribution,
License, which permits
properly cited.
rusonance detcation. the
of palients with funcional conslipalion bascd on dynamic magnetic
In order to study the quality of'life was used to diagnose and treat the patients s o as to
with comprehensive nursing imlervenlion
biofeedback therapy combined
and its inpact on palients qually
lile. Ihe obstrucled delecalion surgical treatment carries lrequent
explore its clinical eftficacy evalualed and elucidated the underlying anatomic teatures
imagng delecograpny
recurrences, and dynamic magnelic
ot functional constipativn and evaluated and ratorde
who came to our hospital lor treatinent
This research selected 80 patients cini al
and afler trealment in the lorm of questionnaire survey. The results showed that the
various clinical indicators
a d aller trealment were greatly dillerent (P< O O5). Thus the
wilh Junclional constipallon belore
symptom scores of patients
mlervention showed a good clinic al etlect in the trealment
of patients
biofeedback therapy combined with comprehensive nursingtne
quialny ol lile ol patients, showing high clini al applisativn and
with functional constipation and signilicanuy improvea in temales.
represenled by the dy1amic magnetic resnanee inaging
promotion value. A convenient diagnostic procedure 1sdelecation.
imagng during
cspeciallypelvic floor organs dynamic

According to research, the inciudence ot onstipation over l8

1. Introduction years old in Beijing iuangzhou, Tiaiun, Nanchang. and
become a very common other plaes is o.07%, 4%, 1 l.o%, and S.3%, respectively
Functional constipation (FC) has
discase in modern life [||. 2,31. This shows that constipation occurs in a wide range of
chronic functionalgastrointestinal diet, the incidence groups, and people ol any age group have a certain chance of
habits and unhealthy
Due to poor living which has a serious getting sick. The speeilic clinical manifestations of FC in-
of the disease is increasing year by ycar,
ol the sick palients. clude difliulty in delecalion, inconstant delecation, and
impact on the body and psychology

Sel ateotc

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