#4 (Memory Management Intro)

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CSE 330:

Operating Systems

Adil Ahmad
Lecture #4: Memory management (introduction)
Let’s finish up the general OS concepts
Process interacts with the kernel using system calls

▪ Requests made to the OS from a user process for a certain operation (e.g., file
system access, device access, etc.)

▪ Made using special instructions in modern CPUs (e.g., SYSCALL in x86)

▪ These instructions add important security checks

User mode
syscall sysret
Supervisor mode

(More details about transitions in lecture #9 onwards.)

Detailed illustration of system call handling

▪ Process executes SYSCALL which tells the CPU a system call is made
▪ Arguments are passed between process and kernel using CPU registers

CPU jumps to System call handler

open() SYSCALL predefined code
System call “table” “open” handler
function instruction

▪ You are updating this “system call table” in project #1 ☺

▪ After system call is handled, OS executes SYSRET instruction

▪ CPU jumps back to U-mode, returns results, and resumes process
Famous file-related system calls in Linux
fd = open(file, permissions, …)
• Open a file for reading, writing, or both
s = close(file)
• Close an open file
n = read(fd, buf, nbytes)
• Read data from a file into a buffer
n = write(fd, buf, nbytes)
• Write data from a buffer into a file
pos = lseek(fd, offset, whence)
• Move the file pointer
s = stat(name, &buf)
• Get a file’s status info (e.g., size, etc.)
Processes also exit to kernel for interrupts/exceptions

▪ System calls → voluntary exit (e.g., process wants to open a file)

▪ Process can also involuntarily be stopped by the system

▪ Two main kind of involuntary exits:

▪ Interrupts → external event notifiers, e.g.,
➢ Network packet is received at the wireless card

▪ Exceptions → Something abnormal done by the process, e.g.,

➢ Divide-by-0 and now needs to be stopped

(More details post midterm!)

Program and the address space
Recalling the process address space

▪ OS does not show all system memory to a process, rather abstracts a

portion of memory to each process

▪ View of memory shown to each process is called its address space

▪ Also think as “list of addresses that can be accessed by a process”

What are the different parts (or segments) within a process’ memory?

▪ Generally, four segments: code, data (global), stack, and heap

Can you match the provided variables to the program’s segments?
Let’s take an example of a simple program

▪ Process will access several memory regions while executing its code

▪ Let’s see how a C program accesses memory at a high-level

High-level operations performed by CPU:

1. read “x” from memory into a register (edi)

2. add 2 to edi
3. write edi back to the memory location “x”
Transforming “high-level” into real machine assembly

“High-level” operations for x= x+2

1. read “x” from memory into a register (edi)
2. add 2 to edi
3. write edi back to the memory location “x”

Assembly instructions

Location (address)
of an instruction
Understanding memory access at assembly level

Memory accesses:

➢ Fetch instr. at addr 0x100000fad

➢ Load from address 0x8+rbp (x)

➢ Fetch instr. at addr 0x100000fb0

➢ No memory load (register ops)

➢ Fetch instr. at addr 0x100000fb3

➢ Store to address 0x8+rbp (x)

The OS’ job is to make sure all these memory accesses work “correctly”!
Memory management basics and history
High-level overview of memory management

▪ The OS is responsible for efficiently managing system memory so that it can

be divided to serve different processes during runtime

Process: Process: OS
NGINX Memcached kernel
Disk NGINX Memcached

OS also “oversubscribes” memory by storing

overflow contents in the disk (next week)
Start with managing memory for two processes

▪ User creates and executes two copies of the same process

Process A Process B

▪ Could something go wrong here?

▪ They might conflict each other since they seem to be accessing the same
addresses (e.g., 0x1000000fad)

▪ Any ideas as to how you might address this problem?

Take-1: static rewriting of the programs

▪ Rewrite the two process’ addresses to be distinct and load the processes
at those new distinct locations
▪ You can do this using a compiler or binary rewriter (ask me offline!)
An example static system memory layout

▪ Each process is rewritten to use its own entirely reserved region that is
decided when it is loaded

Start End
0x0 0x10000
Process Process
0x1fff 0x2fff
0x1000 0x2000
Can you think of some problems with the static rewriting approach?

▪ Each process is rewritten to use its own entirely reserved region that is
decided when it is loaded

Start End
0x0 0x10000
Process Process
0x1fff 0x2fff
0x1000 0x2000
Problem #1: relocation at runtime is very hard

▪ Must constantly rewrite process memory to relocate addresses

▪ Process may write pointers in many (random) places, and each must be relocated

Process Process
Problem #2: security problems due to no isolation

▪ Nothing is really preventing a process from accessing any random

location (even outside its memory)

0x0 0x1000

Process Process
int* malicious_ptr = (int*) 0x2000
*malicious_ptr = 0x100;

(Recall that *ptr → accessing location of ptr)

Take-2: dynamic relocation using base and bounds

▪ Problems with static rewriting: relocation and security, let’s tackle those

▪ Imagine that the OS had access to two mechanisms:

➢ Every memory access by a process could be shifted by a “base”
▪ *addr → *(addr + base) → *new_addr
▪ 0x0 → 0x0 + 0x1000 → 0x1000

➢ Every shifted memory access could be checked with a “bound”

▪ *(new_addr) → if (new_addr < bound) *new_addr
▪ 0x1000 → if (0x1000 < 0x2000) access 0x1000

Let’s see how this solves the relocation and security problems!
Solving the relocation hurdle with “base”

▪ OS copies all contents to new location and switches “base”

▪ All internal pointers are automatically shifted to new locations

Base1 Base2
Process Process
*(ptr+base1) *(ptr+base2)
Before After
Solving the security hurdle with “bounds”

▪ OS sets bounds and process cannot access over it

Set bounds here

Process Process
Caught/rejected by the bounds
int* malicious_ptr = (int*) 0x2000
*malicious_ptr = 0x100 check made by the system!
Note on the virtualization of “memory address”

▪ A write to 0x1000 using the “base and bounds” approach

▪ Program’s perspective → 0x1000
▪ OS inserts a “base” of 0x1000
▪ Resulting final address → 0x2000

▪ In this example, we see the “virtualization of address”

▪ Virtual address → the one a process sees (0x1000 in above example)
▪ Physical address → the translated final version (0x2000 in above example)
Implementing base and bounds during each access

▪ Requires support from the CPU hardware to check addresses

▪ Introduced a new unit called the memory management unit (MMU)
▪ MMU provides two new registers: “base” and “bounds”

Without MMU: With MMU:

*addr → CPU accesses addr *addr → (i) CPU adds “base” register,
(ii) CPU checks if “new_addr < bounds”
(iii) CPU accesses *new_addr

Should any process be allowed to change base/bounds registers?

▪ Only the kernel (in S-mode/ring-0) is allowed to change these registers
▪ These are “privileged” registers ☺
Can you think of some problems with dynamic relocation?

▪ Programs are not contiguous and have chunks of “free spaces” to grow
▪ E.g., free space between stack and heap regions

Base Bounds
Free space!

Code Heap Stack

Process address space

▪ Simple base and bounds wastes a lot of memory for each process!
▪ Must reserve all the free space beforehand
How exactly would you solve this problem?

▪ Programs are not contiguous and have chunks of “free spaces” to grow
▪ E.g., free space between stack and heap regions

Base Bounds
Free space!

Code Heap Stack

Process address space

▪ Simple base and bounds wastes a lot of memory for each process!
▪ Must reserve all the free space beforehand
Take-3: segmentation introduced by Intel x86

▪ Use multiple base and bounds instead of a single

▪ Each “base and bound” is called a “segment” in x86 systems

▪ Different program regions (e.g., heap, stack, etc.) can have a segment

▪ Individual segments can be efficiently resized (e.g., grow the stack, etc.)
Examining the logical view of segments
Segmentation requires further changes to the MMU

▪ Naïve idea: have many “base and bound” registers

▪ Any problems?
▪ Require many (expensive) registers and cannot dynamically adjust over fixed set
of hardware registers

▪ Better idea used in the Intel x86 systems:

▪ A segment table containing variable # of segments

▪ Entry contains a “segment” (i.e., base and bound)

▪ One base-bound register for the segment table

▪ One base-bound register for each selected segment
An illustration of the segmentation hardware

Find segment for

ptr in table

*(ptr) Check limit

(bounds) Access physical

Give error if over

segment limit
Questions? See you in the next class!

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