A Task-Based Modeling Method For Process Modeling and Automation in Project Management

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A task-based modeling method for process modeling

and automation in project management

Jingmin Wang, Xin Liu

Department of Economy and Management
North China Electric Power University
BaoDing, Hebei province, China, 071003

Abstract—By introducing “best practices” as standard process conveniently customize the standard process models and to
models, business process standardization and reengineering have efficiently construct its own business process models.
assisted in achieving the efficiency of the project development.
However, they have also resulted in many problems because a Business process automation demands not only
standard model has limited flexibility to suit different practices of advancement in computer and software engineering
different projects. This paper presents a Task-Based Modeling technologies, but also parallel matching methods in
method (TBM) for modeling processes in project management. management science [4]. This paper presents a Task-Based
Key business tasks are defined as the basic task components. Modeling (TBM) method for modeling project management
Supplementing each task with an execution method and detailed business processes. The basic idea is to define common
attributes, its action can be fully defined and its outcome can be management tasks as the basic reusable software components.
measured. A business process model can then be created to meet In order that a task component can be connected with other
the need of the particular business by using the task components needed task components to formulate a process model, its
as the basic building blocks. A request-driven approach is also function and corresponding data structure must be defined.
proposed to instantiate an instance of a process model. A Accordingly, constructing a business process model can be
purchasing process is used as an example to illustrate the accomplished by selecting and connecting relevant reusable
presented methodology. task components. After a process model is constructed, an
existing workflow management system can be used to execute
Keywords-Process automation; Project management;
the model.
Workflow; Task-based modeling;


Business processes are widely regarded as an important Due to non-standardization, different processes may be
building block in today’s project management [1]. Business used by different users to accomplish similar or same business
processes may deal with customers, business partners, and objective. An examination of the different processes indicates
different departments across the entire project. Executing a that many common management tasks are used in these
process consumes time and resources. Automating business processes. For instance, a purchasing process may vary from
processes has been recognized as an effective approach for project to project, but it always requires the following common
improving project efficiency and productivity by reducing the tasks: search for qualified suppliers, request for price
time and resources [2]. quotations, evaluate the received quotations, and place a
purchase order. Therefore, instead of trying to standardize a
Business process automation today is mainly achieved business process, TBM intends to focus on standardizing lower
through process standardization and reengineering. Many level management tasks [5].
business processes can be reengineered with the industry-wide
“best practices”. In the mean time, many researchers and To enable reusability, a task must be developed as an
practitioners have argued that reengineered business processes, atomic software component with the characteristics of
especially with dramatic changes from previous ones, represent independency, encapsulation, completeness, and consistency.
the major barriers that have slowed down the adoption of In general, modeling a business process with standard task
Workflow technologies and some implementations were even components requires the following issues to be addressed: 1)
abandoned due to strong rejections from the employees. How to define a task as a generic atomic component so that a
Moreover, it has proven to be time consuming and expensive to business manager can understand it and use it for constructing
customize the standard processes [3]. The project management business process models? 2) What is the data structure for the
is characterized by many non-standard practices. To further task component to carry specific management information and
promote and advance business automation and Workflow to communicate with other task components in the same
technologies in project management, corresponding process model? 3) How to measure the outcome of a task
technologies must be developed to enable the end user to

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component? and 4) How to create a business process model by Verb_Object_Method [What, WhatElse] Syn.2
using the provided task components?
“What” is used to detail the direct object of the action; and
A. Defining a management task “WhatElse” is used to provide further information for detailing
Despite different functions and complexities, a the indirect object of the action if applicable. “What” is always
management task has the following common features: necessary for any action, but “WhatElse” may be optional.
With differently associated “What” and “WhatElse”
• Action — It takes an action (or a series of related information, the same task can perform different actions in
actions) to execute the task. different business processes. Therefore, component reusability
is accomplished.
• Method — It may be conducted with certain methods.
The “What” and “WhatElse” data of a task fully detail what
• Object — The action may work on an object that to do in the action while its corresponding business process is
affects the means of executing the task. under execution.
1) The action of a task In addition to detail the action of a task, “What” and
The action to be taken by a project management task can be “WhatElse” also facilitate data exchange and information
best characterized by a “verb”. “Send the meeting information sharing between tasks in the same process. Process level
to the participant list”, for instance, is an action defined by the variables are used in “What” and “WhatElse” so that they can
verb “send”. Verbs are the key words for performing daily match with the variables of the process and the tasks in the
business functions. As one works in an environment, he/she process.
has learned how to react to these verbs according to the project-
wide or department-wide practice.
To use TBM, it is necessary to identify the key “verbs” that COMPONENTS
are essential for the given business. Each task must then be A number of task components, including both tasks that are
developed as an atomic and reusable software component. common across different businesses and tasks that are project
2) The method of an action specific only, must be developed in order to model various
There are sometimes multiple means to perform the action business processes for a given project management. For ease of
of a verb. Therefore, an execution method should be given to use, the task components can be grouped according to the
define how to perform the task according to the specific need. classification of their business functions, such as general office,
For instance, sending a meeting schedule may be performed accounting, time management, equipment management, etc.
with the following methods: internal memo, regular mail, e- The entire developed task components should be implemented
mail, facsimile, or telephone. To specify how to execute a in a component library, which will provide the basic building
“send” action, a method must be given. In general, a verb can blocks for constructing process models.
be supplemented with a method. A process model is constructed at the design stage. Using
3) The object of an action TBM to create a process model for a given business process
A transitive verb in the English language has a direct object involves selecting needed task components from the library and
to act on, and the type of the object may affect how the action connecting them in the right logical sequence. Although each
should be performed. For instance, “estimate an activity cost” task is developed as an independent component, all of the task
and “estimate activity duration” require two different methods components in a process model must share information with
to execute “estimate”. In this case, the object can join the verb each other and work together in order to achieve the objective
to define the action method. Sometimes, either a method or an of the process. To do so, process-level variables must be
object may define the means of executing a task. Sometimes, a declared and be used in all related tasks in the same process.
verb may need both an object and a method to fully define how When a task is added to a model, its “What” and “WhatElse”
to execute it. compositions are assigned with relevant process-level
variables. These variables will retrieve their values during the
We can define a task as shown in Syntax 1(shorten as process execution.
On the other hand, a process model describes a general
procedure of performing a type of concerned business process.
Verb_Object_Method Syn.1 It can be repeatedly used for similar business functions.
Executing a particular process corresponds to instantiating an
instance of the process model at the runtime stage when the
B. Detailing A Management Task model is called into execution. Therefore, a process model
Syn.1 describes how to execute the action, but does not must be general and flexible enough to accommodate all
detail what to do. To fully execute a management task, it must intended usage. If necessary, a variation of different models
be associated with specific information to detail its action in may be created to meet different needs for the same function.
the given process. In general, the information for detailing a
task can be structured into two parts: “What” and “WhatElse”
respectively. Attaching the information to Syn.1, completed
task syntax becomes:

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IV. EXECUTING A BUSINESS PROCESS MODEL The active instance of a model is fully traced until its
A management process is driven by a request, which is a completion or the request is accomplished. To trace
question, a problem, or a need. When a management request is management responsibilities, the start time, finish time, and
raised, a management process must be performed in order to change of status of the model are recorded along the process's
accomplish the request or to find a solution for the question. In execution. A workflow engine provides such needed facilities.
general, executing a business process involves the following
steps: 1) raise a request; 2) instantiate an instance of a process V. PURCHASING EXAMPLE
model; and 3) execute the model task by task, and trace the Purchasing is a common business process. It usually starts
dynamic status of the model. with a purchase order by a requester. The purchase order is
then processed by a purchase officer. This example is used to
A. Raise a request illustrate the above presented methodology.
A request is the starting point of a business process. It also
comes with background information for the request. Raising a A. The purchase request form
management request can be best served with a custom-request A project manager may initiate a purchase request for a
form, which is similar to conventional administrative project. The request form is filled out by the requester with
request/order forms such as purchase order and travel request. specific information. Raising the request will drive a
The form provides blank fields to be filled out by the requester. management process to start.
A request must be associated with at least one process
model. If it is associated with multiple models, one model must B. The process model
be selected in order to fulfill the request. The selection may be Although the process for handling this request may vary
accomplished through one of the two approaches: 1) An from company to company, a process model is shown in Fig. 1
intelligent module can select the most suitable model for a as an example. In this process model, there are eight different
request; and 2) The requester may decide which model to use task components as follows:
based on the need of each particular request. A simple scenario
is to associate each request form with one process model.
Quotation not required
A number of request forms must be designed according to
1. Select auto
the practice of a particular industry or an enterprise. The forms
may be organized according to business functions so that end Quotation required
users can easily find their needed forms to raise their requests.
2. Search_database (for qualified suppliers)

B. Instantiate an instance of a process model 5. Search_manual Supplier not found

(for qualified
After a request is officially raised, an instance of the suppliers)
selected process model will be instantiated. The instance 3. Select auto
representing the expected business process will be added to the Supplier found
pool of the active processes in the Workflow Management
6. Update_database 4. Send_email (to selected supplier)
System (WfMS). When a new instance is added, a unique ID
(supplier database)
will be assigned, and system resources will be allocated to run
the model instance and to trace its status.
7. Rank (received quotations)

C. Execute a process model

Executing a business process model requires a workflow 8. Send_email (to the requester)
engine. Several commercial workflow engines are available in
the market. An engine manages all active process instances and
executes the model task by task by following the logical 9. Decide_quote (by requester)
sequence as given in the process model. Executing a task
component also requires instantiating an instance of the task
Quotation not selected
object. Before starting a task, the process information must be
passed to it; and after completing the task, the obtained results 10. Select auto
must be returned to the process to serve as inputs to other tasks Quotation selected
in the model.
11. Place_order (by the purchasing officer)
Executing a process model may involve multiple users at
different computers in different departments. Therefore, the
engine must be deployed to work in the internet environment, 12. Update_database (order database)
in which clients and servers can communicate with each other
and the process model can be executed in a distributed Figure 1. A purchasing process model

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• Select_auto — an automated task. It selects one process variables: Product, Quantity, RequiredDate,
succeeding route from given options; ResponseDate, and ContactPerson to form a message which is
sent to “WhatElse”: QuaSuppliers. Ranked Quotations are
• Search_database — an automated task. It searches obtained from executing Task 7 so that the requester can make
records from a given database; his decision at Task 9 based on the ranking. “Suppliers” is the
• Search_manual — a manual task. It involves a manual directory and database name where the supplier information is
process to search for a list of qualified items; stored. Returned Quotations is entered by the purchase officer
when Task 7 is executed after receiving the quotations from
• Send_email — an automated task. It sends an email suppliers. SelQuotation is the returned value from executing
with given content to the specified recipients; semi-automated Task 9. Finally, the new order is added to the
order management database, named Orders.
• Rank — a semi-automated task. It requires a
responsible person to manually rank a given list of Executing the model starts with task 1 until the last task is
items in an order; executed. Its dynamic status must be fully traced during the
• Decide_quote — a semi-automated task. It requires a
manager to make a decision on selecting a quotation;
• Place_order — a manual task. It requires a manager to
This article presented a task-based modeling methodology
place a purchase order;
(TBM) for modeling construction business processes. TBM
• Update_database — an automated task. It updates a defines key verbs in business processes as the basic task
database with new records. components. Supplementing a verb with a performing method
and detailed information, its action can be fully defines and its
A total of 12 tasks are used to construct the process model outcome can be measured. Using the task components as the
as shown in Fig.1.The “What” and “WhatElse” compositions basic modeling elements, a business process model can be
of the 12 tasks are summarized in Table.1. The last column of created by connecting the needed tasks. On the other hand,
Table.1 describes the expected action of each task in the model. kicking-off a business process is initiated by raising a request.
The request then drives a corresponding process model to be
TABLE I. TASK INFORMATION AND ACTIONS executed. A purchasing example was used to illustrate the
presented methodology.
Code Action Description of action TBM presents a more practical and flexible method for
1 Select_auto Select a route based on whether or not modeling and automating project management business
quotations are required processes in comparison to the “best practices” approach.
2 Search_database Search the supplier database for qualified Considering the reality that the project management is
suppliers characterized by nonstandard practices, promoting “best
3 Select_auto Select a route based on whether or not practices” as a means to accomplish business process
qualified suppliers are found automation has faced a lot of resistance and hurdles. Instead, if
4 Send_email Send a message “Request for quotations” to we can focus our effort on identifying key management tasks
the qualified suppliers and developing corresponding reusable software components
5 Search_manual The purchase officer finds new suppliers and for these tasks, various process models can be easily and
enters them to the system
6 Update_database Update the database with new suppliers
effectively created to meet the need of a particular user by
7 Rank The purchase officer ranks the returned reusing the available task components. In summary, TBM
quotations provides a solution for project management business process
8 Send_email The ranked quotations are sent to the modeling and automation.
9 Decide The requester makes a decision on the
acceptance of a quotation REFERENCES
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