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Head - Kepala

Hair - Rambut
Forehead - Dahi Hand - Tangan Foot - Kaki (dari
Eyebrow - Alis Finger - Jari pergelangan kaki ke
Eye - Mata Thumb - Ibu jari bawah)
Eyelash - Bulu mata Nail - Kuku Toe - Jari kaki
Ear - Telinga Stomach/belly - Perut Heel - Tumit
Nose - Hidung Waist - Pinggang Skin - Kulit
Mouth - Mulut Hip - Pinggul Bone - Tulang
Lip - Bibir Leg - Kaki (dari Muscle - Otot
Tooth - Gigi pangkal paha hingga Vein - Pembuluh
Tongue - Lidah pergelangan kaki) darah
Cheek - Pipi Thigh - Paha Brain - Otak
Chin - Dagu Knee - Lutut Heart - Jantung
Neck - Leher Ankle - Pergelangan Lung - Paru-paru
Shoulder - Bahu kaki Liver - Hati
Chest - Dada Kidney - Ginjal
Back - Punggung
Arm - Lengan
Elbow - Siku
Wrist - Pergelangan
Hazel (eyes) - Hazel
(mata) Sharp (nose) -
Curly - Keriting Round (face) - Bulat Mancung (hidung)
Straight - Lurus (wajah) Flat (nose) - Pesek
Wavy - Oval (face) - Oval (hidung)
Bergelombang (wajah) Thin (lips) - Tipis
Bald - Botak Square (face) - Kotak (bibir)
Blonde - Pirang (wajah) Full (lips) - Tebal
Brunette - Cokelat Freckles - Bintik- (bibir)
gelap bintik White (teeth) - Putih
Redhead - Berambut Dimples - Lesung (gigi)
merah pipi Crooked (teeth) -
Short (hair) - Pendek Wrinkles - Keriput Tidak rata (gigi)
(rambut) Scar - Bekas luka Tall - Tinggi
Long (hair) - Panjang Tan Skin - Cokelat Short (height) -
(rambut) (kulit) Pendek (tinggi)
Thick - Tebal Pale - Pucat Average height -
Thin - Tipis Smooth (skin) - Halus Tinggi rata-rata
Big (eyes) - Besar (kulit) Strong - Kuat
(mata) Rough (skin) - Kasar Weak - Lemah
Small (eyes) - Kecil (kulit)
(mata) Slim - Ramping
Blue (eyes) - Biru Muscular - Berotot
(mata) Chubby - Tembem
Green (eyes) - Hijau Broad (shoulders) -
(mata) Lebar (bahu)
Brown (eyes) - Narrow (shoulders) -
Cokelat (mata) Sempit (bahu)
Tina has a pretty face with shiny black hair that falls to
her shoulders. Her big brown eyes always sparkle, and
she has thick eyebrows. She has a small, cute nose and
pink lips that often smile, showing her white teeth. Her
skin is smooth and tan, making her look healthy. Tina's
hands are small with neat nails, and her arms are strong.
She has a slim waist and long legs that help her run fast.
Tina takes good care of her body by eating healthy food
and playing outside every day.

1. How is Tina's hair described in the text?

2. What color are Tina's eyes?
3. What is the shape of Tina's nose?
4. What does Tina's smile often show?
5. How is Tina's skin condition described?
6. How are Tina's hands described?
7. What does Tina do to stay healthy?
8. Which body part helps Tina run fast?
9. What color are Tina's lips according to the text?

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