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sek yur duh wy by 5 >RINC - PRINZ - PRINCE, . Naw fama hide & ) 'tndante. Tempo I, SS ty-dendliS mi po bo-ku, Jak zbé-je zy, i Schon et - ne Wo = che lebst du hier und scheinst noch ae ou A weekyouvefoll-owed by my-side, —_ dream from some st Con, = and i yam et a pie - demnou, a mar-né - chen mir Ver ~ geb ~ lich of old, And yetwit cu Sor-sche ich seit-her, was, j your deep darkeyes . re ates go es | ny j= ——— | hledisn ta-jemnou,’ “ines tage nBvo - & | Lieb-ste, dein Ge-heim-nis wéir, um-sonst, ver-geb - lich for - sche sec-ret slumbers still untold, and yet with - yourdeep dark | ME gee = ——- r tr ter i “be : Foe eG : $$ Ky po pees 2 = = SSS é = my pi animato hlu = boku tvou by-tost hle - dam ta_ - fan el ich — seit-her, was, Lieb - ste, dein Ge heim nis eyes__ your sec-ret slum - bers still. BA 9510-90 e > dim.’ LO | —— c hy @rempo “fr give oe fha-tek dat. mite - pr-ve, eatae Ee Oe je - ne Glut, on-ly mar. riage give to me, a ee ska dav be — laingst has Tong. z pp al oul oR Un poco pit animato > fe bloc! roz = ho - ie-la jsi do kr-ve du dann ent-flam -~ men bis aufs Blut will Ss man yom” eae aoe eS | BA 9510-90 be by-la de-now ; = = a by- = mou e Ts. Wie ne eg sein Frob blood, whenloveyour blooh has Wh 00, — : y ¢ hy (Rotten rie potadin a hntvivou 88 pocorue prince) fo Ce gpeibe (ai ota dom Hoes beac dbs Pn medio oo (The priooss comes forward and watch tee 5 2 24) (votestnd-wehmitig -poignanty) p 5 ; Sa (eee w— “ chla-di | tvo- je ob - je- ti, scheuund —Kihl um armst du mich, does it chill so_ your embrace |) — oS 2 Of 948 Som . Fee A cs. ‘0 exptssson of hated her face.) 2iv8 ~ Lethaft lively ) 2 a WI Gnxrek i] poco apocd stringendo be Hemble Pro’ iz - ko - sti jen za-chvati wa - rum er bebt mam - dein _jun- ger Leib aus Passion?___ Why this fore - Pod edo BZ do T feel When Pocp a poco stringendo ~ ee Toba ap asstonato ee mM ams —Yaur 4 Re vnd - rm Angst vor in your BA9510-90 ore and more ardently) sen f. res é (stale horonondji- immer inniger~ "2 @) Allegro moderato oye jee i Pal Ree du-sim smut-ny cit, £ A mar - né, mar drang ich Trau.- rig sein, y Umesonst, —unesonst tage to _atit # lo love (Alyvain’ - ly vai ———————— Ci soy Sk aa — cece SL —— 7 Tag tat hae Lom aims pn re Feusate he Pt he, AE tS dee = * | 8 - tit, ese ta 2 ne - Ize vy-pros-tit, Fiona tl ae hea mich von dir” be = rein! 3 I be , From your em-brace ne ver shall free, ; ¢ 1 Se tour if haodeel sud Ute be a Pes byt sto- krét__by-la jsi_ chlladna, | n Warst du auch hun-dert-mal kal - ter, Schiich - ter - ne, And were you ner____ so. cold, dif -_fi- dent, lees wos SS i ~ smb-lé, Pe \é Pa Tut Yar p mit mu-sim te- be, mu-sim, ich mug dich ha- ben, imuft dich Win you T must, = SI eE: Be — EE — BA 9510-90 ane poco rit, 127 3 <7 mit, mu=sim mit ja, ha ben mu ich dich must, for i nyou 4” have “cor A Ps pesante A Ey a ANANY-¥, VV Vy Aare FURSTIN (leidenschaftlich) GQ) PRINCESS (passionatety) ‘Meno mosso. Tempo I. ne-ni to ska, nichtet - wa Lie be, it is not do = “ce= lal ganz und gar! — —quered me! Meno mosso. Tempo I. WS calle BN va t 450 mu - sim, mup dich win you, go BA 9510-90 128 19 i el a ai kde No a Weib ist Ts would wish dwells where 's te - be mit te-be, mu ich dich aaa iia yan for you here —__ 4Cl. at, tA Ree end ps eee he ky i a te jsem je ho und weil er nicht fiir (Andsince ‘tis writ - — ten lapse Pov do - ce - la,bytstokrat | bylas chlad-nd, ne - ganz und — gah warst lu hun |. dert-mal kal - ten, Schiich - con-quered me,Andwereyou ner so cold, dif sméla,! byt fer-ne, wir + fi-dent, and BA 9510-90 ke drum be not his, Their = == ; sto- krét__ by = las i 4 fun > - - dert ~ mal ner so BB - sti, at HB = aticocbou chy - ne | ‘mach ich, der bei = denGliickzu-schan - den | shat - tered seo, | i "Thelr’ hap.“ ple uses may—___ . : S sa 5 Re ——_ ne-sméla, mit musim,mit musim te - be Schiich-ter-ne, dich muB ich, dich muB ich ha - ben dif fi- dent, win you I mustfor you have. BA 9510-90 130 Comeldely\ (54 eet) i (Init in den Vordergrund) Nivace © (Cnt the teal do - ce - lal ganz und gar! shat - tered see! do - ce - lal ganz und gar! con- quered mel Vivace ee ee ee ee Me fe mamanit pa Zda na chvi. Ein Weil chen, And — will the 495 SS 5 “P (arene! Por pat vzpo - me- ne si pec, ein - mal doch da - ran, for a while re- call, siete tne Ce S023 === a Se BA9510.00 li Prinz, Prince aye is lover? 2 [= = _—_ SS = sti-te-lem téz ae je ni nec? her seid Thr auch als Bréw ~ ti - gam Gwe be ate Slee eo heat all? lb ver = _— Cor, on ae chops, bohrck we na to Bes Ss) sth jingle Euch macht das Glick die gan - ze Or a Me a en > aay f=, FEV, Leg A tol clennbly © bla- si svét,__ tex ci-ei host jen hb - mb Welt heut schon, zwingt Ihrden Gast, dies schwei-gend safes to you 2 tas ; your “fo = reign guest, “ic Legit re me . Fe Fe Ea te SS i 2 {Song es oie Roathon) 3 {Sie steht wischen dem Prnzon nd Re aay WO fade (She stands between the Prince and Rusalka) po- hii = get? an - zy sehn? si-lence view? PRING (so veruit,sotvate spatfil kubina. § sospaky:) PRINZ {aufgeregt, sobald er die Fiirstin erblickt Volt Verlegenheit PRINCE (starts on seeing the Princess, Embarrassed, BA 9510-90 y Git- ka to V) Vor = yar if mich deed your words are Ob, Fag.col Canto x = = dae lier Bich rtf = ka rad emp - fang ich ihm ly, ‘meet - ly from y Hp jit re rem Mun - de, they fall. abo ol Pledevlim jen. ga - paca ist vor al - lem Eu - er Die-ner, butyourser = vant first Op all, 2 oe ee ® 3 fe =. e We ples de - vel —___jen sluchon vent er ist’ vor al lem Eu - er Die-ner! Is but your ser vant first of allt “i my od dy ome so bone fet te loerty, KNEZNA (jchivs, pohlédnoue na Russie) FURSTIN (bashafi, Rusalka ansehend) PRINCESS (maliciously, non legato of Felongy ffm looking at Rusalka) A va - & kré = eka, ci-th va - 8ich Und Ew - re Her ~ rin, Eu-res Ho = fes And will your mis-tress of __ a ian ‘your yt la - ay, so ftn A5) MEU not seall ne - po - sie nicht wird seek to heart,” Sim ue £ Sp BA9510-90 ERO a se ced 135 So liek Rah fe to- lik né - hy ih - rer Spra - che sion does such pas - sva - mipou-ze nur durchih -re Augen Spricht? thoughts to you her eyes im- part? Ob. Legni ay £ : 0 - i-ma? Vetere a 4 fe v rorpactek) hd hor (verlegen) embarrassed) Tempo I. i gan eae Se Nrare = ae Leé o - si je - fee Die Au Ae iagen a her And. since FL, Ob.) P ‘mp poco mare. BA 9510-90 to - lik ih - rer does such Pa ot lS is = Pst s v4 0 - Gi-ma? Euch, Prinz, ur lurch th ~ re Au gen spricht? thoughts, thoughts to you her Legs ay PRINC Ww copii her PRINZ (verlegen) PRINCE “Lento (oS ene i Lee 0 i je Die Au is gen a And since her eyes Fu mP poco mare. RE fp eg BA 9510-90 phat — Aget fucgat_, croc Pee ho- sti-tel -ly, = ——ga~po - mné-ly, nea ii : ci Gerke ber am, sai sahn ———— den for - gets in at- tong tell____—_me 7 “clishacke beeen Pre ne - po - zor - nym stal. dap er — Siu ~ mig war has the ot be ye eS =i Sa) age ee dim.. i i UL, Greek 7 fe will Comprascte row TCE, Fe Mnolilbe woke, dre Es) na - bra - di ted rych-le, svo-li- te-li, co roz-tr= Taubt mir, das zu siih-nem, so gut ichkann, zu ta-deln br fast TM make =a - _—mends, if you'll al-lowFor what I hi i molto rit. _ in temp SS a Erbe e tbe @ a whl de — (podévé knBin’ ruku) a (richer Finsind im) |g alecteel teadavk (offers Princess his arm) Me (brusquely to! Faw ehvi - li za - ne - dbal. mich — dann nie ~ mals mehr: did a while neg - lect. sgppassionato 539 A A IT —= Fz, Je BA 9510-90 voje, aproé se to-lik 1 ent _wasaitserst dh 80 halb hisdes-pair? Why do you tremble means thisd V svoukdmnatu po-spé& a stroj sekple-su jiz! Geh_indei-ne Ram-mer und schmiik-ke dich zum all! Make haste a- dornyon, And to the ball we'll go. > fs hike i, a ————— Trost 2 Fa. u KNEZNA (odchérciic & Rusalco «vitbsnjn damon” ) i clethet Nadmmrt, 9 Loe FURSTIN {abgehend zu Rusalka mit triun mphierendem Spott PRINCESS (to Rusalka as she loavencut Soke of triumph.) devs oe Ly stroj-te se via-ty pie-bo-ha-té, mim detEuch in Eu - er reich-stes Ge - wand. Er Fobe your-selfyour bestsuse “all> your's’ OR iey- Ope ei Legni__O} 4 Salim. St (Prine odvédt kndina.) Der Prin: fulrt die Farstn wee) (The Prince goes with bs Peincoes) Ceurlety sey ees haart ioe dvornost Je-ho, yag_mir schmei-cheln, ave his courte-sy, i vywiakerd=0e: mb 720 =) tel doch sein Herzist Eu = = ut you have his heart! : Viol.,F1.,CL., Cori, xt = as | belet fe eMpress. re Seasonal pet ue Sf | F Pp e a. BA.9510-90

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