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Question 7

Write a detailed narrative essay of about 300-350 words on

the following topic.
An Unforgettable Incident of My Childhood

One summer vacation, I went to my uncle's house because my
older cousins, who were approximately three or four years
older than me, had promised to show me something exciting. I
trusted their enthusiasm and joined them willingly, even
though I had just recovered from illness. Our favorite place to
view passing trains was the railway station with two over-
bridges that were close to where we lived. My cousins
suggested I walk by the railroad tracks that day, but they
warned me not to tell any adults.

We started down the track with me positioned between them,

my weakened post-illness state making the uneven surface
difficult. When we got closer to an ancient bridge without a
walkway, my relatives insisted I roll over on my thighs for
extra thrills. But things took a horrifying turn for the worse
when we heard a train that was fast approaching, if I jumped
from the bridge, either I would break some part of my body or
would be run over by some vehicle that would pass below the
bridge at that time. My smart cousins survived because they
knew how to, whereas I was not so smart and got stuck. At
this point, I started crying loudly and started warning my
cousins that if at the train killed me, I would go and tell my
uncle, who loved me a lot, how these fellows killed me. My
very smart cousins got scared and rushed to my help
immediately and pulled me out of the track just in time. Had
they been late by even a minute, the train would have killed
I started crying and threatened to tell my uncle how they had
abandoned me when I realized how dangerous it was. They
acted quickly to save me just before the train roared by out of
dread of the consequences. Thinking back on the
ridiculousness of our adventure, I laugh that, in the heat of the
moment, neither I nor my purportedly "smart" cousins gave
the ridiculousness of my postmortem complaint to my uncle
any attention.

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