100 Years Ago: Rav Kook in America

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FOR record the

Blossoming the Flowers of

Various documents
and photos




The research and

writings of Rabbi In 1924, three Torah luminaries journeyed to the US to secure financial aid
Joshua Hoffman for Torah centers ravaged by the First World War. While their fundraising
and Rabbi
Aaron Rakeffet- efforts fell short of their goals, the visit of these revered figures was a
Rothkoff were landmark event that stirred the hearts of American Jews, greatly reinforcing
utilized in the
preparation of
their connections to their European counterparts and the nascent Jewish
this article community in Palestine

YEHUDA GEBERER is a historian and tour guide of Jewish historical sites in DOVI SAFIER is a business professional who enjoys researching unexplored chapters
Europe and Israel, and is the host of the Jewish History Soundbites podcast. of Jewish history, with a primary focus on the yeshivos of the interwar period.


Dear Little Friends, the world and a most remarkable personality;
“Rabbi Kook is here today. Are you the men who led our forefathers across the
going to see him?” That is what you sea from slavery to freedom. These are some
are going to hear on all sides today of the things that are taught in the Yeshivah.
from all the grown-ups. But don’t you In many countries of Europe, the Jew was and
feel out of it because you don’t know is hated and ill-treated. The thing that keeps
who Rabbi Kook is. Cousin Judy will him alive is the belief in the Torah, the hope
explain all about his visit and arrange for the better world that it promised to Israel.
for you to take part in his reception. Haven’t you sometimes felt like crying after
Rabbi Kook is the Chief Rabbi of a harsh scolding or a blow? You gritted your
Palestine, come to visit Philadelphia, teeth, and you didn’t cry. What was it that
together with two other great rabbis kept the tears back? Your determination, of
from Europe — the Chief Rabbi of course. It was the same way with our people,
Lithuania, Rabbi Shapiro; and the only the hurt was so very much worse. Despite
head of one of the most famous the most terrible torture they were forced to
Jewish seminaries in the world — endure, they were able to live because they
Rabbi Epstein, dean of the Slabodka had hope. Just think how remarkable must be
Yeshivah. the Torah if it could, for 2000 years, save our
By rights, you know, today’s your people from a million deaths!
holiday. Because the rabbis have And the Torah was taught in the Yeshivah.
come here on behalf of your European But the war came and brought destruction
cousins. They are in America and to the houses of the Torah — the Yeshivahs.
today in Philadelphia to help the And peace came after the war and brought
campaign which is now going on for poverty and sorrow to the land. The Yeshivahs
money for the Yeshivahs of Europe. were closed. Schools need teachers: teachers
And you, my little friends, must and must live; they need money, and there is no
can help raise it by giving your little money in Europe.
mite, and by seeing to it that mother So these three great leaders have come to
and dad and the other grown-ups give America to ask for our aid. Philadelphia has
as much as they are able to. promised to give $65,000. My little friends
Don’t be afraid of the word Yeshivah. All it means is a high must contribute their share as well, through their Hebrew
school. A Yeshivah is a high school for Jewish education only. schools, the Young Judean clubs, or any other clubs. I know how
There, you are taught the history of the Jewish nation, the well you can do. Flower Day proved it. How proud I was last
teachings of the Torah, etc. You remember I told you about the Sunday to see groups of little girls, many of them not more than
Torah, which G-d gave to our people as the law of life and which eight years old, selling flowers for Palestine. But where are the
we, in turn, gave to the entire world. It’s very sad, don’t you boys, I wonder? They must do their share now! Remember, your
think, that so very few of us, especially the youngsters, know European cousins are waiting and watching for your help.
anything of the teachings of our Torah, particularly when we Lovingly,
expect other nations of the world to observe them? COUSIN JUDY.
It’s just as if an American who knew all about William the
Conqueror or King Arthur would know nothing about George (COUSIN JUDY was the pen name used by an Orthodox woman
Washington! Can you imagine anything more ridiculous? Our who wrote regular English advice columns to the youth in
Jewish boys and girls all know all about George Washington, Philadephia’s Yiddishe Velt newspaper. While her identity
the great general, George Washington, the great leader, George remains unknown, we have some suspicions about who she
Washington, the man. Yet they know little or nothing about might have been.)
Moses, the greatest lawgiver; about Joshua, the great leader of

3 Sivan 5784 | June 9, 2024 M I S H PAC H A 117

THE JOHNSON-REED IMMIGRATION an almost insurmountable challenge.
ACT of 1924 was a watershed moment in As World War I unfolded, American Jewry
both the history of the United States and Jewish had rallied to aid European Jewry with the
history of the 20th century. Over decades of largely philanthropic Joint Distribution Committee. After
unrestricted immigration, nearly three million Jews the war, different organizations within the Joint
had escaped from economic hardship and were assigned to distribute funds to recipient
governmental repression in Eastern Europe to the communities. The Central Relief Committee,
promise of the New World. This came to an end in established by the Agudath Harabonim, turned to
1924, when the US Congress curtailed further rehabilitate the spiritual life of European Jewry
immigration through draconian quotas. While the after the upheaval of the war.
Johnson-Reed Act had far-reaching consequences The Central Relief Committee launched a much-
for the millions of Jews in Eastern Europe hoping to publicized visit of great rabbinical personalities,
immigrate, it also unintentionally influenced the who would meet the public and bring attention to
Visiting trajectory of American Jewry itself. the desperate financial needs of Europe’s yeshivos.
Within the flourishing immigrant communities, This emergency fundraising campaign was viewed
rabbanim there was a tacit understanding that the flow of as the only way to rescue yeshivos at this crucial
served as immigrants from the alte heim would never cease. juncture.

beacons of That meant a limitless supply of spiritual guidance: This was not the first group of rabbis to attempt
religious leaders and educators arriving on a trip like this; however, it was certainly the highest-
light, bridging American shores on a regular basis. This unspoken profile one. Shadarim had been visiting since the
the gap reliance on the bridge to the old country meant American Revolution. Some collected money for
that much of the American Orthodox infrastructure the Yishuv in Palestine while others raised funds for
between the of the early 20th century was underdeveloped. Volozhin, Mir, and Slabodka during the late 1800s.
old world and All of that came to a sudden halt with the The emissaries were treated with little respect and
Immigration Act of 1924. The flow of immigration often hostility by their fellow Jews, even as Eastern-
the new. These almost instantly dried up, and American Jewry was European Jews — some who had even studied in
rabbinical forced to mature, define its identity, and find its those yeshivos — became more ubiquitous.
fundraisers own distinctive path. This took many years and was Perhaps the first major voyage that included
only fully realized after the destruction of European renowned rabbis was the 1913 delegation of Rav
allowed the Jewry during the Holocaust. But the seeds were Aharon Walkin and Rabbi Dr. Meir Hildesheimer,
Americans planted while Congress deliberated the legislation. who were sent to America to raise awareness of
Exactly 100 years ago, three great Torah leaders the nascent Agudas Yisrael, recently founded in
to learn from visited the United States and infused the Jewish Katowice, Poland. The group followed up with a
Torah giants community with a sense of identity and mission. larger delegation in 1921, led by Rabbi Meir Dan

and benefit This historic sojourn paved the way for a confident, Plotzki, Rabbi Dr. Meir Hildesheimer and Dr. Nathan
independent, and traditional American Jewish Birnbaum.
from their community to take a leadership role in world Jewry. But none of those trips matched the scope of
proximity World War I laid waste to the bulk of Eastern the Central Relief Committee (CRC) delegation
Europe. Homes were turned into battlefields, in 1924. Initially, it was announced that the
while also and many displaced Jews were left impoverished delegation would feature the who’s who of Torah
giving them refugees. The Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent leadership at the time, including Rav Chaim Ozer,
Russian Civil War caused mayhem across the former the Chofetz Chaim, and the rebbes of Belz, Gur,
the Pale of Settlement. In Ukraine, tens of thousands of and Chortkov. Ultimately, the selected delegation
chance to Jews were murdered in pogroms in 1918-19. There featured a different group of Torah giants: Rav
support Torah was no economic stability; Jewish educational Avraham Yitzchak HaKohein Kook, Rav Avraham
institutions, community infrastructure, and religious Dov Ber Kahana Shapiro (the Dvar Avraham), and
learning life nearly shut down entirely. Rebuilding seemed Rav Moshe Mordechai Epstein, rosh yeshivah of

118 M I S H PAC H A 3 Sivan 5784 | June 9, 2024

these fundraising trips were abject failures
with disappointing results. But with the end
of mass migration came a period of stability
and development within the American Jewish
community. Visiting rabbanim served as beacons of
light, bridging the gap between the old world and
the new. These rabbinical fundraisers allowed the
Americans to learn from Torah giants and benefit
from their proximity while also giving them the
chance to support Torah learning.
This fundraising mission was even more
significant than any that came before it. The
prominence of the guests — Rav Kook was the
chief rabbi of Palestine and a renowned orator and
author, the Dvar Avraham was the most respected
rabbi in Lithuania, and Rav Moshe Mordechai
Epstein was the head of the famed Slabodka
yeshivah — evoked a Jewish pride among the
masses of American Jewry. Multitudes turned out
to greet them at railroad stations, automobile
processions, hotel receptions, banquet fundraisers,
shul and yeshivah lectures, and other public forums.
Despite the fanfare, the throngs of well-
wishers, and the extensive press coverage in
both the Yiddish and general press, the CRC
failed to hit their fundraising target of one million
dollars. Only $300,000 was raised over months
of fundraising. But by other measures, the visit
was an everlasting success. It generated an
atmosphere of kavod haTorah, as a large number
of American Jews proudly and publicly identified
with these traditional rabbis who represented
Torah, its institutions, and ideals. Sadly, for some,
it was an opportunity to bring their children and
grandchildren to glimpse the “old world rabbis,”
whom they believed would soon become extinct.
A highlight of the trip occurred after Shavuos,
The Fundraising Slabodka. when the trio visited Philadelphia, home to
Dinner at Hotel They headed to the United States and began America’s third-largest Jewish population after
their fundraising mission in March 1924. They New York and Chicago. The rabbanim visited
would spend about eight months in the country, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where Rav Kook
visiting major Jewish cities, delivering shiurim at delivered remarks regarding liberty, freedom, and
the handful of yeshivos that existed at the time, the shared destiny of America and the Jewish
speaking at events, and meeting with a cross- People. They then went on an outing on the yacht
section of the American Jewish community. of Philadelphia mayor W. Freeland Kendrick, and
While they didn’t procure enough funds to attended a massive fundraising dinner at the Hotel
reach their goal, they left a long-term impact Walton.
on the American Torah community. Most of A vivid account of the day was presented later

120 M I S H PAC H A 3 Sivan 5784 | June 9, 2024

that week in Philadelphia’s Yiddishe Velt newspaper:
The Jewish quarters of the city were decorated
with flags, American and Jewish. Throughout the
day, automobiles decorated with flags could be
seen everywhere. At 10 o’clock, everything was
ready for their arrival. The Reception Committee
had arrived at the Brith Sholom building, and there
formed the lead of the automobile parade. Long
before 11 a.m., the hour scheduled for the arrival of
the delegation, Rabbis Kook, Shapiro, and Epstein,
crowds had assembled at the North Philadelphia
station. It was a crowd curious, alert, and ready to
A little flurry was caused when the train on
which they were due pulled in and the Rabbis
could not be discovered. After five minutes,
however, they appeared, and the enthusiasm of
the throng held in abeyance had full opportunity
to give vent to itself. As they were let loose
into a veritable maelstrom of humanity, bent on
paying homage to three great Orthodox leaders,
sights unusual to American Jewish life portrayed
themselves. Men kissed the hands of the Rabbis
with the reverence paid to some divine personage.
Children were lifted up to be kissed and blessed
by the good men of Israel before the car carrying
the party was permitted to proceed on its way.
An American city was a strange setting for this
mystical homage. The American pomp and parade,
a strange background for these Orthodox men.
Scholarly looking, all three of them — with their
long flowing beards, the kindliness which they
radiated, and that absorption in an inner life which
their countenances portrayed — they belonged
somehow in the peace and quiet of the study rather
than in the midst of an American Jewish crowd,
hurrying as only American crowds can. But since the
Rabbis have been received in other American cities
previous to their visit here, the peculiar flavor of the
American greeting must by this time be familiar.
The welcome at the station over, the parade
turned to Independence Hall, where Mayor
Kendrick and Hon. B. W. Golder, chairman of the
Reception Committee, awaited them. It was more
like some triumphant procession, this automobile
parade to the shrine of the American nation. It
was Sunday. The day was quiet. Broad Street, the
path of the parade, [was] void of its usual hurrying

122 M I S H PAC H A
throngs. All was serene. The sun smiled down benevolently,
tempering its warmth. And at the head of the procession,
led by Martin O. Levy, grand secretary of the Brith Sholom,
rode the visitors from the old world, accompanied by the
Chief Rabbi of the city, Rabbi B. L. Levinthal, and Mr. Jacob
Ginsburg, publisher of the Jewish World.
Four motorcycle police flanked on either side of the car of
the delegation formed a guard of honor providing the right of
way. A hundred automobiles or more followed in the wake of
the car of honor, with flags flying merrily in the breeze. It was
a leisurely procession which made its way down Broad Street
and [was] in thorough keeping with the spirit of the three men
who are our guests of honor for two days.
At Independence Hall it was different. Thousands of people
were gathered to catch a glimpse of the Chief Rabbi of
Palestine and his distinguished associates, the Chief Rabbi
of Lithuania and the Dean of the Slabodka Yeshivah. The
arrival was the signal for a prolonged outburst which lasted
for several minutes, and for a rush which, for the moment,
threatened to overwhelm the Rabbis. There have been larger
crowds assembled to pay tribute to some distinguished
visitors. This crowd, nevertheless, proved quite up to the mark
in enthusiasm.
It was several minutes before the Rabbis could proceed into
the hall, where the Mayor awaited them.… He received the
Rabbis in the room where the Declaration of Independence
was signed.
In a brief address, he welcomed the Rabbis. “In the name
of the 2 million citizens whom I have the honor to represent. I
take great pleasure in presenting to each of you the key to the
city. I sincerely trust that you will carry away with you a kindly
opinion. I count among my sincerest friends, to whom I owe a
great deal of my success, men like Mr. Ginsburg and others of
your people. If there is anything that I can do further, I shall be
glad to do so.”
Rabbi Kook answered for the delegation in Hebrew. Mr.
Jacob Ginsburg interpreted for the Mayor. Rabbi Kook
expressed his deepest appreciation, and that of the whole
delegation, for the cordiality of the reception accorded and
the honor paid in receiving them in the shrine of the American
nation. He expressed the hope that the freedom and equality
of all humanity, which the Liberty Bell proclaimed, might
continue to prove America’s inspiring message.
It was a short but impressive ceremony when Rabbi Kook
placed a wreath of flowers on the Liberty Bell. The flowers, he
said, were symbolic: a crown on the Liberty Bell, which in turn
was the crown of America. The flowers, he declared, would
remain fresh and blooming, providing the spirit of the Liberty

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In an unprecedented occurrence, these visibly Orthodox
rabbis regularly met with mayors of major cities in public
Rav Kook
standing outside receptions where they were often gifted with a symbolic
the White House key to the city. On April 15, the rabbinic delegation had
an audience with President Calvin Coolidge at the White
House. Rav Kook expressed gratitude for presidential
support of the Balfour Declaration and relief efforts
during the war. The president, in turn, promised that
the American government would assist Jews whenever

“In an exclusive interview he had with the Morgen
Journal, Rav Kook referred to American Jewry as a
hidden treasure and enumerated three qualities they had
which, if developed, could make them one of the most
important Jewries in history. These qualities were a deep
feeling for religiosity, a sense of Jewish nationalism,
and a sense of social responsibility. He attributed the
last quality to the excellent human material of which
the Jewish communities consist, as well as to the civil
liberties enjoyed by American Jews as free citizens of a
republic under a generous and democratic government.
He also noted the importance of the civic education
Bell remained unsullied. But should the bell lose its traditional meaning, then the that American Jews receive through their unhampered
wreath of flowers would turn into a wreath of thorns. Mayor Kendrick seemed participation in their country’s political affairs. In order
particularly pleased that the Rabbis, again with Rabbi Kook as their spokesman, for American Jews to develop their potential, Rav
learning of his approaching fiftieth birthday, wished him every success and gave Kook said, it is necessary for them to provide a proper
him their blessing. Jewish education for their youth. To this end, he felt
The final touch to a reception of great cordiality, and the most picturesque, that parochial schools should be built by the Jewish
perhaps, was the tribute paid to the Rabbis by the Talmud Torah children of the community. He felt that American Jewry would eventually
city. Children of every age, from six and upwards, fully 300 of them, keyed up surpass Jewries in other lands of the diaspora and serve
with enthusiasm, with curiosity, and just the happiness of youth, were massed as an example for them, and ultimately, would be able to
outside of Independence Hall. … Mayor Kendrick attempted to speak, but his transfer its talents to Palestine to help rebuild the Jewish
voice was lost in the sudden outburst of childish voices lifted in song. First it homeland. These last remarks echoed those he made at
was “My Country, ’Tis of Thee,” then the Jewish national anthem, and then other an OU convention in June (in Far Rockaway), where he
Jewish songs. said that, just as in the past, there were two great centers
It was their hour, and they were making the most of it. The climax came when of Jewry – Palestine and Babylonia – so today, there are
a little bit of a boy, who looked not more than eight, was hoisted up on the two great centers of Jewry – Palestine and America.” —
platform to hand Rabbi Kook a bag of coins as the contribution of the Talmud Joshua Hoffman; Rav Kook’s Mission to America
Torah children to the Yeshivah Fund, in whose interests the Rabbis were in this
city. It was not nearly as simple as that. The youngster made his presentation This article is in honor of the centennial of the historic
in a long speech in Hebrew. It was a glib recitation, to this unwitting auditor fundraising mission of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen
at least, and it seemed to please the Rabbis very much. A parade around the Kook, Rav Avraham Dov-Ber Kahana Shapiro of Kovno,
entire platform, so that all might satisfy their curiosity, and the reception at and Rav Moshe Mordechai Epstein to the United States
Independence Hall was over.” in 1924.

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