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Área/ Inglé Vanessa Celis
Docente Grado 9° Fecha January 29th – February 16th
Asignatura s Villamil
Hilo conductor o meta de comprensión abarcadora

How can we interact in the social context through the use of English?

Competencia Metas de comprensión

 Students are expected to effectively By the end of this lesson, students will be able to …
communicate in English, demonstrating  describe some aspects about themselves.
proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and  identify classroom commands.
writing.  put into practice a metacognition strategy.
 Students should be able to employ  show their English level throughout diagnosis tests.
metacognitive strategies to enhance their
learning process.
 Students should be capable of engaging in
meaningful interactions, both orally and in
writing, with their peers and teacher in English.
Tópicos Desempeño de comprensión Recursos
Exploración  Tv
T says hello, organizes the classroom and check the list.  Computer
 Blackboard
English T and Ss play a game called CONCENTRATION. Each S has to say his/her  Board
general name and repeat all the previous classmates’ names. Markers
rules.  English
Portfolio Dictionaries
T gives ss the rules for the classroom. T socialises the materials for the  Pieces Of
class: a Portfolio, squared sheets, 4 highlighters (green, blue, yellow, pink), Papers
and photocopied book.  Worksheet
 Colours/
Then T gives the instruction for organizing the portfolio: markers
1. PORTFOLIO labelled with full name and course (side and front)
2. Cover with personal data in English.
3. Classroom rules
4. SEPARATORS: Notebook, Book, Reading Plan,
5. Book Student Book.
6. squared sheets.
7. The three Musketeers

At the end, T gives them the classwork rubric and explain it.
Besides, T gives them the metacognition strategy.
Investigación guiada

Meet the student

Introduce T gives ss a worksheet about some favourite aspects, some words that
myself describe them, and some personal information related to their learning

Classroom Commands
T gives ss a copy about most common classroom commands. By pairs, Ss
translate into Spanish the commands. After that, each ss create a word
search using English commands and write the clues in Spanish. Finally, Ss
exchange notebooks and solve the classmate´s word search.
Ss will play some games related to classroom commands:

Proyecto final de síntesis

T will develop some tests to make a whole diagnosis for each class and Ss.

Written test

Ss will write a paragraph about yesterday.

Oral Test

Ss give their personal information orally.

Reading Test

Ss read the first chapter of Three Musketeers and answer some questions
about it.

Listening Tests

Ss will copy a dialogue a complete it with some clues written on the board.

All the activities will be checked with a rubber stamp and analysed according
to the Ss’ English level and learning styles.

Ss present a digital English Diagnosis. After that, they create a DOFA for
improving their results.

NOTE: due to the low performances shown in the different diagnostic activities developed. The teacher
assigns autonomous work in SENA so that students can level pre-knowledge that they do not have for the
educational level in which they are.

HOJA DE SEGUIMIENTO ACADEMICO: T gives a chart with the activities and their percentages for the first

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