Anhetal2010 Pangasiuswaterpollution

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Water pollution by intensive brackish shrimp farming in South-East Vietnam:

causes and options for control

Article in Agricultural Water Management · June 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2010.01.018 · Source: RePEc


237 7,413

4 authors:

Pham Thi Anh C. Kroeze

Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMUTRANS), Vietnam Wageningen University & Research


Simon R. Bush Arthur P.j. Mol

Wageningen University & Research Wageningen University & Research


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Aquaculture Research, 2010, 42, 108^128 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02578.x

Water pollution by Pangasius production in the Mekong

Delta, Vietnam: causes and options for control

Pham Thi Anh1,2,3, Carolien Kroeze2, Simon R Bush3 & Arthur P J Mol3
Department of Environmental Technology and Management,Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam
Environmental System Analysis Group,Wageningen University,Wageningen,The Netherlands
Environmental Policy group,Wageningen University,Wageningen,The Netherlands

Correspondence: P. T. Anh, Department of Environmental Technology and Management, Van Lang University, 45 Nguyen Khac Nhu
street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city,Vietnam. E-mail:

Abstract Nguyen & De Silva 2009), at an average annual rate

of 35% since 2003 (Fig. 1, MARD 2009a), has led to a
In this paper, we analyse water pollution caused by
range of concerns over the environmental impact of
farming and processing Pangasianodon hypophthal-
both production and processing.Various claims have
mus in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The results
been made by consultants, NGOs and multi-lateral
show that 1tonne of frozen ¢llets releases 740 kg
organizations alike about the impact of water pollu-
BOD, 1020 kg COD, 2050 kg TSS, 106 kg nitrogen and
tion (e.g. Mantingh & Dung 2007; WWF 2009), drug
27 kg phosphorus, of which wastewater from ¢sh
and chemical use (Sarter, Nguyen, Hung, Lazard &
ponds contributes 60^90% and sludge from ¢sh
Montet 2007), adverse e¡ects of high feed conversion
ponds and wastewater from processing facilities con-
ratios (APFIC 2005), farm health management and
tributes 3^27% of the total emissions. Overall, the
disease control (Chinh 2005; Sinh 2007) and the car-
combined waste emissions from Pangasius produc-
rying capacities of terrestrial and aquatic environ-
tion and processing account for o1% of the total
ments (Braak 2007). In response, the industry and
TSS, nitrogen and phosphorus loads in the Mekong
Vietnamese government have invested in a range of
Delta. Despite the relatively low contribution to water
state and private safety and quality standard and cer-
pollution, further reductions are possible through
ti¢cation systems (see Bush, Khiem & Sinh 2009) in
more e⁄cient use of inputs and low-cost treatment
the hope of improving production and processing
and re-use of e¥uent streams. The use of cleaner pro-
practices, and allaying the concerns of consumers in
duction technologies and the development of waste-
international markets. However, despite continued
water treatment plants could be applied to large
international claims that Pangasius is ‘unsustain-
farms and processing facilities to reduce water pollu-
able’ (see Mans¢eld 2003; Bush & Duijf 2009), there
tion in Pangasius processing. Low-cost options for
remains relatively little scienti¢c evidence of the nat-
small-scale farms include the optimization of the dis-
ure or the extent of either production or processing
charge design for the re-use of wastewater.
on the environment of the Mekong Delta.
One of the most commonly voiced environmental
Keywords: Pangasius, farming, processing, waste-
concerns of Pangasius farming is the discharge of
wastewater and sludge from ponds (which now make
up 98% of the production), ranging in size from 0.2 to
1ha, into rivers and canals (RIA 2 2008). In addition,
the Pangasius processing industry, concentrated in
The rapid growth of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus the Mekong Delta close to Pangasius farming areas,
(Pangasius) aquaculture in the Mekong Delta of Viet- is also widely regarded as a major source of waste-
nam (Phan, Bui, Nguyen, Gooley, Ingram, Nguyen, water with high organic matter content. However,

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Aquaculture Research, 2010, 42, 108^128 Water pollution by Pangasius production in the Mekong Delta P T Anh et al.

1200 1128 Casani, Leth and Knchel (2006) evaluated the mi-
1000 crobiological safety issues associated with water re-

Production (thousand ton)

825 cycling during the production of shrimps (Pandalus
800 borealis) in brine, indicating how a hazard analysis
600 and critical control points (HACCP) approach led to
water recovery, treatment and recycling through re-
255 verse osmosis. More recently, Barros, MagaŁn, Valino,
200 163 Bello, Casares and Blanco (2009) indenti¢ed and as-
sessed the best available technologies for possible im-
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 plementation in a mussel canning facility. In this
Year paper, we follow a similar line of argumentation, by
analysing the source and relative contribution of
Figure 1 Pangasius production in the Mekong delta by
water pollution from Pangasius production and pro-
farming type. Sources: Dung (2008) and MARD (2009a).
cessing, and then focus on the potential of existing
technological solutions to mitigate any potential
the extent to which Pangasius production is a major impact.
source of water pollution in Vietnam is as yet not The paper is divided into ¢ve sections. The next
clear. Moreover, an environmental assessment of Pan- section deals with the methods applied during the re-
gasius production inVietnam that includes both Pan- search. The following two sections deal with the ana-
gasius farming as well as industrial processing does lysis of water pollution caused by Pangasius farming
not exist, nor does an inventory of low-cost technolo- and processing in turn. In directly addressing the re-
gical interventions options to reduce water pollution search questions above, both of these sections ¢rst
problems for Pangasius production and processing. present the empirical results of the water quality sys-
This paper provides an empirical analysis of water tems analysis and the second presents an inventory
pollution arising from Pangasius production and the of possible solutions, with a discussion of their feasi-
possible technical mitigation options. Our speci¢c ob- bility in the context of Vietnam. The ¢nal section out-
jectives are to: (1) identify the causes and impacts of lines the conclusions and provides recommendations
water pollution associated with Pangasius farming for suitable technologies and strategies in the context
and processing industry and (2) identify the possible of Vietnam.
options to reduce the water pollution relevant to dif-
ferent scales of production and processing in the
Mekong Delta of Vietnam. In doing so, our study
Materials and methods
is the ¢rst to systematically analyse the impact
of Pangasius production on water quality in the This paper uses an environmental system analysis
Mekong Delta of Vietnam. (ESA) approach, de¢ned as a practical strategy for
Our analysis draws on a wider literature focused on carrying out decision-oriented multidisciplinary re-
the identi¢cation of the environmental impacts of ¢sh search, using a broad range of analytical tools
production and processing in other countries. For in- (Quade & Miser 1997). A key objective of the ESA ap-
stance, Islam, Khan and Tanaka (2004) identi¢ed e¥u- proach is to aid decision makers faced with complex
ents from ¢sh and shrimp processing as a potential problems to make choices under uncertainty. More
source of coastal and marine pollution. Using existing speci¢cally, our study adopts a partial environmental
data, they analysed the global production and dis- systems analysis, following Quade and Miser (1997),
charge of waste from processing plants and discussed Pluimers (2001), Jawjit (2006) and Neto, Kroeze, Hor-
the options available for waste treatment and manage- dijk and Costa (2008), by de¢ning a system’s bound-
ment. Several other studies focus on technological ap- aries, identifying environmental indicators and
proaches for wastewater treatment and cleaner exploring solutions for mitigating impacts. The
production. Thrane, Nielsen and Christensen (2009) boundary is de¢ned by identifying and describing
reported signi¢cant environmental improvements in the relationship between inputs and outputs to the
selected companies producing pickled herring and system in question (Findeisen & Quade 1997). For
canned mackerel ^ especially concerning reduced Pangasius, this step requires identifying the most im-
water consumption, wastewater production and im- portant sources of water pollution associated with
proved use of ¢sh ‘waste’ for valuable by-products. farming and processing. Second, environmental indi-

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Water pollution by Pangasius production in the Mekong Delta P T Anh et al. Aquaculture Research, 2010, 42, 108–128

cators are selected and used to assess the extent and phosphorus and N-NH3. Temperature, pH and Coli-
nature of the environmental problem. Finally, we will forms were additionally measured in situ. All samples
identify reduction options to the water pollution pro- were analysed according to the Standard Methods of
blems proposed in accordance with the de¢ned sys- Water Sampling and Analysing (APHA 2005).
tem boundaries and our research objectives. Three Pangasius processing companies were
For this study, we distinguish two key systems also visited. One of these companies has the largest
based on their scale signi¢cance in the development processing capacity in An Giang Province at
of the industry: grow-out farming and frozen ¢llet 100 tonnes day  1, while the other two companies
processing. Hatchery and nursery farming are not in- are representative of more average processing plants,
cluded in this study (Fig. 2). with a capacity of 47 and 50 tonnes day  1 respec-
Information on these two sub-systems was ob- tively. Wastewater from these processing industries
tained through the literature, site visits as well as a was sampled and analysed following the same proce-
limited number of water and sediment quality experi- dure as for water from production ponds. The mea-
ments. Four Pangasius farms were visited, with a to- surement results have been reported to the Ministry
tal of 23 ponds, in My Hoa Hung commune, An Giang of Agriculture and Rural Development in an internal
province ^ an area considered typical of larger, com- report (Anh & Mai 2009a). This report also includes
mercial-scale farming operations (Schut 2009). Dur- the results of a pilot study in which wastewater from
ing these visits, detailed information was collected the Pangasius farm with a sedimentation pond was
through observation and interviews with farmers used to irrigate and fertilize rice ¢elds as a pollution
and technicians on the production processes and ac- reduction strategy. The following presents a synthesis
tivities of each sub-system, their associated waste- and interpretation of the results.
water problems and the e⁄ciency of current
solutions for mitigating pollutants. Additionally, was-
tewater and sludge were sampled from ¢ve ponds Results: Pangasius farming
during multiple visits to farms, at various times
System de¢nition
throughout the production cycle. Because farmers
exchange water every day, the diurnal variation in Our analysis focuses on Pangasius production in
the water quality is larger than the variation in the ponds, with particular attention to the preparation,
production cycle. Care was therefore exercised to cultivation and harvesting phases in the production
sample between 3 and 6 h after the water in the pond cycle (Fig. 3). In the preparation phase (I), the pond is
was exchanged. The quality of the water content and treated by draining the water, cleaning algae and
the settling capacity of the pond sludge were ana- grass from the bottom and surrounding embank-
lysed in three settling columns, each with 10 sam- ment, dredging sludge and lining the bottom with
pling valves. The water quality parameters used in Ca(OH)2 (10^15 kg/100 m2) to adjust the pH and dis-
the analysis were BOD, COD,TSS, total nitrogen, total infect the pathogens. After this, the pond is left empty

Pangasius Grow-out
Input farming system
Emission Water pollution
and Pangasius frozen fillet
medicine processing system

Pangasius Frozen Fillet

Figure 2 Schematic overview of the Pangasius production, including two systems:The Pangasius grow-out farming and
Pangasius frozen ¢llet processing system. The dashed line indicates the boundaries of the system studies here. See Fig. 4
for details.

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Pond construction products, including a wide variety of antibiotic, vita-

mins and probiotics available on the market for Pan-
Preparation phase
Pond treatment gasius farming alone (Chinh 2005). Most widely used
are vitamins and probiotic, although the wide variety
First water input of generic brand names means that it is not always
clear to farmers, processors and regulators alike as
Breeding stock to what exactly these probiotics contain (Mantingh
& Dung 2007). Exported ¢sh are often checked for
Feeding and Nursing antibiotic use by processing companies and import-
Cultivation phase
(II) ing authorities. However, there is also a high degree
Daily Water exchange of uncertainty regarding what impacts these drugs
and chemicals have on the surrounding environ-
Frequent Sludge discharge ment.
The farmers reported that the high daily water ex-
Harvesting change increases the growth rate of the ¢sh and the
Harvesting phase quality of the meat. More speci¢cally, high water
(III) Pond emptying throughput is believed to increase the proportion of
white meat, which is considered to be of the highest
Figure 3 Schematic overview of Pangasius production quality in European and North American markets
in ponds; Bold: included in this study.
(Khoi 2007). Feed also impacts water pollution be-
cause the surplus feed contributes a large concomi-
tant emission to the water phase. The amount of
and exposed for 2^3 days to further sterilize through surplus nutrient that is discharged from the pond dif-
ultraviolet radiation before being ¢lled again with fers depending on the phase of the grow-out cycle.
water directly from the nearest rivers or canals. The The percentage of daily water exchange is about
ponds sampled in My Hao Hung are a mix of ‘inland 20% during the ¢rst 3^4 months and 40% during
ponds’, located adjacent to river banks, with a surface the last 2^3 months (Anh & Mai 2009a). In addition,
of o5000 m2 and a depth of about 2^3 m, and‘island the sediment sludge from the bottom of the pond is
ponds’, located on riverside wetland areas or on river also comprised of redundant feed, faecal matter, al-
banks, with a surface area more than 5000 m2 and a gae and soil. In the farms visited, the sludge is dis-
depth of approximately 5 m deep (Mantingh & Dung charged from the ponds approximately once in every
2007). 2 months when the sediment level in the bottom of
In the cultivation phase (II), the pond is commonly the pond is about 20 cm thick with a part of water.
stocked at a density of about 20^40 ¢ngerlings m  2 The harvesting phase (III) begins after 6 months of
(Hao 2007). The ¢sh are then fed throughout an aver- the grow-out cycle, when individual ¢sh weight
age grow-out period of 5 months. Feeding is the most reaches 1^1.2 kg. After harvesting, the pond is once
expensive step in Pangasius farming (Hung & Huy again emptied and a large amount of wastewater
2006) and largely determines the pro¢tability of the and sludge are discharged into the surrounding en-
production (Phuong, Sinh, Thinh, Chau, Anh & Hau vironment. The emptied pond then repeats the pre-
2007). Two main types of ¢sh feed exist: industrial paration phase.
pellet feed and home-made feed. Home-made feed Based on this description, we distinguish between
can cause more sludge and water pollution because several sub-systems in Pangasius farming (see Fig. 4).
it is less e⁄cient, requiring larger quantities than pel- Within these sub-systems, four main activities are
let feed to reach the same growth rate of the ¢sh. This particularly critical for water quality: (1) chemicals
is in part the result of the di¡erence in the moisture and drugs use, (2) feed use, (3) water use and dis-
content between the two feeds. The feed conversion charge and (4) sediment discharge.We recognize the
ratio ranges between 2.0 and 3.5 for home-made feed environmental impact of pond construction, and
or between1.5 and1.7 for industrial pellet feed (Hung other production sub-systems, such as the produc-
& Huy 2006). tion of chemicals and medicine, fertilizer, Pangasius
If the ¢sh exhibit symptoms of disease, the farmers larvae, the production of pellet feed and electricity,
that we visited apply antibiotics following the in- but have excluded these from our system boundary
structions of a veterinarian. There are nearly 400 (Fig. 3).

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Water pollution by Pangasius production in the Mekong Delta P T Anh et al. Aquaculture Research, 2010, 42, 108–128

Sub-system Activity Pollutants Effects

Biomass CO2, CH4, NOx, Biodiversity

combustion CO, VOC, loss
Wastewater SS, Fe3+, AL3+,
discharge SO42–, SO2, NOx, Soil quality

Chemical & Accumulate

Pond treatment Chemical and Acidification
medicine use d chemical
& medicine
First water input
Fertilizer Global warming
NH3, CH4,
Feed use
Breeding stock
larvae Prod. Water
Feeding/ Nursing Nitrogen,
Pellet feed s
production Water exchange
Water use
and discharge BOD, TSS,
Frequency SO42–,
sludge discharge heavy
metal Sludge

Pangasius Harvesting
products Sludge Pathogen

Pond emptying

Figure 4 Schematic overview of Pangasius farming and its environmental impacts. The bold line indicates the system
boundary; bold system elements and the underlined substances are included in the analysis. Including eutrophication
and toxicity problems.

Assessment of water pollution after harvesting. Rainfall and evaporation were not
taken into account, because both can be considered
Our analysis monitors the £ow of pollutants from the
to be negligible when 30% of the pond water is ex-
pond system to the surrounding environment
changed on a daily basis regardless of the weather
through either wastewater or sludge. In this study,
conditions. It should also be noted that water use is
we refer to wastewater as the water discharged
relatively high in Pangasius farming compared with
through water exchange and emptying the pond at
other aquaculture production systems. For instance,
the end of the grow-out cycle. We are aware that
in shrimp production in Vietnam, farmers exchange
sludge also has a high moisture content; however,
15% of the pond water every 10 days (Anh, Kroeze,
we exclude this from the analysis. The environmental
Bush & Mol 2010).
indicators used to assess these pollution sources are
summarized in Table 1.
Water pollution by wastewater
To assess the indicators for pollution from waste-
water, a water balance of Pangasius ponds is used. In- Box 1 outlines the key parameters of a typical inten-
put water includes water supplied at the start of a sive Pangasius pond for the calculation of the volume
growing cycle and supplemented water pumped dur- of water use (Indicator 1.1; see Box 1 for the para-
ing the cycle. Wastewater includes the water that is meters used for calculation). Ignoring the slope be-
exchanged during the cycle and water discharged tween the surface and the bottom of the pond, as

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Table 1 Indicators for water pollution by Pangasius farming

Environmental issues Indicator number Indicators Unit

1. Wastewater 1.1 Total volume of water use m3 ha  1 year  1

1.2 Total volume of wastewater m3 ha  1 year  1
1.3 BOD mg L  1
1.4 COD mg L  1
1.5 TSS mg L  1
1.6 Total nitrogen mg L  1
1.7 Total phosphorus mg L  1
1.8 N–NH3 mg L  1
1.9 N–NO2 mg L  1
1.10 H2S mg L  1
1.11 DO mg L  1
1.12 Total Coliforms (pathogen) MNP/100 mL
2. Sludge 2.1 Volume of sludge m3 ha  1 year  1
2.2 BOD mg L  1
2.3 COD mg L  1
2.4 TSS mg L  1
2.5 Total nitrogen mg L  1
2.6 Total phosphorus mg L  1
2.7 N–NH3 mg L  1

Box 1 Typical characteristics of a Pangasius farming pond results with the results from Giang (2008), who
of 1ha sampled between farms that are infected and those
that are uninfected by common Pangasius diseases.
Area of the pond:10 000 m2
The water level in the pond: 4 m
He studied water quality in 64 intensive Pangasius
The daily water exchanged during the cultivation: 30% of farming ponds in the six main farming areas in An
pond water Giang province from March 2005 to December
Density at stocking: 30 Pangasius fish m  2 2006, with a total of 139 samples, comparing unin-
Average farming period: 6 months (180 days crop  1)
fected and infected farms, and analysing water sam-
Average mortality: 20%
Average final market weight of fish: 1 kg
ples according to Standard Methods of Water
Estimated production: 240 tonnes ha  1 crop  1 Sampling and Analysing (APHA 2005). These results
were complemented with data from Tuan (2007) and
Dan, Xuan and Phuc (2008). The resulting compila-
well as the di¡erences in the width and the length of tion of the wastewater characteristics is presented in
the pond, the volume of initially supplied water is Table 2 and compares the average (and range in) pol-
40 000 m3 and water exchange occurs at a rate of ap- lutant levels of wastewater that is discharged into riv-
proximately 2160 000 m3 ha  1 crop  1 (assuming ers with the national Vietnamese standards for river
180 days crop  1). This yields a total water supply for water quality (TCVN). If the pollution content of the
the entire crop of about 2200 000 m3 ha  1. wastewater of a farm does not exceed these stan-
The volume of wastewater (Indicator 1.2) is almost dards, we consider that farm to be non-polluting.
equal to the amount of water use, about The average values of water quality parameters gen-
2200 000 m3 ha  1 crop  1. Of this amount, we esti- erally do not exceed the Vietnamese surface water
mate that 8000 m3 ha  1 crop  1 is the moisture quality standards. However, when we consider the var-
content of sludge (see Indicator 2.1), while iation among ponds (as indicated by the minimum^
2192000 m3 ha  1 crop  1 is wastewater produced maximum range in Table 2), we conclude that there
through continual water exchange and emptying are probably many individual ponds where
the pond after harvest. the standards are exceeded. For instance, the average
The values we use for indicators 1.3 to 1.12 (BOD, N-NH3 concentration (1.4 mg L  1) is close to the stan-
COD, TSS, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, N-NH3, dard. However, Giang (2008) found that in 30% of the
N-NO2, H2S, DO, coliforms) are partly based on the ponds studied, the N-NH3 concentrations exceeded
literature, and partly on experimental research for 2 mg L  1. When the N-NH3 concentrations exceed
this study (Anh & Mai 2009a). We combined our 2 mg L  1 (Boyd & Tucker 1998), the water is rich in

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Table 2 Selected characteristics of the wastewater in Pangasius farming (wastewater), compared withVietnamese standards
for surface water quality (TCVN 5942 ^ 1995)

Parameters Unit Average (min^max) TCVN 5942 -1995

Temperature 1C 30.7 (27.5–34)

pH 7.8 (6.7–9.2) 5.5–9.0
BOD mg L  1 22 (10–78) o25
COD mg L  1 27 (23–196) o35
TSS mg L  1 61.0 (3.5–274.2) o80
Total nitrogen mg L  1 4.0 (3.2–6.0)
Total phosphorus mg L  1 1 (0.4–2.21)
N-NH3 mg L  1 1.4 (0.05–4.4) o1
N-NO2 mg L  1 0.158 (0.01–1.36) o0.05
H2S mg L  1 0.035 (0.001–0.64)
DO mg L  1 5.73 (0.44–15.90)  2
Coliforms MNP/100 mL 317.32  104 (63.2  104–640  104) 104

Source: compilation of results by Giang (2008), Tuan (2007), Dan et al. (2008) and this study.
TCVN 5942 ^ 1995: Vietnamese standard for surface water quality.
Bolds are indicators that are selected for analysis of this study.

nitrogen. The TSS loads also show a large variation ited analysis of sludge (in three farms), we found that
among ponds, which also varies by season. In the rainy the COD was 1769 mg L  1, BOD was 1061mg L  1,
season, the suspended solids in the rivers are higher TSS was 6497 mg L  1, N-NH3 was 12.8 mg L  1, total
and enter the ponds via daily water exchange. For a nitrogen was 45.6 mg L  1 and total phosphorus was
number of indicators, the maximum values measured 22.7 mg L  1. These values all far exceed the stan-
exceed the standards by a factor of 3^5 (e.g. BOD, COD, dards listed in Table 2. However, sludge is only of con-
TSS, N-NH3). For some indicators, the values do not de- cern when it is discharged into surface waters and, as
cline far below the standards, but given the large vo- discussed below, this is not always the case.
lume of wastewater, they indicate a large pollutant
loading in surrounding rivers (Dan et al. 2008). Simi- Pollution by unit of production
larly, the total coliforms in the wastewater samples are
Based on the results presented in Table 2, we can es-
very high when compared with the standard.
timate the pollution per tonne of fresh ¢sh and for the
By comparison, Table 2 indicates there are also
total Mekong Delta (Table 3; Fig. 5). We believe that
individual ponds that meet the water quality stan-
our per pond averages are representative for the total
dards because the lower end of the range of concen-
Pangasius production in the Mekong Delta, given
trations for most pollutants is well below these
that 90% of Pangasius is produced in ponds with a
standards. This indicates that not all Pangasius pro-
relatively small range in surface area. The results
duction is currently causing water pollution. We did
show that wastewater is the largest source of water
not investigate the reasons why some farms perform
pollution, responsible for between 60% and 90% of
better than the others. However, it may be related to
the nutrient loading from loading from Pangasius
di¡erences in farming practice or the amount of
ponds. The concentrations of pollutants in sludge
water used, causing a diluting e¡ect.
are much higher, but lower in volume. Nevertheless,
the discharge of sludge can cause local pollution pro-
Water pollution by sludge blems when it is discharged into surface waters.
Sludge settles at the bottom of pond and is pumped
out regularly every 2 months during the grow-out
Reduction options
phase and after harvesting. The calculated volume
of sludge (Indicator 2.1) discharged into the environ- The second objective of this study is to identify op-
ment is about 8000 m3 ha  1 crop  1 (Anh & Mai tions to reduce pollution in wastewater from Panga-
2009a). Not much data are available on sludge qual- sius ponds. This identi¢cation will in part be based on
ity ^ de¢ned by COD, BOD, TSS, total nitrogen, total the above analysis, taking into consideration the var-
phosphorus, N-NH3 (Indicators 2.2^2.5). In our lim- iation in pollutant concentrations in wastewater

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Table 3 Wastewater and sludge contaminant concentrations caused by Pangasius farming in the Mekong Delta

Measured Per tonne of fresh fishw Total for Mekong Deltaz

No Indicator Value Unit Value Unit Value Unit

I Wastewater ‰
1.1 Water use 2 200 000 m3 ha  1 year  1 9166.7 m3 tonne  1 10 340 000 000 m3 year  1
1.2 Wastewater production 2 192 000 m3 ha  1 year  1 9133.3 m3 tonne  1 10 302 400 000 m3 year  1
1.3 BOD content 22 mg L  1 200.9 kg tonne  1 226 652 800 kg year  1
1.4 COD content 27 mg L  1 246.6 kg tonne  1 278 164 800 kg year  1
1.5 TSS content 61 mg L  1 557.1 kg tonne  1 628 446 400 kg year  1
1.6 Total N content 4 mg L  1 36.5 kg tonne  1 41 209 600 kg year  1
1.7 Total P content 1 mg L  1 9.1 kg tonne  1 10 302 400 kg year  1
1.8 N-NH3 content 1.4 mg L  1 12.8 kg tonne  1 14 423 360 kg year  1
II Sludge
2.1 Sludge 8000 m3 ha  1 year  1 33.3 m3 tonne  1 37 600 000 m3
2.2 BOD content 1061 mg L  1 35.4 kg tonne  1 39 893 600 kg
2.3 COD content 1769 mg L  1 59.0 kg tonne  1 66 514 400 kg
2.4 TSS content 6497 mg L  1 216.6 kg tonne  1 244 287 200 kg
2.5 Total N content 45.6 mg L  1 1.5 kg tonne  1 1 714 560 kg
2.6 Total P content 22.7 mg L  1 0.8 kg tonne  1 853 520 kg
2.7 N-NH3 content 12.8 mg L  1 0.4 kg tonne  1 481 280 kg

Compilation results ^ see Table 2.

wCalculated from (1) based on the characteristic of box 1.
zAssuming 1128 ktonne total Pangasius Production in ponds (data for 2008 according to MARD 2009b).
‰Excluding N-NO2, H2S, DO.

90 Our analysis focuses on two general approaches for

wastewater mitigation (see Fig. 6). First, waste pre-
Pollutants' load (kg / ton)

70 vention and minimization at the source ^ including

60 good housekeeping (Ramjeawon 2000; Hennings-
50 son, Smith & Hyde 2001; Hyde, Smith, Smith & Hen-
40 ningsson 2001), changing to other raw material
30 inputs (Jorgenson & Wilcoxen 1990; Vigneswaran,
20 Jegatheesan & Visvanathan 1999) and adopting new
10 technologies. Second, through on- or o¡site recycling
0 and re-use of waste materials in other production
BOD/10 COD/10 TSS/10 Total N Total P
processes. O¡site re-use and recycling options create
Figure 5 Water pollution by Pangasius farming. Units: economic bene¢ts as less energy is consumed for pro-
kg per tonne of fresh Pangasius ¢sh. See Table 3 for more ducing new products from recycled materials, and it
details. spares the environment from further abuse and de-
gradation as less virgin material is used (EPA 1996).
among farms. The e¡ectiveness of a strategy or a If there are no possibilities of waste minimization or
technology is not the only criterion for the selection recycling and re-use, the treatment of waste streams
of promising options.We also take into consideration is the approach of last resort. The treatment technol-
economic feasibility. This is especially important, gi- ogies for aquaculture e¥uents are mainly based on
ven the reticence of farmers to make large invest- the mechanical separation of solids when draining
ments in upgrading farm infrastructure to mitigate water from the ponds, such as sedimentation tanks
water pollution when faced with high levels of eco- or ponds.
nomic risk (Phuong et al. 2007; N. T. T. Loc, S. R. Bush,
L. X. Sinh & N. T. Khiem, unpubl. obs.). Several
Waste prevention and minimization in the ¢sh ponds
sources of information are used to identify and evalu-
ate wastewater mitigation options, including the lit- The di¡erent measures, summarized in Table 4 and
erature, newly collected information from ¢eld outlined below, include techniques for the reduction
research and the systems analysis presented above. of water, feed, chemicals and drugs use, as well as

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Water pollution by Pangasius production in the Mekong Delta P T Anh et al. Aquaculture Research, 2010, 42, 108–128

Clean water

Waste prevention:
- Water use reduction
- Feed use reduction Constructed

- Chemical/medicine
use reduction Wastewater wetland or River
- Treatment of input water reuse
- Good farm cleaning

Sludge Sediment pond

Reuse of sludge

Figure 6 Options to reduction water pollution by Pangasius farming.

the treatment of input water and improved farm crowding near the ozone devices. The number of
cleaning. mortalities was reduced by 35^50% compared with
Water use reduction in aquaculture includes several ponds without ozone aeration. The pH increased
techniques, of which only two are currently under (from 6.5 to 7.1), leading to the precipitation of alu-
investigation for Pangasius farming in Vietnam: minium, and the other parameters such as TSS,
ozone aeration and the use of probiotics. Both tend COD, BOD and N-NH3 were also signi¢cantly re-
to improve the water quality in the pond, as a result duced. However, ozone aeration is currently not yet
of which the frequency of pumping water into the being applied in Pangasius farming because Panga-
ponds can be reduced. It should be noted that these sius can survive at relatively low oxygen levels. As a
two techniques have not been tested thoroughly un- result, ozone aeration requires the installation of a
der tropical conditions, and their economic feasibility full aeration system, making it a relatively expensive
needs further study. Nevertheless, we include these option.
in our study because they seem to be promising op- Probiotics are microorganisms that can feed on or-
tions for pollution control. We consider the costs of ganic substances and other minerals. As a result, the
ozone aeration and probiotics to be considerable for mass of living organisms in ponds increases after the
Vietnamese farmers and classify these options as re- introduction of probiotics. These organisms are used
latively expensive. for the conversion of organic and inorganic sub-
Ozone aeration technology is used widely in aqua- stances from aquacultural waste. Attempts have
culture production in the United States, Korea and been made to use probiotic bacteria in aquaculture
India. It has several advantages for farmers and the to improve water quality by balancing the bacterial
environment.With this technology, ozone is aerated population in water and reducing pathogenic bacter-
into ponds via ozone generation equipment. Ex- ial loads. Hui-Rong, Yong, Wei-Shang and Huai-Shu
changing water in ponds is then not necessary and, (1999) studied the use of Alken Clear-Flo1200 bacter-
as a result, the associated environmental pollution ia in raising Penaeus japonicus and noted a signi¢cant
is minimized. This method has also proved to be reduction in the level of ammonia after 1 week rela-
economically e⁄cient. For instance, the produc- tive to a control pond. Similar ¢ndings have been re-
tion of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in ponds using ported by Austin, Baudet and Stobie (1992), Abidi
ozone aeration has been recorded at around (2003) and Go¤mez, BalcaŁzar and Shen (2007). InViet-
10 000 kg ha  1, while the highest productivity in nam, virtually no research has been conducted on
ponds using a water fan ranges between 4000 and the e¡ects of probiotics despite the fact they are ap-
6000 kg ha  1 (LieŒm 2008). Luan (2008) experi- plied liberally in both Pangasius and shrimp farming.
mented with ozone aeration in Pangasius ponds To ensure their proper use, it is necessary to have
and identi¢ed several positive e¡ects on water qual- clearer guidelines and control over private sector
ity. The ¢sh were observed to be eating normally and extension workers, in conjunction with publically

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Table 4 Options for the reduction of water pollution by Pangasius farming in the Mekong Delta

Pollutants or Subsystem and

Description problems activity Currently applied/
Name of option of the option reduced to be applied Remarks costs

Waste prevention and minimization at source

Water use reduction Techniques for cleaning Volume of Water Reduce volume Hardly applied;
water so that less wastewater refreshment of water use and relatively expensive
pumping is needed: wastewater options
ozone aeration and
Feed use reduction More efficient feed use: BOD, COD, SS, Feeding Reduce surplus At least half of the
replace homemade feed feed in sediment farms use homemade
by good quality pellet feed feed; pellet feed more
Chemical, medicine Techniques for efficient Accumulated Pond Reduce amount Not applied; if applied
use reduction use of chemicals and chemicals and treatment/nursing of accumulated appropriately, no cost
drugs drugs chemicals and included but gains
drugs in the sludge
Treatment of inlet Techniques for cleaning Risk of Pangasius First water input, Reduce risk of Filtering is not applied;
water and good farms and filtering inlet disease and dead water intake and disease and dead relatively costly
farm cleaning water fish pond emptying fish, (one of
the cause of water
Treatment and reuse of waste stream
Sludge treatment Using a pond for settling All substances Frequency sludge Dewatering sludge o10% of farms
in sediment ponds the sludge, the effluent can discharge and pond can be used for level- applied; costs are
be treated as wastewater emptying ling of low land or relatively low if land is
putting in fruit garden available
Treatment of Sub-surface horizontal All substances Water exchange Not applied; costs are
wastewater in flow constructed Pond emptying moderate if land is
constructed wetland is possible and effluent from available
wetlands sediment pond
Reuse wastewater Land treatment of All substances Water exchange Investment costs Pilot for use of
with optimization of wastewater in agriculture and pond can be considerable, wastewater in rice field,
the discharge design emptying the additional no optimization of
operational costs are discharge design
relatively low.

Source: Hau (2008).

accessible guidelines for farmers on suitable probio- of scale, cannot pro¢tably use them (e.g. Phuong et al.
tics, thereby increasing their e⁄ciency and reducing 2007). More research is needed on how both techni-
pollution. cal and economic improvements in feed e⁄ciency
Feed use reduction is another option to reduce pollu- can be achieved, especially as at least 50% of the
tion, given that redundant feed is the most important farms continue using home-made feed in An Giang
factor in the generation of waste sludge. Hung and province, where most of the Pangasius is grown
Huy (2006) concluded that high-quality industrial (Hoa 2008).
pellet feed is more e⁄cient for Pangasius than Improved chemicals and drug use is an important
home-made feed, thereby signi¢cantly improving step in reducing pollutants in wastewater, sludge
the water quality and reducing pressure on loca- and the accumulation of these components in the
lly sourced ‘trash ¢sh’ from nearby coastal areas (see ¢sh itself. A series of state guidelines for correct doses
APFIC 2005). However, it is also more expensive, cost- and frequencies for applying chemicals and drugs al-
ing from 3.6% to 14.2% more than home-made feed. ready exist in the Pangasius industry. However, like
In many cases, farmers are aware of the bene¢ts of probiotics, there is very little control over private sec-
using industrial feeds, but given their poor economy tor agents, leading to con£icting information for the

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majority of smaller farmers. Larger farms have over- make re-use possible. Currently, some farmers in An
come this by hiring university graduates to manage Giang and Can Tho provinces have used the desic-
the more technical aspects of production (Loc, Bush, cated sludge for levelling low land areas. Some farm-
Sinh & Khiem 2010). The most likely driver for chan- ers have placed it in fruit gardens with mango,
ging chemical and drug use will be economic: farm- longan and other fruits (Anh & Mai 2009b). The re-
ers need to be convinced that when applied use of desiccated sludge resulted in improved yields
appropriately, reduced chemical and drug use will and reduced number of insects. Importantly, it also
not lead to lower Pangasius yields and can therefore appeared to be easy to implement for farmers, at low
signi¢cantly reduce the marginal costs. costs. Nevertheless, more research is needed on the
Treatment of input water and pond cleaning can re- practical and long-term aspects of treatment and re-
duce the prevalence and impact of external patho- use of sludge.
gens and pollutants. Currently, un¢ltered river There are many methods for the treatment and re-
water is pumped into ponds. Filtering will reduce use of wastewater. In general, the selection of treat-
the risk of pathogens and reduce the frequency of dis- ment technologies depends on the characteristics of
eases and fouling from dead ¢sh. Filtering can be car- the wastewater, e¥uent requirements, available land
ried out when water is ¢rst pumped into the pond, as and the demands with respect to energy and chemi-
well as throughout the grow-out cycle and when the cal use. In the case of the water exchange from Pan-
pond is emptied. However, a major deterrent is the gasius ponds, the treatment technology has to ¢t
cost of installing ¢lters, making this a relatively with the high volume of wastewater and the low con-
expensive, and for the majority of farmers, unviable centration of pollutants and be manageable in the
option. rural area. For these reasons, the methods of waste-
water treatment should be simple, with limited use of
mechanized equipment and chemicals. Although
Treatment and re-use of e¥uent streams
large areas of land are needed, wetland ¢ltration
The treatment and re-use of e¥uent streams include methods are considered to be the most technically
both the treatment and the re-use of the sludge and and economically feasible options for the Mekong
the treatment and re-use of wastewater. The costs of Delta (Dan et al. 2008).
these options are relatively low, provided that land is Constructed wetlands represent a natural treat-
available. ment system based on biological symbiosis between
Desiccated sludge removed from sedimentation macrophytes and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi,
ponds can be reused in agriculture. Sedimentation algae) and their interactions with the soil (Schulz
ponds collect runo¡ and allow soil and debris to settle 2003). Schulz (2003) shows that subsurface horizon-
out, thereby avoiding the discharge of water that con- tal-£ow constructed wetlands, consisting of a coarse
tains suspended solids in excess of water quality dis- sand bed with emergent macrophytes, can be used
charge standards (Caldwell 2008). Despite being for the treatment of e¥uent of aquaculture £ow-
required in national legislation, currently o10% of through systems applying hydraulic retention times
¢sh farms have sedimentation ponds, usually be- of 1.5, 2.5 and 7.5 h. The treatment e⁄ciencies of TSS
cause of the relatively large area of land necessary and COD were in the range of 96^97% and 64^74%,
for their construction (Hoa 2008). For sedimentation respectively, and appeared to be independent of hy-
ponds to be applied more widely, improved systems draulic load. The removal rates of total nitrogen and
for the treatment and re-use of sludge and waste- total phosphorus were 21^42% and 49^69%, respec-
water are needed. tively, showing lower e⁄ciencies at decreasing resi-
Our laboratory experiments show that sludge from dence times. Clogging phenomena of the sand bed at
wastewater settles quickly (Anh & Mai 2009a). In1h, high TSS loading rates (9^73 g TSS m  2 day  1) were
the sludge volume can be reduced to o20% of its ori- expected, but were not observed during the 6 months
ginal volume. For this reason, sedimentation ponds the experiments lasted.
can be considered to be an e¡ective and simple way Compared with conventional treatment methods,
to reduce pollution of sludge. After 1h of sedimenta- constructed wetlands tend to be simple, inexpensive
tion, the supernatant still contains most of the nitro- (where a su⁄cient supply of ¢lter bed material is
gen and phosphorus present in the wastewater. In available) and environmentally friendly. Constructed
general, the sludge at the bottom of the sedimenta- wetlands also provide food and habitat for wildlife
tion pond requires further desiccation in order to and create pleasant landscapes. The disadvantage of

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this technology is the need for a large area of land at Chau Phu district. In this project, wastewater from
low loading rates. If hydraulic retention times in the di¡erent ¢sh ponds is discharged into the common ir-
order of 6^8 h are used, as applied by Schulz (2003), rigation system (Anh et al. 2010). The wastewater
they would be more suitable for treating e¥uent from then passes through rice ¢elds and is discharged into
Pangasius ponds, given that the land requirement the environment with a continuous £ow. An analysis
would be relatively modest. of this £ow showed that BOD5,TSS, total nitrogen and
Another option for more optimal re-use of waste- total phosphorus decreased signi¢cantly. In addition,
water is changes to the discharge design. Wastewater all rice farmers who use this system agree that the
from ¢sh ponds usually contains nutrients and or- rice grows very well, with a high production, and
ganic substances. Therefore, re-use of this waste- that large amounts of fertilizers are saved (Anh et al.
water in agriculture for irrigation and fertilization 2010) (Table 4).
can reduce environmental pollution. It can also save
production costs when wastewater replaces the use
of synthetic fertilizers. This is turn reduces energy Results: Pangasius frozen fillet
use and emissions of greenhouse gases during the processing
production of synthetic fertilizers, such as N2O and
System de¢nition
CO2 (IPCC 2006). For the development of irrigation
systems, the investment costs can be considerable. In Vietnam, almost all Pangasius processing indus-
However, in most parts of the Mekong Delta, irriga- tries are located close to Pangasius farming areas in
tion systems are already available and any additional An Giang, Can Tho, Dong Thap and Vinh Long pro-
operational costs for including wastewater from Pan- vinces in the Mekong Delta. The most common ex-
gasius would be relatively low. port product is frozen ¢llets, for which the Pangasius
Optimization of the discharge design is needed for is processed into block quick frozen (BQF) or indivi-
better re-use of wastewater. It is necessary to study dual quick frozen (IQF) forms. We may distinguish
irrigation and drainage systems that can combine four sub-systems in the ¢lleting processing of both
aquaculture farming with agricultural production BQF and IQF: (1) pre-treatment (2) ¢lleting of ¢sh, (3)
and not pollute the environment. These methods trimming of ¢llet and (4) freezing, packing and sto-
can be applied in regions where su⁄cient crop land rage (Fig. 6). We refer to these as processing subsys-
surrounds the aquaculture activities. It is of utmost tems (Fig. 7). Two other sub-systems not included in
importance to gain insights into the impact of the our analysis are (5) ice production for chilling the
treatment and re-use methods on pathogens from Pangasius during the process and (6) cleaning in all
Pangasius ponds to avoid the transmission of the dis- the steps during and after processing.
ease to other ponds. A good plan for wastewater and Figure 7 shows the typical method of the frozen ¢l-
sediment discharge ensures that the wastewater does let processing phase into either BQF or IQF forms.
not return directly to the river or over£ow to another After the ¢sh are transported from the pond to the
system. factory by boat, they are (1) weighed, classi¢ed and
Two examples of such systems are evident in An soaked in basins with chloride (2^10 ppm) for clean-
Giang province. First, a low-cost technology dis- ing and temporary paralysis, and (2) slaughtered and
charge design has been developed by the An Giang soaked in basins with chloride (0.5^1ppm). The
Fisheries Association (AFA), which has successfully chloride ranges are reportedly in line with HACCP-
combined Pangasius farming with rice cultivation, based sector standards (MOFI 1998a, b) and re£ect
yielding two crops per year. In this system, waste- the optimal range of concentrations to apply. Water
water from Pangasius ponds was used to irrigate the is exchanged once per tonne of raw ¢sh in steps 1
rice ¢elds, reducing the need for fertilizer use. This and 2. Filleting of ¢sh is also carried out in two steps.
system has been applied with success for more than (3) The ¢sh are ¢rst ¢lleted under the water tap and
3 years by several farmers in My Thoi, Khanh Hoa in washed in three basins with chloride (2^10 ppm)
Long Xuyen City (Quyen 2008). A series of additional with a water exchange frequency of once per 10 bas-
bene¢ts have also been observed such as using the kets (100^150 kg of ¢sh basket  1). Next, the skin will
water for alternative aquaculture species (Van 2007) be taken o¡ from the ¢llet (4) and collected for use in
and watering Indian taro ¢elds (Diep 2007). other processing systems. Trimming of ¢llets starts
Second, a pilot study was developed through an with (5) weighting ¢llets to obtain 5 kg basket  1, re-
IDRC-funded project in farms in Hoa Lac Village, forming (i.e. removal of remaining fat, bones, skin

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(1) Receiving, weighing, 1st soaking

(2) Slaughtering, 2nd soaking

(3) Filleting, 1st washing

Filleting of fish
(4) Cutting off the skin

(5) Weighing, reforming, 2nd washing

(6) 1st checking, weighing, classify in

color and size

(7) Cutting surplus part and parasite

Trimming of fillet

(8) Weighing, 3rd washing

(9) Grading

(10) Classifying in color and size,

checking, 4th washing

(11) Freezing
Freezing, packing and storage
(12) Packing and storage

Figure 7 Processing of fresh Pangasius into frozen ¢llets (as block or individual).

and red parts) and washing in basins with chloride BQF or IQF product uses an average of 2.6 kg of fresh
(2^10 ppm). The water exchange frequency is once Pangasius.
per 500 baskets. Next, the ¢llets undergo a ¢rst Within the six sub-systems that comprise ¢llet pro-
check, and are weighed and classi¢ed with respect cessing, we identify eight key activities, of which four
to size and colour (6). The surplus parts of the ¢sh cause water pollution: (1) water use and discharge,
are removed and the ¢llets are tested for parasites (2) blood removal, (3) fat removal (4) and removal of
(7). The ¢llets are then weighed into baskets of 10 kg small fragments (Fig. 8). However, it should be noted
and washed to remove the remaining fat and frag- that there are other environmental problems asso-
mented parts in water with chloride (2^10 ppm). Dur- ciated with Pangasius production. For instance, a re-
ing this step, water is also changed once per 500 latively large amount of electricity is used for freezing
baskets (8). The ¢llets are then treated with a solution and ice production.We are aware of these other envir-
in order to limit water loss from the ¢sh and optimize onmental pressures caused by the processing indus-
the form of ¢llets (9). After that, the ¢llets are graded try. However, we limit our analysis to the impacts of
and checked with respect to colour and size (10), and wastewater.
washed in a basin with chloride (3^5 ppm). Finally,
freezing, packaging and storage start with the
Assessment of environmental pressure
actual freezing to BQF or IQF and re-icing (11), after
which the product can be packed and stored in a Wastewater generated from ¢sh processing contains
cold storage room (12). Overall, each kg of either organic material in the form of oils, blood, proteins

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and suspended solids, as well as potentially high Water pollution

levels of phosphates and nitrates. To assess the poten-
The volumes of water use and wastewater (Indicators
tial environmental impact, we identi¢ed the follow-
3.1 and 3.2) are calculated from the survey data for
ing indicators: the volume of water use, the volume
di¡erent steps in the process. The inventory included
of wastewater generated and the BOD, COD,TSS, total
various activities, such as the amount of water used
nitrogen, total phosphorus and coliforms contents of
in each soaking and washing basin, inputs of raw
the wastewater (Table 5). In the following, these indi-
material and ¢llet production and water for cleaning.
cators are investigated and, if possible, quanti¢ed.
The average water use per tonne of raw ¢sh found in
This is in part based on data from three di¡erent Pan-
three factories with di¡erent capacities ranged from
gasius processing factories in An Giang province col-
6.2 to 12.7 m3 (see Fig. 9). These data are reasonable if
lected in 2006 and 2007. These factories do not yet
compared with the ¢gures of Jesperson, Christiansen
apply cleaner production technologies in their pro-
and Hummelmose (2000), who calculated 5^11m3 of
duction process.

Sub- system Activities Pollutants Effects

Electricity use Other effects

production Pre-
Water use and Water pollution
Water Surplus
supply chloride
of fish Chloride use

Blood removal TSS,
Chloride Trimming Odor
production of fillets phosphorus,
Fat removal

Large Organic Solid

Freezing Removal of waste  by
PE bag organic
packing heads, bones, products
production fragments
and organs, tissues,
storing skin, large
fragments and
Plastic unwanted fillet
string Ice
production production Removal of small

Carton box Use of PE bags,

production Cleaning plastic strings,
solid waste
carton boxes

Figure 8 Schematic overview of Pangasius frozen ¢llet production and its environmental impact; bold lines indicate the
system boundary; bold system elements are included in the analysis.

Table 5 Indicators for water pollution caused by Pangasius processing

Environmental issues Indicator number Indicators Unit

Water pollution 3.1 Volume of water use m3

3.2 Volume of wastewater m3
3.3 BOD content of wastewater mg L  1
3.4 COD content of wastewater mg L  1
3.5 TSS content of wastewater mg L  1
3.6 Total nitrogen concentration mg L  1
3.7 Total phosphorus concentration mg L  1
3.8 Number of coliforms MNP/100 mL

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water use per tonne of raw white ¢sh and 5^8 m3 for are therefore synthesized from Jesperson et al. (2000),
oily ¢sh. Based on our calculation, the total water use Caravan (1991) and our measurements. In the calcu-
for 1128 000 tonnes of Pangasius in 2008 is then es- lations, we take into account the highest loads. Fol-
timated to be between 7 and 14 million m3. lowing Jesperson et al. (2000), the highest loads for
Fish processing industries in Vietnam have to es- ¢lleting oily ¢sh are for BOD: 50 kg tonne  1 of ¢sh,
tablish their own wastewater treatment systems for COD: 85 kg tonne  1, total nitrogen: 2.5 kg tonne  1
a range of pollutants including BOD, COD, TSS, total and total P: 0.3 kg tonne  1. The TSS level was taken
nitrogen, total phosphorus and coliforms (Indicators from our measurement and Caravan (1991). Para-
3.3^3.8). According to the Vietnamese Environmental meters such as pH and total coliforms are not avail-
Law, they are not allowed to discharge untreated was- able from the literature. We therefore used our own
tewater into rivers or canals. However, not all compa- measurements and found a maximum wastewater
nies apply e¡ective wastewater treatments. In one of generation of 12.7 m3 per tonne of ¢sh.
the companies that we surveyed, the daily waste- When compared with the Vietnamese standard for
water was 800 m3, while the wastewater treatment industrial wastewater discharging into the receiving
capacity was 500 m3 day  1. This means that about water, which is used for transport, aquaculture and
300 m3 of untreated wastewater is discharged di- irrigation, all parameters in the wastewater from
rectly into the surrounding rivers and canals per day. Pangasius processing are very high. They range from
Research from other countries has indicated that three times (for the total nitrogen content) to more
pollutants from ¢sh processing show a considerable than 20 times (for COD, BOD and total coliforms)
range, for example, from 100 to 200 000 mg L  1 for higher than the national Vietnamese standards.
BOD and up to 120 000 mg L  1 for suspended solids
(Islam et al. 2004). Nutrients such as nitrogen and
Pollution by unit of production
phosphorus may be absent or so high that biological
treatment becomes di⁄cult. There were also consid- Table 7 presents the overall pollution per tonne of
erable di¡erences between the three Pangasius pro- fresh ¢sh, and for the total Mekong Delta. The latter
cessing factories that we sampled in terms of water is based on a maximum wastewater production per
use, processing techniques and in how wastewater tonne of ¢llet ¢sh processing of 12.7 m3 and
was handled. Because of this variability, we supple- 1128 000 tonnes of Pangasius processing in the Me-
mented data from measurements in the three Vietna- kong Delta in 2008. Based on these ¢gures, we esti-
mese factories with information from the literature. mate the total pollutant load in Mekong Delta from
Pollutant loading in wastewater of ¢lleting white ¢sh Pangasius processing in 2008 to be approximately
reported by UNEP (2000) is relatively high compared 56 ktonnes BOD year  1; 96 ktonne COD year  1;
with what we measured in the three processing in- 17 ktonneTSS year  1;3 ktonne total nitogen year  1;
dustries in Vietnam. The results presented in Table 6 and 338 tonne total P year  1. If we compare these

Water input Water distribution Water output

2.8 – 5.7 m3

Fresh water Filleting of fish Wastewater
1.2 – 2.5 m3
6.2 – 12.7 m3 6.16 -12.66 m3
Water + ice
Trimming of fillets
1.3 – 2.7 m3
Ice production In the products
0.5 m3 Water + ice Freezing, packing 0.04 m3
0.2 – 0.4 and storage

Water Cleaning and water

0.7 – 1.4 m3 lost

Figure 9 Water balance for the processing of one tonne of Pangasius fresh ¢sh.

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loads to the total river loads of TSS, total nitogen and high contents of pollutants, but because of their rela-
total phosphorus in the Mekong of 380 806 Gg year  1 tively small volumes, these waste streams only con-
(Seitzinger, Harrison, Dumont, Beusen & Bouwman tribute 3^27% of the total pollution.
2005), we ¢nd that Pangasius processing accounts
for o1% of the total TSS, nitrogen and phosphorus.
Reduction options
To calculate the total water pollution per tonne of
frozen ¢llet product, we summarize the results from Pangasius processing consumes large quantities of
Tables 3 and 7 into Fig.10.We base this calculation on water and discharges signi¢cant quantities of organ-
the assumption that 2.6 tonnes of fresh ¢sh is needed ic material, both as e¥uent and as solid waste. How-
to produce 1tonne of a frozen ¢llet product (see ‘Sys- ever, there is relatively little use of hazardous
tem de¢nition’). From this, we estimate the average substances and most of the solid waste is organic ma-
estimated pollutants’s load for producing 1tonne of terial from the ¢sh, which can be recycled in animal
Pangasius frozen ¢llet to be about 740 kg BOD, feed industries. The following reviews water pollu-
1020 kg COD, 2050 kg TSS, 106 kg nitrogen and 27 kg tion reduction technologies falling under the cate-
phosphorus. gories of cleaner production technology and second
Our results also show that wastewater from Pan- wastewater treatment plants.
gasius ponds is a relatively larger source of water pol-
lution than processing, contributing 60^90% to the
Cleaner production technologies
total loadings of pollutants to the Mekong Delta from
Pangasius production. Sludge from ¢sh ponds and Water pollution can be diminished by reducing water
wastewater from processing facilities have relatively consumption, reducing pollutant loadings of ¢sh pro-

Table 6 Composition of wastewater from Pangasius processing factories

Indicators Unit Value Sources TCVN 5945-1995, B

pH – 6.8–8 1 5.5–9
TSS mg L  1 1190 1, 2 50
COD mg L  1 6692 3 100
BOD5 mg L  1 3937 3 50
Total nitrogen mg L  1 197 3 60
Total phosphorus mg L  1 24 4 6
Total coliforms MNP 100 mL  1 43  104 1 104

Source: (1) This study; (2) Caravan (1991); (3) calculated following Jesperson et al. (2000).
TCVN 5945 ^ 1995, Vietnamese standard for industrial wastewater discharging into the receiving water which use for transport,
aquaculture, irrigation ^ type B (for water supply source ^ Type A).

Table 7 Pollution caused by processing of Pangasius to frozen ¢llets in the Mekong Delta

Measured Per tonne of fresh fishw Total for Mekong Deltaz

No Indicators Value Unit Value Unit Value Unit

1 1
3.1 Water use 12.7 3
m tonne 12.7 3
m tonne 14325600 m3 year  1
3.2 Wastewater production 12.7 m3 tonne  1 12.7 m3 tonne  1 14325600 m3 year  1
3.3 BOD content 3937 mg L  1 50 kg tonne  1 56400000 kg year  1
3.4 COD content 6692 mg L  1 85 kg tonne  1 95880000 kg year  1
3.5 TSS content 1190 mg L  1 15 kg tonne  1 16920000 kg year  1
3.6 Total N content 197 mg L  1 2.5 kg tonne  1 2820000 kg year  1
3.7 Total P content 24 mg L  1 0.3 kg tonne  1 338400 kg year  1

From Table 6.
wCalculated assuming 12.7 m3 wastewater per tonne of fresh ¢sh.
zAssuming a total production of 1128 ktonne of Pangasius fresh ¢sh in ponds.

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250 £ows and collecting waste in a dry state using dry

Processing cleaning methods. Additional bene¢ts from improved
200 wastewater housekeeping include optimization of existing pro-
Pollutants' load (kg / ton)

Sludge cesses.

150 Farming
Wastewater Wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment methods in the ¢sh processing
industry are based on a range of physical, chemical
and/or biological processes (Rollo¤n 1999; Hung
2004; European Commission 2006; Sridang, Kai-
man, Pottier & Wisniewski 2006). Biological pro-
0 cesses are usually used in conjunction with physical
BOD/10 COD/10 TSS/10 Total N Total P
and chemical processes, with the main objective of
Figure 10 Water pollution by the production of frozen reducing the organic and nutrient contents of waste-
Pangasius ¢llet. The graph shows pollution from ponds water (United Nations 2003). The application of anae-
and processing. Units: kg pollutant per tonne of ¢llet. robic biological techniques has been popular in the
¢sh processing industry, with high COD removal e⁄-
ciencies (75^80%) at volumetric loading rates of 3^
4 kg COD m^3 day (Balsev-Olesen & Lyngaard 1990;
cessing e¥uent and by end of pipe treatment of was-
Mendez, Soto & Lena 1992). Hung (2004) concluded
tewater. Fish processing factories in Vietnam have
that 60^70% of the biogas produced by a balanced
been encouraged to apply cleaner production tech-
and well-functioning anaerobic system consists of
nology by the government and international agen-
methane, with the rest being mostly carbon dioxide
cies, with little success (Mitchell 2006). For reducing
and minor amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen. This
water consumption and pollutant load of ¢sh proces-
biogas is an ideal fuel for producing low-cost electri-
sing e¥uent, there are several cleaner production
city and providing steam for use in the stirring and
opportunities through improved management tech-
heating of disinfection tanks. In addition, the reduc-
niques and technology. The cleaner production
tion in methane renders these technologies eligible
options include good housekeeping, process optimi-
for cleaner development mechanism (CDM) funding
zation, raw material substitution, new technology
under the Kyoto protocol. In a CDM programme,‘car-
and new product design (Ashford, Clarke, De Larder-
bon credit’ represents reduction in the amount of
el, Oldenburg, De Hoo & Kryger 1994). Thrane et al.
greenhouse gas emissions from an emission source.
(2009) have shown that most of the easiest improve-
Carbon credits can be claimed by issuing certi¢ed
ments in water quality can be gained through better
emission reductions (CERs) through advanced anae-
housekeeping practices and mainly through more ef-
robic wastewater treatment (Show & Lee 2008).
¢cient cleaning procedures. For instance, in one Pan-
gasius factory, the installation of a high-pressure
washer required an investment of about US$1000,
Discussion and conclusions
while the savings were about US$1900 per year
(Dan, Visvanathan & Kumar 2003). Large reductions The results presented in this paper are the ¢rst to sys-
can be made by making cleaning sta¡ aware of water tematically estimate the extent and nature of water
consumption, for example by encouraging them to pollution from Pangasius farming and processing on
register their water consumption after each day. This the environment of the Mekong Delta. Our results
only requires an investment in a few water meters, a from Pangasius grow-out farms show that pollutant
piece of paper and a pencil. loadings from wastewater and sludge in order to pro-
Other opportunities for reducing the pollutant duce1tonne of Pangasius ¢sh are 201and 35 kg BOD,
load of ¢sh processing wastewater principally focus 247 and 59 kg COD, 557 and 217 kg TSS, 37 and 1.5 kg
on avoiding the loss of raw materials and products to total nitrogen, 9 and 0.8 kg total phosphorus. Our re-
the e¥uent stream. This can be achieved in several sults from processing Pangasius into frozen ¢llets
ways such as by following good practices in ¢lleting show that emissions contributing towards water pol-
and trimming, including the use of sharper knives, lution for producing 1tonne of Pangasius ¢llet pro-
not adding small fragments of ¢sh to wastewater duct are 130 kg BOD, 221kg COD, 39 kg TSS, 6.5 kg

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Aquaculture Research, 2010, 42, 108^128 Water pollution by Pangasius production in the Mekong Delta P T Anh et al.

nitrogen and 0.8 kg phosphorus. Scaling these re- treatment plants. Several low-cost cleaner produc-
sults up, we estimate the overall pollution by Panga- tion opportunities are currently applicable to small,
sius production as the sum of emissions from medium and large processing factories including im-
wastewater, sludge and processing wastewater for proved management techniques and low-tech tech-
1tonne of ¢llet product and analysed the relative nologies such as the application of anaerobic
shares of these sources in the overall pollutants’ load- wastewater treatment, which have the added bene¢t
ing. We conclude that the overall emissions asso- of potentially generating alternative income streams
ciated with the production of 1tonne of Pangasius from carbon credit schemes. Given the attention that
frozen ¢llet product amount to 740 kg BOD, 1020 kg is being paid to the sustainability of Pangasius,
COD, 2050 kg TSS, 106 kg nitrogen and 27 kg phos- further research is urgently needed inVietnam to es-
phorus. Wastewater from ¢sh ponds is the largest tablish more exact costs associated with each of the
source of water pollution, contributing between technologies proposed.
60% and 90% of pollutant loading in wastewater
from the Pangasius industry. The results indicate that
sludge from ¢sh ponds and wastewater from ¢sh pro-
cessing have a relatively high pollutant content, We gratefully acknowledge Van Lang University, De-
which may lead to severe local environmental pro- partment of Environmental Technology and Manage-
blems. Nevertheless, we estimate that the overall ment and Wageningen University for ¢nancial and
Pangasius production is a minor source of nutrients technical support; several students and assistants from
in the Mekong river, accounting for less than 1% of Van Lang University and SMARTCHOICE Company
the total TSS, nitrogen and phosphorus loads. participated in the preparatory work for the study.
Based on our review of available technologies to Our special thanks are due to the famers, technicians
mitigate the impacts from farming and processing of and leaders from the Pangasius processing industries,
Pangasius, we propose two approaches for reducing who provided us with the data used in this study.
water pollution problems. First, we recommend
waste prevention and minimization in ¢sh ponds, in-
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