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Part 2. You will hear how different languages are accommodating non-binary people. For questions 6-
10, decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10 points)
6. They and them are by far the most prevalent pronouns for genderqueer individuals in the English-
speaking world. T
7. Languages having grammatical gender present a challenge for persons who do not choose to be
identified as either male or female, thus they are developing some novel alternatives. T
8. In German, the pronoun "elle" have been devised to be the equal of they or them for non-binary people
because it closely resembles both "él" for he and "ella" for she. F
9. Mandarin uses only one term for both he and she, which is "tā". T
10. Many people believe that reliance on the Roman alphabet is natural and decent. F

Part 3. For questions 11-15, you will hear part of an interview with two writers and researchers,
Anna Baldwin and Richard Simmons, on the topic of handwriting. Choose the answer (А, В, C or D)
which fits best according to what you hear.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10pts)
11. Anna and Richard agree that writing things by hand is useful
A. in the teaching of some science subjects.
B. in helping people remember certain information.
C. because it is unexpectedly time-saving compared to typing.
D. because it serves to stimulate the imagination of authors.
12. Anna and Richard agree that the teaching of handwriting in primary school
A. ensures good literacy skills later on in life.
B. is suffering from a growing lack of public interest.
C. occupies a significant part of the current syllabus.
D. has little impact on a child’s overall development.
13. How does Richard view the potential disappearance of handwriting?
A. He accepts that it will be a sad day for humanity.
B. He sees it as a natural progression.
C. He is confident that it won’t happen soon.
D. He is concerned that it may impact on our sociability.
14. Anna refers to writing throughout history in order to illustrate
A. the flexibility of the medium.
B. the evolution of communication.
C. its influence on major events.
D. its contribution to learning.
15. Anna says there is evidence that the traditional focus on handwriting has resulted in
A. an increased desire for equal opportunities.
B. a preference for using the typed word at work.
C. some people abandoning their education.
D. some people’s true abilities being overlooked.

Part 4. You will listen to a recording about a reporter’s joining hurricane hunters from cockpit of
flying weather station. For questions 16-25, complete the summary by writing NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS in each gap. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (20
 Tropical Cyclone Lee, a massive storm, continues to hit the New England coast with gusts of 50 to
60 miles per hour, torrential rain, and (16) storm ____________surges____________________.
 Although the Gulfstream 4 is normally used for business travel, this aircraft has been
(17)______________reconfigured__________________ with the aim of saving lives.
 The hurricane hunters including scientists, engineers, and pilots are employed by NOAA, the
National (18) ______________Oceanic Atmospheric__________________ Administration.
 The NOAA Corps men and women will fly this (19) ____________high altitude
reconnaissance________________ plane above, below, around, and in front of Hurricane Lee over
the next eight hours.
 After the plane leaves Lakeland Florida, the skies are clear. (20)_________________storm-
churned white caps_____________ in the ocean can be plainly visible at this elevation.
However, the sunshine vanishes quickly. The flight becomes bumpy as Hurricane Lee
(21)_______lurks ominously below________ us.
 According to Rebecca Keller, a NOAA engineer, the dropsonde is made up of a sensor, a
(22)_____________circuit board___________, and a battery.
 Along with the sonde, the plane features (23) __________Doppler_______ radar on its tail and
two pilots up front who fly with a strong sense of purpose.
 As the jet touches down, there would be perfect weather to keep us on our way back to Florida. It's
time for the hurricane hunters to (24) _________________decompress____________ and prepare
themselves psychologically for the next eight-hour journeys.
 In addition to the Gulfstream 4, NOAA aircraft operate the P-3 Orion, a larger jet at low altitudes.
In any case, meteorologists find it much simpler to provide accurate forecasts thanks to the crucial
data that is collected from both of these planes and missions and subsequently (25)
____________embedded into_________ computer models.

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