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Norton University Core English 1A & 1B

Colleague of Arts, Humanities, and Languages Year I Semester I

College of Arts, Humanities, and Language

Countable and Uncountable Nouns
• Countable Nouns or Count Nouns are nouns that we can count, and they have a
singular and plural form.
Ex: Company/Companies, School/Schools, …
• Uncountable Nouns or Uncount Nouns are nouns that we cannot count, and they only
have a singular form.
Ex: Music, Information, knowledge tea, air, …
Some/Any/A lot of/Much/Many/A little/A few/Few/little
Singular Plural A lot of/ Some Any (how) (how) a few a little
Lots of much many
Countable Positive + + + + x x + + x
Negative + + + x + x + x x
Question + + + x + x + x x
Uncountable Positive + x + + x + x x +
Negative + x + x + + x x x
Question + x + x + + x x x

• Usages:
I- Some and Any
1- We use ‘some’ in positive and ‘any’ in negative and question.
There are some books on that table. (with count noun)
I have some money for this ticket. (with non-count noun)
She doesn’t have any money for you.
Do you have any questions to ask me about this topic?

Unit 5: Resources Mr. Math Masy

Norton University Core English 1A & 1B
Colleague of Arts, Humanities, and Languages Year I Semester I
2- We use ‘some’ in questions with offer or request.
I'd like some coffee, please.
May I have some sugar?
Would you like some tea?
Would you like some books to read?
3- We also use ‘some’ in the question when we expect the answer ‘yes’.
What’s wrong? Have you got something in your eye?
(It seems that you’ve got something in your eye and I expect you to answer ‘yes’)
4- We use ‘any’ in a positive way with a different meaning. It doesn’t matter which one part of the
You can play any music you like.
Come and see me any time you are free.
Any train from this platform stops at Gatwick.
5. We can use ‘some’ and ‘any’ with both count and mass nouns.
There are some books on the table.
I need some milk.
Did you buy any potatoes?
There isn’t any coffee left.
II- A lot of, Much, and Many
1- We use ‘a lot of/lots of’ with countable and uncountable nouns in positive sentences and questions.
A lot of people drive too fast.
There is still a lot of water in the jar.
Have you got a lot of books by Chuon Nat?
2- We use ‘many’ with countable nouns in negative sentences and questions.
How many students are there in your class?
He doesn’t have many books for reading.
Do you know many people?

Unit 5: Resources Mr. Math Masy

Norton University Core English 1A & 1B
Colleague of Arts, Humanities, and Languages Year I Semester I
3- We use ‘much’ with uncountable nouns in negative sentences and questions.
How much water do you drink a day?
They didn’t spend much money on their holiday.
Has your brother got much experience?
III- A little and A few
1. We use “a few” with count nouns.
He has a few books.
She has a few rulers.
There are a few students in this class.
There are a few pens on my desk.
Does she have a few friends in London?
There are not a few books in the library.
2. We use “a little” with mass nouns.
Sok has a little money.
There is a little coffee in his cup.
There is a little milk in the fridge.
Can you give me a little help?
3. We use “little” to say that something is not enough.
She has little money. (It is not enough)
She has very little money.
4. We use “few” to say that something is not enough.
She has few friends in England. (It is not enough)
She has very few friends in England.

Unit 5: Resources Mr. Math Masy

Norton University Core English 1A & 1B
Colleague of Arts, Humanities, and Languages Year I Semester I

College of Arts, Humanities, and Languages


Decide Whether These Nouns Are Countable (C) Or Uncountable (U)

1. The children are playing in the garden.

2. I don't like milk.
3. I prefer tea.
4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution.
5. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes.
6. There are a lot of windows in our classroom.
7. We need some glue to fix this vase.
8. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional.
9. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning.
10. The bread my mother prepares is delicious.
11. Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery.
12. Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents.
13. I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic.
14. I'd like some juice please!
15. Successful candidates will join the camp later this year.
16. A rise in oil prices is inevitable since there is more and more world demand for
17. The exercises on this website are interesting.
18. Dehydrated babies must drink a lot of water.
19. Adult illiterates learn through a special government program.
20. I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach.

Unit 5: Resources Mr. Math Masy

Norton University Core English 1A & 1B
Colleague of Arts, Humanities, and Languages Year I Semester I

College of Arts, Humanities, and Languages


Decide Whether These Nouns Are Countable (C) Or Uncountable (U)

1. The children are playing in the garden. Countable

2. I don't like milk. Uncountable

3. I prefer tea. Uncountable

4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution. Countable

5. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes. Uncountable

6. There are a lot of windows in our classroom. Countable

7. We need some glue to fix this vase. Uncountable

8. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional. Countable

9. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning. Countable

10.The bread my mother prepares is delicious. Uncountable

11.Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery. Countable

12.Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents. Countable
13.I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic. Countable

14.I'd like some juice please! Uncountable

15.Successful candidates will join the camp later this year. Countable
16.A rise in oil prices is inevitable since there is more and more world demand for
energy. Uncountable
17.The exercises on this website are interesting. Countable

18.Dehydrated babies must drink a lot of water. Uncountable

19.Adult illiterates learn through a special government program. Countable

20.I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach. Countable

Unit 5: Resources Mr. Math Masy

Norton University Core English 1A & 1B
Colleague of Arts, Humanities, and Languages Year I Semester I

College of Arts, Humanities, and Languages

Complete the sentences by using the correct quantifiers.

1. We haven't got _______ (some/much/many) petrol. We need to stop and get


2. We had ________ (a lot of/any/many) rain last autumn.

3. You travel a lot. Have you been to _______ (much/some/many) countries?

4. We spent too ________ (some/much/many) money on our last holiday.

5. Don't worry, we have ________ (a lot of/some/many) time.

6. Did ________ (many/much/some) people come to your party?

7. Are there _________ (some/any/much) eggs in the fridge?

8. There are _________ (any/much/some) things that we need to ask you.

9. Don't worry, I don't need ________ (any/some/a lot of) help.

10. I don't usually drink _________ (any/some/much) beer.

11. ___________ (How much/How many) sand is in the deserts?

12. ___________ (How much/How many) bones are there in the human body?

13. I would like to ask you _________ (some/any/much) questions.

14. My brother took ____________ (any/some/much) interesting photographs.

15. Do you have ___________ (a lot of/any/some) brothers or sisters?

Unit 5: Resources Mr. Math Masy

Norton University Core English 1A & 1B
Colleague of Arts, Humanities, and Languages Year I Semester I

College of Arts, Humanities, and Languages

Complete the sentences by using the correct quantifiers.

1. We haven't got much petrol. We need to stop and get some.

2. We had a lot of rain last autumn.

3. You travel a lot. Have you been to many countries?

4. We spent too much money on our last holiday.

5. Don't worry, we have a lot of time.

6. Did many people come to your party?

7. Are there any eggs in the fridge?

8. There are some things that we need to ask you.

9. Don't worry, I don't need any help.

10. I don't usually drink much beer.

11. How much sand is in the deserts?

12. How many bones are there in the human body?

13.I would like to ask you some questions.

14.My brother took some interesting photographs.

15.Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Unit 5: Resources Mr. Math Masy

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