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1. Mark (blow) the tyre
when his dad (not look) at
2. Julio (play) tennis
when his racquet (break).
He was very sad.
3. My dad (read) the
newspaper when I (arrive)
4. The girl (fall) asleep
when she (study) in
her bedroom.
5. It was early in the morning and the
yellow bird (sing) happily.
6. When I (see) my
friend he (laugh)
7. My cat (sleep) on
the branch in the afternoon.

8. The four friends
(hold) hands before starting playing the
strange game.
9. Sonia (talk) to her
friend when the phone (ring)
10. The pupils (be) in
silence while the teacher
(give) the exams.
11. Maggie (jump) when
APTITUD she heard the results of the exam.
12. The cowboy (ride)
COMUNICATIVA (INGLÉS) his best horse when it
(start) to rain. The horse
(begin) to run very fast.


1. My father was waiting in the car,
PAST my mother was doing

CONTINUOUS shopping.
2. Wh
at were you doing the
teacher looked at you suddenly.
3. the train left, Thomas
was rushing to the station.
4. Th
e electricity went off, we
were watching a horror film.
5. Mathew was going to the
Past Continuous

library, he saw a car accident on Mapple

c) used / was appearing,
d) use /appears
6. T h e b a b y b o y s t a r t e d c r y i
e) using / appeared
his mother was combing her
4. Thomas his art lesson
yesterday afternoon when a bird
7. the mother was doing the
into the classroom.
washing up, the twins were sweeping the
a) has / files
b) is having / was flying
8.The sun was rising, we
c) had is / flying
reached the summit of the mountain.
d) was having / flew
9. Susan entered the living
e) had / was flew
room, everybody began singing 'Happy
5. A: What your mum
10. Mr. Robinson fell off the tree
when it started to rain yesterday evening?
he was looking at the little
B: She the washing then.
bird's nest.
a) does ... do / hung
11. I dropped the vase, it
b) was ... doing / was hanging
broke into pieces.
c) is ... doing / is hanging
d) did ... do / hangs
e) did ... does / hang
6. Sasha Grey to bed at half-
past eleven last night, and she
up at half-past seven in the morning.
1. A: What was that noise last night?
a) went / was getting
B: I think someone on our
b) goes / is getting
neighbour's door.
c) went / got
a) knocks
d) is going / gets
b) knock
e) were went / was got
c) was knocking
d) is knocking
7. We in the airport departure
e) were knocking
lounge when an officer an
announcement for boarding the plane.
2. Yesterday, my sister and I went to the
a) wait / was making
park. While I a book on a
b) waited / makes
bench, she with her
c) were waiting / made
d) waited / is making
a) was reading / was playing
e) was waiting / making
b) read / plays
c) am reading / played
8. Because the pitch lights down
d) read / is playing
last week, the coach the
e) was reading / were playing
football match.
a) was breaking / postpones
3. We the computer last
b) break / was postponing
night when white smoke from
c) are breaking / postpones
inside the screen.
d) broke / postponed
a) are using / is appearing
b) were using / appeared
Past Continuous

e) was break / postponing 14. My sister Violet down the

stairs while she behind her dog.
9. As I home from the mall this a) falls / ran
morning, I an old friend of b) fell / was running
mine from high school. c) was falling / was running
a) walk / am meeting d) is falling / runs
b) was walking / met e) was falling / run
c) am walking / meet
d) walked / was meeting 15. A: Was Benny sleeping at 10 o'clock
e) walking / meeting last night?
B: No, he . He his
10. Andy a cup of coffee homework at that time last night.
while he with his wife on the a) was / is doing
phone. b) didn't / did
a) was drinking / was talking c) wasn't / was doing
b) drank / talks d) does / does
c) is drinking / talked e) wasn't / did
d) drinks / talked
e) drinked / talks 16. Casey the apple tree when
a swarm of angry bees him
11. While the teacher questions suddenly.
on the board, a student the a) was climbing / attacked
classroom. b) was climbing / is attacking
a) is writing / was entering c) climbed / attacks
b) wrote / enters d) climbs / was attacking
c) writes / is entering e) were climbing / attacked
d) was writing / entered
e) was wrote / entering 17. We an exam when the
school fire alarm off.
12. Last weekend, Ali with his a) did / goes
grandparents, and they a b) were doing /went
really nice time together. c) do is / going
a) stays / are having d) were doing / was going
b) stayed / had e) were did / were going
c) is staying / have
d) was staying / are having 18. The police the man
e) were staying / had because he a van in front of
an apartment when they saw him.
13. I a letter to our local a) arrest / is stealing
museumand_________forso b) were arresting / steals
m e information about their new dinosaur c) arrested / was stealing
exhibit. d) arrested / is stealing
a) am writing / asks e) was arresting / stole
b) write / was asking
c) wrote / asked 19. It was very crowded at the park last
d) was writing / asked weekend because the sun
e) were writing / were asking brightly and a light breeze .
Past Continuous

a) shines / blows
b) shone / is blowing 26. I a monkey in the park
c) was shining / was blowing while I was walking to work.
d) is shining / blew a) see b) saw
e) shined / was blew c) did see d) was seeing
e) was see
20. On Sunday, we went to the beach. I
a kite while my brother and 27. Princess Diana in a car crash
sister sandcastles. when she was only 36 years old.
a) fly / build a) die b) died
b) was flying / were building c) was dying d) dies
c) flew / are building e) were dying
d) am flying / built
e) was flied / were build 28. While my mother was cooking dinner, I
the table in the dining room.
21. What you at ten a) don't set
yesterday? b) was set
a) did / did b) were / doing c) am setting
c) did / doing d) was / did d) was setting
e) did / does e) were setting

22. Laura a glass while she 29. A: Why this morning?

the dishes. B: She her finger while she
a) was breaking / was washing the
b) was breaking / washed salad.
c) broke / washed a) did she cry / was cutting / prepared
d) broke / was washing b) did she cry / cut / prepared
e) was breaking / washes c) was she crying/ was cutting/ was
23. I my primary school teacher d) was she crying / cut / was preparing
while I was shopping. e) was she cry / cutted / was prepared
a) meet b) met
c) was meeting d) was met HOMEWORK
e) meeting
24. He was having dinner the THE PAST SIMPLE OR THE PAST
phone rang. CONTINUOUS.
a) when b) after 1. Mr. Thompson (drive)
c) because d) before very fast when he hit a tree.
e) while 2. Jack (milk) the cows
when a stranger came into the barn.
25. What you doing when you 3. Susan (see) the burglar
saw the accident yesterday morning? while he was rushing into his car.
a) are b) were 4. My uncle (listen) to
c) did d) do the radio when the earthquake happened.
e) was 5. The old lady was trying to cross the
street when a boy (offer) help.

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