Modern Histroy All Repeated Topics & Repeated Themes IAS PCS Pathshala

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History - Modern History

All Repeated Themes & Repeated Topics
(2013 - 2022)
(By IAS PCS Pathshala)

Repeated Themes Repeated Topics PYQs

Gandhian Movement ● Quit India Movement

(2013, 2021)

● Rowlatt Satyagraha

● Salt March (2015)

● Champaran
Satyagraha (2018)

● Ideology of Gandhi

● Gandhi Irwin Pact

Other Movement (Tribal / ● Tebhaga Movement
Peasant / Working Class ) (2013)

● Santhal Uprising

● Tribal Revolts -
Ulgulan (2020)

Various Acts & Policies Of ● Queen Victoria

British Era Proclamation, 1858

● GOI, 1919 (2015,

2016, 2017, 2022)

● Trade Dispute Act of

1929 (2017)

● Factories Act,1881

● GOI, 1935 (2018)

● Charter Act 1813


● GOI, 1919 + 1935


● Education - Wood
Dispatch; English
Education (2018)
Personalities Related ● Annie Besant (2013)
Questions (Books,
Contributions etc) ● Keshab Chandra
Sen (2016)

● Lala Lajpat Rai


● Personalities & Their

Organisations (2019)

● Personalities &
Position (2019)

● Sakharam Ganesh
Deuskar (2020)

● Personality and
Book (2020)

● Rakhmabai case

● Rabindranath Tagore

● Jawaharlal Nehru

● Ishwar Chandra
Vidyasagar (2021)

● Hind Mazdoor Sabha

● Satya Shodhak
Samaj (2016)

● Chronological Event
Related to Swami
Dinbhandhu Mitra,
Bankim Chandra
Chattopadhyay &
Satendra Nath

Governor General / ● Ilbert Bill

Viceroy Controversy (2013)

● Partition of Bengal
lasted until (2014)

● Subsidiary Alliance

● College Establish By
GG (2018, 2020)

Revolutionary Movements ● The Ghadar (2014,

Development Between ● Simon Commission
1920-1940 (2013)

● Congress Socialist
Party Formation

● Butler Committee
1927 (2017)

● Swarajya sabha

● Establishment of
Development After 1940 Radcliff Commission

● Cabinet Mission

● Cripps Mission
(2016, 2022)

● Chronology (2017)

● INA Trails (2021)

Indian National Congress ● Importance of INC
(President, Sessions, Session 1929 (2014)
Activities etc )
● INC President (2015)

● Surat Split Session

(2015, 2016)

● Swadeshi & Boycott

during Partition of
Bengal (2016)

● Swadeshi Movement

Colonial Policies and ● Economic Drain Of

Impact Wealth - their critics
(Read About Them)

● Land Revenue
System - Ryotwari
Settlement (2017)

● Commercialisation of
Agriculture (2018)

● EIC Export (2018)

● Introduction into Old

World (2019)
● Ruining of Indian
Handicraft during
Industrial Revolution

● Indigo Cultivation
Declines (2020)

● Factories of EIC
(2021, 2022)

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Happy Learning :)

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