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PEOPLE MEDIA and Manila Bulletin), radio

broadcasting and movies

Graduate careers in the media became available. Media was
and internet sector include: used for propaganda by
 Animator government and other groups.
 Applications developer Careers: book writers,
 Broadcast engineer newspaper writer, editor,
 Broadcast journalist publisher, copyreader, artist,
 Broadcast presenter cartoonist, reporter, producer,
 Cartographer broadcaster.
 Commissioning editor Post war Era the golden age of
 Digital marketer Philippine Journalism.
The Philippine Media Advertising, Communication
throughout History Education, and press freedom
flourished in this era. Careers:
Pre Spanish Era knowledge was book writers, newspaper writer,
passed on through folk media editor, publisher, copyreader,
and indigenous forms of media. artist, cartoonist, reporter,
Careers: Town crier, messenger, producer, media technicians,
community scribe advertisers.
Spanish Era while education was Martial Law Era Highlights of
limited to the elite, publication this era include the government
of books (i.e., Noli Me Tangere takeover of media and the press
and El Filibusterismo) and and the image engineering of
newspapers (La Solidaridad) the Marcoses in the name of
advanced the Propaganda nationalism.
movement which led to the
people’s revolution against Post EDSA Era People Power
Spanish rule. Filipinos at that brought greater freedom for
time did not have a common Philippine media. During this era,
language. Only the elite spoke the new Constitution recognized
and understood Spanish. Thus, the vital role of communication
communication was limited. Pen and information in nation
names were used to avoid building. Press freedom
political oppression. Careers: influenced the growth in media
book writers, newspaper writer, careers.
editor, publisher, copyreader, Modern Era Careers: web
artist. designer, online instructors,
digital producers, bloggers,
animators, programmer,
American and Japanese Era archivist, metadata analyst, data
During this era, major miner, user experience designer,
newspaper (i.e. Manila Times
call center agents, virtual  Collaborative news Reddit,
assistants. Waze,
 Discussion Forums Google
People as media
Individuals serve as channels of  Group buying/merchant
information. Traditionally, this is sites OLX, Groupon,
limited to folk media, writing, or Dealgrocer
creating a media artefact. With  Virtual worlds Farmville,
the advent of social media, World of Warcraft,
individuals have been Secondlife, Minecraft
empowered to not just create
media artefacts but to give The Wave Story
feedback, edit and add on to the Textual (June 2006)
media artifact.
Wave 1 – Demonstrated that
Characteristics of social social media was living up to the
media hype, there was a large and
active community
 Individualized, builds
communicating online.
profiles (includes personal
details, pictures, likes) Visual (2007)
 Connects with friends and Wave 2 – Showed how social
people (includes referrals media moved from a text-based
by other friends or by the medium of bloggers and
site itself) comment posters to a fully audio
 Uploads content in real visual one full of content
time creators and sharers.
 Enables conversations
Influential (2008)
(both private and public)
 Provides tracking (history Wave 3 – Charted the
and threads) democratization of influence,
how social media was driving
greater means and opportunity
Formats and examples of for consumers to influence their
social media peers.

 Relationship or Social Motivational (2009)

networks Facebook Wave 4 – Examined the reasons
 Micro blogging Twitter, behind the huge growth in social
Instagram media by understanding the
 Special interest networks motivations behind the use of
Linkedin, Pinterest different social media platforms.
 Media Sharing YouTube, Showing that consumers engage
Flickr with a platform because it meets
specific consumer needs and all
platforms meet these needs The Language of Content (2014)
differently. Wave 8 – Demonstrates that
Social (2010) content is at its most powerful
when it goes beyond just
Wave 5 – Told us that there was
informing or entertaining and
huge demand for social
transforms into a “social
interaction with brands.
commodity”. This is because
However, the nature and depth
people share content to say
of this interaction varied wildly
something about themselves
from person to person and
and they become far more
category to category. But those
emotionally invested in content
brands that could create the
that helps them do it. Brands
right experience benefited
that build these social
enormously, driving brand
commodities benefit
loyalty, endorsement and sales.
enormously, the key lies in
Business (2011) understanding what it is the
Wave 6 – Has shown us that consumer is trying to express
meeting different consumer and in creating content that
needs delivers different helps them.
outcomes for brands. For
example some will create loyalty
whilst others are better at TEXT INFORMATION AND
driving sales. Therefore actually MEDIA
knowing what consumer need
and how brand objectives can be TEXT
met is the key to the long-term A simple and flexible format of
success of social strategy. presenting information or
Cracking the Social Code (2013) conveying ideas whether hand
written, printed or displayed on
Wave 7 – Has told us that the
insights we get from an
understanding of social behavior Text is very powerful as well in
aren’t just relevant in social disseminating information,
space but are, in fact inherent providing direction and giving
human truths that underpinned suggestions
consumers relationship with Text is available in different
products and brands. Therefore, sources whether it is formal
we need to understand how to (news articles, published books,
leverage these insights using all newspapers, magazines,
brand assets, both above the advertisements, research works,
line and in the digital social etc.) or informal (blogs, personal
space, to create a coherent and e mails, SMS or text messages,
compelling whole.
online messengers, social media  How might the message be
platforms, etc interpreted in different
Formal text based materials - ways?
are created and distributed by  What is omitted, slurred or
established institutions (such as added in the message?
publishing companies, news
agencies, etc.)And go through a
rigorous process of editing or
Text as visual
evaluation and are usually a. Typeface (also called font,
governed by censorship of the font type, or type) refers to the
state. representation or style of a text
in the digital format.
Informal text - based materials
come from personal opinions or b. A typeface is usually
views on different issues, comprised of alphabets,
processes, etc. numbers, punctuation marks,
symbols and other special
Text can be as short such as a
characters. When fonts are
single sentence or phrase, or
installed in the computer, they
they can be as lengthy as news
usually come in file formats such
articles or investigative
as True Type Font (. ttf), Open
reporting. No matter how brief
or lengthy, however, a text is Type Font otf), etc.
always carefully written with the c. In the absence of images or
intent of sending a very specific drawings, text is the easiest way
message to the target audience. of communicating to your
audience. The use of various font
In our exposure to text media
types can express different
and information, we can either
emotions or meaning
be consumer or a producer of
content. As a consumer, these Types of Typefaces
are the questions that you need
to ask with regards to the Serif
content of text media and Connotes formality and
information: readability in large amount of
 Who or what institution is texts. This font is usually used
sending this message? for the body text of books,
 What techniques are used newspapers, magazines and
to attract and hold research publication. Also, serif
attention? fonts give a classic or elegant
look when used for title or
 What is the language used
by the writer?
 What views are Examples: Times New Roman,
represented? Are they Garamond, Baskerville
Sans serif Examples: Chiller, Jokerman,
Curlz MT
Brings a clean or minimalist look
to the text. This font is used for
clear and direct meaning of text Design principles and elements
such as road signage, building
directory or nutrition facts in 1. Emphasis - refers to the
food packages. Also, sans serif importance or value given to a
fonts give a modern look and is part of the text based content.
used primarily in webpage When trying to make a point or
design. highlighting a message, you can
make the text bold, italicized,
Examples: Arial, Helvetica, have a heavier weight, darkened
Tahoma, Verdana, Calibri or lightened (depending on your
Slab serif background color) or enlarged.

Carries a solid or heavy look to 2. Appropriateness - refers to

text. This font can be used for how fitting or suitable the text is
large advertising sign on used for a specific audience,
billboards. purpose or event. In the creation
of text based content, make sure
Examples: Rockwell, Playbill, that the selection criteria (tone,
Blackoak style, purpose, clarity) is
followed. As for the choice of
typefaces to be used, refer to
Script the discussion of the
Draws much attention to itself characteristics of the fonts.
because of its brush like strokes. When it comes to large body
This must be used sparingly and text, the font should be clear
not to be used in large body text. enough to read.
This font is usually used in 3. Proximity - refers to how near
wedding invitation cards or or how far are the text elements
other formal events. from each other. When two
Examples: Edwardian, Vladimir, things are closely related, we
Kunstler bring them close together.
Otherwise, we put text elements
far from each other. For
Display or decorative example, the main title and
subtitle are usually placed close
Caters to a wide variety of
to each other.
emotions (such as celebration,
fear, horror, etc.) or themes
(such as cowboys, circus, 4. Alignment - refers to how the
holidays, summer, kiddie, etc.) text is positioned in the page.
This can be left, right, center or text on a very light yellow
justified. background, contrast is not
achieved and the text will be
5. Organization - refers to a
difficult to read, but when you
conscious effort to organize the
put a white text on a dark brown
different text elements in a
background, contrast is created.
page. Organization ensures that
Contrast can be achieved in
while some text elements are
various ways, by joining the
separated from each other
following elements: large font
(based on the principle of
with a small font, serif and sans
proximity), they are still
serif, thin elements with thin
somehow connected with the
elements, cool color and warm
rest of the elements in the page.
When there are many elements
needed to fit in a page, start by
creating a framework or a
compartment for the elements. VISUAL INFORMATION
Divide the space by creating AND MEDIA
lines across the page, making it
Materials programs, applications
look like a cabinet with various
and the like that teachers and
space sizes. Once you are done
students use to formulate new
compartmentalizing, you can
information to aid learning
place the different text elements
through the use, analysis,
on the boxes.
evaluation and production of
6. Repetition - concerns visual images
consistency of elements and the
unity of the entire design.
Repetition encourages the use of Types of Visual Media
repeating some typefaces within  photography
the page. When several  video
typefaces are used on a page, it  screenshots
might distract the audience and  infographics
fail to communicate what you  data visualization (charts a
want them to get from the and graphs)
content. To strike a balance, do
 comic strips/cartoons
not also use just a single
 memes
typeface for a visual design
 visual
 note taking
7. Contrast - creates visual
interest to text elements.
Contrast is achieved when two
elements are different from each Formally and Informally
other. When you place a white Produced Visual Media
Visual media produced by formal extreme changes between
organizations such as schools, values.
government, and established
media/publishing outfits are
considered formally produced. The way a surface feels or is
Other visual media are perceived to feel. Texture can be
considered informally produced. added to attract or repel interest
to a visual element. Visual
Purpose of Visual texture is the illusion of the
Information surfaces peaks and valleys,
The primary purpose of visual resulting in a feeling of
information is to gain attention, smoothness or roughness in
create meaning, and facilitate objects.
retention. Color
Visual Design Elements Determined by its hue (name of
The building blocks or basic units color), intensity (purity of the
in the construction of a visual hue), and value (lightness or
image. darkness of hue). Color and color
combination can play a large role
Line in the design. Color may be used
Describes a shape or outline. It for emphasis, or may elicit
can create texture and can be emotions from viewers. Color
thick or thin. Lines may be maybe warm, cool, or neutral. It
actual, implied, vertical, plays a major role in our visual
horizontal, diagonal, or contour perception, as it influences our
lines. reactions about the world
around us. It is therefore
Shape important to create color
Usually a geometric area that palettes that evoke the
stands out from the space next appropriate audience reactions.
to or around it, or because of
differences in value, color, or
texture. Shape may also be A figure having volume and
organic. thickness. An illusion of a 3
dimensional object can be
Value implied with the use of light and
The degree of light and dark in a shading. Form can be viewed
design. It is the contrast from many angles.
between black and white and all
Visual Design Principles
the tones in between. Value can
be used with color as well as Consistency of margins,
black and white. Contrast is the typeface, typestyle, and colors is
necessary, especially in slide
presentations or documents that Directional Movement
are more than one page.
A visual flow through the
Center of Interest composition. It can be the
suggestion of motion in a design
An area that first attracts
as you move from object to
attention in a composition. This
object by way of placement and
area is more important when
position. Directional movement
compared to the other objects
can be created with a value
or elements in a composition.
pattern. It is with the placement
This can be by contrast of values,
of dark and light areas that you
more colors, and placement in
can move your attention through
the format.
the format.
A feeling of visual equality in
A movement in which some
shape, form, value, color, etc.
elements recur regularly. Like a
Balance can be symmetrical and
dance, it will have a flow of
evenly balanced, or
objects that will seem to be like
asymmetrical and unevenly
the beat of music.
balanced. Objects, values, colors,
textures, shapes, forms, etc. can Perspective
be used in creating balance in a
Created through the
arrangement of objects in two
Harmony dimensional space to look like
they appear in real life.
Brings together a composition
Perspective is a learned meaning
with similar units. If for example
of the relationship between
your composition was using
different objects seen in space.
wavy lines and organic shapes,
you would stay with those types
of lines and not put in just one
geometric shape. (Notice how
similar Harmony is to Unity some
sources list both terms).
Offers some change in value
creating a visual discord in a
composition. Contrast shows the
difference between shapes and
can be used as a background to
bring objects out and forward in
a design. It can also be used to
create an area of emphasis.
MULTIMEDIA  Education (computer-
based training courses,
edutainment (blend of
MEDIA education and
entertainment, others)
Multimedia  Engineering, Mathematical
Over the years, it has been and Scientific Research
established that information can (modelling, simulation,
be expressed through text, others)
speech, sound, graphics or  Industry (presentation for
images, animation, and video. A shareholders, superiors
combination of these media and coworkers, employee
sources is considered training, advertising and
multimedia. marketing, others)
 Medicine (virtual surgery,
“Dave Marshall defines simulation, others)
multimedia as “the field  Multimedia in Public Places
concerned with the computer- (stand-alone terminals and
controlled integration of text, kiosks in hotels, railway
graphics, drawings, still and stations, shopping malls,
moving images (video), museums, and grocery
animation, audio, and any other stores; digital bulletin
media where every type of boards; others)
information can be represented,
stored, transmitted and The Design Process
processed digitally.”  Pre-production- research,
While traditional or analog storyboarding, plan
media still co-exist with  Production- creating the
computer-controlled media, product
Savage and Vogel (2009) assert  Post-production-
that the contemporary definition evaluation, redesign,
of multimedia is mostly in the documentation
digital form. Moreover, both  Presentation- showcasing,
trending and emerging forms of gathering of comments
multimedia are described as
ubiquitous, interactive, massive,
and immersive.
Uses of Multimedia
 Entertainment and Fine
Arts (movies and
animation, interactive
multimedia, others)
AUDIO INFORMATION and playing back audio, video,
and computer data.
USB drive - an external flash
Types and Categories of drive, small enough to carry on a
Audio Information key ring, that can be used with
Radio broadcast - live or any computer that has a USB
recorded audio sent through port.
radio waves to reach a wide Memory Card - (aka flash
audience. memory card or storage card) is
Music - vocal and/or a small storage medium used to
instrumental sounds combined store data such as text, pictures,
in such a way as to produce audio, and video, for use on
beauty of form, harmony, and small, portable, or remote
expression of emotion. It is computing devices.
composed and performed for Computer hard drive -
many purposes, ranging from secondary storage devices for
aesthetic pleasure, religious or storing audio files.
ceremonial purposes, or as an
entertainment product. Internet/Cloud - websites or file
repositories for retrieving audio
Sound recording - recording of files, and more precisely the files
an interview, meeting, or any are stored in some datacenter
sound from the environment. full of servers that is connected
Sound clips/effects - any sound, to the Internet.
other than music or speech,
artificially reproduced to create
an effect in a dramatic Audio File Formats
presentation, as the sound of a MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) – a
storm or a creaking door. common format for consumer
Audio Podcast - a digital audio audio, as well as a standard of
or video file or recording, usually digital audio compression for the
part of a themed series, that can transfer and playback of music
be downloaded from a website on most digital audio players.
to a media player or computer. M4A/AAC (MPEG-4
Audio/Advanced Audio Coding)
Ways of Storing Audio - an audio coding standard for
Media lossy digital audio compression.
Tape - magnetic tape on which Designed to be the successor of
sound can be recorded. the MP3 format, AAC generally
CD - a plastic-fabricated, circular achieves better sound quality
medium for recording, storing, than MP3 at similar bit rates.
WAV - is a Microsoft audio file The techniques for combining
format standard for storing an the different elements or
audio bitstream on PCs. It has objects.
become a standard file format Mixing - the combination,
for game sounds, among others. balance and control of multiple
WMA (Windows Media Audio) - sound elements.
is an audio data compression Pace - Time control. Editing.
technology developed by Order of events: linear, non-
Microsoft and used with linear, or multi-linear.
Windows Media Player.
Transitions - How you get from
one segment or element to
Hearing vs Listening another.
“Hearing is simply the act of Types of transitions:
perceiving sound by the ear. If  Segue - one element stops,
you are not hearing-impaired, the next begins ("cut" in
hearing simply happens. film).
Listening, however, is something  Cross-fade - one element
you consciously choose to do. fades out, the next fades
Listening requires concentration in, and they overlap on the
so that your brain processes way.
meaning from words and  V-Fade - First element
sentences. Listening leads to fades to inaudible before
learning.” the second element begins.
 Fade to Black - V-Fade with
some silence between
Elements of Sound Design
The objects or things that we
Waterfall - As first element fades
have to work with:
out, the second element begins
Dialogue - speech, conversation, at full volume. Better for voice
voice-over. transitions, than for effects.
Sound Effects - any sound other Stereo Imaging - Using left and
than music or dialogue. right channel for depth.
Music - vocal or instrumental
sounds (or both) combined in
such a way as to produce beauty
of form, harmony, and
expression of emotion.
Silence - absence of audio or
Principles of Sound Design
MOTION MEDIA AND  Background music and
background details are
added drawings are
Motion Media rendered
Each picture is a frame and that  Videos are produced in the
motion is created by rendering same manner except that
or showing consecutively several instead of drawing the
frames per second. scenes they are acted out
and shot. Once the scenes
24 frames (pictures) or more per have been shot, all clips are
second makes for a smooth edited and put together in
animation.; videos, film, slides a final product.
also make use of frames.
Motion Media Formats,
The series of graphics or images
Types and Sources
follow a sequence to create a
story. This sequence is often According to format:
called a storyboard which shows Animations - animated gifs
a set of components (audio, (Graphic Interchange Format),
visual, videos, etc) changing in Flash, Shockwave, Dynamic
time to create a story or a HTML
Video formats/Video Codecs -
motion media use large
Motion Media Production Types resources. Codecs compresses
and decompresses video files.
Formal - created by
Examples are H.26N series,
professionals who follow
Quicktime, DivX, MPG, MP4
industry standards in creating,
editing and producing motion According to purpose:
media education, entertainment,
Informal - created by individuals
often for personal use According to source: personal,
social media, media companies
Steps in Formal Animation
Production According to audience: private
or public; directed or general
 Writing the story - writers
and directors create the In some of these, media
story board convergence can be observed
 Script is written and with one artefact falling into
dialogue is recorded several categories.
 Animators sketch major
scenes; inbetweeners fill in
the gaps
Basic Methods on Advantages of Motion Media
Determining the Credibility and Information
of Motion Media  It captures motion in a
Validity of information – Is it manner that can be viewed
peer reviewed and verifiable repeatedly
 It can show processes in
Source - Primary or secondary detail and in sequence
source? Does the video capture  Simulations allow for safe
the actual event or does it observation
simply present information  It can cut across different
learned about an event cultures and groups
Relationship of the author to  It allows scenes, history,
the event – Does he have events and phenomenon to
firsthand knowledge be recreated
 It enables learning with
Technical methods of detecting
tampering/fake video:
Limitations of Motion Media
Smoothness of video – This is
and Information
often detected when
movements are not smooth;  Compared to other forms
when action seems to jump from of visual media the viewer
one position to another, as if cannot always interrupt
some action was missing the presentation.
Lighting coverage matches - One  It is often times more
way to detect lighting matches is costly than other forms of
to look at the shadows; the visual media.
source of light determines the  Other data may be
size and direction of the shadow presented best using still
images. Examples are
Scale and size consistent- scale graphs, diagrams, maps.
refers to how the size of the  It is subject to
objects in reference to one misinterpretation
another are near the real thing.
If the picture is reduced or Elements of Motion Media
enlarged by a certain percent Speed can be constant or
then all of the objects should be variable. The tone of the
resized by that percent. Objects movement can be highlighted by
that are far away are usually the speed coupled with music. A
smaller than objects that are fast movement gives vigor and
nearer. vitality, intensifying emotions. A
slow movement connotes
lethargy, solemnity or sadness.
Direction can indicate a  Transitions are used to
movement from one direction to switch between scenes.
another. It can also refer to the Having a clear start and
growing or shrinking of an finish in your motion path
object. As objects move, the or scenes Using neutral
background must remain in scale
colors at the start or end of
with the object.
a scene is a good method
Motion Path refers to the route for creating the right
that the object will take. It shows mindset. It is important to
the change in direction of a know which type of
movement. It is important to
transition to use as this
note the triggers to the change
sets the tone for the next
in direction of an object. These
event and should provide a
triggers are often key objects or
events in a story. smooth connection from
one event to another.
Timing can be objective or
 Sound and color add depth
subjective. Objective timing can
and meaning to
be measured in minutes,
seconds, days, etc. Subjective
timing is psychological or felt.  Cartooning your graphic
Objective timing is used to and text provides dynamic
produce subjective timing. movement. This can be
Timing can be used to clarify or done by using the following
intensify the message or the movements: stretching,
event. Using a pause can help rotating, squashing
time the events.  Blurring can be used in
Design Principles in Creating different ways. In
Movement animation, blurring can
provide the illusion of fast
 Speed, direction and timing movement. In videos, it is
should depict natural laws often used to censor
of physics. information for security or
 This included trajectories, decency.
impact on objects and  Always review the purpose
reactions of the of the movement.
environment. Movement is not added for
 Timing affects recall. Fast the sake of it.
movement sends much
 Slow movement provides
emphasis and lasting recall.
MANIPULATIVES/ 3D TV - a television display
technology that enables a three-
dimensional effect, so that
viewers perceive that an image
Interactive Media has depth as well as height and
A method of communication width, similar to objects in the
in which the program's outputs real-world Different Platforms of
depend on the user's inputs, and Interactive Media.
the user's inputs in turn affect Video games (multi-player) - a
the program's outputs. game played by electronically
Interactive media engage the manipulating images produced
user and interact with him or her by a computer program on a
in a way that non-interactive television screen or other display
media do not. Websites and screen. Multiplayer games allow
video games are two common two or more players to play with
types of interactive media. one another or play together.
Interactivity Role-playing games (RPG) - a
The communication process game in which players assume
that takes place between the roles of characters in a
humans and computer software. fictional setting. Players take
The most constant form of responsibility for acting out
interactivity is typically found in these roles within a narrative,
games, which need a continuous either through literal acting or
form of interactivity with the through a process of structured
gamer. Database applications decision-making or character
and other financial, engineering development.
and trading applications are also Massively Multiplayer Online
typically very interactive. Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) -
any story-driven online video
game in which a player, taking
Different Platforms of on the persona of a character in
Interactive Media a virtual or fantasy world,
Mobile apps - a software interacts with a large number of
application developed other players.
specifically for use on small, Interactive websites (pools,
wireless computing devices such surveys, exams, exercises)
as smartphones and tablets,
Virtual reality and immersive
rather than desktop or laptop
environments - the computer-
generated simulation of a three-
dimensional image or News and information -
environment that can be exchange information; give
interacted with in a seemingly reaction; news on demand;
real or physical way by a person monitor views
using special electronic Videos - choose your own
equipment, such as a helmet adventure; get multimedia
with a screen inside or gloves content; experience game
fitted with sensors. elements.
Social media - websites or online
Types of Interactivity and
services where users (actual
people) are the creators and
consumers of the content, and Click on images
where social interactions
Hotspot - a special region to act
(commenting, liking, posting,
as a trigger to another web page.
talking) are the main features of
The hotspot could be a circle,
content. Examples are Facebook,
triangle, rectangle or polygon.
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat,
Vine, etc. Rollover - an image or portion of
an image that changes in
Online shopping - compare
appearance when the mouse
prices; compare features of
cursor moves over it.
similar items; add to cart; choose
payment type; track delivery; get Tabs - clicking on them displays a
advice from experts; search relevant content with an
products; check local availability; appropriate graphic.
get product recommendations Timeline - a menu slide that
Online gaming - choose a game; branch to different events.
play with computer; play with Numbers/processes - the
others; choose a level, in-game number of clicks and the time
customization, etc. spent in an interactive function
Online classes - interact with provide data points.
content; interact with Slideshow - non-linear
instructors; interact with interactive slideshow where the
classmates. pathway through the show is
Chat - group chat; search groups; determined by the user's
search friends; translate interaction with it.
language. Frequently asked questions
Flip cards - a card that when
clicked flips to display a
description and other

Emerging Interactive Media

Interactive television - also
known as ITV or iTV. A form of
media convergence, adding data
services to traditional television
technology. Throughout its
history, these have included on-
demand delivery of content, as
well as new uses such as online
shopping, banking, and so forth.
ITV enables the viewer to issue
commands and give feedback
information through an
electronic device called a setup
box. The viewer can select which
program or movie to watch, at
what time, and can place orders
in response to commercials. New
setup boxes also allow access to
email and e-commerce
applications via internet.
Allow viewers to participate in
games shows - viewers compete
with on-screen contestants
Select alternate endings to their
favorite program
Encourage children to interact
with educational programs

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