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1. When she ________ the noise, she ________ down to the kitchen and ________ on the lights.
A. hears; goes; turns B. heard; went; turned
C. heard; was going; turned D. had heard; went; had turned
2. Jane and I ________ school in 1987.
A. finish B. have finished C. finishes D. finished
3. Pasteur ________ in the 19 century.
A. was living B. lived C. had lived D. has lived
4. When he came, ________
A. I was watching TV B. I watched TV C. I am watching TV D. I have watched TV.
5. Everyday, my sister the ________ floor.
A. usually clean B. cleans usually C. usually cleaned D. usually cleans
6. After they ________ their breakfast, they ________ shopping yesterday.
A. have; go B. had had; go C. had; had gone D. had had; went
7. Father ________ his pipe while mother ________ a magazine.
A. smoked; read B. was smoking; was reading
C. had smoked; read D. smoking; reading
8. When we came to the stadium, the match ________
A. already begins. B. had already begun. C. already began. D. have already begun.
9. David _____ his homework when his mother came home.
A. did B. is doing C. had done D. were doing
10. I haven't seen him since he _______ for Paris 2 years ago.
A. left B. had left C. leaves D. will leave
11. Almost everyone________ for home by the time we arrived.
A. leave B. left C. leaves D. had left
12. I couldn't cut the grass because the machine_______ a few days previously.
A. broken down B. has been broken C. had broken down D. breaks down
13. We ________English this time last week.
A. learned B. were learning C. have learned D. had learned
14. Her family________ to America before 1975.
A. went B. have gone C. had gone D. would go
15. When I arrived at the party, Martha________ home already.
A. went B. have gone C. had gone D. would go
16. After he ………….. his English course, he went to England to continue his study.
A. has finished B. had finished C. was finished D. would finish
17. ________ a car when they were living in London?
A. Have they B. Did they have C. Were they having D. have they had
18. Mark was listening to music while his sister_______ a book.
A. read. B. reads C. is reading D. was reading
19. We______ the concert. It was really good.
A. are enjoying B. enjoy C. enjoyed D. would enjoy
20. It was 10 p.m. Most of the shops_____ just______
A. have/closed B. had/closed C. has/closed D. was closing
21. There's no more apples. We ______ them all.
A. had eaten B. ate C. eat D. have eaten
22. After he________ the house, he wrote a letter.
A. cleans B. was cleaning C. had cleaned D. has cleaned
23. They_____ me about it last week.
A. was telling B. told C. had told D. would tell
24. I______________ my son the money for that last week.
A. gave B. given C. have given D. was given
25. Where ________ you at 9:00 last night, Mr. Green?
A. have been B. were C. will be D. are
26. I ________ the dishwasher on when I heard the shot.
A. am turning b. turned C. was turning D. turned

27. He was writing to his friend when he _______ a noise.
A. was hearing B. heard C. had heard D. hears
28. My mother _______ very happy when she _______her old friend again two days ago.
A. was / met B. had been / met C. has been / meets D. has been / met
29. I _______ many people since I came here in June.
A. met B. has met C. was meeting D. have met
30. He _______ football since he was a boy.
A. plays B. is playing C. has played D. played
31. We_______maths at this time last week.
A. were learning B. are learning C. learnt D. was learning
32. When I_______the door, she was reading a newspaper.
A. opens B. opened C. was opening D. was opened
33. She was playing games while he _______ a football match.
A. watched B. watches C. was watching D. watching
34. She _______ to Ho Chi Minh city last year.
A. goes B. has gone C. go D. went
35. Water _______ most of the Earth’s surface.
A. covers B. cover C. covering D. covered
36. Lee_______her shirt made one month ago.
A. has B. have C. will have D. had
37. Nowadays my mother _______ to work on foot.
A. has gone B. used to go C. went D. goes
38. _______ he playing football now?
A. Will B. Does C. Was D. Is
39. My brother said he sent the letter to my parents three days ago, but they _______yet.
A. did not receive B. had not received C. does not receive D. have not received
40. Their sons _______ out of the house since six o’clock.
A. will come B. has come C. did come D. have come
41. _______ you do your exercises yesterday?
A. Did B. Do C. Does D. Have
42. Carol _______ here at weekends since the first month of this year.
A. has been working B. has working C. having working D. has been worked
43. I _______in the garden when it began to rain.
A. was walking B. walked C. am walking D. have walked
44. I_______in the living-room when the police arrived.
A. sat B. was sat C. was sitting D. have sat
45. When the telephone rang, she _______a letter.
A. wrote B. was writing C. was written D. were writing
46. “Who _______ noise in the room?”
A. makes B. made C. is making D. was making
47. Mary _______ a beautiful long dress at the moment.
A. is wearing B. wears C. was wearing D. has worn
48. While I _______ for a bus, I saw a terrible accident.
A. have waited B. wait C. was waiting D. waiting
49. After he _______ work, he went straight home.
A. had finished B. has been finishing C. has finished D. would finish
50. The canteen always_______at 7:10 a.m.
A. will open B. will have opened C. opens D. be opened
51. I_______ very fast when the accident happened.
A. wasn’t driving B. hadn’t driven C. am not driving D. hasn’t driven
52. Someone _______ my grandfather’s car twenty years ago.
A. stolen B. has stolen C. was stolen D. stole
53. I generally _______ jeans, but today I _______ a suit.
A. wear / was wearing B. am wearing / wear C. wear / wear D. wear / am wearing

54. When I see Lee in the street, she always _______ at me.
A. smiled B. has smiled C. was smiling D. smiles
55. I_______ a film for two years up to now.
A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. won’t see D. didn’t see
56. Peter _______ for her wife’s letter since last Friday. Now he hasn’t received yet.
A. was waiting B. waits C. waited D. has been waiting
57. He _______ to school when he had a puncture.
A. shall drive B. am driving C. drove D. was driving
58. There _______ some good news about my family lately.
A. is B. were C. has been D. have been

59. Tom and his father plays tennis every afternoon with their friends.
60. I didn’t see him since he moved to London.
61. When I walk past the park, I saw some children play football.
62. Anybody who have a fever must go home immediately.
63. Physics are my best subject at school.
64. What did you do at 9 o’clock last night? I phoned you but nobody answered.
65. Have you finished reading the book which I lend you last week?
66. A chill struck me when I entering the interviewing room.
67. I had never seen any of Picasso’s paintings before I visit the art museum.
68. The child were told to apologize for being rude to his brother.
69. When Sam will arrive, we will open the gift
70. Ann and Susan have known each other during they were at school.

71. I (not hear) _______________ from him since he (disappear) ___________ two years ago.
72. After the guests (leave) __________, she (go) __________ back into the living-room and (turn)
__________ off the light. Had left; went; turned
73. By the time you finished cooking they (do) _______________ their homework.
74. This time yesterday they (sit) ______________ in the train on their way to Paris. were sitting
75. I came late to class. When I (enter) _____________ the teacher (write) ___________ something on the
blackboard. entered; was writing
76. When I (be) ____________ a child, I (want) ______________ to be a doctor. was; wanted
77. At 4 p.m. yesterday? Well, I (work) _________________ in my office at that time.
78. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) ______________ games.

11. Yesterday thieves (break) ________ into the house and (steal) ________ a lot of fur coats while the
guests (dance) ________
12. He (do) ________ his homework before he went to the cinema.
13. What you (do) ________ after you (go) ________ home yesterday?
14. Tom (not come) ________ here tomorrow.
15. John (watch) ________ TV at 8 last evening.
16. Dick (start) ________ school before he (be) ________ seven.
17. What you (do) ________ when I (ring) ________ you last night?
18. John (drive) ________ that car ever since I (know) ________ him.
19. Columbus (discover) ________ America more than 400 years ago.

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