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Grade 9 Review question



1. GDP Equals (the equation) A. questions addressed by macroeconomics

2. Frictional unemployment B. creation of a new product, service, or process
3. What causes inflation & Unemployment C. Pi x Qi
4. Invention D. voluntary switching of jobs in search of better jobs


5. Define Macroeconomics _________________________

6. The general objectives of a macroeconomic policy is to achieve ____________________;
_______________; and ____________________
7. What are the disadvantages of e-money? ___________________;
___________________; _________________
8. What are the advantages of e-money? ___________________; ___________________;
9. What are the Macroeconomic variables? ___________________;
___________________; _________________
10. When Net Factor Income (NFI) > 0, then Gross National Product (GNP)
11. When Net Factor Income (NFI) < 0, then Gross National Product (GNP) ____________
12. When Net Factor Income (NFI) = 0, then Gross National Product (GNP)
13. An enterprise is ___________________________________
14. Innovation refers to __________________________________
15. What are the causes of inflation? ___________________; ___________________;
16. People who are not included in the labor force are; ___________________;
___________________; _________________
17. The money supply consists of; ___________________; ___________________;
18. Payments through electronic money can be performed through; ___________________;
___________________; _________________
19. When the trade balance is in deficit it is said to be; ___________________;
___________________; _________________
20. When the trade balance is in surplus it is said to be; ___________________;
___________________; _________________
21. Structural unemployment can be explained as; ___________________;
___________________; _________________
22. Frictional unemployment can be explained as; ___________________;
___________________; _________________
23. When the national economy is closed or a country has no interaction with the rest of the
world; Gross National Product (GNP) ____________Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
24. What are the general goals of macroeconomics; ___________________;
___________________; _________________
25. Labor force consists of all those; ___________________; ___________________;
26. The types of inflation are; ___________________ and ___________________
27. Define Cost push inflation; __________________________________
28. Define Demand-pull inflation; __________________________________
29. The labor force refers to; ________________________________
30. Inflation refers to; _________________________________
31. Trade balance refers to; _________________________________
32. Disguised unemployment refers to; _________________________________
33. Per Capita Income refers to; _________________________________
34. Unemployment refers to; _________________________________
35. Inflation occurs when the prices of goods and services _________________, deflation
occurs when those prices _____________________

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