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Surat yang keras atau surat yang menegaskan secara tegas atau kritis terhadap penerima. Ini
bisa digunakan dalam berbagai konteks, seperti di tempat kerja ketika manajer harus
memberikan umpan balik yang kritis kepada seorang karyawan, dalam situasi bisnis ketika
menuntut pembayaran yang tertunda, atau dalam hubungan pribadi ketika seseorang
mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan atau kekecewaan kepada orang lain melalui surat. Intinya,
surat yang keras seringkali digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan yang tidak
menyenangkan atau menegaskan posisi dengan tegas.
A harsh letter or a letter that is strongly assertive or critical of the recipient. It can be used in
a variety of contexts, such as in the workplace when a manager must provide critical
feedback to an employee, in business situations when demanding delayed payments, or in
personal relationships when someone expresses dissatisfaction or disappointment to
another person through a letter. In essence, strong letters are often used to convey an
unpleasant message or assert a position firmly.

Menyampaikan Kritik atau Umpan Balik yang Jelas

Mendorong Perubahan atau Perbaikan

Menetapkan Batas atau Menegaskan Standar

Menyampaikan Konsekuensi Serius

Mengungkapkan Ketidakpuasan atau Kekecewaan

To Delivering Clear Criticism or Feedback

To Encourage Change or Improvement
To Setting Boundaries or Affirming Standards
To Communicating Serious Consequences
To Expressing Dissatisfaction or Disappointment

Dear ____:

The purpose of this letter is to demand immediate payment of the $_____ you owe us for our
inspection of the property at [property address]. As you know, we inspected the property and
provided you with our report.

Your Agreement with us provides that if we file suit to collect our fee, you must pay our attorney’s
fees and costs. It also provides that we are entitled to interest on the debt owed to us.
You must pay the amount owed to us immediately. If we do not receive immediate payment, we
may take legal action, assign your account to a collection agency, and/or report the debt to a credit
reporting agency.

We expect your prompt attention to this matter.

[Your Company Name]

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