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Year 2 Semi-Annual English Exam Paper

- Write your name and class on the top of the paper.
- Read all questions carefully before answering.
- Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Section A: Reading Comprehension

Read the passage and answer the questions below:

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the garden. One
sunny day, she found a beautiful butterfly. She followed it and discovered a secret garden
full of flowers and birds. Lily spent the whole afternoon playing in the secret garden and
made friends with the animals.

1. What is the name of the little girl in the story?

2. Where did Lily love to play?

3. What did Lily find in the garden?

4. How did Lily feel when she found the secret garden?

Section B: Grammar
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets:
- Lily (play) _______ in the garden every day.
- She (find) _______ a butterfly yesterday.
- The birds (sing) _______ in the trees.

2. Circle the correct word to complete each sentence:

- The cat is (in / on) the mat.
- There are (many / much) flowers in the garden.
- Lily is (happy / happily) playing with the animals.

Section C: Spelling and Vocabulary

1. Unscramble the following words:
- lgyiL ______________
- ggardne ______________
- irbds ______________
2. Match the words with their meanings:
- Butterfly
- a) A small flying insect with colorful wings
- b) A place where plants grow
- Garden
- a) A small flying insect with colorful wings
- b) A place where plants grow

Section D: Writing
1. Write three sentences about your favorite animal.

2. Draw a picture of the secret garden and write two sentences about it.

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