09 - Allibone Et Al. - Kibali

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©2020 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

SEG Special Publications, no. 23, pp. 185–201

Chapter 9

Orogenic Gold Deposits of the Kibali District, Neoarchean Moto Belt,

Northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Andrew Allibone,1,† Carlos Vargas,1 Etienne Mwandale,1 Justus Kwibisa,1 Richard Jongens,2 Sarah Quick,1
Nathan Komarnisky,1 Mark Fanning,3 Philip Bird,4 Doug MacKenzie,5 Rose Turnbull,6 and Joel Holliday1
1 Randgold Resources Ltd., Halkett Street, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands JE2 4WJ
2 Anatoki Geoscience Ltd., New Zealand
3 Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
4 Department of Geography and Geology, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, London, UK KT1 2EE
5 Department of Geology, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
6 GNS Science, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand

The Kibali district in the Democratic Republic of Congo hosts the large Karagba-Chaffeur-Durba (KCD)
deposit and smaller satellite deposits that together contained 20 million ounces (Moz) of gold when mining
recommenced in 2013. An additional 3 Moz of gold was probably mined from the district before 2013.
Gold deposits in the Kibali district are located along the KZ trend, a series of folds, contractional shear zones,
and altered lithostratigraphic units that coincide with the margin of an earlier 2630 to 2625 Ma intraorogenic
basin within the Neoarchean Moto belt. Fluids first responsible for barren carbonate-quartz-sericite alteration,
and later for siderite and/or ankerite (±quartz, magnetite, pyrite, and/or chlorite) alteration with associated
auriferous pyrite ± rare arsenopyrite veinlets, infiltrated and replaced the siliciclastic, banded iron formation
(BIF), and chert host rocks via fold axes, shear zones, and reactive BIF horizons. The complex shape and gentle
northeast plunge of the lodes across the Kibali district reflect the shape and plunge of coincident folds that
formed during early barren alteration. Many other folded BIF horizons across the wider Moto belt remain bar-
ren or only weakly mineralized, suggesting deep extensional structures that may have developed in the vicinity
of the KZ trend during basin opening and prior to gold mineralization, were important fluid pathways during
later contractional deformation and mineralization.

Introduction deposits, including Pakaka, Mengu Hill, Kalimva, Ikamva,

The Kibali district in the northeastern Democratic Republic and Aindi Watsa (Fig. 2). These deposits, and several other
of Congo (DRC) hosts one of the largest gold deposits dis- prospects, are located along the N- to WNW-trending KZ
covered in Africa to date and numerous smaller deposits. trend, which extends for 60 km across the central part of the
The original size of the gold resource in the Kibali district is Moto belt. The KZ trend is a complex structure within which
unclear because only limited records of mining undertaken different segments are dominated by either folds and/or shear
during much of the 20th century exist. However, the various zones. Some segments are parallel to the structural grain of
deposits in the Kibali district currently contain a combined the adjacent rocks, whereas others, such as the area around
resource of 17 million ounces (Moz) (December 2018, Rand- the KCD deposit, appear to cut across the structural grain of
gold Resources Annual Report, 2018), with an additional the surrounding rocks at a highly oblique angle. Additional
3 Moz extracted since mining recommenced in 2013. Rand- gold prospects are present in both the eastern and western
gold estimates that an additional 3 Moz was mined from the parts of the Moto belt, indicating that the KZ trend is not
Kibali district between 1906 and 2013, implying the original the only regional-scale mineralized structure within the belt,
resource exceeded 23 Moz. Exploration is ongoing and the although it is the most highly endowed structure discovered
full potential of the district remains undefined with miner- to date.
alized rocks intersected >1,000 m below the surface in the Since 2011, in-depth geologic and geochronologic investi-
deepest holes drilled to date. gations have been undertaken on a variety of scales within the
Gold deposits of the Kibali district are hosted by supra- KCD deposit, along the KZ trend, and throughout the Moto
crustal rocks of the Moto belt, one of several belts of Archean belt to define more clearly the internal structure, hydrother-
supracrustal rocks within the northeastern part of the Congo mal character, and geologic context of gold deposits in the
craton (Fig. 1; BRGM, 1976). Approximately 85 to 90% of Kibali district (Lawrence, 2011; Bird, 2016; Jongens et al.,
the current resource in the Kibali district is located within 2016; Allibone and Vargas, 2017a). Key outcomes of this work
the large Karagba-Chaffeur-Durba (KCD) deposit, whereas are summarized herein and the supplementary Figures A1
the remaining 10 to 15% is located within smaller satellite and A2.
All new geochronology referred to here was undertaken
†Corresponding author: e-mail, Rodinian@msn.com using the U-Pb zircon sensitive high resolution ion microprobe
doi: 10.5382/SP.23.09; 17 p.
Digital appendices are on the USB drive attached to the inside back cover
and are also available online. 185

A Central African
Republic Kibali

B Sudan

Neoproterozoic rocks Uganda
Mesoproterozoic rocks
Paleoproterozoic rocks borders

Undifferentiated Meso- Kenya
archean, Neoarchean Lakes
and Proterozoic rocks Democratic
Republic of Rwanda M
Probable Archean Congo G
granitoid gneisses B
Burundi N
Neoarchean granitoids
Neoarchean volcanic Early 5°S
and sedimentary rocks Tanzania Paleozoic
Mesoarchean gneisses, supracrustal rocks, orogenic
and basement, some belt that

Neoarchean granitoids includes


4°S West Nile Gneiss


Fig. 2
3°S Belt Kibali
Scale: 500 km
Tele Belt
North Belt Ngayu Major gold deposits
2°S Belt B = Bulyanhulu
G = Geita
Kilo GP = Golden Pride
Belt M = North Mara
Scale: 250 km N = Nyakafuru
1°S Mambasa

Fig. 1. A. Geologic map of central and eastern equatorial Africa showing the distribution of Archean and Proterozoic rocks
in the Congo craton, and the location of major Neoarchean gold deposits, compiled from maps in BRGM (1976), Kabete et
al. (2012b), Nyachenko and Hagemann (2014), and Westerhoff et al. (2014). Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic cover has
been omitted to emphasize the Precambrian geology. The Kibali district is located in the northeastern part of the Democratic
Republic of Congo. B. Summary geologic map of the northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, showing the distribution
of Archean plutonic and volcano-sedimentary rocks, the location of the Kibali mining district, and the area covered in more
detail in Figure 2.

(SHRIMP) technique at the Australian National University, commenced in 1906 (Woodtli, 1954). In 1926, the Belgian
Canberra. Information on the location, petrographic charac- government founded the Société des Mines d’Or de Kilo-
ter, and whole-rock chemistry of the dated samples discussed Moto (SOKIMO) to manage gold mining activity in both the
in this paper are presented in the supplementary electronic Kilo and Moto belts in the northeastern DRC. Mining activ-
file Table S1. Details of the dating method and the data col- ity in the Kibali district was particularly intense during the
lected are presented in the supplementary electronic file 1950s when both open-pit and underground workings were
Table S2. All supplementary files are available at www.eco- developed around the KCD deposit and other sites along
nomicgeology.org. the KZ trend. SOKIMO also undertook regional exploration
programs that identified other hard-rock gold occurrences
Exploration and Mining History elsewhere in the Moto belt. Commercial mining activities
Records of artisanal alluvial gold mining in the Kibali district declined rapidly after the DRC independence in 1960, but
date back to 1903 when the area was visited by two Austra- artisanal mining activity continued. In 1966, SOKIMO was
lian prospectors, although gold was most likely discovered restructured and became the Offices des Mines d’Or de Kilo-
in the area long before the arrival of foreigners. Commercial Moto (OKIMO), which continued to oversee minor workings
extraction of gold from both alluvial and hard-rock sources in the Kibali district for the next 40 years.
740000E 750000E 760000E 770000E 780000E 790000E 800000E 810000E 820000E 830000E
RG00531, 2631 ± 7 ?
Major shear zone

North ?
Ikamva Intrusive or
Bird (2016) sheared

Ganga 2636 ± 9 contact ?

Kalimvax x
<2639 ± 8

RG00463 KZ Trend
2622 ± 9

RG00180 RG00122
Mengu 2632 ± 6 RG00118 2638 ± 6
2639 ± 6 Belengo
x Pakaka x RG00127 x

RG00060 x 2638 ± 7
2626 ± 5

Giro KCD
x RG00188 V
RG00053 x
x 2630 ± 4 ? V
<2646 ± 5 x ? V
x RG00056 ?
2622 ± 7 RG00254
Gau 2633 ± 9
RG00044 x
2625 ± 8 Aindi ?


x Zambula
2620 ± 4 KZ Trend
x x 2615 ± 4
RG00098 ?
RG00103 x 2614 ± 6
Fe, Zr, Y, Nb-rich sanukitoid

2616 ± 7
granitoids < ca. 2600 Ma old
Gold mineralization, further contractional deformation ca. 2620-2600 Ma
Manganzi RG00094 Plutonic rocks ca. 2625-2610 Ma
2636 ± 10
Zembe x Altered igneous rocks Calc-alkaline granitoids
east of the KZ Trend
Ultramafic plutonic Granitoid rocks - undated
rocks, age ? ca. 2625-2610 Ma old ?

Contraction, metamorphism, basin inversion, folding
RG00285 Volcanic, sedimentary, and granitoid porphyry intrusive rocks, ca. 2629-2626 Ma
x 2593 ± 20 2584 ± 9
Scale 10 km Tonalite-granodiorite porphyries

SHRIMP U-Pb zircon

2645 ± 5 x maximum eruptive or Dominantly basalt or dacitic Conglomerate, gritstone,
depositional age volcaniclastic rocks respectively sandstone, siltstone, chert, BIF
Fold hinges- + 20ppb soil
Extension, basin development

mineralized Au along the 2636 ± 10 x SHRIMP U-Pb zircon
southern KZ Trend emplacement ages Plutonic rocks ca. 2645-2630 Ma old
Fold hinges- Amphibolite facies quartz-
unmineralized ACSA-alteration Undated granitoids,
along the KZ Trend muscovite ± pyrite schist ca. 2630-2645 Ma old ? Calc-alkaline granitoids
Unmineralized faults along West Nile contact
Volcano-sedimentary rocks older than ca. 2638 Ma old
Bedding Zone of pyritic
form lines mineralization Variably foliated basalt, dacitic Psammitic, pelitic, amphibolitic,
Mineralized shears Conductive, volcaniclastic rocks, siltstones, and calc-silicate, greenschist
without ACSA carbonaceous ? rocks ?
carbonaceous argillites, and BIFs and amphibolite facies schists

Fig. 2. Summary geologic map of the Moto (Kibali greenstone) belt, showing major geologic domains, crosscutting granitoid plutons, and the general structural architec-
ture. Gold deposits of the Kibali district are located on the 60-km-long mineralized KZ trend, a zone of complex faulting and folding, which cuts across the central part
of the Moto belt. The KZ trend also coincides with changes in the age and metamorphic character of the rocks on either side. Additional gold prospects are located in
the eastern and western parts of the Moto belt. The northeastern margin of the belt is remote and poorly exposed, and its extent remains unclear. Geochronologic data
are from Turnbull et al. (2017) and this paper.

Barrick Gold Corporation acquired exploration rights form isolated belts and blocks that underlie the remaining 10
over the Kilo and Moto belts in 1996 in a joint venture with to 20% (BRGM, 1976). Regional reconnaissance mapping,
OKIMO. Barrick identified an extensive zone of elevated lithogeochemistry, and geochronology undertaken by Rand-
regolith gold values in the vicinity of the KCD deposit and, gold as far west as 27.3° W define three chemically distinct
in 1998, entered a joint venture with Anglo American Cor- suites of Neoarchean granitoids across the northeastern part
poration to explore the district. The Barrick-Anglo American of the DRC: (1) Ca- and Na-rich tonalites, trondhjemites, and
joint venture drilled the KCD and Pakaka deposits in the granodiorites with high Sr/Y ratios; (2) less sodic, more potas-
Kibali district, and their results indicated a 2+-Moz resource sic granodiorites and granites with low Sr/Y ratios; and (3) Fe-,
for the area. The joint venture also commissioned an aero- Zr-, Y-, and Nb-rich quartz monzodiorites, tonalites, granodi-
magnetic survey over much of the Moto belt that was under- orites, and granites with both low and high Sr/Y ratios (Turn-
taken by World Geoscience Ltd. at a 200-m line spacing. This bull et al., 2017). The first two of these granitoid suites are
survey continues to aid exploration activity in the Moto belt similar to the high and low Ca granitoids from many Neoar-
20 years after its completion. Barrick and Anglo American chean terranes (e.g., Champion and Sheraton, 1997), whereas
withdrew from the area in late 1998 following the outbreak the third suite shares some characteristics in common with
of the second Congo war, formally returning the concession both the high field strength element (HFSE)-rich and mafic
to OKIMO in 2000. In late 1998, Ugandan troops operating granitoids of the eastern Yilgarn craton, and so-called sanukit-
in support of the rebel group Rassemblement Congolais pour oids from several other Neoarchean terranes (e.g., Czarnota
la Democratie occupied the Kibali district, taking control of et al., 2010). Gabbros and diorites also occur widely among
mines in the area. the Neoarchean plutonic rocks of the northeastern DRC, with
Ugandan troops withdrew in 2002, allowing Moto Gold- particularly Fe-rich tholeiitic gabbro-diorites having chemis-
mines to undertake further exploration in the Kibali district tries similar to the aforementioned Fe- and HFSE-enriched
between 2004 and 2009. This work confirmed the large granitoids. Reconnaissance SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating
potential of the district, and Moto Goldmines completed a indicates that a switch from high and low Ca plutonism to Fe-
prefeasibility study in 2006, a feasibility study in 2007, and and HFSE-rich plutonism occurred at ca. 2600 Ma through-
an optimized feasibility study in March 2009. Randgold out the northeastern DRC (Turnbull et al., 2017).
Resources Ltd. and AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. subsequently The area north of the Moto belt is underlain by the West
acquired Moto Goldmines in October 2009. Randgold Nile Gneiss, a composite granitoid unit that extends north-
Resources Ltd. and AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. each currently ward into South Sudan. North of the Moto belt, the West
own 45% of Kibali Goldmines, whereas the remaining 10% is Nile Gneiss includes Neoarchean granodiorite orthogneiss
held by OKIMO. Exploration of the Kibali district, other parts emplaced at 2622 ±7 Ma (Turnbull et al., 2017) and a Meso-
of the KZ trend, and the wider Moto belt has been ongoing proterozoic syenogranite pluton that is >8 km2 in area which
since the acquisition of Moto Goldmines by the joint venture. was emplaced at ca. 985 ± 3 Ma (Bird, 2016; Allibone and
Mining commenced at the KCD deposit in 2012, with the first Vargas, 2017b). The Neoarchean granodiorite was partially
gold pour in the 3rd quarter of 2013. melted under upper amphibolite facies conditions at ca.
625 Ma (Turnbull et al., 2017), implying that Neoprotero-
Regional Geologic Setting zoic Rb-Sr ages obtained from the West Nile Gneiss reflect
Archean rocks, which form the northeastern part of the Congo this metamorphic event, rather than magmatism within the
craton, extend eastward from the northern part of the DRC unit (Poidevin, 1983; de Witt and Linol, 2015). A 100- to
across the Cenozoic East African rift into Uganda, southern 200-m-wide major shear zone marks the contact between
Kenya, and northern Tanzania (e.g., Link et al., 2010), where the West Nile Gneiss and Moto belt north of the Kibali dis-
they host major gold deposits at Geita, Bulyanhulu, and North trict (Fig. 2). Granitoid protomylonite entrained within this
Mara (Fig. 1). Many of the Archean rocks, and some of the shear zone crystallized at 2631 ± 7 Ma and was affected by
gold deposits, in the Ugandan (Nyachenko and Hagemann, radiogenic Pb loss at ca. 520 to 500 Ma (Allibone and Vargas,
2014; Westerhoff et al., 2014) and Tanzanian (e.g., Manya et 2017b), indicating that the shear zone may have been active at
al., 2006; Chamberlain, 2007; Kabete et al., 2012a, b, 2013; any time between the Neoarchean and early Paleozoic.
Sanislav et al., 2014, 2015, 2017) parts of the craton have been
described in detail, whereas only brief descriptions of Archean Geology of the Moto Belt
rocks and gold deposits in the Congolese part of the craton are The Moto greenstone belt includes a wide variety of variably
currently available (e.g., Woodtli, 1961; Cahen and Snelling, deformed and metamorphosed basalts, dacitic volcanic and
1966; Lavreau, 1973, 1984; Cahen et al., 1984). Published volcaniclastic rocks, siliciclastic sedimentary rocks, banded
radiometric dates for rocks from the northeastern DRC are iron formation (BIF), and chert (Fig. 2). The KCD deposit,
restricted to eight Rb-Sr ages, many with 100 to 200 m.y. or and the associated mineralized KZ trend, are located in the
more of uncertainty (Cahen et al., 1984; Poidevin, 1985) and central part of the belt, with the KZ trend marking an import-
two U-Pb zircon ages (Mantarri et al., 2013; deWit and Liol, ant boundary between older and younger parts of the belt
2015) from the composite Archean-Neoproterozoic West Nile with different provenances.
Gneiss northeast of the Moto belt and Kibali (Figs. 1, 2).
Archean rocks crop out across approximately 250,000 km2 Geology of the Moto belt east of the KZ trend
of the northeastern DRC (Fig. 1). Plutonic rocks underlie The eastern part of the Moto belt, between the KZ trend and
80 to 90% of this area, whereas volcanosedimentary rocks, Belengo (Fig. 2), comprises variably deformed basalt, dac-
mostly metamorphosed under greenschist facies conditions, itic volcaniclastic rocks, graywacke, siltstone, BIF, and minor

carbonaceous argillite and chert. Although a penetrative folia- emplaced at 2638 ± 8 Ma (Fig. 2), providing evidence that
tion is present in many of these rocks, even the most strongly metamorphism and associated deformation along the eastern
deformed still retain some primary volcanic or sedimentary margin of the Moto belt occurred after this time.
textures. East of Belengo, the belt comprises schistose rocks A lack of detrital zircons >5 µm across in examined samples
in which all primary textures have been destroyed during of volcanosedimentary rocks and schists from east of the KZ
metamorphism and synchronous deformation. The bound- trend has thwarted attempts to constrain the maximum depo-
ary between these two domains extends over a broad zone sitional age of these rocks. This lack of coarser grained detrital
hundreds of meters or more across, in which schistose and zircons implies that there were few if any granitoids in the ter-
less strongly deformed rocks that retain primary features are rane(s) from which these rocks were derived. Their minimum
interlayered with each other. No single fault or shear zone depositional age is, however, constrained to be >2639 ± 6 Ma,
defines this boundary, nor is it marked by a simple gradual the age of the oldest crosscutting tonalite pluton analyzed at
increase in strain from one side to the other. this stage (Figs. 2, 4).
Because the area between the KZ trend and Belengo (Fig.
2) is flat and deeply weathered, descriptions of the rocks are Geology of the Moto belt west of the KZ trend
largely based on drill holes immediately east of the KZ trend Much of the central and western Moto belt, west of the KZ
and trenches in the vicinity of Belengo. East of Pakaka (Fig. trend, is underlain by an extensive package of pebble con-
3), pillow basalts are interbedded with polymict dacitic vol- glomerates, gritstones, sandstones, siltstones, and interlayered
caniclastic rocks that contain phenocrysts of plagioclase, bio- BIF horizons (Fig. 2). Carbonaceous argillite, graywacke, and
tite and/or hornblende, but not quartz. East of Kalimva and chert units together comprise <5% of this western package.
Mengu, finely laminated sandstones are interbedded with Most conglomerates are polymict and contain pebbles of
subordinate BIF and minor carbonaceous argillite on 5- to vein quartz, recrystallized white chert, sandstone, siltstone,
20-m scales. East of Aerodrome (Fig. 3), thick homogeneous felsic volcanic rocks that include probable ignimbrite and
sandstones, which include numerous chloritic lithic grains crystal-rich tuff, mafic volcanic rocks, and BIF in varying pro-
derived from a basaltic protolith, dominate the rock package portions, although vein quartz and recrystallized chert are
and are interbedded with subordinate basalt and BIF. A more generally the most common clasts. Graded bedding within
extensive BIF and interbedded chert unit more than 200 m coarse lithic-rich sandstones, gritstones, and conglomerate
thick continues for 10 to 15 km east-southeast from Kan- units provide critical information on stratigraphic young-
ga-Sud along the southern margin of this east-central domain ing directions that constrain the position and shape of folds
(Figs. 2, 3). Low- to mid- greenschist facies mineral assem- (Figs. 3, 5). Some beds grade from fine pebble conglomerate
blages, which include sericite, chlorite, actinolite-tremolite, to siltstone with magnetite laminae at their stratigraphic top,
carbonate, epidote, titanite, pyrrhotite, and rutile, have partly indicating that periods of chemical sedimentation under qui-
to largely replaced all primary minerals in rocks between the escent conditions were punctuated by influxes of siliciclastic
KZ trend and Belengo. sediment. Some crystal-rich layers may be crystal tuffs, imply-
Schistose rocks east of Belengo (Fig. 2) have been metamor- ing that episodes of siliceous volcanism periodically punctu-
phosed under upper-greenschist to low- to mid-amphibolite ated deposition of the sedimentary rocks.
facies conditions. Schist comprising quartz, albite, musco- Numerous small detrital zircons (approx 20–50 µm in
vite, chlorite, local biotite, and minor clinozoisite is the most diameter) are present in the conglomerates, gritstones, and
common lithology. The easternmost 5 km of the Moto belt sandstones west of the KZ trend, unlike sedimentary rocks
includes garnet-bearing amphibolite facies psammo-pelitic and schists in the eastern Moto belt (Randgold Resources
schists, rare unfoliated epidote-hornblende-carbonate-mag- Ltd., Arise Geoscience, unpub. data). The four samples of
netite-bearing calc-silicate rocks, metabasic amphibolites, and dated sandstone contain a single major population of detri-
relatively coarse-grained recrystallized BIF. tal zircons with ages of 2643 ± 9 Ma (RG00027), 2639 ± 8
Tonalite plutons emplaced between ca. 2645 and 2630 Ma Ma (RG00069), 2628 ± 10 Ma (RG00028), and 2624 ± 5 Ma
cut the eastern part of the Moto belt and underlie the area to (RG00024) (Figs. 2, 5, Tables S1, S2). There are rare zircons
the south (Fig. 2, Table S2, RG00094, RG00118, RG00127, as old as 2685 ± 5 Ma in sample RG00069 from Kalimva,
RG00254). Tonalite in the vicinity of the KZ trend at Kalimva, but no older Neoarchean nor Mesoarchean detrital zircons
emplaced at 2635 ± 9 Ma based upon an LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zir- were detected in any of the four sandstones that were ana-
con date (Bird, 2016), is locally strongly deformed and altered, lyzed. Hypabyssal plagioclase ± hornblende, biotite porphy-
indicating that displacement and hydrothermal activity in this ritic tonalite porphyry dikes, sills, and plugs that cut these
northern part of the KZ trend postdates emplacement of this rocks were emplaced at 2630 ± 4 Ma (RG00188) south of
pluton (Fig. 4). In contrast, tonalite plutons in the eastern part KCD, 2626 ± 12 Ma (RG00030) within KCD, and 2632 ± 6
of the Moto belt, east of the KZ trend, are massive, unde- Ma (RG00180) at Pakaka, indicating that the adjacent sedi-
formed, but locally affected by sericite (±carbonate) alter- mentary rocks were deposited in a short period between ca.
ation. Some layers of schistose quartzofeldspathic rock near 2630 and 2625 Ma (Fig. 4), within the range of the uncertain-
the eastern edge of the Moto belt retain remains of relatively ties in the zircon ages. The ages of the detrital zircons in the
coarse plagioclase in which Carlsbad twins are preserved, sim- siliciclastic rocks are indistinguishable from the emplacement
ilar to plagioclase in many granitoid plutonic rocks, implying ages of larger tonalite plutons in the eastern part of the Moto
that these schists were originally tonalite sills emplaced prior belt and the area to the south, implying that the sedimentary
to deformation and metamorphism. Uranium-Pb zircon dat- rocks west of the KZ trend were partly derived from plutonic
ing of one such sill (RG00122, Table S2) indicates that it was rocks immediately to the east and south. The KZ trend may


Marakeke Ndala North

v Megi

v Pamao
v v 18v


Aerodrome Down-plunge
BIF unit caps KCD continuation
hydrothermal Agbarabo of fold zone
system, some that hosts
“leakage” of KCD below

fluid and gold unaltered,

along base of barren cover

the BIF

Possible transfer
fault above
Kanga Sud

thrust fault

3000 45

Gorumbwa v v
Down-plunge continuation

A C of Memekazi below
unaltered, barren
Fold zone v cover ?

that hosts
v v

v v v v v

v KCD 30 B

2630±4 Ma
BIF caps
system ?
(alteration unkown)

342000N Scale 1 km

Volcanic and sedimentary rocks 2625-2630 Ma old Volcanic and sedimentary rocks > ca. 2640 Ma old
Undifferentiated siltstone, sandstone, gritstone, and Undifferentiated basalt, dacitic volcaniclastics,
pebble conglomerate siltstones, and carbonaceous argillites
Banded iron formation Altered/meta-basaltic rocks, locally with pillow textures
Chert Graywackes, locally carbonaceous Dacitic volcaniclastic rocks and volcanic sandstones
Carbonaceous argillites Sandstones and siltstones, with basalt lithic fragments
Carbonaceous argillites
Sessenge Tonalite - 2630±4 Ma old
Banded iron formation

Variably altered igneous rocks

Zones of anomalous Zones of ACSA-
regolith gold values A & B alteration
Form lines parallel to foliation and fold axial planes
formed at the same time as ACSA-A alteration Stratigraphic
v younging direction
Locally mineralized carbonate-chlorite-altered shear zone that separates older and younger stratigraphic domains

Fig. 3. Summary geologic map of the central part of the KZ trend including the area around the large KCD deposit. Deposits
and prospects at Marakeke, Megi, Pamao, Pakaka, Aerodrome, and Kanga-Sud are localized along a major altered shear zone
that juxtaposes older rocks to the east over younger rocks to the west. The large KCD deposit includes ore shoots that crop out
at Sessenge. Smaller satellite deposits occur at Kombokolo, Rhino, and Agbarabo, and prospects at Memekazi and Renzi. All
are localized along several folded BIF horizons within the younger package of siliciclastic rocks deposited between ca. 2630
and 2625 Ma. Ore shoots at KCD are located within a zone of particularly tight folds that plunge gently toward the northeast
for at least 3 km, below the Kanga Sud and Aerodrome prospects.

Fig. 4. Summary of the timing of major geologic events within the Moto belt, based on SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology
available in early 2018. High Sr/Y tonalite plutonism in the eastern part of the belt, subsequent basin opening, volcanism, and
low Sr/Y diorite-granodiorite plutonism in the western part of the belt, basin inversion, and mineralization all occurred within
a ca. 20- to 40-m.y. time period between ca. 2640 and 2600 Ma. Uncertainties in the ages of crosscutting suites of intrusive
rocks, and populations of detrital zircons in sedimentary rocks commonly overlap, and so field relationships as well as geochro-
nology have been used to further constrain the duration of events such as basin opening in the western part of the Moto belt.

therefore have initiated as a district-scale extensional fault sys- of the belt, steeper near-vertical dips and marked changes in
tem on the eastern margin of a basin that opened within the strike occur widely in the central and southern parts of the
Moto belt between ca. 2630 and 2625 Ma. belt west of the KZ trend, implying the presence of 1- to
An extensive dacitic volcaniclastic unit occurs in the west- 10-km scale, curved, reverse faults and/or folds in this area
ern part of the Moto belt (Fig. 2). It is not known if these (Fig. 2). The mineralized Andiu-Manganzi fault system in
dacitic rocks are proximal pyroclastic deposits or volcaniclas- the southwestern part of the belt is one possible example of
tic rocks reworked in an epiclastic setting far removed from such a reverse fault. Complex local deformation within rocks
their original volcanic source. Their stratigraphic relationship deposited between ca. 2630 and 2625 Ma in the vicinity of
to the adjacent sedimentary rocks also remains unclear. West- the KZ trend is discussed below in the context of the ore
ernmost parts of the Moto belt are underlain by poorly known controls at the KCD deposit and various satellite deposits.
basaltic rocks that include additional BIF horizons. At Giro, Tonalite porphyry dikes and sills emplaced between ca. 2629
dacitic volcaniclastic rocks, basalt, and andesite are interbed- and 2620 Ma (RG00030, RG00180, RG00188; Figs. 2, 5),
ded with each other implying a gradational stratigraphic con- and smaller diorite and tonalite bodies in the western part of
tact between these units, although their relative ages remain the belt emplaced before 2622 ± 7 Ma (RG00017, RG00044,
unclear. The dacitic volcaniclastic rocks at Giro contain rare RG00056, RG00060, RG00463; Fig. 2), were deformed
zircons that record a single age grouping at 2646 ± 5 Ma during this contractional deformation, indicating that this
(RG00053, Table S2). It is not known if these rare zircons deformation occurred after ca. 2630 Ma (Fig. 4).
constrain the age of dacitic volcanism in the western part of Chlorite, locally transitional to biotite zone metamorphic
the Moto belt, or the age of older plutonic rocks that contrib- mineral assemblages, defines rock fabrics that formed during
uted small amounts of material to the volcaniclastic rocks at a contractional deformation west of the KZ trend. In western-
later time. Plutons, dikes, and sills of gabbro-diorite, diorite, most parts of the belt, such as in the Giro area, biotite zone
tonalite, and granodiorite that cut the volcanic and sedimen- assemblages commonly have no associated rock fabrics, imply-
tary rocks in the western Moto belt were emplaced between ing that upper greenschist facies metamorphism in this part of
2628 ± 6 and 2620 ± 4 Ma (RG00017, RG00044, RG00056, the belt was a passive thermal overprint not clearly related
RG00060, RG00463; Fig. 2, Table S2), indicating that volca- to any deformation. Late acicular actinolite commonly over-
nic and sedimentary rocks in this part of the belt were depos- grows greenschist facies foliation(s) in rocks closer to the KZ
ited between 2646 ± 5 and 2628 ± 6 Ma (Fig. 4). trend, indicating that a late thermal metamorphic overprint
Although bedding west of the KZ trend dips gently toward also affected much of the area west of the KZ trend, but after
the north-northeast throughout much of the northern part cessation of earlier penetrative deformation (Allibone, 2017).

Fig. 5. Cross section through the central part of KCD, extending as far west as Gorumbwa. The mineralized 5000 and 9000 series lodes at KCD are localized along and
within a tightly folded BIF horizon and adjacent siliciclastic rocks partly replaced by siderite, ± quartz, ± magnetite, ± pyrite (ACSA-B) alteration. Barren carbonate,
quartz, sericite (ACSA-A) alteration overprints siliciclastic rocks up to approximately 1.2 km to the west at the Gorumbwa satellite deposit. A wedge-shaped block of iso-
clinally folded cherty BIF and carbonaceous siliciclastic rocks is juxtaposed against the more strongly altered rocks across a folded carbonaceous shear zone. This wedge
of cherty BIF and carbonaceous siliciclastic rocks hosts many of the 3000 series lodes northeast of this cross section. Siliciclastic rocks in both shear bounded slices of
rock were deposited between ca. 2630 and 2625 Ma, an age bracketed by those of the youngest (and only) detrital zircon population in the sedimentary rocks, and that
of crosscutting porphyry dikes and plugs.

Metamorphism and deformation along the ACSA-A assemblage where it overprints BIF. The distribution
northern margin of the Moto belt of disseminated magnetite within strongly ACSA-A altered
Pale quartz-muscovite schists that commonly contain trace rocks can be used to map the extent of BIF horizons, even
amounts of disseminated rutile, magnetite, pyrite, and tour- where no finely banded protolith magnetite remains. Sericite
maline, but no other minerals, are developed in a 2-km-wide within the ACSA-A assemblage is largely confined to millime-
zone along the northern margin of the central Moto belt (Fig. ter-thick folia rather than disseminated through the altered
2). As these schists are approached from the south, their met- rocks (Fig. 7A-C). The ACSA-A alteration commonly contains
amorphic grade increases from chlorite through the biotite trace amounts of very fine grained rutile, microscopic grains
zone, possibly into the lower amphibolite facies, and the strike of tourmaline largely within the sericite folia, and unminer-
of the dominant foliation rotates from a southeast direction, alized pyrite. Minor ilmenite is widespread in ACSA altered
parallel to the structural grain of rocks east of the KZ trend, to rocks at Kalimva.
east-northeast parallel with the belt margin. The pale schists The ACSA-A mineral assemblages are overprinted by sev-
terminate against the shear zone that marks the contact with eral different alteration assemblages in the cores of deposits
the West Nile Gneiss. and prospects along the KZ trend. The most widespread core
The distribution of this narrow band of schist suggests that mineral assemblage comprises texturally destructive siderite
it marks a prograde metamorphic halo along the southern side and pyrite with minor quartz and is referred to with the acro-
of the shear zone that juxtaposes the Moto belt and West Nile nym ACSA-B (Fig. 6). Vein and disseminated pyrite associ-
Gneiss. The relatively high metamorphic and textural grade ated with the ACSA-B assemblage are the principal hosts of
of the schists implies the West Nile Gneiss was significantly gold along the KZ trend (Fig. 7D). Gold generally occurs as
hotter than the Moto belt when the two units were initially inclusions in both disseminated and vein pyrite, and along the
juxtaposed along the intervening shear zone, with the schist margins of pyrite grains (Lawrence, 2011; Bird, 2016). The
forming within the hottest part of a thermal aureole along ACSA-B assemblage generally includes rare trace amounts
the contact with the West Nile Gneiss. Evidence of partial of arsenopyrite, tennantite, and scheelite, although at Pakaka
melting under upper amphibolite facies conditions within the arsenopyrite is approximately 20% of the sulfide present
West Nile Gneiss at ca. 625 Ma (Turnbull et al., 2017), a met- (Fig. 6; Bird, 2016). Late mineralized arsenopyrite veins cut
amorphic grade not attained anywhere within the Moto belt, ACSA-B-related pyrite veins in the Sessenge area immedi-
suggests that higher grade metamorphism along the northern ately southwest of the KCD deposit (Fig. 3). Pyrrhotite locally
margin of the Moto belt may have occurred during the late accompanies mineralized pyrite in some of the 3000 series
Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic Pan African event rather than lodes. Relict BIF and disseminated hydrothermal magnetite
during the Neoarchean. Later meter-scale folds and an associ- are common within ACSA-B altered rocks, reflecting the
ated crenulation cleavage that dips gently to the south-south- close spatial association between this alteration assemblage
west occur throughout much of the Moto belt and may also and BIF (Fig. 7D). Disseminated magnetite within ACSA-B
have formed at this time rather than during the Neoarchean. altered rock can be used to map the extent of BIF horizons in
the protolith. The sericite foliation associated with ACSA-A
alteration is destroyed along ACSA-B alteration fronts, indi-
Alteration and Mineralization along the KZ trend cating that ACSA-B occurred after ACSA-A alteration (Fig.
A variety of hydrothermal mineral assemblages, which are 7C). Early pyrite porphyroblasts, probably formed during
zoned in both space and time, overprint rocks along the KZ ACSA-A alteration, are partially recrystallized and rimmed
trend (Fig. 6). Peripheral alteration assemblages typically by later mineralized pyrite that formed during ACSA-B alter-
contain various combinations of chlorite, sericite, carbonate, ation. Growth of mineralized pyrite, either disseminated in
epidote, actinolite, titanite and/or rutile, and locally pyrrho- zones of ACSA-B alteration, or within veins associated with
tite. Differences in the peripheral mineral assemblages com- ACSA-B alteration, postdates development of all rock fabrics
monly reflect changes in the protolith rock composition. It is at KCD except for a late, possibly Paleozoic, crenulation cleav-
not clear to what extent these peripheral mineral assemblages age and associated centimeter- to meter-scale folds.
are products of alteration along the KZ trend or metamor- Many of the principal mineralized lodes at KCD coincide
phism across the wider Moto belt. with zones of ACSA-B alteration and their associated pyrite
Pale-colored ankerite, and/or siderite, quartz, and sericite veinlets (Fig. 8). Among the small 3000 series lodes in the
(Fig. 7A-C) is the most widespread alteration assemblage upper part of KCD, ACSA-B alteration is largely confined to
along the KZ trend (Fig. 6). When first logged, this alter- chert and BIF protoliths. Those parts of the mineralized lodes
ation was referred to as ACSA-A, reflecting the inferred pres- that extend beyond zones of strong ACSA-B alteration are
ence of albite (A) as well as carbonate (C) and quartz (S) in typically associated with fine millimeter-wide stringer veinlets
the assemblage (A). However, subsequent petrography has of pyrite, some of which directly overprint the ACSA-A alter-
shown that albite is commonly absent from the ACSA-A alter- ation assemblage, and others that form the matrix to zones
ation, particularly at the KCD deposit, but the acronym is of crackle brecciation with chert and weakly altered BIF
retained here to maintain consistency with previous reports. protoliths.
Both ankerite and siderite are present locally in the ACSA-A Strong texture, destructive carbonate and chlorite alteration
assemblage, with siderite most common in rocks that either is developed in the core of satellite deposits and prospects at
had a BIF protolith, or were within a few meters of a BIF Kalimva, Pakaka, and Aerodrome (Figs. 2, 3), either accom-
horizon. Disseminated hydrothermal magnetite, as well as panied by or instead of ACSA-B alteration (Fig. 6). Gold in
relict finer grained, banded magnetite, may form part of the these deposits and prospects is either associated with pyrite

Periphery Core
ca. 2530-2600 Ma

Early 2626 ± 12, 2630 ± 4
(Minimal Chlorite at Ikamva)
Kombokolo, Late Gold
Rhino, Agbarabo,
Ikamva Early
Late Complex core mineral
Strong primary lithologic control on assemblages
Aerodrome peripheral mineral assemblages

Early undated
Late Trace ACSA-B, extensive carbonate-chlorite alteration,
approx. 20% sulfide is arsenopyrite
Strong primary lithologic control on
Pakaka peripheral mineral assemblages

Gold in quartz, pyrite,

2632 ± 6 arsenopyrite veinlets
Late 70%+ ACSA-B-altered rocks
Carbonate-chloritic shear lack sulfide and gold
in deposit footwall cuts ACSA-A
Single altered
Mengu stratigraphic unit in deposit footwall Gold

Late ACSA-B is absent at Kalimva, gold
Similar to ACSA-A alteration but associated with pyritic stringers
with ilmenite and pyrrhotite Gold
Weak ACSA-A alteration juxtaposed
against deposit footwall along late fault
Early 2635 ± 9

Dikes Core mineral assemblages

Hypabyssal microdiorite dikes Chloritoid, carb, ser, chl
Strong chl, carb flooding, ± ser, py,
Dacite porphyry dikes pyrr (carb, qz and py ± Au veinlets)
“ACSA-B”, chl, sid, ± ank, qz, mag,
Peripheral mineral assemblages py (py, Au veinlets)
Carb, ser, qz, ± minor chl, ± trace epi, act, “ACSA-B”, sid, ± ank, qz, mag, py,
rut, pyrr; generally a siliciclastic protolith trace ten, sch (py, gold veinlets)
act, epi; basaltic protolith Intermediate mineral assemblages
Strong chl, carb, ± ser, qz, ± trace rut, epi, Carbonaceous shears, ser,± pyrr,
pyrr, tit, act; mafic sandstone protolith chl, carb
Mag, chl, amp, epi, stilpnomelane, bio, “ACSA-A”, ank and/or sid, qz, ser, ±
BIF-like protolith? mag, (carb, qz veinlets)

Abbreviated mineral names; act = actinolite, amp = amphibole, ank = ankerite, bio = biotite, carb =
carbonate, chl = chlorite, epi = epidote, mag = magnetite, py = pyrite, pyrr = pyrrhotite, qz = quartz,
rut = rutile, sch = scheelite, ser = sericite, sid = siderite, ten = tennantite

Fig. 6. Summary of the mineralogy, paragenesis, and zoning of hydrothermal alteration assemblages within the various gold
deposits and prospects along the northern half of the KZ trend where detailed petrographic information is available. Car-
bonate, chlorite, sericite, quartz, and pyrite are the most common hydrothermal minerals throughout the KZ trend, although
their relative proportions and compositions vary markedly between different deposits and prospects. Gold is invariably late
and associated with pyrite, whereas pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite are largely restricted to the 3000 lodes at KCD and the
Pakaka deposit, respectively.

A Bedding B Sericite


Dismembered quartz-
3 cm carbonate veins 3 cm

3 cm front

Relict BIF

3 cm

Fig. 7. Examples of altered and mineralized rocks from the KCD deposit. A. Carbonate, quartz, sericite (ACSA-A)
altered sandstone and siltstone in which sericite is largely confined to spaced folia that cut relict bedding at an oblique
angle (KCDU082, 71.3 m). B. Strong carbonate, quartz, sericite (ACSA-A) alteration which has largely destroyed all the
primary textures within the protolith. Early-formed carbonate-quartz veinlets have been dismembered along the sericite folia
(DDD203, 352.5 m). C. Siderite-pyrite (ACSA-B) alteration front overprinting ACSA-A alteration and destroying the sericite
folia associated with this earlier assemblage (DTG040, 621 m). D. Typical ore from the KCD deposit, comprising numerous
irregular-shaped mineralized pyrite veinlets surrounded by siderite, ± quartz, ± magnetite (ACSA-B) alteration. Relicts of the
BIF protolith remain within the altered and mineralized rocks (DTG040, 627 m).

disseminated within the carbonate-chlorite alteration and/or along the margins of chlorite-carbonate altered hypabys-
millimeter-wide stringer veinlets of pyrite ± quartz that cut this sal microdiorite dikes (originally logged as dolerite) that cut
alteration assemblage and adjacent ACSA-A altered rocks. At the lodes and coincident folds (Fig. 8). This alteration locally
Pakaka, the very fine stringer veinlets also contain arsenopy- coincides with high gold grades (>5–10 g/t) where the dikes
rite. Where ACSA-B alteration occurs in the satellite deposits cut the earlier ACSA-B lodes, implying that hydrothermal
at Kombokolo, Rhino, and Agbarabo (Fig. 3), it commonly con- activity during emplacement of the dikes locally remobilized
tains chlorite or is cut by late chlorite-pyrite fractures. and upgraded gold mineralization in adjacent ACSA-B lodes.
Numerous bands of particularly pale, barren, ACSA-A Little is known about the mineralogy or paragenesis of alter-
altered rock occur within BIF and ACSA-B altered rocks in ation and mineralization along the southern part of the KZ
the core of the KCD deposit (Fig. 8A). Most are so strongly trend, southwest of the KCD deposit (Fig. 2). Limited explo-
altered that no primary minerals remain, but some examples ration suggests the mineralization becomes more refractory
retain the partially altered remains of an earlier chlorite-rich and richer in arsenopyrite toward and south of Aindi Watsa. A
assemblage that replaced mafic phenocrysts. This implies broad area of poorly known but apparently altered mafic igne-
these bands had a mafic primary composition and may orig- ous rocks are located along the eastern side of the KZ trend
inally have been basalt or lamprophyre sills within the host south of Aindi Watsa. Limited petrographic data indicate that
rocks at KCD. These rocks are the only evidence of mafic epidote and chlorite are the principal hydrothermal miner-
magmatism in the vicinity of KCD prior to mineralization. als within these altered igneous rocks. The mafic protoliths of
At KCD, strong texturally destructive chlorite, magnetite, these altered rocks may be either basalts that form part of the
pyrite, pyrrhotite, and local chalcopyrite alteration is focussed Moto belt and/or fine-grained plutonic igneous rocks related

A: Cross section Altered hypabyssal diorite dike

306° Early folded carbonaceous 126° Mineralized lodes, disseminated and

shear zone veinlet pyrite in ACSA-B altered rocks,
BIF, and chert
Disseminated magnetite ± relict BIF
3000 ACSA-B alteration
700 ACSA-A alteration
Conglomerate, sandstone
Banded iron formation (BIF)
Carbonaceous phyllite
lodes B: Level Map 400 RL
Fig. 8B
D 345000N
Scale 200 m B A F
Early reverse 9000 E
fault, overprinted lodes
by ACSA alteration

Quartz pebble Fi
100 Altered g. 5000
conglomerate below
mafic sills? 8A
the 9000 lodes lodes D
? 344600N
B ?
Late carbonaceous 2
Fold axial plane 3 B
Younging direction ? ? 344400N

9000 A
Drill holes used
to compile lodes
cross section Scale 200 m
Cross sections
used to compile




level map 344200N

C Bedding N Sericite N Pyrite N

foliation veins

Fold Average plane

axis 061/28 NW

n = 647 n = 1137

Fig. 8. A. Cross section through the central part of the KCD deposit, illustrating the structural setting of the 3000, 5000,
and 9000 series lodes. B. Level plan showing the structural setting of the 5000 and 9000 series lodes beneath the KCD open
pit. C. Equal area stereographic projections of structural data from oriented drill core through the 5000 and 9000 lodes that
summarize relationships between the orientations of bedding, the sericite cleavage associated with ACSA-A alteration, and
the mineralized pyrite veinlets associated with ACSA-B alteration; the latter stereonet displays contoured foliation poles for

to the nearby ultramafic, diorite, and tonalite plutons south- alteration, separates these two different lithologic packages
east of the Moto belt. (Figs. 5, 8A, 9). Tracing this early shear zone is difficult in
places where it has been overprinted by ACSA-A and ACSA-B
Structural Setting of Gold Deposits in the alteration, but its position is clear in the northern end of the
Kibali District of KCD open pit (Fig. 9) and can commonly be inferred from
the discordant orientation of stratigraphic units on either side
Internal structure of the KCD deposit in the drill sections (Fig. 8A). Some segments of this shear
The KCD deposit comprises several NE-plunging mineral- zone were reactivated during late brittle-ductile deformation
ized lodes with irregular, curviplanar, and rod-shaped profiles after mineralization and now include bands of massive catacl-
in cross section and plan (Figs. 7, 8A-B). The lodes coincide asite that entrain fragments of altered rock.
with several tight to isoclinal folds that deform the altered sed- Relatively small, irregular, and rod-shaped mineralized
imentary rocks hosting the deposit. These folds are defined by lodes in the upper northwestern part of the KCD deposit,
BIF, chert, and carbonaceous argillite marker units, changes including most of the 3000 lodes, are developed in the hinges
in stratigraphic younging direction as indicated by graded of tightly folded chert horizons, along the margins of the
bedding in siliciclastic units, and changes in the orientation same chert horizons, and around the ends of thin dismem-
of bedding as measured in oriented drill core (Fig. 8C). Indi- bered chert boudins enclosed within foliated carbonaceous
vidual folds have amplitudes of several tens to hundreds of argillite (Fig. 8A). The more extensive 5000 and 9000 series
meters, curved but generally gently N- to NW-dipping axial lodes deeper in the KCD deposit are developed within zones
planes, and gently NE-plunging axes. The aforementioned of ACSA-B altered rock, commonly coincident with a tightly
sericite foliation, associated with ACSA-A alteration, is par- folded BIF horizon (Figs. 5, 8A, B). These lodes and their
allel to the axial planes of these folds, implying that hydro- associated BIF are surrounded by siliciclastic rocks that gen-
thermal activity associated with development of the sericite erally lack carbonaceous material. Curviplanar sheets of min-
foliation and ACSA-A alteration was synchronous with folding eralized ACSA-B altered rock and adjacent partially altered
(Fig. 8C). The various mineralized lodes plunge parallel to and mineralized BIF extend around the hinges of the folds,
the axes of the folds throughout the KCD deposit, and drill- and locally along the limbs of the folds. Only rarely does the
ing indicates that some folds and coincident lodes extend for mineralized ACSA-B alteration extend along the axial surfaces
more than 3 km downplunge (Fig. 8). Largely unfolded rocks of the folds, although the gold-bearing pyrite veins within the
to the west of KCD are affected by widespread ACSA-A alter- ACSA-B alteration are commonly parallel to the earlier axial
ation, with the small Gorumbwa satellite deposit located in a planar sericite foliation of the folds (Fig. 8C). The resulting
relatively minor open flexure in the structural grain of the host lodes have complex shapes but an overall northeast plunge
rocks, rather than in a larger and tighter fold like those that parallel to the fold axes (Fig. 10).
host the mineralized lodes at KCD (Fig. 5). Altered hypabyssal microdiorite dikes and sills cut the
Two lithologically distinct packages of rocks host the KCD folded sedimentary rocks and mineralized lodes (Fig. 8B),
deposit. Most of the 3000 series lodes in the upper part of indicating they were emplaced after folding and lode devel-
the deposit are located within variably altered cherts, cherty opment. Attempts to date the dikes have been thwarted by
BIFs, carbonaceous graywackes, and carbonaceous argillites, the fine grain size, generally <5 µm, of zircons in the intru-
which together form the 150-m-high ridge between KCD sions. Elsewhere across the northeastern DRC, plutonic rocks
and Gorumbwa (Fig. 5). The eastern and uppermost of the with similar chemistries were emplaced between ca. 2600 and
3000 lodes, as well as the 5000 and 9000 series lodes deeper 2530 Ma (Turnbull et al., 2017), suggesting that folding and
in the deposit, are located in a package of pebble conglom- mineralization at KCD occurred before this time.
erates, gritstones, sandstones, BIFs, and minor carbonaceous Small satellite deposits at Kombokolo, Rhino, and Agbarabo
rocks that lack cherts. A folded carbonaceous shear zone up to are also localized along the base of the extensive BIF horizon
40 m wide, locally overprinted by both ACSA-A and ACSA-B that caps the KCD deposit (Fig. 3). These satellite deposits

Major carbonaceous Folded stack cut by the

schist shear zone carbonaceous shear

Fold hinge
Major uppermost
chert horizon 3000

Parasitic isoclinal folds on upper

limb of major recumbent fold shown
in Fig. 5

Fig. 9. View of the northern end of KCD open pit facing toward the north-northeast. A 20- to 40-m-thick folded carbona-
ceous shear zone juxtaposes the package of chert, BIF, and carbonaceous rocks, which host many of the smaller 3000 lodes
against layered siliciclastic rocks and BIF to the east and below that host the larger, uppermost, of the 3000 lodes and the
5000 and 9000 lodes.

Looking towards 280° 10°

KCD open pit

3000 lode

5000 lode

9000 lode

Plunge direction

Scale 500 meters

Fig. 10. Three-dimensional model of the 3000, 5000, and 9000 series lodes at KCD, showing their complex shapes and overall
northeast plunge, parallel to the axes of the folds illustrated in Figures 5 and 8.

are located in smaller and more open folds that also plunge lodes at KCD and its adjacent satellite deposits. Although the
toward the northeast, and which most likely formed during main mineralized lode at Pakaka also plunges gently toward
the same event as the larger folds that coincide with the min- the north-northeast, in this case the plunge is parallel to the
eralized lodes at KCD. axis of the major bend in the strike of the shear zone that hosts
the deposit rather than a tight fold (Fig. 3). Few linear fea-
Structural setting of the Pakaka deposit and tures have been recorded that might indicate the slip direc-
adjacent prospects tion or sense of shear on the shear zone at Pakaka. However,
The Pakaka deposit is one of the larger satellite deposits dis- the juxtaposition of older rocks over younger rocks across the
covered along the KZ trend, with the current resource and past shear zone (Fig. 1A) implies reverse displacement at some
production totaling 1.2 Moz of gold. Pakaka and the nearby time after deposition of the siliciclastic rocks in its footwall
deposits and prospects at Pamao, Kanga-Sud, and Aero- between ca. 2630 to 2625 Ma.
drome are located along a regionally extensive, gently NNE-
to E-dipping shear zone. The volcano-sedimentary rocks in Structural setting of the Mengu deposit
the hanging wall were erupted and deposited before ca. 2640 The satellite deposit at Mengu Hill in the northern part of the
Ma, whereas the siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and BIF in the KZ trend (Fig. 2) contained 0.65 Moz of gold prior to mining.
footwall were deposited between ca. 2630 and 2625 Ma (Figs. The deposit comprises a single NNE-plunging, rod-shaped
3, A1). A 150- to 200-m-thick zone of strong ACSA-A and lode within a zone of ACSA-B altered rock in the upper part
carbonate-chlorite alteration is focused along this shear zone. of a thick BIF unit (Fig. A2). Further barren ACSA-B altered
Early-formed carbonate ± quartz veinlets in the deposit core rock occurs widely within the surrounding BIF unit beyond
have been isoclinally folded and dismembered along chloritic the mineralized lode, unlike ACSA-B altered rocks at the
folia within the shear zone. Layers of carbonaceous schist up KCD deposit that are invariably mineralized to some degree.
to about 10 m in thickness define other strands of the shear Narrow zones of intensely carbonate altered rock, locally con-
zone within the wider zone of altered rocks. taining conspicuous prisms of chloritoid, overprint a layer of
Gold-bearing quartz, pyrite, and arsenopyrite veinlets, typ- siliciclastic rock sandwiched between layers of BIF adjacent
ically no more than a few millimeters thick, tend to be con- to the lode. Zones of strong chlorite-carbonate alteration are
centrated in less strongly foliated slices of rock overprinted developed along other BIF siliciclastic rock contacts above
by ACSA-A alteration between the more intensely deformed and below the BIF unit.
strands of the shear zone. These veins and associated halos of The Mengu lode coincides with an asymmetric bend in the
very fine grained disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite form an upper surface of the host BIF unit (Fig. A2). The lode pinches
ore shoot in which gold grades >1 g/t extend across a zone 50 to out downplunge as the amplitude and tightness of this bend
80 m in thickness (Fig. A1). The presence of significant arsen- gradually decrease. The deposit doesn’t coincide with either
opyrite at Pakaka distinguishes it from other deposits and pros- a major shear zone or a larger tight to isoclinal fold like those
pects along the northern half of the KZ trend, including KCD, that host the aforementioned deposits. Drilling in the footwall
which generally lack more than trace amounts of arsenopyrite. of Mengu and geologic mapping across the district suggest it
The structural setting of the Pakaka deposit and nearby is located 100 to 200 m above the shear zone that hosts the
prospects is markedly different from that of the mineralized Pakaka deposit.

Discussion Many mineralized lodes at the KCD deposit are located

along the margins of carbonaceous units, either where they
Mineralization style and processes at the KCD deposit are in contact with chert units, such as in the 3000 series lodes
The general geologic setting, alteration, and auriferous sul- in the upper part of the deposit, or where they were juxta-
fide mineral assemblages of the Kibali gold deposits are posed against the major BIF unit by the carbonaceous shear
typical of orogenic gold deposits present in many belts of at intermediate depths in the vicinity of the uppermost 5000
Neoarchean supracrustal rocks globally (Goldfarb et al., series lodes (Figs. 8A, 9). The 5000 and 9000 lodes, deeper in
2005). However, unlike many orogenic gold deposits, those the deposit, are located largely within altered magnetite-bear-
located along the KZ trend are notable for their general lack ing BIF, locally continuing into the adjacent sandstone and
of mineralized quartz veins. Instead gold is hosted in sul- conglomerate. These spatial relationships suggest that pre-
fide disseminated in altered country rocks and sulfide veins cipitation of gold may have been driven by either oxida-
(Fig. 7). The mineralized sulfide veins are narrow, have dif- tive or reductive processes in different parts of the deposit,
fuse irregularly margins, and lobate discontinuous forms at depending on whether the protolith mineralogy of the host
millimeter to decimeter scales (Figs. 7C-D). This implies rocks included carbonaceous material and/or BIF. Although
that they formed as zones of sulfide replacement within the the aforementioned folds, sericite foliation, and fracturing
altered rock, rather than discrete planar dilatant fracture along the margins of brittle chert units provided pathways for
infillings. Nowhere within the KCD deposit, or in the out- hydrothermal fluids, redox variations within the altered rock
lying satellite deposits, is gold located along sheeted and/ package were most likely an equally important control on the
or stockwork arrays of planar quartz ± sulfide veins similar location and mineralogy of individual lodes, and the extent
to those in many other orogenic gold deposits. However, and intensity of the surrounding ACSA alteration halos. The
uncommon, vein-poor, disseminated orogenic gold depos- lack of a large fracture system is reflected in these close cor-
its are present in some Paleoproterozoic and Phanerozoic relations between host-rock lithology, the distribution of pyr-
greenschist facies, psammo-pelitic terranes (e.g., Allibone et rhotite and pyrite, and the intensity of alteration, such that the
al., 2002, 2017; Leader et al., 2010, 2012). The only excep- redox state of the hydrothermal fluid was largely controlled by
tions to this generalization are the minor zones of fracture- the immediate host rocks, and the hydrothermal system was
and crackle breccia-hosted sulfide veinlets in cherts within rock buffered rather than fluid dominated.
the smaller 3000 lodes. Here the relatively brittle rheology
of the chert compared with the adjacent carbonaceous argil- Exploration significance of folds, BIFs, and the KZ trend
lite and graywacke promoted brittle fracturing within the The close spatial association between folds, major BIFs, and
chert. The broadly similar orientation of many mineralized the major mineralized lodes at the KCD deposit and else-
veins and the earlier ACSA-A sericite foliation at the KCD where along the KZ trend (Figs. 5, 8, S1) suggests an explo-
deposit (Figs. 7C, 8C) suggests the earlier foliation was the ration strategy elsewhere in the Moto belt should focus on
key grain-scale pathway along which the mineralizing flu- targeting the most intensely folded parts of other BIF units.
ids infiltrated the rock mass at the deposit. The lack of pla- However, experience to date, particularly in the Belengo area
nar, fracture-hosted, mineralized quartz veins and zones of in the eastern part of the Moto belt (Fig. 2), indicates that
intense cataclasis and/or shearing synchronous with miner- folded BIF units with structures that appear to mimic those
alization at KCD implies that fluid flow was prolonged, slow, at KCD can also be essentially barren. Something other than
and focused along mineral grain boundaries with relatively just folds and BIF units is therefore required to form major
low permeability. This contrasts with the rapid, episodic gold deposits in the Moto belt.
fluid flow, driven by repeated cycles of fluid over pressur- Strongly altered and mineralized BIFs and folds discov-
ing and brittle failure inferred to have been important in ered to date are distinguished from barren folds and BIFs
the development of many other orogenic gold deposits (e.g., by their location along the KZ trend, a feature whose north-
Cox, 2010). The textural characteristics of the mineralized ern half coincides with a major stratigraphic boundary in the
rocks at KCD imply the former process is capable of produc- wider Moto belt. This stratigraphic boundary is inferred to
ing some of the largest gold deposits in the world. mark the current position of the margin of a ca. 2630- to
2625-Ma intraorogenic basin within the belt. Features along
Redox controls on alteration and mineralization this boundary now reflect the contractional deformation that
The mineralized 3000 series lodes within the upper, partly occurred during basin inversion after ca. 2630 Ma, but the
carbonaceous, rock package at the KCDdeposit include boundary may still represent deep crustal structures initially
pyrrhotite as well as pyrite, whereas mineralized 5000 and established during extension and basin formation at ca. 2630
9000 series lodes in the underlying BIF and siliciclastic rock to 2625 Ma. Any such deep structures that formed during
package, where few carbonaceous rocks are present, invari- this earlier extensional event, not the distribution of folds
ably lack pyrrhotite. Furthermore, ACSA alteration is both and BIFs in the upper crust, may be the ultimate control
less extensive and less intense where carbonaceous rocks are on the distribution of major gold deposits within the Moto
more extensive. These relationships imply the presence of belt. Folds and shear zones within the KZ trend were able
carbonaceous material supressed the fO2 of hydrothermal flu- to tap mineralized fluids from the deep crust via these older
ids in the upper part of KCD to values near the pyrrhotite-py- structures, whereas folded BIF units like those to the east
rite-magnetite triple point, whereas in other parts of the at Belengo are not located along an older major transcrustal
deposit, where carbonaceous rocks are largely absent, higher boundary like the KZ trend and hence are largely unaltered
fO2 prevailed, along the magnetite-pyrite phase boundary. and unmineralized.

Exploration of deposits hosted within tightly folded rocks: folding. The alteration is particularly intense within a 300-
Lessons from the KCD deposit to 500-m-thick package of BIFs, conglomerates, and sand-
Establishing the shape and structural setting of the lodes at the stones that host KCD and the satellite deposits at Kombokolo,
KCD deposit has been particularly challenging. Most holes Rhino, and Agbarabo (Fig. 3). Mineralized siderite (± quartz,
drilled during the initial exploration of the deposit plunge magnetite, and/or pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite) alteration
steeply toward the south-southwest, essentially perpendicu- and associated auriferous pyrite (± pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite)
lar to the overall plunge of the folds and lodes. Although the veins are concentrated in irregular-shaped lodes that over-
overall trend and plunge of the deposit was recognized early in print the earlier barren alteration assemblage and its associ-
the exploration program and folding was suspected, the folds ated foliation. The lodes are commonly developed within or
themselves and their position with respect to the lodes were along the margins of folded BIF units and in cross section
not recognized at this time. The SSW-plunging holes inter- typically have irregular curviplanar shapes that extend around
sected the gently dipping fold limbs and the axial plane-par- fold hinges and locally along fold limbs. Their complex shapes
allel sericite foliation at a relatively high angle, whereas the reflect the geometry of the folds with some extending at least
more steeply dipping fold limbs and the overall continuity of 3 km downplunge parallel to the fold axes (Fig. 10). Microdi-
the BIF units within the deposit were not recognized con- orite dikes, most likely emplaced between ca. 2600 and 2530
clusively until gently plunging holes were drilled from under- Ma, cut the folds and mineralized lodes.
ground early in the development of the mine. Models of the Satellite deposits and prospects at Pakaka, Pamao, and
lode geometries based solely on the steeply SSW-plunging Aerodrome are located within a 30- to 80-m-thick zone of
holes proved incorrect, but this only became apparent when variably sheared and altered rock that marks a >20-km-scale
the gently plunging holes were drilled through the more thrust fault within the KZ trend. Satellite deposits at Mengu,
steeply dipping fold limbs at a high angle. The experience Megi, and Marakeke are located along the margins of altered
at the KCD deposit highlights the value of drilling holes in BIF horizons immediately above this shear zone.
both steep and gently plunging orientations and different Gold deposits of the Kibali district formed during the Neo-
directions when exploring a structurally complex deposit like archean global gold event, which affected many other Neo-
KCD, a practice that is becoming increasingly rare within the archean terranes around the world. The spatial association
exploration industry. between a zone of intraorogenic extension and later gold min-
eralization during subsequent contractional deformation in
the Kibali district is similar to the regional structural setting
Conclusions of major gold deposits in both the eastern Yilgarn craton and
The Kibali district in the northeastern DRC hosts the large Abitibi subprovince.
KCD deposit and numerous smaller satellite deposits that
together contained a combined resource of at least 23 Moz Acknowledgments
of gold prior to mining. Exploration is ongoing and the full Numerous people have contributed information and ideas
endowment of the Kibali district remains unclear. that have improved the understanding of gold deposits in
Gold deposits and prospects in the Kibali district are located the Kibali district and surrounding Moto belt, including
along the so-called KZ trend, a complex series of folds, shear Diamante Kafuti, Ghislain Kazadi Kayoka, Felix Sawadogo,
zones, and altered lithostratigraphic units that extend for Sergio Kongolo Kakoma, Benedict Kwelobene Lunze, Eric
more than 60 km across the central part of the Neoarchean Kasereka, Prince Cimanuka Mulumeoderhwa, Leon Ebondo,
Moto belt (Fig. 2). Basalts, dacitic volcaniclastic rocks, and Victor Lule, Jono Lawrence, David Lawrence, Mike Skead,
sedimentary rocks east of the KZ trend were deposited before Rod Quick, and Reinet Harbidge. Several of the geochrono-
2645 ± 5 Ma, the age of the oldest crosscutting tonalite pluton logical samples from the Giro district were supplied by Burey/
(Fig. 4). Sedimentary rocks west of the KZ trend were depos- Amani Gold Ltd. Tom Ritchie and Marianne Negrini at the
ited between ca. 2630 and 2625 Ma, an age range bracketed University of Otago, New Zealand, undertook SEM analyses
by the youngest population of detrital zircons in the sedimen- of many samples, in particular searching for dateable zircon
tary rocks and the emplacement age of the oldest crosscutting in critical specimens. Fabrice Matheys and Eric Kasereka
tonalite porphyry intrusion. Sedimentary rocks west of the KZ collected samples for geochronology in the Moku district and
trend include detrital material most likely derived from older along the Moto belt margins. XRF analyses of rocks described
rocks to the east, implying that the KZ trend coincides with in Table S1 were undertaken by CRL Energy (Spectrachem)
the boundary of a preore, intraorogenic basin within the Moto in New Zealand.
belt. Subsequent contractional deformation has substantially
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