Ingles 9° Ebenezer

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STUDENT: _________________________________ DATE: _____________________

2. Complete las conversaciones.

1. ¿Dónde puedes ver estos avisos? En las 1. What games did you use to play as a child?
preguntas 1- 5 marque A, B, o C. A. Yes, I did.
B. I like to plya “Ponchado”.
C. I use to play “Ponchado”.
2. The exam was difficult!
A. At a A. I´m so happy for that!
zoo. B. However, everybody passed it!
B. In the C. What exam?
3. Where is your car, Joseph?
kitchen. A. My car is red.
C. In a pet shop. B. The supermarket is full of people.
C. Mine is in the parking lot.
4. Do you agree with your parents decisión?
A. Which decisions?
B. My family is incredible.
A. In a
hospital. C. No, but I respect them.
B. In an 5. Could you repair your bicycle?
A. Yes, I could repair it.
B. I go to school by bicycle.
C. The mechanic was out of the city,

archeological site. 3. Lee el artículo y responde las preguntas

The television is one of the most prominent
inventions of the 20th Century.Times are
changing quickly. For example, television is
an important part of ourlives. But 60 years
3. ago, most people listened to the radio and
A. In a only a few peoplewatched television.
The first color televisions were very
expensive. Most people couldn’t buy one.
But today most families in the U.S.A. have
one or more color televisions. Howdid
television start?
John Logie Baird was born in Scotland in
1888. He invented television, and in1926 he
hospital. transmitted the first pictures of a boy onto a
B. At an airport. television screen. Hecontinued his
C. In a hotel. experiments, and during World War II he
invented the firstcolor picture tube. In 1940
he transmitted color pictures from London
to NewYork.
The BBC in London experimented with
Logie Baird’s ideas and started a television
4. service in 1935. The BBC pictures were in
black and white. In 1954, the U.S.A. started a
color television service but most other
countries didn’t transmit color television
until 1967.
Dolphins do not have a problem-free
existence in the wild. Manythousands are
A. In a bank. killed when they are caught in commercial
B. It a zoo. fish ermen’s netswhich are intended to
C. In a magazine. catch tuna. But despite this danger, most
dolphins livefor more than thirty years in the
5. wild. captivity, however, most die
A. In a beforetheir twelfth (12th) birthday. Although
school. killer whales can live for as long asthirty-
B. On a web page. five years in the wild, they live an average of
C. In a gas station. only two or three years incaptivity.
A Swiss professor says, “Basically, you are
always going to haveproblems when you
In the 1980s, people were very curious and keep animals in small spaces when they are
excited about the new televisionscoming to the used to beingfree.”
public. However, some feared the new
technology, thinking thattelevisions could 1. What is the writer trying to do in this article?
transmit personal conversations onto the TV. (What is the intention?)
A. Encourage people to visit differents
1. The television is an important invention of the. aquariums.
A. 19th century. B. Invite people to travel to the Atlantic
B. 20th century. ocean.
C. 21st century. C. Differentiate the dolphin´s life in the
2. When did most people listen to the radio? wild or in captivity.
A. In the 1930s. D. Explain the dolphin´s diet and routine
B. In the 1950s.
C. In the 2. What can the reader find in this article?
3. People could not buy a color television (What is the principal idea?)
because they were. A. The story of Winnie, a killer whale and
A. Very curious. her a bilities.
B. Very expensive. B. The opinion of scientists about animals.
C. Very experimental. C. The problems of animals livin in captivity
4. Who invented television? in opposition to the wild.
A. John Logie Baird did D. How to preserve the dolphin family and
B. The BCC did other marine animals.
C. The U.S.A did
5. The transmission of color pictures by John 3. One of the ideas presented in the text is
Logie Bard was in that.
A. 1888 A. The dolphin is the best friend of man.
B. 1926 B. The objective of commercial fishermen it
C. 1940 to catch dolphins.
6. The BBC started a television service in. C. In captivity, dolphins and killer whales
A. 1935 live less.
B. 1954 D. Dolphins have a problem-free existence
C. 1967 in the wild.
7. When did U.S.A start a color television
service? 4. What does the writer say about Winnie?
A. 1935 A. She does not perform any tricks.
B. 1954 B. She is a famous dolphin in Greenville
C. 1967 Safari Park.
C. She wears a pair of sunglasses on her
1. Lee el texto y responde las preguntas. head.
D. She performs two time a day.
Dolphins and killer whales, which are the
largest members of the dolphinfamily, have 5. TRADUCE AL ESPAÑOL UNO DE LOS
recently become popular entertainers. They are DOS TEXTOS ANTERIORES.
friendly andintelligent. They seem to have a
great sense of humor and they are able
toperform wonderful tricks.
Winnie, a killer whale in Greenville Safari Park,
performs three times aday. She does a series
of tricks. For example, she climbs out of her
pool, blows a trumpet, and swims around with
a pair of sunglasses on her head.“Of course,it
is commercial,” says her trainer. “But they
enjoy performing tricks.”However, a number of
scientists believe that keeping dolphins and
killerwhales in captivity shortens their lives
and that performing the same tricksevery day
is not good for them.

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