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Resource 1 Fishing for words

4.1 Vocabulary

Word Formation Vocabulary Word Formation Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word Formation Vocabulary Word Formation

Word Formation Vocabulary Word Formation Word Formation

Word Formation Vocabulary Word Formation Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word Formation Vocabulary Vocabulary

Resource 1 Fishing for words
4.1 Vocabulary

What’s the noun form of broad? What do you call an island with no people living on it?
breadth a desert island

What’s the noun form of long? What is the opposite of rough seas?
length calm seas

What’s the noun form of strong? What’s the phrasal verb for becoming extinct?
strength die out

What’s the noun form of high? What do you call a continuous movement of water?
height a current

What’s the noun form of wide? What is the adjective to describe a very big wave, e.g. a tsunami wave?
width huge or gigantic

What’s the noun form of deep? What is the adjective to describe an island that is far away from the mainland?
depth remote

What’s the verb form of deep? What do you call a group of mountains that usually forms a line?
deepen a (mountain) range

What’s the verb form of wide? What’s another word for the top of a mountain or a single mountain?
widen a peak

What’s the verb form of long? What’s the word for the land at the bottom of the sea?
lengthen the seabed

What’s the verb form of broad? What’s the opposite of a slow-moving river?
broaden a fast-flowing river

What’s the adjective form of

What does it mean that the tide is coming in?
the tide is rising

What’s the adjective form of tide? What do you call a long river with a lot of smooth bends?
tidal a winding river


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