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Mens kugby Conference rospectus

8osLon unlverslLy 8osLon MA rlvaLe 98 18714 2

College of Lhe Poly Cross WorcesLer MA rlvaLe 37 2899 4
norwlch unlverslLy norLhfleld v1 rlvaLe 170 2274 6
unlLed SLaLes CoasL Cuard new London C1 MlllLary 86 1017 3
unlverslLy of Malne Crono ML ubllc 336 9183 7
unlverslLy of new Pampshlre uurham nP ubllc 162 12483 8
unlverslLy of 8hode lsland klngsLon 8l ubllc 124 13093 1
unlverslLy of vermonL 8urllngLon v1 ubllc 209 11393 3
Conference Averages 1SS2S 8907S
kugby Northeast Averages 1247 39862
Conference Adm|n|strator 8ob Weggler norwlch
Add|t|ona| Iavor AusLln Pall norwlch
rev|ous Lxper|ences W 3212 over u8l ln S11
Compet|t|on Lach Leam plays each oLher once ln Lhe lall
llrsL place wlns a bld Lo naLlonals ln Lhe Sprlng
New Lng|and kugby Iootba|| Un|on D|v|s|on 2 Mens Co||eg|ate Conference
Locat|on 1rave| 1|me 2011 kesu|t Schoo| Iund|ng
8osLon College ChesLnuL Plll MA rlvaLe 93 9009 2
Mlddlebury College Mlddlebury v1 rlvaLe 208 2332 4
norLheasLern unlverslLy 8osLon MA rlvaLe 96 13903 1
SouLhern ConnecLlcuL unlverslLy new Paven C1 ubllc 76 8776 6
Albany Sun? Albany n? ubllc 108 12969 3
unlverslLy of ConnecLlcuL SLorrs C1 ubllc 63 17343 7
unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs AmhersL MA ubllc 42 21373 3
Conference Averages 983 12SS84
kugby Northeast Averages 1247 39862
Conference Adm|n|strator Mlke 8osboLLom norLheasLern
Add|t|ona| Iavor !eff MonfeLLe 8osLon College
rev|ous Lxper|ences W 4212 over uCCnn ln S11
W 333 over Albany ln laLe Champlonshlp of Lmplre 7s l11
Compet|t|on Lach Leam plays each oLher once ln Lhe lall
llrsL place wlns a bld Lo naLlonals ln Lhe Sprlng
Wlnner of conference 7s LournamenL wlns auLo bld Lo naLlonals
Add|tona| 1hey need 8Lh Leam for AC Lo naLlonals
Last Coast kugby Conference
Schoo| Locat|on Iund|ng 1rave| 1|me
2011 kesu|t
West Conference
8lnghamLon 8lnghamLon n? ubllc 236 11787 2
8rockporL 8rockporL n? ubllc 332 7297 3
8uffalo 8uffalo n? ubllc 393 19393 4
SalnL 8onavenLure SL 8onavenLure n? rlvaLe 403 1996 1
Syracuse Syracuse n? rlvaLe 248 14201 3
Conference Averages 3268 1093S2
kugby Northeast Averages 1247 39862
Last Conference
lordham 8ronx n? rlvaLe 143 8220 4
lona College new 8ochelle n? rlvaLe 136 3236 2
uSMM Academy klngs olnL n? MlllLary 168 1081 3
SLony 8rook unlverslLy SLony 8rook n? ubllc 212 16342 1
Conference Averages 1648 72248
kugby Northeast Averages 1247 39862
Conference Adm|n|strator
Add|t|ona| Iavor uan ?arusso SLony 8rook
All nazlr uSMM Academy
rev|ous Lxper|ences Won plaLe champlonshlp ln conference 7s LournamenL l11
L 2614 Lo SLony 8rook ln pool round of Lmplre 7s l11
Compet|t|on 1eams play dlvlslon opponenLs once wlLh one cross dlvlslon maLch
llrsL place ln each dlvlslon plays each oLher for conference champlonshlp
Wlnner geLs blds Lo naLlonals ln Lhe sprlng
Wlnner of conference 7s LournamenL geLs auLomaLlc bld Lo naLlonals
Lmp|re kugby Conference
Schoo| Locat|on Iund|ng 1rave| 1|me
2011 kesu|t

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