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grid+ partner program Contract [Channel Partner] Siemens, Smart Infrastructure, Electrification & Automation

Annex 4 Individual grid+ partner program benefits Business Partner

*for information only - Service Partners are dealt with in a separate agreement.

1. grid+ partner program Partner types

The grid+ partner program consists of different types of Partner classification explained here below

1.1. grid+ partner program Business Partners

Members of Siemens’s grid+ partner program can be considered grid+ partner program Business
Partners. This means that they are entitled to be developed and supported by Siemens through a
variety of financial, sales and technical benefits custom-fit to the needs and wishes of each
individual Partner of the Siemens grid+ partner program, grid+ partner program business partners
cover following product portfolio Protection & Automation Products and Medium Voltage

1.2. grid+ partner program Certified Partners (only for the Portfolio Modules Protection &

Members of Siemens’s grid+ partner program can apply for a Siemens grid+ partner program
Partner Certificate for the Portfolio Modules Protection & Automation.

1.2.1. Criteria to obtain a Partner Certification

To obtain a Sales Partner Certification the member has to be at least a Silver Member of the
Siemens grid+ partner program Partner Program as per described on 2. grid+ partner
program levels
Additionally, the following documentation is required:

o Signed Supply agreement

o Certificate Form correctly filled out, signed and approved by Siemens

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grid+ partner program Contract [Channel Partner] Siemens, Smart Infrastructure, Electrification & Automation

Certificate Form – All requirements mentioned in the certificate form have to be met by
the Partner in order to be granted a Partner Certification. If any requirement at the time of
the certificate form is not fulfilled, the missing requirement has to be met within 12
months. Otherwise, the Partner Certification cannot be granted, and the Partner
certification process has to be started again. Siemens reserves the right, at its sole
discretion, to decide if a requirement is met by the Partner or not.

1.2.2. Types of Certified partner

Based on the Partner technical expertise with the Siemens Protection & Automation
product family there are two types of Certified Partner:

a) Approved Partner - mainly focused on product integration and applications

Approved Partners offer Siemens Substation Automation and Protection products with
customer specific value add and excellent product knowledge, for example, panel building,
engineering, parameterization, and commissioning.

b) Solution Partner - mainly focused on systems and solutions

Solution Partners possess comprehensive systems and solutions know-how based on

Siemens Substation Automation and Protection products, for example, complete substation
systems, energy automation applications, load shedding, self-healing, etc.

Partner Emblems for both types of Certified Partner are equally recognized by Siemens end
customers worldwide. The Partner’s expertise is shown in the Emblem in any combination that fits
the Partner`s current product portfolio the best. The options are: SIPROTEC, Reyrolle, SICAM and
Smart Communication.

1.3. grid+ partner program Licensed System Partner:

To obtain a grid+ partner program Licensed System Partner a Siemens customer has to be at least a
Silver Member of the Siemens grid+ partner program.

2. grid+ partner program Levels

With increasing financial performance Siemens Partners get eligible to reach new cooperation levels which
bring an increase in financial and non-financial benefits from Siemens to their Partners.
There are three partner levels called

1. Silver,
2. Gold and
3. Platinum.

Each partner level is an individual opportunity for a partner to increase its level of benefits according to its own
level of performance. More details regarding benefits are shown in the next section of this document.

The partner level is a merely internal label between Siemens and the Partner and it will not be actively
communicated to third parties. The intention of this label is to have an indicator about the current development
situation of the partner within the Siemens grid+ partner program Partner Program.

Siemens hereby grants Partner the status as a Silver

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grid+ partner program Contract [Channel Partner] Siemens, Smart Infrastructure, Electrification & Automation

2.2. The starting level for all partners is the Silver Partner Level

If the partner performance agreed with Siemens valid to enter the next partner level is achieved, the partner is
entitled to increase its financial and non-financial benefits according to paragraph 2 and 3 on this annex.

If the partner performance agreed with Siemens valid to stay in one partner level is not reached, Siemens is
entitled at its own discretion to move the partner to the one partner level achieved during the last performance

2.3. grid+ partner program Criteria strongly supports the same quality standards worldwide for all
Siemens Partners

These common criteria apply to all Partner levels: Silver, Gold and Platinum:

• The purchase volume measured in order to define the partner level is the purchase of the
Siemens contractual products in the last fiscal year of Siemens. The Siemens fiscal year starts
October 1st to September 30th of the following year.
• The Partner levels apply only as long as the Siemens grid+ partner program Partner Contract
is valid
• Each Partner Level is valid for at least one year before a Partner is entitled to qualify for the
next Partner Level.
• Partner Levels have this order of achievement: 1. Silver, 2. Gold and 3. Platinum. A Partner
cannot skip levels when growing from Silver to Platinum, for example, going from Silver to
Platinum directly without being Gold first. Total value of one module needs to be achieved
with the contracted product basket in total.
• Siemens reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to place Partners in a different level or to
off-board a grid+ partner program Partner if a Partner is not performing as agreed upon
within the frame of the objectively defined criteria.
o If a Platinum Partner is not performing as agreed between Siemens and the Partner,
he can go back to a Gold Status or a Silver Status. The Partner can also go from
Platinum to Silver without going back to Gold first.
o If a Gold Partner is not performing as agreed between Siemens and the Partner, he
can go back to a Silver Status.
• At least the total value of one module (Business & Certified Product Partner or Licensed
System Partner) needs to be achieved with the contracted product basket in total to keep
partner level.

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Siemens may change the criteria used to set the partner level at any time and at its own discretion.

3. grid+ partner program Benefits strongly support the development and growth of Siemens

According to the grid+ partner program level the partner has achieved, these are the Partner’s individual
benefits that will support his marketing and technical development as well as his financial growth.

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grid+ partner program Contract [Channel Partner] Siemens, Smart Infrastructure, Electrification & Automation

Benefits Silver
Access to grid+ partner program Partner Portal with exclusive content ✓

Special Price Agreement ✓

Easy electronic ordering ✓

Digital trainings ( technical and sales ) ✓

Discount at Siemens Power Academy ✓

Special conditions for demo devices ✓

Discount on Digital Twin license ✓

Access to Digi Showroom for customer event ✓

3.1 Steps to access partner portal following the WebSSO Registration Process

Once your grid+ partner program contract is signed you can easily register into our Siemens grid+ partner
portal, where you can find important information about our Electrification and Automation Portfolio which
includes links of interests, training videos, coming webinars/ trainings, technical information, presentations,
product news and others. Please follow these steps to request your access:

1) Access Highspot here ->

2) Select the “Partners, Consultants and Agents” option

3) Under the ‘First time here?’ section, click ‘Yes, I would like to register now

4) Complete all the fields in the User Data section and click Continue

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grid+ partner program Contract [Channel Partner] Siemens, Smart Infrastructure, Electrification & Automation

5) Confirm that you have read the data privacy notices and agree to the terms of use. Click on
"Continue" in order to submit your registration request.

7) Please go back to Step 1) and access the link then

sign in using the option ‚‘Partners and Agents‘‘. Please note that at this stage, you still do
not have access to our partner portal.

8) Please send us an email to with the company name ,your country and the
registered email address, once this 7 steps are done in order to release the access.

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