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OF JAMMU & KASHMIR 1846 to 2014

Date /Year Event

A fierce battle was fought near Uri between Muslims and Sikhs, Muslims were

defeated. Among the prisoners taken were Sardar Ghulam Ali Khan

(the Khakha chief) and Raja Sarfraz Khan (Raja of Uri). Sometimes later Sardar

1827 Ghulam Ali Khan was butchered to death by Hari Singh Nalva in Shergarhi while

the Raja of Uri was sent to Lahore where he remained intended for several


(Saraf,Muhammad Yusuf.Kashmir Fight-For Freedom,Vol.I,(Lahore :Ferozsons


Zabardast Khan, who had succeeded his father Hassan Ali Khan as the sultan

of Muzaffarabad, collected a sizeable force and declared his independence. He

eliminated Sikhs garrisons at Baramula , Handwara and in certain parts of

Hazara adjoining Muzaffarabad.

Saraf,Muhammad Yusuf.Kashmir Fight-For Freedom,Vol.I,(Lahore :Ferozsons


In 1832 there was a rebellion in Punch by the local tribes and Ghulab Singh was

1832 sent to deal with it. This rebellion was headed by Sardar Shamas Khan and two

of his close accomplices Sardar Sabaz Ali Khan and Sardar Mali Khan. Gulab
Singh first marched to Pindi Jhelum and then entered Punch. His other camps

were established at the village of Mang and Bagh. He flayed alive Malli and

Sabz Ali and stuffed their skins with straw at Mang. Even innocent young

children he flayed alive.

Sardar Shamas Khan with his nephew Rajwali was killed by Ottam Singh. Their

heads were later exhibited in two iron cages at the top of the Adha Dek pass

above Punch where they remained for several years afterwards.

Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) State is created under the Treaty of

Amritsar between the East India company and Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu
March 16, 1846
who buys Kashmir Valley from the East India Company for Rs. 75, 00,000

/ Nanak Shahi (The currency of that time) and adds it to Jammu and Ladakh
already under his rule.

A grave epidemic broken out in the valley resulting in the death of thousands of

Dogra forces were succeeded to get the control of Gilgit, after the 45 years long
resistance from local people.

Dogra Government had issued a decree, which said that any person abjuring

December31, 1892 the religion of his forefathers was to be deprived of inheritance of the property

of his father

“Resham Khana” (Silk factory) was an industrial unit in the Srinagar having

July 21, 1924. 5000 workers. The workers protested against low wages given to them out of

which corrupt Hindu officers took a substantial scheme of their bribe. This
uprising was crushed by Dogra Cavalry, who killed Muslims with both daggers

and bullets, trampling upon their dead bodies, to have the satisfaction of

complete job. Police had arrested 21 leading workers. This was first public


A police official Stops the Khutba or sermon at a congregational religious

service of Muslims in Jammu on the ground that it aloud with the Quranic

April 29, 1931. passage about Moses and the Pharaoh and thus indirectly advocates seditions.

Protest by worshipers in Jammu was led by Ch.Ghulam Abbas. Expressions of

vehement disapproval of police action in Srinagar and major towns.

Police constable Fazal Dad was reciting a part of Holy Quran (Punj Surha), was
June 04, 1931.
accosted by the head warder of central jail Jammu for being late to attend his
duties. The constable put away the holy book under his pillow and rolled his

bedding. Labu Ram sub inspector who was accompanying the warder threw

away his bedding. The Muslim constable protested that this was

deliberate desecration of the Holy Book “Quran”. The sub inspector was

devilish enough to kick it.

June 20,1931 Leaves of the Holy Quran were found in public latrine in Srinagar.

A public meeting convened on 21st June 1931 in the compound of Khanqa-i-

Mulla to choose the representatives of Kashmiri Muslims. Seven representatives

June 21,1931 were elected, Khwaja Said-ud-Din Shawl, Mir Waiz Yousuf Shah, Mir Waiz

Hamdani, Agha Syed Hussain Shah jalini,Khwaja Ghulam Ahmed Ashai,Sheikh

Muhammad Abdullah & Munshi Shahb-ud –Deen. At the end of the meeting
Abdul Qadeer delivered a speech against the ruler Maharaja.

June 25,1931 Abdul Qadeer was arrested for this speech.

On July 13, 1931, a large number of Kashmiris gathered in front of the Srinagar

central jail, at a time when the trial of a youth Abdul Qadeer accused of

involvement in a case of agitation, was in progress inside the jail. The aim was

to show solidarity with the young man. As the time for obligatory prayer
July 13,1931
approached a young Kashmiri stood for Azan (Call for the prayer) and the Dogra
(Martyr‟s Day)
police opened fire on him, and he got martyred. Thereby, another youth took the

place of the martyred young man and started the Azan. He too was shot dead.

In this way 22 Kashmiris embraced martyrdom in their efforts to complete the

The Muslim women took out procession in Srinagar, participated by about 5000,
July 27,1931
carrying black flags. It was Lathi charged; 10 women received injuries.

In Jammu, Mr.A .R Saghar and Sheikh Ghulam Qadir were arrested on 18

August. Next day Chaudary Nwab Khan, father of Chaudary Ghulam Abbas and
August 18-19,1931
Chaudary Hakim Den father of Allah Rakha Saghar were also taken into


People gatherd in the Jamia Masjid Srinagar and came out in procession. The

September army fired certain rounds on peaceful procession. Three People Naisr-ud-Din of

22,1931 Chakral Muhalla, Ghulam Rasool Kakroo of Chinar agh and Assadullah Gilkar of

Nar Paristan embraced martyrdom and more than dozen were injured.

September The Muslims of Islamabad observed complete strike on 23rd September. A huge
23,1931 procession was taken out which were demanding the release of Shiekh

Abdullah and support of their demands. Army fired on the mob. 25 Muslims,

including a child aged 13 years, lay dead on the spot and about 150 were


September Thousands of Kashmir People marched and demonstrated against the Dogra

24,1931 Rulers with their weapons in the streets of Srinagar peacefully.

September Ordinance No.19-L of 1988 was promulgated. The city was handed over to the

24,1931 military control and the civil administration was suspended.

Hindu students of local high school of Muzaffarabad took out a procession

September 1931 raising anti Muslim and pro-Mahraja slogans. This was presented to by the

Muslim students, resulting in mutual clash. The Government sent Salam Shah
from Srinagar, who ordered the arrest of two dozen Muslims including, Master

Abdul Aziz, Khwaja Fateh Joo, Pir Hasam-ud-Deen Gillani, Khwaja Abdul Qadir,

Chaduary Wali Joo, Faqeer Joo Kada and Peer Qalandar Shah. They were

removed to Srinagar, summary tried and sentenced to various terms of


No Tax Campaign was launched in Mirpur district. Ghazi Elhi Buksh and Haji

Wahab Deen addressed on a funeral prayer of Gulab Deen Shaheed

January 11,1932 at Bahrmut Mirpur. Police arrested Mulvi Muhamamd Abdullah Siakhvi,Haji

Wahahb Deen,Ghazi Elhai Buksh,Doctor Imam Deen Quershi,Haji Allah Buksh

and Chaudry Sahab Deen.

January 1932 “No Tax Campaign” and processions against Dogra forces was started in
Poonch,Rajuri,Kotli and Bhimber.Thakiala Parwa (Tehsil Mendhar) was

declared as head quarter of this movement and Sardar Fateh Muhammad Kralvi

was the leader. They have put on fire all custom posts .The ruler of Punch,

Jugat Singh Dev had took refuge in fort.Sardar Feroz Khan ,father of Sardar

Faeh Muhammad Krelvi and Sardar Mansoor Khan, Maternal Grandfather of

Sardar Fateh Muhammad Kralvi was arrested and sentenced for 10 years. 80

other persons including sardar Hameed Ullah Khan and Ali Bahdar Khan were

also arrested.

In Rajuri a procession against the occupation of Dogra forces on Jama Masjid

and Eid Gah, lead by Mirza Muhamamd Hussain Khan, Malik Niamt Ullah and
January 21,1932
Mirza Akrama Ullah was organized. The Dogra forces open fire on procession,

resulting martyrdom of 25 Muslims.

Police opened fire on a procession in Uri. Eleven people had embraced

martyrdom ,they were Sardar Fateh Baig(Uri),Faqir Abbasi and Mir Ahmed

February 05,1932 Meer( Barian),Chaudary Ghulam Muhamamd(Gohalan),Niaz Ali (Dachi),Said

Shah( Dahni Cholan),Jumma and Syed Hasan Shah (Cholan), Gama

(Khalana),Rajwali (Kalki) and Ghulam Muhammad (Jabla).

Muslims had organized rallies and procession against the Uri incident. The

Police had arrested Peer Hasam Deen Gillani,Mulana Ghazi Abdul Rehman,

Master Abdul Aziz Quershi, Khwaja Fateh Joo, Faqeer Joo, Mulvi Abdul

February 1932. Ghafoor Quershi,Karm Ullah Quershi (Muzaffarabad city),Peer Qalandar

Shah,Peer Abdullah Shah (Rwani),Sardar Ushar Singh ,Muhammad Zaman

Abbasi (Gahri Dupppata), Rehman Shah ,Khwaja Abdul Ghani(Islamabad),

Hakeem Muhamamd Ishaq (Rajkot) , Raja Bahdar Khan(Rara),Mulvi Khalil ur

Rehman (Akhriala),Munshi Ghulam Hussain (Drang Chinnari), Muhamamd

Akbar Khan (Khun Bandi) , Abdullah Mir(Saran), Munshi Abdul Aziz Khan

(Nagni Chikar),Hayyat Ullah Mir (Bahgsar), Safdar Ali Khan( Dahni),Syed

Ghulam Haider Shah (Gohalan), Syed Muhmmad Akbar Shah(Miani Bandi) and

Molivi Muhmmad Saeed Masoodi.

The Glancy Commission was appointed by the Maharaja under the

chairmanship of Mr.Glancy. It had three official members and four un official

members i.e Khwaja Ghulam Ahmed Ashai and Pandit Prem Nath Bazaz from
The Glancy
valley and Chaudary Ghulam Abbas & Mr. Lok Nuth Sharma from Jammu. It
has started its work in November 1931 and completed its report on 22 March

1932. The report was published a report in April 1932, confirming the existence

of the grievances of the State‘s subjects and suggests recommendations

providing for adequate representation of Muslims in the State‘s services;

Maharaja accepts these recommendations on April 10,1932 but delays


All India Kashmir Committee announced 14th August 1932 to observe

as “Kashmir Day”. Processions and meetings were organized in all over India.

August 14,1932 Resolutions were passed in favor of Kashmiri Muslims and it were signed

among others by Allama Iqbal,H.S. Suhrawardy,Mulana Abu Zaffar Waji-ud-Din,

Mulana Hasrat Mohani,Mian Jafar Shah and Shafat Ahmed Khan.

First political party of Kashmir “All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim

Conference” was established in a meeting of prominent Muslim leaders of
Kashmir in Pathar Masjid Srinagar. Sheikh Abdullah was elected as President
and Chaduary Ghulam Abbas as Secretary General.

Muslim of Pulwama. Held a meeting at Eidgah which was addressed by local

February 03,1934 leaders. The Tehsildar, as magistrate on duty ordered the troops to open fire

which resulted in 12 deaths and more than three dozen injured.

A meeting of working committee of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference

was convened in Sialkot. It was convened outside the state to facilitate

February 10,1934 participation of exiled members. Chaudary Ghulam Abbas was designated as

―dictator‖ (the term current at the time for leader) of the campaign. Abdullah

distances himself from the gathering protest.

State legislative assembly was established by the Maharaja. Muslims

September 3,1934
constituting 77 percent of the population were allotted 32 seats in a house of 75,
out of which 21 are to be elected and 11 nominated by the Maharaja. Muslims

Conference captured 19 seats.

Chaudary Ghulam Abbas was elected President of the Muslim Conference.

Hindu leaders were attending the annual convention as observers, Chaudary

Ghulam Abbas appeals to non-Muslims ―to join in the struggle for the
October 1934
emancipation of our country‖. Muslims Conference members of the State

Assembly (19 out of 21 elected members) resign in protest against the

Assembly‘s restricted powers.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah visited Srinagar. Though the visit was private, both

May 1936 factions of the Muslims Conference, led by Sheikh Abdullah and Mirwaiz Yusuf

Shah, invited him to address large public meetings organized in his honor.
Jinnah counseld promotion of harmony between the Muslim majority and the

Hindu minority

Abdullah again elected Muslim Conference president urges ―a common

platform‖ of Muslims and non-Muslims and demands that State representative to

the Indian federation (contemplated in the Government of India Act of 1935

September 1937
before the formulation in 1940 by Jinnah of the demand for the establishment of

a separate federation of Muslim majority states Pakistan) be chosen by the

people and not nominated by the Maharaja.

Elections of state assembly were held. Muslim Conference achieved nineteen

May 31,1938
out of twenty one seats

June 28,1938 In a meeting of working Committee of the Muslim Conference, a resolution for
change in the name and constitution of the party was presented for voting.

Abdul Majeed Quershi,Chaudary Abdullah Bahli,Master Abdul Aziz

Muzaffarabadi,Qazi Abdul Ghani Dalna and Sufi Muhammad

Akbar opposed the move. Chaudary Ghulam Abbas had resigned from working

committee before meeting and Sardar Fateh Muhammad Kraelvi had not

attended the meeting.Raja Muhamamd Akbar Khan was arrested on allegation

of high treason on his speech in working committee for responsible Government

and was sentenced for two years.

The Responsible Government Day was observed. Processions were taken

out, public meeting held and resolutions adopted repudiating the existing system
August 5,1938
of irresponsible Government and expressing full faith in the establishment of

complete responsible Government.

Special Muslims Conference session decided to convert party into National

Conference. Chaudary Ghulam Abbas endorses the move on condition that,

inter alia, (a) it will not mean affiliating with the Indian National Congress against

June 11,1939 the Muslim League; (b) non-Muslims will participate in the campaign for

representative government; and (c) the Conference will continue to seek end of

discrimination against Muslims. Some prominent Hindu leaders, including Prem

Nath Bazaz, Join the National Conference but Hindu masses keep aloof.

The Maharaja‘s Prime Minister Gropalswamy Ayyangar- a Hindu bureaucrat

from Madras- promulgates a constitution which provides for not only the

September 7,1939 Maharaja‘s unrestricted veto over the legislative assembly‘s enactments but

also for any enactment by the Maharaja himself. Abdullah establishes an

understanding with Ayyangar that, in return for refraining from any active
campaign for responsible government, he will be supported in his fight against

his political opponents, namely the former leaders of the Muslim Conference.

On his advice, National Conference members abstain from the vote on the bill

abolishing discrimination against Muslims in arms licenses. Abullah cultivates

closer relations with Congress leaders, particularly Jawaharlal Nehru, criticizes

the Muslim League but later disclaims the remarks.

In Punch the Muslims were not happy with the policies of National Conference.

1939 They had established ―Anjuman Azadi Poonch‖. Molvi Ghulam Haider Jandalvi

was the president and Munshi Gul Ahmed Khan was its Secretary.

All India States Muslim League was established, Nwab Bahdr Yar Jang was
elected as President. Branches of “All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim
League” were established in Srinagar and Jammu. In Srinagar M.A.Aziz was

President and M.A.Hafeez was General Secretary and in Jammu Syed Ghulam

Haider Shah was President and Muhamamd Ishaq Quershi was General


On the occasion of historical meeting of All India Muslim League, a special

session of All India States Muslim League was held on same

venue.M.A.Hafeez,Muhamamd Ismaeel Saghir, Peer Zia ud Deen Andrabi,

Syed Hussan Shah Gardezi,Sardar Fateh Muhhamd Kralvi, Shieikh Abdul

March 23, 1940
Rehman,Professor Ishaq,Munshi Gul Ahmed Khan, Professor M.A. Aziz and

Molvi Ghulam Haider Jandalvi had attended this session of the All India Muslim

League from State of Jammu & Kashmir. Molvi Ghulam Haider Jandalvi also

addressed there. Professor Aziz was nominated a W.C. member of the All India
States Muslim League.

Jawaharlal Nehru visited Kashmir on 30 May 1940 and appeals to the Hindus to

support the National Conference and its struggle for responsible government.

Enthusiastic welcome accorded to Nehru by Abdullah and his followers is

May 30,1940
marred by hostile demonstrations by others. A handbill widely circulated by

students ask ‗where were you, Mr. Nehru in 1931? You claim to be a Kashmiri;

how come you have been silent all through our testing struggle?‘

12 political workers met in Srinagar and decided to revive the Muslim

Conference. These were Sardar Gauhar Rehman (Jammu), Sardar Fateh

October 10,1940
Muhammmad Khan Kralvi M.L.A. (Poonch), Mirza Attullaha Khan,

M.L.A.(Rajori), Qazi Abdul Ghani Delinah,M.L.A (Baramula), Pir Zia-ud-Din

,M.L.A(Badgam), Babu Muhmmad Abdullah , M.L.A (Jammu),ChaudaryAbdul

Kareem,M.L.A. (Mirpur), Chaudary Hameed Ullha Khan, M.L.A (Jammu),

Munshi Muhmmad Deen Fauq (Baramulha), Syed Hassan Shah

Jalali(Srinagar), Khwaja Muhammad YousufQuershi(Srinagar), Mr.M.I.Saghar

(Srinagar), Mr. Ghulam Haider Gauri (Jammu), Syed Mirak Shah (Srinagar).

Chaudry Ghulam Abbas in a press statement announced the revival of All

January 26,1941
Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference.

A special meeting was held at Jammu at the residence of Chaudary Ghulam

February 05,1942 Abbas .It was decided to convene a special session within two months to revive

All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference.

April 03,1941 A special meeting was held in the residence of Sardar Gohar Rehman Khan;
presided by Chaudary Ghulam Abbas. The meeting formally announced the

revival of All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference.

After revival of Muslim Conference, first annual session was held in Ghazi camp

Jammu. Mulana Zafar Ali Khan editor Zimidar Lahore especially attended the
April 17-19,1942
session and presided the opening session. The conference has passed many

important resolutions.

August 1942 Mirwaiz Mulan Yousuf Shah joined Muslim Conference.

September 19- The first session of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference‘s working

21,1942 committee was held after 1939.

1942 ―Jamat-e- Islami‖ (JEI J&K) was established in 1942 by Pir Said-ud-din.

April 09,1943 Gopalaswamy Ayyangar, prime Minster since 1937, quits on 9 April 1943.
‗Deliverance Day‘ was observed by dissident sections of the National

Conference Bazaz, virtually co-founders with Abdullah, and also resigns,

expressing disillusionment.

Maharaja appointed a committee known as “The Royal Commission of

July 14,1943 Inquiry‖. Which was headed by chief justice Ganga Nath, it had twenty

members, six of whom where Muslim.

Annual session of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference was held in
August 13-14,1943
Srinagar, under the president ship of Chaudary Ghulam Abbas.

1943 Pandit Prem Nath Bzaz floated the ―Kashmir Socialist Party‖.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhamamd Ali Jinnnah reached Srinagar. He visited Kashmir on

May 10,1944
the joint invitation of the Muslim Conference and the National Conference. He
attempts reconciliation between the two parties advising a single Muslim

representative organization which, on the basis of full safeguards for the rights

of non-Muslims minorities should arrive at an ―honorable‖ settlement regarding

the ongoing campaign for responsible government. Abdullah rejects Jinnah‘s

advice publicly and criticizes him.

The annual session of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference was

addressed by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in the compound of Jamia

June 16-17,1944
Masjid Srinagar .It was estimated that over one lac of Muslims turned up to hear


September 29-30, National Conference issues a radical manifesto called “New

1944 Kashmir” contemplating drastic social and economic measures. At the same as
against the Muslim Conference position of non cooperation with the Maharaja‘s

government agrees to the inclusion of one nominee of the National Conference

in the Maharaja‘s cabinet.

Jawaharlal Nehru, accompanied by two Muslim leaders of the Indian Congress,

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan reached Srinagar.

July 19,1945 Faces hostile demonstrations when taken out in a boat procession up the

Jehlum river, These demonstrations are larger and more vehement than on his

earlier visit in 1940.

―The All Jammu & Kashmir Kisan Mazdoor Conference” was established by

July 19,1945 Pandit Prem Nath Bzaz, Kanhaya Lal Kaul,Habibulla Naz,Khwaja Abdus Salam

yatu and Mir Noor Muhammad.Abdul Salam Yatoo was nominated as President.
Annual session of National Conference was held in Sopor, Panidt Jawar Lal
August 05,1945
Nehru and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan participated in this session.

In Jammu, Muslims were observing Eid-e-Milad-e- Nabi. The procession was

February 15,1946 attacked by Hindus. Twenty eight persons were hospitalized. Twenty four

persons mostly Muslims were arrested.

Cabinet mission reached Srinagar. The mission consisted of Sir Pathic

April 19,1946 Lawrence, Mr. Alexander and Sir Stafford Cripps. The mission was returned to

New Delhi on 24 April.

National, Conference makes a declaration called „Quit Kashmir‟ against the

May ,1946 Maharaja drawing attention of the British government to Kashmir‘s claim to

freedom on the withdrawal of British power.

The Muslims Conference adopts the ―Azad Kashmir Resolution‖ on its working

June 08-09,1946 committee meeting held in Srinagar, calling for the end of autocratic government

and claims the right of the people to elect their own constituent assembly

A meeting of General Counsel of Muslim Conference was held in

Mirwaiz Manzil Srinagar, presided by Chaudary Ghulam Abbas. This meeting

approved the decisions of working committee of Muslim Conference and

rejected the claim of Mahraja that the majority of Muslims are with him and his

July 27,1946 Government and decided for “Direct Action”, to reject the claim of Mahraja.

This resolution was presented by Allah Rakha Saghir, during his address he

said that they have received jails, violation of civic right and defense rules from

Kak, we are deprived from Justice, we shall fight for Azad Kashmir, Our Maki

Period is now ended now we are in Madni Period, we shall fight for the liberation
of every inch of state.

October 19,1946 Chaudary Ghulam Abbas was arrested.

The leader of R.S.S. Master Tara Singh and Leader of Akali Dal Doctor Harnam

January, 1947 Singh addressed a public meeting under the auspices of the Singh Sabha. They

made highly inflammatory anti-Muslim speeches.

Elections were held in Kashmir. Muslim Conference captured 16 Muslim seats

January 04,1947
out of 21.

British Prime Minister Ateli announced in House of Commons that according to

February 20,1947 cabinet mission plan, British Government will hand over the Government of

India to Indians by June 1948.

April 21,1947 The Mahraja of Jammu & Kashmir, Hari Singh was visiting Rawlakot, Ex-
servicemen of the area turned up in large numbers to accord the ruler a befitting

reception. Mahraja was surprised to see former British Indian army in such a

large number and wrongly considered it a threatening show of force. He did not

address the gathering and even acknowledge their greeting

Kriplani, now President of the Indian National Congress, visits Kashmir and
May 24,1947
confers with the Maharaja on 24 May.

June 03,1947 Partition Plan of Subcontinent was announced.

Sardar Muhammad Ibraheem Khan (MLA) and Chaudary Hameed Ullah Khan

acting President All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference arrived from
June 22,1947
Srinagar to visit Rawlakot. It was decided to organize the ex-servicemen into

Home Guards, for local protection of their area and later to start an armed
struggle for accession of the state with Pakistan.

July 19,1947 On 19 July, a convention of Muslim Conference urges accession to Pakistan.

The Maharaja orders Muslims to deposit their arms with the police. The Muslims
July 1947
in Punch organized themselves in guerilla groups.

On 1 August, Mahatma Gandhi visits the Maharaja and suggests the removal of

August 1,1947 R.C. Kak. Gandhi is assured by a lieutenant of Abdullah that if Kak is ousted, a

plebiscite will return a vote in favor of India.

August 12,1947 Maharaja offered standstill agreement with both India and Pakistan .

Muslims in Kashmir celebrated ―Pakistan Day‖ with flags enthusiastically

August 14,1947 displayed throughout the state. The Maharaja order them torn down and

retaliated by closing all pro-Pakistan news papers.

August 15,1947 Pakistan accepted standstill agreement with Maharaja.

A public meeting was held at Rawlakot, addressed by Sardar Mukhtar Khan

August 15,1947 ,Sardar Suleman Khan and some others. The participants were decided to start

armed struggle against Dogra regime.

Red Cliff Award is published. (Cyril Red Cliff, a London barrister, headed

Boundary Commission to establish partition lines between Pakistan and India in

divided provinces of Punjab and Bengal.) By splitting Gurdaspur district – a

August 17,1947 Muslim-majority area allotted to Pakistan in ‗notional division‘, the Award

provided India with road link to Kashmir and made it practicable for Maharaja to

accede to India or establish military alliance with it. Maharaja, having excluded

option of joining Pakistan, adopts three-point strategy

(i) to make road to India serviceable – all existing roads lead to Pakistan; (ii) to

concentrate his troops in areas bordering Pakistan to deter insurgencies and

seal frontier against incursions; (iii) to establish close working relationship with

Indian government without formal accession, if possible and with it, if necessary.

A Public rally was organized in Rawlakot, soon after the prayer of Eid-Ul-Fiter.

Sardar Mukhtar Khan Advocate, Sardar Muhammad Hussain Khan, Nambardar

Sardar Khan, Sardar and Muhammad Ameer Khan had delivered speeches.
August 17,1947
They criticized the Government. The public rally was followed by the parade of

Muslin National Guards. Participants were hosting Pakistani flag and chanting

slogans in favor of Pakistan and against Dogras.

August 23,1947 A public meeting was held at Neela But, it was addressed among others by
Sardar Muhamamd Abdul Qayyum Khan , Syed Muzaffar Hussain Nadvi, Peer

Sadiq Hussain Shah, Syed Shamshad Shah, Molvi Muhamamd Ismaeel and

Naik Molvi Muhmmad Bakhsh. They strongly condemned the state army

repression and demanded accession of the state to Pakistan.

Sardar Muhmmad Ibraheem Khan, reached Abbotabad from Srinagar .Raja

August 24,1947 Abdul Hameed Khan and Sultan Husan Ali Khan of Boi (Hazara) assisted him in

this journey.

Muslims of Northern and Eastern Bagh under leadership of Syed Ali Asghar

August 25,1947 Shah and Sardar Gul Ahmed joined the Sardar Muhammad Abdul Qayyum

Khan at Bani Pasari.

August 26,1947 A public meeting was held at “Hudda Barhi‖(Bagh) .The local leaders demanded
accession of the state with Pakistan. Dogra forces fired at the meeting, killing

and wounding 24 unarmed Muslims.

A detachment of four Dogra signal men while moving from Rawlakot to Bagh on

foot was ambushed in area Navli by a party of four freedom fighters lead by
August 28 ,1947
Nike Molvi Muhammad Buksh, three Dogra signal men became casualties with

their rifles.

Sardar Muhammad Abdul Qayyum Khan with a small band of freedom fighters
August 29,1947
had an exchange of fire with Dogra troops in Arja gorge.

August 29,1947 Clash between the Mujhaideen and State troops took place at Dothan (Punch).

September All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference observed Punch Day, against the

05,1947 killings, arson and arrests by Dogra Forces in Punch.

September Dogra forces arrested Syed Khadim Hussain Shah from Hular Bagh, and killed

06,1947 him.

September Kisan Mazdoor Conference has approved a resolution and demanded Maharaja

16,1947 that Kashmir should be accede with Pakistan.

September Kashmir Socialist Party had demanded the accession of state with the Pakistan,

18,1947 in the interest of Kashmiri workers.

Deheerkot Police Station was burnt by Mujhaid (Later col.) Raja Muhamamd
October 01,1947
Sadique Khan.

Raja Latif Khan of Kotli Deheerkot, embraced martyrdom in a clash with Dogra
October 03,1947
force in forest near Neelabut.

October 3-4,1947 A major clash between the Mujahedeen and State troops took place at Thorar
(Punch) on the night of 3-4 October 1947

Battle of Mang was continued two days Subaidar Afsar Khan and 08
October 06,1947
Mujahedeen embraced martyrdom.

Dogra platoon attacked on School at Dothan, 04 Mujahedeen and three women

October10- Hussain BB ,Jabara Begum and Hussan BB ,who were providing food to

11,1947 Mujahedeen embraced martyrdom. On the counter attack 400 Dogra soldiers

were killed.

October14- Subedar Baru Khan and Hav.Karim Haider were embraced martyrdom in an

15,1947 attack by Dogra Forces at Sarsawa Kotli

Maharaja Hari Singh visited Bhimber and personally instructed his troops to
October 16,1947
shoot any Muslim having pro Pakistan sentiments or who was security risk.
Muslim villages around Bhimber were set on fire in which many Muslim families

were perished. A large number of Muslim families took refuge in the adjoining

areas of Gujarat and Jhelum in Pakistan.

A battalion of Patiala State forces – is brought into Kashmir on October 17; it

October 17,1947 takes up positions guarding Srinagar airfield and reinforces Maharaja‘s garrison

in Jammu.

About 3,000 Pathan tribesmen, volunteers from NWFP & Tribal areas with small

October 22,1947 arms and driving in civilian lorries, commanded by Khurshid Anwar, enter State.

Muzaffarabad was librated.

The Bhimber was liberated under the leadership of Col.Habib-ur-Rehman Khan

October 24,1947
with his companions Lieut.Raja Annyat Khan,Captain Nawaz, Captain Ghulam
Mauhiudin and Raja Jamroz Khan.

Azad Kashmir Government was established. Sardar Ibraheem Khan was

October 24,1947
selected as President Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

Indian troops landed on Kashmir in the name of fraudulent instrument of

October 27,1947

Maharaja Hari Singh appoints Sheikh Abdullah as the Emergency Administrator

October 30 ,1947
for the State.

Gilgit Baltistan was liberated by local persons. Col.Mirza Hassan Khan and
November 01,1947
Major Raja Babur Khan were leading these Mujahedeen.

A provisional Government of Gilgit Baltistan was established. Raja Shah Raees

November 02,1947
Khan of Gilgit was selected as the head of Government, whereas Mirza Hassan
Khan was Chief of Gilgit army. After two weeks Sardar Muhmmad Alim Khan

was appointed as political agent from the Government of Pakistan.

Indian Interior Minister Sardar Patel and Defense Minister Baldev Singh visited
November 03,1947

Kashmiri Observe this day as ―Yum-e-Shuhda-e- Jammu‖to pay tribute to

martyrs of Jammu. The genocide of Muslims in Jammu was started in April

1947, by Dogra forces, RSS,Akali Dal, Patiala State forces and local Sikhs and
November 06,1947
Hindus. Out of the total 8 lakhs who tried to migrate more than 2,37,000

Muslims were systematically exterminated by all the forces of Dogra State and

aided by Hindus and Sikhs.

November09- On the night of 09 and 10 November 1947 Captain Rehmat Ullaha Khan and
10,1947 Raja Sakhi Dler Khan attacked on Rajuri and liberated it. It was re-occupied by

Dogra forces.

Indian Air force attacked on Rawlakot, 90 Mujahedeen were embraced

martyrdom. The Dogra forces withdrew from Rawlakot having fighting with

November 10,1947 freedom fighters. The Mujahedeen gain victory under the leadership of captain

Hussain Khan,Subaidar Bostan Khan,Subaidar Muhamamd Hussain and

Sub.Kalo Khan.

November 11,1947 Captain Hussain Khan embraced martyrdom.

Mirpur was liberated after a long fight .The Mujaheedeen were fighting under the

November 23,1947 leadership of Col.Khan Muhammad Khan. The local Mujaheedn leaders were

Captain Raja Afzal Khan,Captain Raja Azam Khan,N.Sub,Rehmat

Khan,N.Sub.Ismaeel,N.Sub.Kfiat Ali,Sub.Manga Khan and Sardar Abdullah

Khan.They were also supported by Col.Ali Ahmed Shah,Ghazi Elhi Buksh,Ghazi

Abdul Rehman,Chaudary Noor Hussain and Raja Dilwar Khan.

Kotli was librated.The Mujhadeen leaders were Raja Sakhi Dler Khan,

November 26,1947 Sub.Muhammad Hussin,Major Muhmmad Hussain, Liut.Afrasiab and Abdul


January 1 ,1948 India refers the Kashmir issue to the UN Security Council.

India and Pakistan called upon to take measures to improve the situation and to
January 17, 1948
inform about any significant change in it.

January 20 ,1948 U.N. Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) set up.

March 5 , 1948 The Maharaja issued a proclamation replacing the Emergency Administration by
a popular interim Government headed by Sheikh Abdullah.

The Security Council passed a resolution providing for mediation by a 5-

April 21 ,1948
member UN Commission for India and Pakistan. (UNCIP)

The UNCIP passed a resolution providing Right of Self Determination to

August 13 , 1948

December 11,
UNCIP appointed Plebiscite Administrator.

January 1 ,1949 Ceasefire proclaimed under the UN auspices.

The UNCIP is called by Pakistan to pass a resolution providing a Plebiscite

January 05,1949 Administrator for J&K. Adm. Nimitz nominated as Plebiscite Administrator.

However, he could not succeed in getting the UN resolution implemented

particularly resolution No.2 viz. withdrawal of Pak troops.

Azad Kashmir Government shifted its capital from Junjal Hill (Pallandri) to
February 08,1949

“Karachi agreement” signed between Govt.of Pakistan, Azad Kashmir and

April 28,1949
Muslim Conference for the provisional administration of Northern Areas (G&B).

Maharaja Hari Singh issued a proclamation abdicating in favor of his son, Yuvraj
June 20,1949
Karan Singh.

The Constitution of India comes into effect – Article 1, under which the entire

January 26,1950 state of J&K was a part of the territory of India and Article 370, giving a special

status to the State were applied to J&K.

January 26 , 1950 The Constitution (Application to J&K) order 1950 issued under Article 370. This
order applied 39 entries of the Union list to J&K corresponding to the terms of

the ‗instrument of Accession‘ and enumerated the related provisions of the

Constitution which would apply to J&K with or without modifications.

Sir Owen Dixon appointed as the first UN Representative, visited India and

May-June 1950 Pakistan in May-June 1950. He suggested a process of de-militarization

popularly known as ‗Dixon Plan‘.

All J&K National Conference passed a resolution for convening a Constituent

Assembly based on adult suffrage for the purpose, inter alia, of determining the
October 27,1950
future shape and & affiliation of the state of J&K including the issue of accession

to India and & to frame a Constitution for the State.

April 1951 The Security Council appoints another representative (Dr. Graham) to resolve
the issue within 3 months.

Kashmiri leaders (NC) discussed Centre/State relations with the Central

July 24, 1952
Government and arrived at an arrangement known as the „Delhi Agreement‟.

Election for the Constituent Assembly held for framing the Constitution of J&K.
November 1952
All 75 seats won by the NC.

Formation of Kashmir Political Conference (now defunct) by Ghulam Mohi-ud-

June 19,1953
Din Karra, who resigned from the NC.

March, 14 – April Gunnar Jarring of Sweden appointed as the UN mediator on the ‗Kashmir

11,1957 issue‘. He visited India and Pakistan.

Chaudry Ghulam Abbas launched Kashmir Liberation Movement(KLM) and

June 1958
announced central committee for arrangement of this movement .The
committee was consist of Chaudary Ghulam Abbas(Supreme Head), Khawaja

Muhammad Yousuf (General Secretary) ,members were : Raja Haider

Khan,Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan, Col.Sher Ahmed Khan, Ghazi Elhi Buksh,

Dr.Muzaffar Hussain and Qazi Sher Alam

Meeting of heads of liberation committees was held under the president ship of

June 15,1958 Chaudary Ghulam Abbas and it was decided to cross Cease Fire Line on

29th June 1958.All leadership was arrested.

April 1962 Maulvi Mohd. Farooq took over as the Mirwaiz of J&K .

Sino-Indian War. The cause of the war was a dispute over the sovereignty of

October 20, 1962 the widely separated Aksai Chin and Arunachal Paradesh border regions. Aksai

Chin, claimed by India to belong to Kashmir and by China to be part of Xinjiang,

contains an important road link that connects the Chinese regions of Tibet and

Xinjiang. China‘s construction of this road was one of the triggers of the conflict.

Before the war, both countries had posts in Aksai Chin and patrolled there.

Since the end of the war, Aksai Chin has been under complete Chinese control.

The war was ended on November 21, 1962.

Trans-KarakoramTract agreement. Negotiations between the China and

Pakistan officially began on October 13, 1962 and resulted in an agreement

being signed on 2 March 1963 by foreign ministers Chen Yi of China

March 02, 1963 and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan. The agreement resulted in China

withdrawing from about 750 square miles of territory, and Pakistan withdrawing

its claim to about 2,050 square miles of territory that, in practice, it neither

occupied nor administered.

The Holy relic is stolen from Hazratbal shrine, Srinagar. Massive anti-India
December27 ,1963
agitation started by an Action Committee under the leadership of Maulvi Farooq.

June 22,1964 Maulvi Farooq announced the formationof Awami Action Committee.

Legislative Assembly of Indian Occupied Kashmir passed the constitution

(amendment) Bill, which brought about more significant changes. The

March 30,1965 designation of Sadar-e-Riasat (head of State) was changed into Governor,

appointed by president of India instead of legislative assembly. The Prime

Minister of the State would be known as Chief Minister.

January 10 ,1966 India and Pakistan signed the „Tashkent Declaration‟.

Chaudary Ghulam Abbas died and was buried at Faiz Abad Rawalpindi.
January 1970 ‗Al Fateh‘ organization was launched.

30 January 1971 Hijacking of Indian Airlines plane by Kashmiri Muslims.

„Simla Agreement‟ was signed by the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan
July 3 ,1972
.Ceasefire line converted into the Line of Control (LOC).

Kashmir accord signed between Sheikh Abdullah and Mrs. Indira Gandhi (Beg-
13 November 1974
Parthasarthy Accord).

Delhi-Jaipur bound Indian Airlines aircraft hijacked to Lahore by JKLF activists,

12 September
Hamid Diwani (died in 1993), Mohd. Rafiq, Abdul Rashid Malik, Mohd. Ahsan
Pathan, Gh. Nabi Bhatt and Gh. Rasool Shaheen.

J&K Mahaz-e-Azadi, a pro-independence organization, formed by Sofi Mohd

May 1977
September 1977 J&K Islamic Jamaat-e-Tulba, was formed.

June 1979 J&K People‘s Conference formed by Abdul Ghani Lone.

November 1981 J&K Panther‘s Party formed by Bhim Singh.

September 8,1982 Sheikh Abdullah dies and Dr. Farooq Abdullah sworn in as the new CM.

February 11, 1984 Execution of Mohd. Maqbool Butt, JKLF founder in Tahr Jail.

A prominent Kashmiri Leader, Kh. Khursheed was died in a road accident on

March 11,1988 March 11, 1988, while travelling in a public transport vehicle as an ordinary

passenger. He is buried in the heart of Muzaffarabad.

September 18,
Aijaz Dar ,a Kashmiri Mujahid leader was killed by Indian forces.
January 16 , 1989 Formation of J&K Muslim Conference.

Protests against Salman Rushdie‘s book, The Satanic Verses, lead to massive
demonstrations in Srinagar. 50 people are injured in clash with police. Protests
and clashes with police continue

March 14 ,1989 Formation of J&K-Democratic Movement Forum by AR Kabuli.

May 11-14 , 1989 Quit Kashmir Movement launched by JKLF.

September 28,
Shabir Shah, PL leader, arrested at Ramban, Jammu.

Abduction of Rubaiya Sayeed, D /O Mufti Mohd Sayeed, the then Union Home
December 8,1989
Minister, in Srinagar.
December 13,
Release of Dr. Rubaiya Sayeed in exchange of 5 hardcore JKLF leaders.

January, 1990 Jagmohan takes over as the Governor.

Attempt by a mob of Kashmiri nationals to cross the LoC at Suchetgarh,

February 5,1990

The liberation organization‘s advocating Kashmiris‘ accession with Pakistan

March 4,1990 form a forum, Tehreek-e-Hurriyate Kashmir in Srinagar. Advocate Mian Abdul

Qayoom heads the forum.

February-April Syed Ali Gillani, Abdul Ghani , Prof. Abdul Ghani Baht , Maulvi Abbas Ansari,

1990 Qazi Nissar arrested.

May 21, 1990 Assassination of Mirwaiz Maulvi Farooq by Indian Forces. His funeral
procession is fired on by security forces killing 50.

May 25, 1990 Jagmohan resigns as Governor, G.C. Saxena takes over.

July 18-19 ,1990 First round of Secretary level Indo-Pak talks in Pakistan.

July 19 ,1990 Imposition of President‘s rule in J&K State.

Yasin Malik, Commander-in-Chief, JKLF and other top JKLF leader, arrested at
August 6, 1990

August 9-10 ,1990 Second round of Indo-Pak talks at New Delhi.

December 18-20 ,
Third round of Indo-Pak talks.

July 13-14 ,1991 International Conference on Kashmir at Washington by ‗World Kashmir

Freedom Movement‘.

August 19 , 1991 5th round of Indo-Pak Secretary-level talks.

November 12,1991 An all party meet in Delhi to solve the J&K problem.

August 1992 6th round of Indo-Pak Secretary-level talks.

January 6 ,1993 Arson at Sopore by Indian security forces.

Nearly 30 parties and groups including JKLF, join together to form All-Parties

March 7,1993 Hurriyat Conference in Srinagar, headed by Mirwaiz Omar Farooq, son of the

slain Mirwaiz Maulvi Mohammad Farooq.

March 12,1993 Gen. K.V. Krishna Rao took over as the Governor J&K.

April 1, 1993 Dr. Abdul Ahad Guru, senior JKLF leader kidnapped and killed by Indian

Prof. Abdul Gani (Muslim Conference), SAS Gillani (J&K JEI), Maulvi Abbas

May7 , 1993 Ansari (KLC) and Mian Abdul Qayum (TEHK) prevented from leaving the

country to attend meeting at Jeddah (KSA).

John Malott, US State Department official, during his visit to Delhi, asserted that
May 19,1993
Kashmiris were an essential part to the Kashmir dispute

September 21-22
Maqdoomi Sahib mosque set ablaze by Indian forces.

US President‘s passing reference to the Kashmir ‗dispute‘ in UN General

September 1993

October 15,1993 Indian troops besiege Hazratbal shrine; heavy paramilitary contingents are
reinforced and sandy bag bunkers erected around the shrine before and after

the siege. More than 65 people including women and children are captivated

without any supply of food and essential commodities for 32 successive days.

Even water supply to the shrine was cut off after the siege.

More than 50 protesters are martyred and another 100 injured in indiscriminate
October 22,1993
firing by paramilitary forces in Bijbehara, Islamabad.

Complete shutdown observed in Kashmir for 32 days till the siege was lifted.

Shrine is still under surveillance of troops frisking every visitor. The month-long

November 16,1993 siege is finally resolved through negotiations and those holed up are allowed

safe passage. During this crisis, Hurriy Conference gains importance as it

organizes mass boycotts, public demonstrations and protests throughout the

Valley to protest siege of Kashmir‘s holiest shrine. Hurriyat leaders play

important role in negotiating end to crisis.

January 1-3 ,1994 7th round of Indo-Pak Secretary-level talks.

Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto says Pakistan will continue supporting Kashmiris

February 11,1995 in their struggle for freedom by extending fullest moral, political and diplomatic

help and will try its best to make the world realize the gravity of the issue.

May 8-9 ,1995 Burning of over 250 houses in Charar-e- Sharief town by Indian forces.

May 10-11 ,1995 Burning of Charar-e-Sharief shrine and the complete township by Indian forces.

The OIC Contact Group on Kashmir strongly condemns the ―brutal Indian

May 16,1995 military operation‖ in Charar Sharif and urges India to withdraw its forces from

there. A formal resolution is moved in US Congress calling on Pakistan, India

and the legitimate representatives of the people of Kashmir to enter into

negotiations and resolve the Kashmir conflict peacefully.

February , 1996 Ban on the JKLF under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

September 18 Ban on Harkat-ul-Ansar (HUA) and Hizbul-Mujahideen (HuM) under Section

,1996 3(IIIA) J&K Criminal Law Amendment Act.

October 9, 1996 Farooq Abdullah government formed.

72-hour relay hunger strike in Delhi by KJHC leaders to draw the attention of the
December 10-12 ,
UN Human Right Commission towards atrocities on Kashmiris. KJHC leader,
Yasin Malik sat on a 72 hours fast to draw the attention of the UNHRC.

March 23-27 ,
OIC Contact group met in Islamabad.
March 30,1997 Eighth round of Indo-Pak Secretary-level talks in Delhi.

Observance of ‗Shoda-e-Kashmif week commemorating the death Anniversary

May 17-24 , 1997
of Moulvi Farooq.

June 19-23 ,1997 Ninth round of Indo-Pak Secretary-level talks in Islamabad.

August, 1997 Formation of J&K Solidarity Forum in Azad Kashmir.

September 15-18 ,
10th round of Indo-Pak Foreign Secretary-level talks in Delhi.

December 9-11
OIC Contact group meeting in Tehran.

February17 , 1998 Ban on JKLF extended.

March 15-18 ,1998 Meetings of Foreign Minister of OIC at Doha (Qatar).

The OIC contact group adopts a memorandum, condemning the inhuman

April 15,1998 atrocities in Jammu & Kashmir, rejecting the farcical elections there and calling

for settlement of dispute in accordance with United Nations resolutions.

April 24 ,1998 Syed Ali Gillani Geelani takes over as the Chairman of APHC.

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif calls upon the United Nations to take

June 29,1998 effective steps for the implementation of Security Council resolutions on Jammu

and Kashmir.

July 29 ,1998. Indo-Pak talks on the eve of Colombo summit.

In response to an invitation by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad

February 20,199
Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of India, Atal Behari Vajpayee, arrives in
Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif receives Atal Bihari Vajpaye at Wahga border visits


May 8, 1999. Kargil war started

Five Kashmiri Freedom Fighters hijack an Indian Airlines Airbus carrying 189

passengers and 11 crewmembers en route from Katmandu to New Delhi. The

December 24,1999
plane is diverted to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the hijackers release 27


The hijacked Indian Airlines plane lands at an airport in southern Afghanistan

December 25,1999 after a flight from Dubai. The hijackers demand release of 36 mujahedeen

languishing in Indian jails.

December 31,1999 The Indian Government agrees to release three imprisoned mujahedeen in
exchange for the hostages‘ safe return. The plane and remaining hostages are

released unharmed.

Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and abroad observe protest day

February 28, 2000 against collective massacre of 14 Kashmiris at village Lonjot, in Nakial sector by

Indian troops.

A prominent liberation activist, Javed Ahmad Zargar is released after 11 years

June 06, 2000
illegal detention in Indian jails.

Chief of Kashmir Mass Movement, Farida Behanji, is released after 5 years of

August 3,2000
illegal detention.

September The OIC contact group in New York announces to appoint an envoy on

14,2000 Kashmir and to set-up a team to see for itself the prevailing situation in occupied

The Organization of the Islamic Conference urges New Delhi to take immediate

steps to ensure protection of mosques in India and occupied Kashmir. The OIC
February 17,2001
also calls upon its member states to extend humanitarian assistance to the

people of occupied Kashmir.

Indian agents attack the All Parties Hurriyet Conference‘s Headquarter in

April 24,2001

Puppet cabinet in occupied Kashmir declares all the six districts of Jammu as

August 09,2001 disturbed areas, providing sweeping powers to the military forces on the pretext

of dealing with mujahedeen.

September Indian troops burn to ashes 30 residential houses and shops in Kupwara town
11,2001 in vindictive oppression.

―The forces in Indian held Kashmir have directives to kill freedom fighters rather

than attempt to capture them alive‖, a human rights report issued in the United

States said. Statements by senior police and army officials confirm that the
Indian forces are under ―instructions‖ to kill these mujahedeen rather than
attempting to arrest them alive. Report on Human Rights Practices‘ for the year

2000, released by the Bureau of Labor, USA quotes glaring examples of human

rights abuses in the occupied valley.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch warns that the new anti-terrorism

October 20,2001 legislation, approved by the Indian cabinet, will give Indian police sweeping

powers of arrest and detention. The Human Rights Watch observes that the
broadly worded ―Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance‖, which is likely to be

considered by the Indian parliament during its winter session beginning in

November, sets forth a broad definition to terrorism that includes act of violence

or disruption of essential services carried out with ―intent to threaten the unity

and integrity of India or to strike terror in any part of the people‖.

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, in a televised address to the nation, calls

for a peaceful end to the dispute over Kashmir and for a renewed spirit of

national unity. He says, ―Kashmir runs in our blood. No Pakistani can afford to

January 12,2002 sever links with Kashmir. We will continue to extend our moral, political and

diplomatic support to Kashmiris. We will never budge from our principle stand

on Kashmir issue, which must be resolved through dialogue in accordance with

the wishes of the people of Pakistan and in accordance with the UN


The OIC Kashmir Contact Group in a meeting in Geneva affirms that a

April 11,2002 plebiscite under UN auspices to determine the wishes of the Kashmiri people

could be the only viable basis for peaceful settlement of this dispute.

APHC leader Abdul Ghani Lone along with his bodyguard is shot dead while

May 21,2002 attending a ceremony commemorating the assassination of prominent Kashmiri

leader, Mir Waiz Maulvi Farooq.

Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) appeals

India and Pakistan to exercise self-restraint and resolve Kashmir dispute in

June 26,2002
accordance with the UN resolutions. Addressing the 29th session of OIC

Foreign Ministers in Khartoum, Dr, Abdelouhahed Belkeziz offers its mediation

and good offices to defuse tension and pave way for a dialogue between the

two countries.

June 28,2002 India‘s interior ministry bans Kashmiri women‘s group Dukhtaran-e-Millat

US Secretary of State Colin Powel in a news conference in New Delhi says that

July 28,2002 Kashmir is on the international agenda. The US would provide a helping hand to

all sides in order to resolve the Kashmir issue.

Addressing a press conference after talks with APHC in Srinagar, Indian

Kashmir Committee head, Ram Jethmalani said Kashmir is a disputed territory

August 17,2002 and needed immediate resolution. He says it would be foolish to claim that

Kashmir is not a dispute. ―The dispute exists and its resolution will bring peace

to the entire South Asian region‖, he said

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says the international community might have

a role to play in resolution of the Kashmir issue if tension between India and
Pakistan flares up again. In his address before the General Assembly, Annan
identifies the Kashmir issue as one of the four global problems after the Israel-

Palestinian dispute, the Iraq problem, and the Afghanistan situation.

Addressing the 57th session of the UNGA, Pakistan President Pervez

Musharraf says, the people of Jammu and Kashmir must be allowed to exercise

their right to determine their own future in accordance with the relevant
resolutions of UN Security Council. He said three steps are required to avoid
conflict and mutual withdrawal of forward deployed forces by both sides,

observance of cease-fire along the LoC in Kashmir and cessation of India‘s

state terrorism against the Kashmiri people.

Indian Congress President, Sonia Ghandi calls for final solution to Kashmir

September issue and says if the Indian government is really serious about Jammu and

19,2002 Kashmir, which is affecting the lives of innocent people, it should do something

about it now.‖

India‘s apex Cabinet Committee on Security headed by Prime Minister Atal

Behari Vajpayee decides to order a phased withdrawal of troops massed on

October 16,2002 Pakistan‘s borders. Announcing the cabinet decision, Indian Defence minister

George Fernandes says, the armed forces would take their time to implement

the process of withdrawal.

Jammu and Kashmir is put under Governor‘s rule after caretaker puppet Chief
October 17,2002
Minister Farooq Abdullah refuses to take charge of the regime.
Mufti Mohammed Sayeed is sworn-in as the puppet chief minister of Jammu
November 2,2002
and Kashmir.

Britain says, the Kashmir problem between India and Pakistan has stemmed out

of some quite serious mistakes committed by it by not demarcating the

boundaries even two days after Independence of India and Pakistan from the

British rule. ―We made some quite serious mistakes. We were complacent with
November 15,2002
what happened in Kashmir, the boundaries weren‘t published until two days

after Independence. Bad story for us, the consequences are still there,‖ Britain‘s

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says in an interview to the New Statesman


December 18,2002 A Delhi Court awards death sentence under draconian law POTA to three
Kashmiris, Muhammad Afzal, Showkat Hassan Guru and a university lecturer,

Syed Abdul Rehman Gilani, falsely charged for attack on Indian parliament on

December 13 last year. Showkat‘s wife Afshan Guru was charged with what

was described as concealing the so-called plot. She is sentenced to five years

rigorous imprisonment. The All Parties Hurriyet Conference has strongly

denounced the verdict.

Amnesty International is dismayed at the death sentences handed down to

three people accused of the 13 December 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament.

―The death penalty is a violation of the right to life and the ultimate cruel,
December 19,2002
inhuman and degrading punishment,‖ Amnesty International said. ―We oppose

the death penalty unconditionally, whether it is imposed on alleged criminals or

on so-called terrorists,‖
The Police sources in occupied Kashmir reveal that more than 90,000 persons

have been killed in the state since January 1990 to December 2002. This figure
July 09,2003
has been published in the souvenir entitled ―Moments of Honour‖ brought out by

Jammu and Kashmir police.

India and Pakistan resume bus service after 18 months. The All Parties Hurriyet

Conference welcomes the resumption of Delhi-Lahore bus service and says that

the alliance would not raise any heckles, if New Delhi and Islamabad start with
July 11,2003
trade, cultural and other ties before discussing the Kashmir issue. Mirwaiz Umar

Farooq says, ―Nobody can deny the fact that sooner or later Kashmir issue has

to be resolved.‖

July 31,2003 Ghazi –e-Millat Sardar Muhammad Ibraheem Khan died.

Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), once again reiterates its categorical

support to Kashmiris‘ struggle for their right of self-determination. The OIC

September Contact Group on Kashmir unanimously adopts a resolution, stressing upon

30,2003 India to stop repression against freedom activists in occupied Kashmir, withdraw

black laws, immediately free Kashmiri detainees and end travel restrictions on

Hurriyet Conference leaders

Addressing the OIC summit in Putrajaya, Malaysia, Secretary General OIC

Abdelouahed Belkeziz demands right to self-determination for the Kashmiri

people and urges India to allow OIC delegation to inspect the situation in

Occupied Kashmir.

November 25,2003 A ceasefire between India and Pakistan on the Line of Control, Working
Boundary and Line of Actual Contact in Siachen becomes effective. Modalities

for giving effect to the truce are worked out after a hotline contact between the

Director General Military Operations (DGMOs) of Pakistan and India earlier in

the day.

The United States welcomes the ceasefire by India and Pakistan saying it hopes

more moves towards peace are on the way. Secretary of State Colin Powell

calls Pakistan‘s Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmud Kasuri and Indian External

Affairs Minister Yashwant Sinha to congratulate them on the ceasefire.

President General Pervez Musharraf announces Pakistan‘s readiness to go

beyond its stated position in disputes with India, as he declares to unilaterally

November 29,2003
remove ban on the Indian over flights.

India welcomes Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf‘s announcement that his

country will lift the ban on Indian flights over its airspace and grant them landing

rights and hoped that the two-day talks on resumption of civil aviation links

would be fruitful.

President Pervez Musharraf says Pakistan is ready to put aside its demand for a

referendum in occupied Kashmir. Pakistan‘s long-standing position has been

December 18,2003
that a referendum should decide if the divided territory becomes part of Pakistan

or India.

Meeting between President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Atal

January 05,2004 Bihari Vajpaee held in Aiwan-e-Sadr in Islamabad. This is the first formal

meeting between the two leaders after Agra Summit, two years back.

February 05,2004 Addressing the joint sitting of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative
Assembly and the AJK Council in Muzaffarabad, President Musharraf reaffirms

Pakistan‘s moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmir cause and says

both Islamabad and New Delhi would have to show flexibility on the issue for

peace in South Asia.

February 17,2004 Pakistan and India agree to start dialogue on Kashmir in May-June.

Indian army sources say, a substantial portion of the multi-layered fences has
March 25,2004
been erected in 360 kilometers out of a total of 580 kilometers on the LoC.

In a televised address to the Nation, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

says, we will actively pursue the composite dialogue with Pakistan. We are
June 24,2004
sincere about discussing and resolving all issues, including Jammu and

A bill introduced in the US House of Representatives calls for a peaceful

resolution to the Kashmir conflict and the appointment by the State Department

October 10,2004 of a special envoy to work with the governments of India, Pakistan and Kashmir

so that continuing progress can be ensured. The bill is brought in by

Pennsylvania Republican Joe Pitts.

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf sees a ‗simple‘ solution to the Kashmir

dispute saying India should pull troops out of the Himalayan territory and agree

to a compromise over its status. In an interview to Indian newspaper, President

October 13,2004 Pervez Musharraf says both sides need to step back from these ‗maximalist‘

positions after which, he added; they could find a solution in just a day if they

really wanted to. ―It is simple – identify the region, demilitarize it and change its

In a new formulation to resolve the vexed Kashmir issue, Pakistan President

Pervez Musharraf suggests India and Pakistan consider the option of identifying

some ‗regions‘ of Kashmir on both sides of Line of Control, demilitarize them

and grant them the status of independence or joint control or under UN

mandate. ―I will leave a food for thought for you. Take Kashmir in its entirety. It
October 25,2004
has seven regions. Two of the regions are in Pakistan and five are in India. In

my view, identify a region, whether it is the whole or seven or part, I do not

know.‖ ―Identify the region, demilitarize the region for ever and change its

status,‖ Musharraf said this at an iftar dinner attended by diplomats, government

officials and media persons in Islamabad.

A crucial round of talks between India and Pakistan begins in New Delhi to
December 07,2004
discuss a proposed bus service between the divided parts of Kashmir. The
proposed service will link Srinagar and Muzaffarabad.

Pakistan observes ‗Kashmir Solidarity Day‘, with President Pervez Musharraf

saying Kashmir is its ‗vital national interest‘ and a solution to the problem is

February 05,2005 acceptable only if it met the aspirations of Kashmiris. He also pledges to

continue providing political, diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmiris‘


In significant steps enhancing people-to-people contacts, India and Pakistan

agree to start the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service from April 7 and decide on
February 16,2005
a series of confidence building measures that include reducing risk of use of

nuclear weapons.

April 7,2005 In a path-breaking step, the divide that has kept apart the people of Jammu and
Kashmir is bridged with the start of bus services across the Line of Control after

57 years. At 1.45 p.m., 30 passengers of the bus from Muzaffarabad, capital of

Azad Jammu and Kashmir, take what Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

describes as a ―small but significant step‖ by crossing a ―Peace Bridge‖

straddling the LoC into Jammu and Kashmir on Indian side.

Nine leaders of the All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC) and some other

groups cross into Azad Jammu and Kashmir from the Chakothi checkpoint on

the Line of Control. Chairman of the APHC Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and two other

June 02,2005 visiting leaders in a press conference in Muzaffarabad say that they have come

to consult the Kashmiri leadership in Azad Kashmir and the Pakistan

government about participation in the dialogue between Islamabad and New

Delhi to settle the 57-year-old Kashmir dispute. They emphasize that while
supporting the India-Pakistan peace process and seeking their vital participation

in it, they would not countenance a ―sell-out of the blood of 80,000 people killed

in 15 years of uprising in occupied Kashmir‖.

Pakistan will formally submit to India the recent proposal of President Pervez

Musharraf for identification of the seven regions of Kashmir and demilitarization

of some of them, says Pakistan High Commissioner to India Aziz Ahmed Khan.

He says Pakistan has not given up the proposal and this will be submitted at the
July 03,2005
right time as the ongoing composite dialogue makes progress. In an interview

Khan says, ―When India comes up with its proposals at the negotiating table, we

will also give our suggestions, including this one for resolving the outstanding

issues between the two countries.‖

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Contact Group on Jammu

and Kashmir, in its meeting in Sana‘a, (Yemen) calls for settlement of Kashmir

dispute and halt to human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir. The meeting is

attended by the Foreign Ministers of Turkey, Niger, Pakistan and Deputy Leader

of the Saudi Delegation as well as a representative of Yemen. Pakistani Foreign

July 03,2005
Minister Khurshid Kasuri, in his statement thanks the Muslim Ummah and

especially, members of the Contact Group for their continued support and

understanding in highlighting the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. He reiterates

Pakistan‘s continued political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of

Jammu and Kashmir in their legitimate struggle.

September Pakistan and India agree on the reunion of divided Kashmiri families at

04,2005 designated places along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir, a
move which they believe would address the grave problems of the Kashmiri

people. According to the proposal the divided Kashmiri families will be allowed

to meet at five places including Mundhar, Poonch, Suchetgarh, Uri and


After a marathon four-hour long meeting that spilled past midnight, Prime

Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pervez Musharraf agree to pursue all

possible options for a peaceful negotiated settlement of the Jammu and

September Kashmir issue while pledging not to allow terrorism to impede the peace

15,2005 process. Meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly after sending out

clear messages on what they want to be done in regard to resolving bilateral

problems, the two leaders issued a four-para joint statement, which is read out

by President Pervez Musharraf after the dinner hosted by Singh at his hotel.
India and Pakistan agree to start a second bus service linking both sides of

divided Kashmir. A joint statement after two days of talks between the foreign

secretaries of both countries held in Islamabad says Pakistan and India are

committed to starting a bus service between Punchand Rawalakot and a truck

January 18,2006 service on the Muzaffarabad-Srinagar route for trade as soon as infrastructure

damaged by the October earthquake is restored. Indian Foreign Secretary

Shyam Saran says arrangements for the Poonch-Rawalakot route can be

finalized by March-April. He says India‘s proposal for Jammu-Sialkot and Kargil-

Skardu bus routes are pending.

Hundreds of people cheer and wave flags on both sides of Kashmir on the start

June 20,2006 of a second bus service linking the two halves of the Himalayan region through

Poonch-Rawalakot route. The bus service, to initially run once every two weeks,
helps 74 people cross one of the world‘s most heavily militarized frontiers. It

marks a positive step in strained relations between the nuclear-armed South

Asian neighbors, which have fought two wars over Kashmir.

Pakistan‘s President Pervez Musharraf says discussions are underway between

Pakistan and India for an agreement on the Kashmir issue. He expresses the
October 11,2006
hope that ‗something‘ could be announced during Prime Minister Manmohan

Singh‘s proposed visit to Pakistan.

The Holland-based NGO, Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF), in a report on

Kashmir, says due to Indian army‘s atrocities, psychological distress is rampant

February 04,2007
among Kashmiris, with incidents of disgracing of women by military personnel

The Association of the Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), reveals that

the mass graves in occupied Kashmir are mostly located in the vicinity of

February 11,2007 various camps of Indian army and its Special Operation Group (SOG) and there

are 25 such cases (since 2002) where locals after arrest were killed in fake

encounters and subsequently claimed as the so-called foreign militants.

The New York-based, Human Rights Watch, taking cognizance of the continued

human rights violations in occupied Kashmir expresses grave concern over

Indian troops‘ stepped-up killings of Kashmiri youth in fake encounters and

February 15,2007 disappearances in custody. The reputed international human rights body, in its

report released in New York says that after exhumation of Abdul Rehman

Paddar‘s dead body, the phenomena of killings in fake encounters and during

custody by Indian troops has become an established fact. The report says ―The
Indian security forces have ‗disappeared‘ countless people in Jammu and

Kashmir since 1989 and staged fake encounter killings while fabricating claims

that those killed were militants.‖ The human rights watch urges India to establish

an independent and impartial commission of inquiry into Indian troops‘ serious

human rights violations and stresses to make public the findings of the

commission. On the other hand, HRW calls the puppet authorities to prepare a

complete list of those persons who went missing since 1989. It also urges India

to empower the commission to execute the perpetrators of rights violations.

In a significant development the forensic tests of the samples of the dead body

of a Kashmiri youth proves continuous killing of Kashmiri youth in fake

February 22,2007
encounters by Indian troops. The DNA test carry out by the forensic lab at

Chandigarh of a Kashmiri youth, Abdul Rehman Paddar, has shown positive

results matching with the samples taken from his relatives. The results have

clearly shown that he has been killed in a fake encounter by the members of

Special Operations Group in Waskora village of Ganderbal on December 9, last

year after describing him as a foreign militant.

The US State Department in its annual report on Human rights points towards

the gross human rights violations by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir. The

State Department says that custodial killings, disappearances, violence and

molestation of women by police and Indian Army personnel are common in India
March 7,2007
and occupied Kashmir where they enjoy full impunity under the draconian laws.

The report says that due to the lack of accountability within Indian Army and

government, punitive measures are seldom taken against the perpetrators of the

acts of human rights violations. The report also points out the worst condition of
Indian jails where individuals are kept for long time without registration of any

case against them.

Complete shutdown is observed in Srinagar to protest against the damage to a

200-year-old mosque in Hari Parbat by Indian troopers. Visitors say a Hindu and
May 5,2005
a Sikh temple inside the recently reopened fort overlooking Srinagar are intact

but the mosque has been damaged.

The organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in the final declaration of the

Foreign Ministers Conference in Islamabad reaffirms its support to the people of

May 17,2007 Jammu and Kashmir for their inalienable right to self-determination in

accordance with the relevant UN Security Council‘s resolutions and Kashmirs‘

aspirations. The declaration emphasizes for respecting the human rights of the
Kashmiri people and extends all possible political and diplomatic support to the

true representatives of the Kashmiri people in their struggle against foreign


International human rights organization, Amnesty International in its annual

report for the year 2007 expresses grave concern over Indian troops continued
May 24,2007
human rights violations such as custodial killings, enforced disappearances and

extra-judicial murders.

The Amnesty International takes serious note of continued enforced

disappearances and abductions of innocent Kashmiris at the hands of Indian

August 31,2007
army in occupied Kashmir, expressing its displeasure over non-implementation

of the promises made by the puppet regime and New Delhi, regarding putting an
end to human rights abuses and awarding punishments to the troops involved in

crimes against the Kashmiris. In a statement issued in Srinagar, the world

human rights agency says, the majority of those who have disappeared are

young men, but people of all ages, professions and backgrounds have been

victims, many of whom have no connection with what India claims armed

struggle against its rule in Jammu and Kashmir. India and Pakistan fail to

resolve a dispute over India‘s plans to build a dam on a river in occupied

Kashmir, but say they would continue negotiations.

The US based, Human Rights Watch reiterates its statement shows concern

over the human rights violations committed by Indian troops with impunity in
November 20,2007
occupied Kashmir. The organization urges India to repeal the draconian law,

Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which has prevented the Indian troops from
being accountable for human rights violations. The statement says that the Act

granted the Army wide powers of arrest, the right to shoot to kill any one, and to

occupy or destroy his property.

In occupied Kashmir, the Army declares Major Avtar Singh, prime accused in

December 11,2007 the custodial killing of prominent lawyer and human rights activist Jalil Andrabi,

a deserter.

A Kashmiri youth Sonaullah is awarded 31 years imprisonment by the

January 15,2008
TADA/POTA court Jammu on fake charges.

A report compiled by Holland-based humanitarian group, Medicines Sans

February 02,2008 Frontiers (MSF), reveals that in the period between 1989 to 2007, Kashmiris

have frequently experienced a range of violence such as crackdowns, frisking,

raids and destruction of their properties by Indian troops, causing immense

psychological disorders among them.

The US State Department, in its annual report on human rights for the year

2007 takes strong notice of continued killings and disappearances of civilians

along with denial of the basic public rights by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir.

Based on various sources of information, the report issued in Washington says

March 12,2008 that Indian troops continue to commit human rights violations with impunity

under the protection of draconian laws. The report says categorically that the

custodial killings, arrest of the people without any legal justification, molestation

of Kashmiri women and curtailment of the freedom of movement, speech and

assembly has become order of the day in the occupied territory.

The OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir co-chaired by the OIC

Secretary General, Mr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and the Foreign Minister of

Pakistan, Mr. Inam-ul Haque meets on the sidelines of the 11th OIC Summit

held in Dakar. The meeting is attended by the Foreign Minister of Turkey, Ali

Babacan, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Nizar

Obeid Madani and representatives of Niger and Senegal. Kashmiri delegation

March 14,2008
that attended the meeting is led by the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet

Conference Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and includes representatives from both Azad

Kashmir and occupied Kashmir.The OIC Secretary General, in the meeting

states that the Jammu and Kashmir is one of the oldest unresolved issues on

the agenda of the OIC. While reaffirming the OIC‘s continues commitment to the

just cause of Kashmir, he requests the member states to use their influence
effectively over India to improve the human rights condition in the occupied


One thousand unidentified graves are found in villages around Uri in Baramulla

district of occupied Kashmir, believed to be of those, killed by Indian troops in

March 29,2008 custody and fake encounters. This is revealed in a report of Association of

Parents of Disappeared Persons, released in Srinagar and compiled after a

yearlong survey.

The Amnesty International, expressing grave concern over the discovery of

unnamed mass graves in occupied Kashmir, stresses the need for an

May 28,2008
immediate and impartial probe into the matter. The Amnesty, in its annual report

for 2008, deplores the continued incidents of custodial deaths, enforced

disappearances, extra-judicial killings, violence against women and harassment

of human rights defenders in the occupied territory. It reveals that Indian troops

and their agents have been violating the human rights with impunity. The report

adds that more than 8,000 people have gone missing since 1989 and the

puppet administration has done nothing to reveal their whereabouts.

The Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) Contact Group on Kashmir while

reiterating its support to Kashmiris‘ struggle for right to self-determination

stresses the need for resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with

June 20,2008 aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The reiteration is made by the

OIC Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, while addressing 35th session

of the Council of Foreign Ministers moot in Uganda‘s capital city Kampala.

Speaking on the occasion the foreign minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood

Qureshi highlights his county‘s efforts regarding the resolution of Kashmir

dispute through a meaningful, constructive and result-oriented dialogue with


Hundreds of thousands of people converge on Lal Chowk in Srinagar chanting

‗Jeeve Jeeve Pakistan‘ and ‗We want Freedom‘. People wave Pakistani flag on

Ghanta Ghar in Lal Chowk and in Front of Radio Kashmir in Srinagar. Dozens of
June 27,2008
people are injured in clashes between the protesters and Indian troops in

Srinagar, Baramulla, Sopore, Budgam, Islamabad, Pulwama, Shopian, Kupwara

and other cities.

Working Group of the United Nations, investigating the enforced

July 11,2008
disappearances in occupied Kashmir, registers a case regarding the custodial
disappearances of a Kashmiri youth. This is the first case related to occupied

Kashmir. This is stated by an official of the Association of Parents of

Disappeared Persons (APDP), during a meeting of the Association in Srinagar.

APDP President Parveena Ahangar along with over hundred members of the

Association was also present.

The APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and other Hurriyet leaders, Syed

Ali Gilani, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Shaikh Abdul Aziz and Nayeem Ahmad Khan

are put under house arrest by the authorities, to prevent them from addressing

August 8,2008 public gatherings and leading protest demonstrations. Pitched clashes between

the demonstrators and the troops continue at several places. Jammu Kathua,

Samba, Udhampur and Punchtowns remain under strict curfew

In Islamabad, the capital of Paksitan, a delegation of the APHC-AJK hands over

a memorandum to the office of the United Nations Information Division

denouncing the economic blockade in occupied Kashmir.

The Kashmir Fruit Growers and Dealers Association (KFGDA), the apex body of

Kashmiri fruit growers, decides to cross the Line of Control on 11 July, with their

fruit laden trucks in protest against the economic blockade and attack on fruit-

laden trucks in Jammu and Punjab by the Hindu extremists.

Over 7000 Hindu hooligans attack the Jordian area of Akhnore setting ablaze 13

August 9,2008 houses belonging to the Muslim community. The Hindu extremists loot cash and

other household valuables before putting the houses on fire.

A high-level delegation of International Committee for Red Cross, Medicine San

August 10,2008
Frontiers and Action Aid approaches the occupation authorities in Srinagar for
providing medical aid to the Kashmiris, which is being refused despite the fact

that the people of the territory are facing acute shortage of edibles, cooking gas

and petrol besides medicines including life saving drugs.

After receiving threats from right wing Hindu groups, the Kashmiri doctors in

Jammu Medical College hospital return to Valley.

Hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris march to the line of control, amidst large-

scale arrests, indiscriminate firing and use of brute force by Indian troops.

The APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali Glani, Syed Agha

August 11,2008 Hassan- Al-Mosoovi and Main Abdul Qayoom are placed under house arrest to

prevent them from leading the march.

During the whole day people in thousands sprang from various places

to march towards the LoC. Despite strict restrictions by the troops, people in
large number march from different corners towards the Line of Control.

Thousands of people led by APHC leaders, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Sheikh Abdul

Aziz and Nayeem Ahmad Khan reach near Rampur, 15 kilometers away from

the LoC. Thousands of fruit growers with fruit laden trucks also include in the


Senior APHC leader, Shaikh Abdul Aziz is martyred after he is shot at by

Indian Army personnel at Zahal-Boniyar in Uri. He receives bullets in his

abdomen and breathes his last in a Srinagar hospital. The news creates wide

spread panic in the entire occupied territory. While leading the march, he was

seen holding in his hands a big portrait of Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali

Jinnah. The occupation authorities impose curfew in Srinagar city.

September Prominent human rights defenders, addressing a seminar in New Delhi, urge
10,2008 India to respect Kashmiris‘ right to self-determination and realise that this is the

only way forward for the resolution of the Kashmir issue. The speakers include

Arundhati Roy, Prem Shankar Jha, Javeed Naqvi, Sanjay Kak, Rajinder Sachar,

Gautam Navlakha and Syed Abdul Rahman Gilani.

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon calls for peaceful

resolution of Kashmir dispute. In an interview he says, ―If India and Pakistan

November 02,2008 resolve the issue bilaterally the UN won‘t raise any objections.‖ Replying a

question, he says he is ready to use his good offices for settling the Kashmir

dispute if and when both parties ask for it.

The Amnesty International asks India to respect the international human rights
November 12,2008
standards and protect the right to life of the people in occupied Kashmir. It urges
India to unconditionally repeal the Jammu & Kashmir Disturbed Areas Act, the

Armed Forces Special Powers Act and the Public Safety Act as these

legislations provided discretionary powers to the armed forces.

The Human Rights Watch in its 2009 annual report released in New York

castigates India for ignoring calls to conduct independent investigation to

determine the fate of thousands of people who have disappeared during the last

two decades in occupied Kashmir. The organization points out that India is

January 15,2009 continuing to provide extra-ordinary powers to its troops and grant them

immunity from prosecution. The report says that the Indian paramilitary forces

are responsible for extra judicial killings, arbitrary detention, due process

violations, and ill treatment in custody in Jammu and Kashmir and in Indian

state of Manipur. Criticizing laws such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act,
it points out that these laws provide impunity to Indian police and troops.

In occupied Kashmir, Indian government decides to install Israel-made spy

satellite near the Line of Control to check movement of Kashmiri people. The
April 10,2009
Satellite Radar ‗Imaging‘, weighing 300-kilogram, has been prepared in Israel

and now being brought to India.

The world human rights body, Amnesty International (AI) in its annual report for

2009, says that Indian troops have been using brute force against

May 28,2009 demonstrators in occupied Kashmir during 2008. The Amnesty says that during

July and August 2008 protests in Jammu and Kashmir have risen to the levels

unseen in recent years.

May 30,2009 Indian men in uniform kill two Kashmiri women Nelofar Jan (22) and her sister-
in-law Aasiya Jan (17) in Shopian after molestating them. The tragedy shocks

the entire Valley, which leads to the spontaneous protests. After the tragic

incident Shopian town observes a complete shutdown for 47 days against the

failure of the occupation authorities to identify and punish the killers.

Amnesty International in a statement issued in New York denounces sexual

assault and murder of the two Kashmiri women by Indian troopers in Shopian. It

demands an immediate inquiry into the gory incident and repeal of discretionary

powers exercised by the occupation troops. Amnesty says that protesters in

June 11,2009
Jammu and Kashmir continue to press the Indian government to pursue

seriously the case whether members of the Central Reserve Police Force

(CRPF) have raped and murdered two women Aasiya Jan and her sister-in-law,

Nelofar Jan.
Human Rights Watch, an internationally recognized human rights organization,

says that India should take major steps to overhaul its policing system that

facilitates and encourages human rights violations. The organization in its 118-

page report, says that India has failed to deliver on promises to hold the police
August 5,2009
accountable for abuses and to build professional, rights-respecting police. The

report says that Indian Police has been committing a range of human rights

violations including arbitrary arrest, detention, torture and extra-judicial killings

with impunity.

The OIC Contact Group on Kashmir demands right to self-determination for the

September people of Kashmir, declaring that this is the only solution of the Kashmir dispute.

29,2009 OIC Contact Group in its meeting endorses the Kashmiris‘ demand of their right

to self-determination and assures its full support to them. Condemning in

strongest terms rampant human rights violations in occupied Kashmir by Indian

troops, the Group urges that the conflict over Kashmir should be resolved in

accordance with the relevant UN resolutions. The group welcomes the Sharm

El-Sheikh understanding reached at between the Pak-India prime ministers,

which has said that both countries should explore the solution of their problems

through talks

A committee of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopts a Pakistan-

sponsored resolution reaffirming the people‘s right to self-determination, calling

for cessation of foreign military intervention, occupation and repression. The

November 15,2009
resolution, approved by consensus, will serve to focus the world‘s attention on

struggle by the people for their right to self-determination in occupied Kashmir

and Palestine.
The Amnesty International asks the US President, Barack Obama to address

the issue of human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops in

occupied Kashmir during the forthcoming visit of the Indian Prime Minister,

Manmohan Singh to the US. Amnesty‘s Executive Director, Larry Cox in a letter

to the US President writes that the Indian side of Kashmir is an area where

Indian forces are committing mass human rights abuses with impunity under the
November 20,2009
protection of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act and other similar laws. He

maintains that the civilian population of Kashmir has paid a high price for the

conflict and thousands had disappeared over the years. He calls upon the US

President to secure a meaningful commitment from the Indian Prime Minister to

improve human rights situation in Kashmir.

The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton in an interview with the BBC says that
America encourages India and Pakistan to resume the dialogue process, which

is halted after Mumbai terrorist attack.

The Amnesty International in a statement in London reiterates its call to the

December 11,2009 Indian government to repeal Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which allows

Indian troops to violate basic human rights of civilians with impunity.

The World Bank refuses to accept Jammu and Kashmir as an integral part of

India. Regarding financing of a key project, the Bank insists on a disclaimer from
December 23,2009
the puppet authorities that the funding of projects in the disputed area should

not be used to endorse India‘s claim on the territory.

The Human Rights Watch in a statement issued in New York asks the Indian
February 12,2010
authorities to investigate and appropriately punish senior officer of Indian Border
Security Force involved in the killing of a teenager, Zahid Farooq, in occupied


Norwegian Parliamentary Group on Kashmir is reconstituted at the parliament

house during a meeting presided over by Knut Arild Hareide, the Group‘s

Chairman and the member of Christian Democrat Party (KrF). The group is

reconstituted and its new Chairman is elected in light of changes in the outcome

of parliamentary election in September 2009. Heads of various parties in the

Norwegian Parliament nominate their representatives to the Group.

The authorities slap fresh cases under draconian law, Public Safety Act against

the illegally detained Hurriyet leaders, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Nayeem Ahmad

Khan and Firdous Ahmad Shah.

March 1,2010 Complete shutdown is observed against the reckless destruction by Indian
troops during their five-day siege and search operations in Sopore town. Call for

the strike is given by the forum patronized by veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader,

Syed Ali Gilani to draw world attention towards the state terrorism unleashed by

India in the occupied territory. Forceful anti-India demonstrations, marked by

clashes between the troops and demonstrators, are held in Sopore town while

the occupation authorities seal the downtown areas of Srinagar..

The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Professor

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, in a statement at the High Level Segment of the 13th

Session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva, describes the resumption
March 2,2010
of engagement between Pakistan and India as a positive development. He says

that the OIC is keen to encourage efforts for promoting and protecting human

rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He calls for adopting a holistic
approach that covers all human rights for all individuals and peoples

A report published by the United Nations International Children Emergency

Fund (UNICEF) says that at least one-lac Kashmiri children who have been
April 01,2010
orphaned during the last two decades in occupied Kashmir due to continued

Indian state terrorism are living in miserable condition.

The Organization of Islamic Conference expresses serious concern over the

absence of any significant progress regarding resolution of the Kashmir dispute

and calls for implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

April 13,2010
Addressing the senior officials‘ preparatory meeting for the 37th session of the

Council of Foreign Ministers in Jeddah, the OIC Secretary General, Professor

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu says that the situation in occupied Kashmir remains

unchanged and the ordeal of its people is still continuing despite the UN

resolutions. He emphasizes that these resolutions acknowledged the right to

self-determination of the Kashmiri people..

The annual report prepared by Brussels-based International Federation of

April 15,2010 Journalists says that Jammu and Kashmir continues to pose serious challenges

for journalism as the media men face strict restrictions in filing their reports

The Canadian government refuses visa to a retired Lieutenant General of the

May 27,2010 Indian army, Amrik Bahia on the ground that the Indian army personnel are

involved in human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

The London-based world human rights body, Amnesty International in its annual
May 28,2010
report says that despite ongoing protests in occupied Kashmir, the authorities
refuse to repeal the draconian law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act. The

Amnesty report points out that the Indian government has failed to ensure

accountability for human rights abuses. It maintains that the impunity has been

persisting for past offences including enforced disappearances of thousands of

people during the uprising in Kashmir since 1989.

Complete shutdown is observed in the Kashmir Valley to protest against the visit

of the Chairperson of Indian National Congress, Sonia Gandhi to Jammu. Call

for the shutdown is given by veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani,
May 29,2010
who remains under illegal detention for the second consecutive day. The

shutdown is intended to convey to Sonia Gandhi that the people of Kashmir

condemn Indian state terrorism in the territory.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani says that Pakistan

wants a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute with India through dialogue

and feels that the issue has held hostage the peace and stability of the entire

June 04,2010 region. Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani says this during his meeting in Brussels with

the Chairman of Kashmir Centre, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo. He

reiterates Pakistan‘s complete moral, political and diplomatic support to the

Kashmir cause.

The International People‘s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Kashmir in

a statement in Srinagar reiterates its demand of an impartial probe into the

June 07,2010
presence of 2700 unnamed mass graves found in Bandipore, Baramulla and

Kupwara districts.
The Human Rights Watch, in its statement taking strong exception to the fake

encounter killings in occupied Kashmir, urges the government of India to repeal

draconian law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act. Referring to the killing of
June 09,2010
three youth in a fake encounter by Indian army in Machil area on 30th April, the

New York-based Human Rights Watch says that the incident underscores the

urgency for the Indian government to repeal the draconian law.

The London based human rights watchdog, Amnesty International in a

statement urges the Indian government to allow the UN Special Representative

June 11,2010
on Extra Judicial Summary Execution to visit occupied Kashmir for an on spot

study of cases of fake encounters and extra judicial killings by Indian troops.

July 11,2010 In Jeddah, the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu in a statement expresses serious concern and

disappointment at the recent wave of violence by Indian police and troops

against the people of occupied Kashmir

In New York, Human Rights Watch in a statement says that hundreds of

children are at risk of arbitrary arrests in occupied Kashmir. Meenakshi Ganguly,

South Asia Director of HRW, says that the authorities in the territory need to

comply with the international law and give special attention to the requirements

July 22,2010 of the children. At least 17 people, many of them young, die in Jammu and

Kashmir over the past two months, the HRW says.

In London, The Amnesty International asks the Indian authorities to immediately

end detention of the President of High Court Bar Association of occupied

Kashmir, Mian Abdul Qayoom and General Secretary, Ghulam Nabi Shaheen.
The Front Line, an International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights

based in Dublin, Ireland, in an appeal sent to the Indian authorities and the

world bodies including United Nations and European Union urges India to
July 24,2010
immediately release the illegally detained President of High Court Bar

Association of occupied Kashmir, Mian Abdul Qayoom and General Secretary,

Ghulam Nabi Shaheen.

In India, the human rights group People‘s Tribunal demands withdrawal of

draconian law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), and reduction of

September Indian troops in occupied Kashmir. The former Bombay high court judge, H

04,2010 Suresh, who heads the People‘s Tribunal, talking to media men in New Delhi,

urges setting up of a special judicial authority for an independent and thorough

inquiry into gross human rights violations, including those related to

disappearances and custodial killings in occupied Kashmir.

The women organizations in India, Independent Women‘s Initiative for Justice

and Saheli besides women rights activists in a press statement in New Delhi

strongly condemn the reinstatement of four Indian police officials involved in

September tampering of evidence in Shopian rape and murder case. They maintain that the

19,2010 police rights from the beginning are trying to dismiss the rape and murder of two

Kashmiri women whose badly bruised bodies have been found in Rambiara

Nallah in Shopian on May 30, 2009. The statement terms the reinstatement of

the officials as the mockery of justice system.

The US Congressman, Dan Burton, in his speech on the floor of the House of
October 03,2010
Representatives, seeks intervention of the Obama Administration in resolving
the Kashmir dispute. He maintains that during the Presidential campaign,

President Obama has pledged to appoint a special envoy to the region and has

declared that settling the Kashmir crisis is one of his critical tasks. ―So far, this

has been a promise unfulfilled,‖ Dan Burton says.

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, in a media interview in New York

expresses concern over the worsening situation in occupied Kashmir. He

October 09,2010 sympathizes with the Kashmiri families who have lost their beloved ones in the

firing of Indian troops during peaceful pro-freedom demonstrations across the

occupied territory.

The London-based Amnesty International in a statement urges India to address

October 15,2010
the issue of torture of Kashmiri detainees and ensure the protection of their
human rights. The Amnesty says that Indian troops are perpetrating the gross

rights abuses with impunity due to the invocation of draconian laws like Armed

Forces Special Forces (AFSPA) in the occupied territory.

The Norwegian Parliament issues a schedule to hold a debate on the Kashmir

dispute from November 15, taking serious note of the human rights violations in

occupied Kashmir. Media reports say that the Norwegian Foreign Minister,

Jonas Gahr Store, will release a policy statement on Kashmir after the debate.
October 20,2010
The Kashmir Committee Chairman, Knut Arild Hareide, mentions in his motion

that Kashmir resolution was necessary for bringing peace in Afghanistan.

The speaker of the Norwegian Parliament while accepting the motion for debate

in the parliament releases the schedule.

The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in a declaration adopted at a

meeting of an OIC panel in Abu Dhabi expresses strong support for the
January 20,2011
settlement of the longstanding Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN

resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

New York -based Human Rights Watch, in its World Report 2011, deplores that

Indian troops have been using excessive force in suppressing street protests in

occupied Kashmir. The report says that the clashes between the protesters and

January 24,2011 police resulted in more than 100 deaths in 2010. It maintains that several of the

killed and injured are children. The report points out that the children detained

for participating in protests by the Indian authorities in the occupied territory are

held in jails with adults, which is violation of the juvenile justice law.
In Islamabad, a declaration passed at a roundtable conference says that the

latest uprising in occupied Kashmir has proved it beyond any doubt that the

Kashmir liberation movement is an indigenous, genuine and legitimate struggle

for freedom. It says, major world powers have to recognize the urgency of the

settlement of the Kashmir dispute on the basis of right to self-determination. The

conference is organized by the Justice Foundation London and addressed

February 23,2011
among others by the AJK President and Prime Minister, Raja Muhammad

Zulqarnain Khan, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan, British Members of Parliament,

Lord Nazir Ahmed, Richard Harrington, Andrew Griffiths and Simon Danczuk,

Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Sardar Muhammad Anwar

Khan, Sardar Khalid Ibraheem, Justice (Retd) Abdul Majeed Malik, Ghulam

Muhammad Safi, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani and Sheikh Tajammul-ul-Islam.

Complete shutdown is observed in occupied Kashmir against illegal detention of

Hurriyet leaders and to draw the world attention towards gross human rights
March 12,2011
violations by Indian troops in the territory. Call for the shutdown has been given

by veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani.

The London-based global rights watchdog, the Amnesty International in its

report castigates India for gross human rights violations by its troops in occupied

Kashmir urging the Indian government to revoke draconian law, Public Safety

Act. The Amnesty says that estimates of the number detained under the PSA
March 20,2011
over the past two decades in the territory range from 8,000-20,000. It maintains

that 322 people have been detained between January and September 2010,

under the black law that empowers the authorities to detain people for up to two

years without producing them to the courts of law.

Amnesty International, in his report ―A Lawless Law‖ termed the Public Safety

Act (PSA) a ―Lawless Law ―and asked the State Government to repeal it.

March 21,2011 Amnesty International criticize the authorities for using administrative detention

as a tool to hold hundreds of people each year without charge or trial in order to

keep them out of circulation.

In occupied Kashmir, a leading Kashmiri religious scholar and the President of

Jamiat-e-Ahl-e-Hadith, Maulana Showkat Ahmad Shah dies in a blast at

Maisuma in Srinagar. A civilian, Munir Ahmad Mir, is critically injured in the

April 08,2011
incident. Maulana Showkat Ahmad Shah has been actively involved in the

liberation struggle for the last 22 years. The blast rocks the locality, minutes

after the Maulana and other people arrive at a mosque to offer Juma prayers.
The Amnesty International in a statement issued in London demands of the

Indian authorities to release a teenage Kashmiri boy, Murtaza Manzoor, who is

detained under draconian law, Public Safety Act.

April 15,2011
In Mecca, thousands of people participate in the funeral prayers in absentia of

martyred Kashmiri religious scholar, Maulana Showkat Ahmad Shah. The

prayers are led by Imam-e-Ka‘aba, Sheikh Abdul Rehman Al-Sudais.

The Amnesty International‘s Asia-Pacific Director, Sam Zarifi, in a statement

urges the authorities in occupied Kashmir to immediately release a teenage

May 19,2011 protester who has been re-arrested this week after release from three-month

illegal detention under draconian law, Public Safety Act. Murtaza Manzoor, 17,

is briefly released from prison after the High Court finds that his detention is
unlawful. But Indian police immediately re-arrests him. He says that Indian

police are playing a game with the judiciary. ―Courts order release of persons

only for the police to wait outside prison to re-arrest them. This farce should

stop,‖ he adds

Prominent Indian human rights activist, Gautam Navlakha is arrested by Indian

police immediately after he arrives at the Srinagar Airport, the step is taken to
May 28,2011
prevent him from visiting the occupied territory to assess the current human

rights situation

The New York-based Human Rights Watch urges India to repeal draconian law,
June 06,2011
Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which has led to widespread rights violations

in occupied Kashmir. In a letter written to the Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan

Singh, the Human Rights Watch Director Asia Division, Brad Adams, says that

the Indian troopers involved in serious human rights abuses remain

unaccountable because of the immunity provided to them under the AFSPA.

The letter also emphasizes that another black law, Public Safety Act, in force in

the occupied territory should also be revoked as it is being used to hold

hundreds of people in arbitrary detentions.

In Geneva, while taking part in general debate in the United Nations Human

Rights Council, Kashmiri representatives, Altaf Hussain Wani, Syed Faiz

Naqashbandi and Ishtiyaq Hameed, say that the denial of right to self-

determination to the Kashmiri people has led to a regime of human rights

abuses in occupied Kashmir.

June 08,2011 The London-based Amnesty International starts a worldwide signature

campaign seeking protection of the rights of children and teenagers in occupied


The UN Human Rights Council urges the Indian government to conduct a

thorough, prompt and impartial investigations into the civilian killings during last

year‘s uprising and also in fake encounters in occupied Kashmir. The plea is

made in a report of Christof Heyns, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial

June 17,2011
summary or arbitrary executions that has been presented in the 17th session of

the Council recently. The report details the killings from January 1 to August 7,

last year, and also highlights the curbs on media persons and their harassment

besides those of human rights activists and lawyers including the President of

High Court Bar Association, Mian Abdul Qayoom. The report deplores that the

international community has failed in rescuing the Kashmiri people from

genocide and tyranny at the hands of Indian troops and police.

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, addressing a press conference in

New York says that the Kashmir dispute needs to be resolved peacefully

through dialogue between Pakistan and India and that he will discuss with the
June 23,2011
leaders of both the countries on how he can help in the process. He says, ―I will

have opportunities in the future, as in the past, to discuss the matter with

leaders of both Pakistan and India how we can help or how this issue could be

resolved peacefully through dialogue.‖

Queen Noor of Jordan addressing a function in Londonurges the international

June 28,2011
community to resolve the disputes over Kashmir and Palestine besides de-

nuclearisation of the world. She says that both Pakistan and India are
possessing nuclear weapons and without peaceful settlement of the Kashmir

dispute the efforts for de-nuclearisation will be meaningless.

The All-Party Group on Kashmir in the European Parliament (APGK) in

association with the Kashmir Centre European Union organizes the 7th Annual

Kashmir EU Week (11th – 15th July) in the European Parliament in

Brussels. The exhibition is dedicated to the Amnesty International Report “A

July 11,2011
Lawless Law‖ under the sponsorship of Chris Davies MEP and Ivo Vajgl

MEP.The event attracts a host of MEPs, decision-makers, scholars, jurists and

academics together with members of the NGO community and human rights

experts from across the Europe and beyond. In his opening remarks, Chris

Davies MEP, Vice-Chairman of the APGK says that the Kashmir dispute seems

increasingly intractable but there is ample evidence that even such long running
conflicts can be resolved if there is the will from all interested parties as well as

the international community.

Raquya Bano,30 year old a young married women was brutally gang raped
July 18,2011
consecutively for two days by the man in uniform in Manzgam area of

The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons says that the estimated

1,500 Kashmiri half widows whose husbands have disappeared in custody

during the last 22 years are facing immense socio-economic insecurities and
July 29,2011
their children are traumatized. The Association in its report released in Srinagar

says that the civil society groups addressing the problems of half widows are

hampered by prevalent laws and dearth of resources. The report urges India to

pass immediately a special legislation on enforced disappearances in line with

the international convention for the protection of all persons from enforced


In New York, a statement issued by the UN Secretary General‘s Office says that
July 30, 2011
the Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, encourages Pakistan and India to resolve

their outstanding issues through dialogue in the interest of the regional security

In occupied Kashmir, the Public Commission on Human Rights says that 173

cases of custodial killings and fake encounters have occurred in the territory
August 08,2011
from November 2002 till date. The Commission in a report says that from

November 2, 2002, to November 2, 2005, 122 cases of custodial killings and

fake encounters are reported. ―From November 23, 2005 to June 6, 2008, 42

cases are reported and since January 2009 till date 9 cases of custodial killings
and fake encounters take place in the territory,‖ it says.

Radha Kumar, one of the three interlocutors appointed by India on Kashmir,

resigns after developing difference with her colleague, MM Ansari. Media

reports in New Delhi say that Radha Kumar in a letter to the Indian Home

Minister, P Chidambaram, says, she doesn‘t want to be associated with her

colleague MM Ansari. Ansari, who is a former information commissioner, has

criticised Kumar for attending a Kashmir seminar in Europe.

Indian police beat up and detain two photojournalists identified as Showkat

August 19,2011
Shafi of Aljazeera and Narciso of an American press agency, Zuma Press,

when they have been covering anti-India protests in Nowhatta area of Srinagar.

August 21,2011 An official inquiry reveals that there are as many as 2156 unidentified bodies
buried in unmarked graves at 38 sites in the Kashmir Valley. A report released

after a probe by the investigative wing of the Human Rights Commission of

occupied Kashmir says that there are 1277 unidentified bodies in Kupwara, 851

in Baramulla, and 14 each in Bandipore and Handwara. The report says that of

the bodies, a few are defaced, 20 are charred, 5 only have skulls remaining, and

there are at least 18 graves with more than one body each.

A video circulated in the Kashmir Valley shows a person being shot dead by

Indian troops from point blank range after helping him getting out of the rubble
August 22,2011
of a house. The caption of the video clip posted on YouTube reads, ―Indian

Army soldiers accompanied by a senior officer are shooting from point blank at

an unarmed man in Pulwama district on July 8, 2011. This is the clear evidence

of the war crimes committed by Indian soldiers in occupied Kashmir. An

unarmed man is clearly seen waving his hand and he can be heard shouting in

pain underneath the rubble of the house destroyed by Indian troops with mortars

and rockets.‖

The London-based Amnesty International in a statement urges India to allow

impartial forensic experts to investigate the unnamed graves in occupied

August 23,2011
Kashmir. The Amnesty says that the investigation of graves needs to be

widened to the entire occupied territory. ―All unmarked graves sites must be

secured and investigations carried out by impartial forensic experts,‖ it says.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch demands that the Indian authorities
August 25,2011
should immediately open an independent, transparent and credible investigation

into the unmarked graves in occupied Kashmir and should deliver justice by
prosecuting the responsible persons. The Human Rights Watch‘s Director for

South Asia in a statement released in New Delhi and some other places in the

world refers to the latest revelation of 2,730 dead bodies dumped into the

unmarked graves. He says that the Kashmiris lament their lost loved ones but

their pleas are ignored and dismissed by the government of India.

In a significant development, the first of its nature, a general debate is held on

Kashmir in the British House of Commons. The debate is initiated by a

conservative MP, Steve Baker, who demands that an international commission
should investigate the human rights violations in occupied Kashmir. Referring to

an Amnesty International report, MP Baker says, each year hundreds of

Kashmiri people are held under the black law, Public Safety Act, without charge

or trial and many are exposed to higher risk of torture and other forms of ill-

An MP from Labour Party, Shabana Mahmood, maintains that the Kashmir

dispute has become one of the most dangerous conflicts in the world that needs

an urgent attention.

Several MPs, including lan Austin, Jonathan Lord and Andrew Griffiths,

advocate Kashmir settlement through giving the Kashmiris their right to self-


In New York, hundreds of Kashmiris and Sikhs stage separate demonstrations

in front of the United Nations building when the Indian Prime Minister,
Manmohan Singh, addresses the 66th session of the UN General Assembly.

The demonstrators urge the international community to raise its voice against

the atrocities being faced by the people of occupied Kashmir and Indian state of
Punjab at the hands of Indian forces.

A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on the

occasion of the Universal Children‘s Day, reveals that unabated Indian state
November 20,2011
terrorism has rendered 107,434 Kashmiri children orphaned from January 1989

till date. The report points out that 754 children were among those 93,709

Kashmiris, who were killed by Indian troops during the period.

In occupied Kashmir, the authorities impose curfew and other restrictions

besides deploying hundreds of Indian troops and police personnel in Srinagar to

December 04,2011
prevent people from taking out Muharram processions. Despite curfew, people

take out processions in Jehangir Chowk and Maisuma areas. However, Indian

police and troops resort to heavy baton charge and excessive teargas shelling,
injuring many mourners. The police also arrest more than 200 people including

Hurriyet leaders and activists.

In Srinagar, the authorities impose undeclared curfew and other stringent

restrictions to prevent people from taking out Aashura processions. The

authorities also deploy heavy contingents of Indian troops and

paramilitary personnel in the city, blocking all exit and entry points. The Indian
December 06,2011
police and troops use brute force on the mourners in Jahangir Chowk

and Dalgate areas, resulting in injuries to several persons. Dozens of people

including pro-freedom leaders are arrested on the occasion.

Hundreds of people take to the streets in protest against the beating of the

civilians by Indian troops at Satkozi village in Handwara. The protesters say that

the troops have entered the houses and indiscriminately thrashed the inmates
without any reason. They demand revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers

Act and other draconian laws that give immunity to the troops.

The London-based Amnesty International in a statement posted on its website

reacts strongly to the illegal detention of a teenage boy, Murtaza Manzoor, by

December 23,2011
Indian police in occupied Kashmir under black law, Public Safety Act, for the

third time, this year. The statement terming the detention of the boy against the

Indian law and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child calls for his

immediate release.

The Asian Center for Human Rights, a New Delhi-based human rights
January 11,2012
organization, says that Indian troops are using lethal weapons while dealing with

the protests in occupied Kashmir in clear violation of the UN standards. The

Asian Centre for Human Rights spokesperson, Suhas Chakma, in an article

says that in most of the cases, the troops are shooting the protesters above the

waist to cause maximum damage, including killing or impairment for life.

The New York-based rights watchdog, the Human Rights Watch, in its World

Report 2012 says that India fails to repeal the widely discredited Armed Forces

Special Powers Act in occupied Kashmir and to hold human rights violators
January 23,2012
accountable during 2011. About the discovery of 2,730 unmarked graves in the

occupied territory, the report says, Kashmiris believe that victims of fake

encounter killings or enforced disappearances might have been buried in these


February 07,2012 The Amnesty International, a London-based world human rights organization,
reiterates its demand for the repeal of the black law, Armed Forces Special

Powers Act from occupied Kashmir. Amnesty International‘s Asia-Pacific

Director, Sam Zarifi, in a statement posted on the official website of the world

human rights body, says that Indian army personnel facing charges of serious

violations of human rights must stand trial, instead of hiding behind the

controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act.

Brad Adams, Director Human Rights Watch Asia, in a letter to the President of

the European Council and President of the European Commission urges them
February 08,2012
to take up the issue of black law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act, and human

rights violations in occupied Kashmir with the Indian government during their

dialogue at their upcoming summit in New Delhi. He says that the use of AFSPA

has led to the widespread violations and suffering in Jammu and Kashmir and in
the Indian northeastern states

The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders,

Margaret Sekaggya, recommending the repealing of black laws, Armed Forces

Special Powers Act and Public Safety Act, calls for prompt, thorough and

February 14,2012 impartial investigations into violations committed against human rights activists

in occupied Kashmir. Releasing her report based on eye accounts and

interactions with the Kashmiris during her previous year‘s visit to the territory,

Margaret Sekaggya says that the lawyers, operating in Jammu and Kashmir,

are asked by the authorities whether they are with or against them. She says

that six lawyers have been killed in recent years because they have been

representing victims of human rights violations in the territory.

The United Nations Working Group on Human Rights in its report submitted to

the UN General Assembly expresses serious concern over the allegations of

enforced disappearances between 1989-2009 and presence of mass graves in

occupied Kashmir.

February 29,2012 According to 170-page report prepared by the UN Working Group on Enforced

or Involuntary Disappearances, the operations by military and paramilitary

forces between 1989 and 2009 in Kashmir have resulted in more than 8,000

enforced and involuntary disappearances. It says that in the majority of

instances related to enforced disappearances, civilians have been detained

during cordon and search operations. The report also acknowledges the

findings of civil society groups discovering 2,700 graves, between April 2008

and November 2009, in Baramulla, Kupwara and Bandipora districts of occupied

Kashmir. It maintains that numerous exhumed bodies that have been found in

unknown graves are identified as local inhabitants, both civilian and militant,

who have been victims of extra-judicial executions. The Working Group

deplores that India has not responded to its general allegations sent to it on

various instances in 2011.

The OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir during its meeting on the
March 15,2012
sidelines of the ongoing session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in

Geneva, reaffirms its support to the Kashmiris‘ struggle for securing their

inalienable right to self-determination. It also expresses serious concern over

the situation of human rights in occupied Kashmir.

March 30,2012 The UN Special Reporter, Christof Heyns, releasing an interim report In New
Delhi at the end of his 12-day visit to India and occupied Kashmir terms the

black law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act, as a symbol of excessive state

power that has resulted in consuming innocent lives in occupied Kashmir and

Indian state of Assam. The UN official says that he is set to draft a report based

on his findings and his final recommendations will be presented to the UN

Human Rights Council, next year.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch urges the UN Secretary General to

impress upon India to repeal draconian law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act,
April 26,2012
from occupied Kashmir. The rights watchdog in a statement posted on its official

website maintains that Ban Ki-moon should press the Indian government to

address serious human rights violations such as extrajudicial killings and

widespread torture in the territory.

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, addressing a press conference in

New Delhi advocates peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute. He says that

the dispute should be resolved without resorting to any violence and fully

respecting the human rights and sentiments of the Kashmiri people.

April 27,2012
The Human Rights Watch‘s Director for South Asia, Meenakashi Ganguly, in a

media interview in New Delhi says that peace cannot be restored in the Kashmir

Valley until the Indian troops and police personnel involved in excesses in the

territory are brought to justice. She says that there is anger among the Kashmiri

people about the inaction against the troops and police personnel involved in

the human rights violations.

The Supreme Court of India asks the Indian Army authorities to decide whether
its personnel involved in fake encounter killings in Occupied Kashmir and
Assam should be tried by court Martial processing or by regular criminal court

In London British MP,Dr.Denis MacShane in a wide ranging speech in the

May 16,2012 House of commons on the country‘s foreign policy criticize his government for

its silence over human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir.

The UN Human Rights Council deplore that India has been dodging the

June 1,2012 implementation of the recommendation for repeal and review of the draconian

law, Armed Forces Special Power Act.

In New York, the Human Rights Watch in a statement calls upon India to repeal

the black law, Armed Forces Special Power Act and accept other
September 3,2012
recommendations made by Unites Nations member states at the UN‘s Universal

Periodic Review to address New Delhi‘s more serious problems.

September A member of British Parliament, George Galloway, announces to lead a relief

16,2012 caravan from Britain to occupied Kashmir by road.

A report titled ‗Human Rights in Flames‘ documenting rights violations by India

armed forces in occupied Kashmir are launched in Geneva. The report

September consisting of 169 recommendations for India has been prepared by International

19,2012 Council for Human Rights (ICHR) with support from eight other human rights

NGOs. It urges New Dehli to meet the relevant international standards on

human rights.

China says that Pakistan and India should resolve the Kashmir dispute through
talks. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, at a media briefing I
Beijing says that China‘s stand on Kashmir remains clear and consistent that it
is an issue to be resolved by India and Pakistan through negotiations. ―Kashmir

is left over (by history) between India and Pakistan, China maintains that the

relevant issue be resolved through dialogue and negotiations between India and

Pakistan,‖ he says. Hong dismisses as entirely groundless the Indian Army

Chief, General Bikram Singh‘s assertion that Chinese soldiers are present in

Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman,

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, leads a demonstration outside the UN office in Geneva

against the anti-Islam film in the US. Addressing on the occasion, he says that

freedom of speech cannot be used as pretext to justify such repugnant activities

and a red line has to be drawn. The Mirwaiz also maintains that the UN cannot

shy away from its responsibility regarding the settlement of the Kashmir dispute

in accordance with the Kashmir ‗aspirations.

Complete strike is observed in occupied Kashmir to convey to the visiting Indian
President, Pranab Mukherjee, that the Kashmiris reject India‘s illegal occupation
of the territory.

An Australian artist, Alan Hunt, organizes a pictorial exhibition in Sydney to pay

tributes to the Kashimiri youth, who were killed in occupied Kashmir during the

uprising of 2010. The exhibition ―Cups of Nun Chai‖ organized at the Mori

October 01,2012 Gallery in Sydney shows Alana‘s bond with occupied Kashmir. Her project

―Brewing Memories- Tasting Kashmir‖ is her way of paying tributes to those who

were killed in 2010 in the Kashmir valley. Alana has witnessed the uprising

during her stay the valley.

October 13, 2012 The Amnesty international in a statement issued in New Dehli condemns the
puppet administration of occupied Kashmir for continuing to use the draconian

law, Public Safety Act, to detain people without charge or trial in violation of their

human rights. It deplores that the authorities often keep persons in detention

even after the detentions are quashed by the High Court of the territory. Ananth

Guruswamy, Director Amnesty International India, demands repeal of the PSA

from the occupied territory terming the Act against the international human right


The Amnesty International reiterates that the draconian Law, Public Safety Act,

affective in occupied Kashmir is a Lawless that must be revoked. A three-

October 17,2012 member team of the Amnesty headed by its Director Program for India, Shashi

Kumar Velath, talking to newsmen in Srinagar expresses serious concern over

the lack of determination by the authorities to repeal the Act. The team observes
that detaining a person on mere suspicion is a violation of human rights and

anyone detained must be produced before a court of law. The other two

members of the team include Ms Sunita and Rahilla Narchoor.

Home Minister Shushil kumar Shinde said the controversial Armed forces

December 10,2012 special powers Act (AFSPA) will not be withdrawn from Jammu and Kashmir

until the situation in the State is completely peaceful.

One person was killed and 15 civilians injured when troops fired on protestors in
December 28,2012
Pulwama at two different places.

In occupied Kashmir, a human rights organization, voice of Victims, on January

January 10,2013 10,2013 in a report revealed the presence of more than 60 unmarked and mass

graves in Budgam and Srinagar districts.

The Asian Center for Human Rights, a New Delhi-based human rights

organization, says that Indian troops are using lethal weapons while dealing with

the protests in occupied Kashmir in clear violation of the UN standards. The

January 11,2013
Asian Center for Human Rights spokesperson, Suhas Chakma, in an article

says that is most of the cases, the troops are shooting the protesters above the

waist to cause maximum damage, including killing or impairment for life.

India Home Minister Shushil Kumar Shinde, said on January 20, 2013 that

fanatic Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

were fanning Hindu terrorism by running training camps. Shsuhil Kumar Shinde
January 20,2013
at the All India Congress Committee (AiCC) meeting in Jaipur Said, ―Reports

have come during investigation that BJP and RSS conduct terror training camps

to spread terrorism. Bombs were planted in Samjhauta Expres, Makah Masjid

and also a blast was carried out in Malegaon. We will have to think about it

seriously and will have to remain alert.‖

A Naib Subedar of Indian Army Kidnapped and molested a 12th class girl
January 27,2013
student in Baramulla.

Hindu extremists beat up three Kashmiri students identified as Gulzar, Aamir

February 02,2013
and Maqsood, in a hostel of Bundelkhand University in Uttar Paradesh, India.

Four boys, Amjad Ahmed Khan, Momin Ahmad Rather, Kasier and Mehrajudin,

were injured in a blast at Aragam, Chatti Bandi in Bandipore. The Indian police

February 03,2013 arrested Tehreek-e-Hurriyet leader, Muhammad Asraf Sehrai, Dr.Ghulam

Muhammad Ganai and Sheikh Mushtaq Ahmad, from Newa when they were on

their way to Changam area of Pulwama to attend a Seerat Conference.

India secretly hanged the 43 year old Kashmiri, Muhammad Afzal Guru at

Tehar Jail New Delhi in 2001,Indian Parliament attack case. The authorities
February 09,2013
imposed curfew in Occupied Kashmir to prevent people from holding

demonstrations against the judicial murder of Muhammad Afzal Guru

The puppet authorities continued to impose indefinite curfew in the valley for the

fourth day running. Scores of people were injured when Indian forces used
February 12,2013
excessive force on protestors in Srinagar, Badgam, Gandarbal, Islamabad

,Pulwama, Shopian, Kolgam, upwara,Bandipura and Baramula areas.

President Asif Ali Zardari in his address to the joint session of the Azad Jammu

April 17,2013 & Kashmir Legislative Assembly and AJK Council said, ―India should not tread

the path of violence and grant the Kashmiris their birth right of self determination
according to the UN resolutions. Pakistan always wants good relations with all

its neighbors, including India and only the composite dialogue is the key to the

peaceful settlement of the Kashmir conflict, which has remained unresolved for

the last 65 years as the world community could not get the issue settle in line

with the international norms and commitments‖.

The authorities once again invoked draconian law, Public Safety Act, against the
April 24,2013
illegally detained senior leader

Care taker Prime Minster Pakistan, Justice (Retd.) Mir Hazar Khan Khoso,

during a meeting with Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Chaudhry
May 24,2013
Abdul Majeed said, ―Pakistan will continue extending moral and diplomatic

support to the Kashmir cause. Pakistan is ready for constructive engagement

through composite dialogue with India the resolution of all outstanding issues

including the core issue of Kashmir,‖

President Asif Ali Zardari in his address to the joint sitting of the Parliament said,

―Pakistan seeks peaceful settlement of the water dispute and resolution of the

June 10,2013 Jammu & Kashmir dispute with India…….We seek a peaceful resolution of

Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the wishes of the Kashmiri


June 12,2013 An Indian policeman molested a woman at Dayalachak Morr in Kathua.

Indian army sponsored village defense committee had of Fazal Abad raped a

June 15,2013 minor girl at Quadian village of Haveli Tehsil in Punchdistrict.FIR No 77 of 2013

under section 293 RPC & IT Act has been registered at police station Punch.
Meenakshi Ganguly,Director Human Rights Watch South Asia in her statement

said‖ ―The Indian government should appoint an independent commission to

promptly and transparently investigate the killing of four protestors by Border

July 20,2013
Security Force(BSF) troops in Jammu and Kashmir. The Govt. should act to end

the BSF‘s Long standing impunity for a large number of killings over many


Secretary General OIC, Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu in his statement in

Jeddah(Saudi Arabia)said, ―We are deeply concerned and condemn the recent

wave of violence against the people of Kashmir by Indian Forces which

July 21,2013
reportedly caused the death and injury to a number of Kashmiri people. We

appeal to the Indian authorities to show restraint, avoid excessive use of force,

and respect the people‘s will and rights in order to help improve the situation in
Kashmir and the wider region‖.

Indian police molested and beat up 7 month pregnant women wife of Sursh
July 22,2013
Kumar at Potha village of Kalakot area in Rajouri district.

Indian Army sponsored armed group village defense committee member

July 26,2013
Hadara Kantwara kidnapped and raped a 15-year old girl Razia in Kishtwar.

Prime Minister Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz at a joint press conference

with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon at the Prime Minister House

Islamabad said, ―United Nations should take practical measures for resolution of
August 14,2013
the Kashmir dispute. Kashmir is the oldest un resolved issue on the UN agenda;

Pakistan wants a just and peaceful resolution of dispute in accordance with the

relevant UN resolutions. We hope that UN will play its due role in resolving it.
Resolution of the outstanding issue with India including the Kashmir dispute and

promotion of trade and commerce are priorities of my government.‖

Prime Minister Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in his address to nation

said, ―Kashmir is the national issue and the jugular vein of Pakistan and

August 19,2013 resolution of the problem is a dearer to me as it is to any Pakistani. Pakistan

and India will have to join their heads together so that they can address

common issues such as poverty and ignorance.‖

The Paris based international journalists group, Reporter Without Borders in a

statement condemns the curbs on freedom of information by Indian government,

August 21,2013
as telecommunications are suspended in Jammu and Kashmir on India‘s

Independence Day, preventing journalists gathering and reporting news and


September The body of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League leader, Abudl Rasheed Sofi,

12,2013 was found at Kandi in Baramulla.

The Voice of Victims (VoV) in report revealed that in Occupied Kashmir there

October 01,2013 were at least ten lakh cases of torture and a torture centre existed after every

five kilometers throughout the Kashmir Valley.

Indian authorities detained the Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman,

October 7, 2013 Yaseen Malik,at New Delhi airport to prevent him from proceeding Nepal to

meet his family in Kathmandu.

The Voice of Victims (VoV), a local human rights forum, in report revealed that
October 24,2013
in Occupied Kashmir around 130 unidentified persons killed by troops and
police buried in graveyards of Sambal area of Sonawari.

An Indian trooper of 38 Rashtriya Rifles kidnapped and molested18 year old girl
November 28,2013
Rabia Kousar D/O Muhammad Sabir Khan R/O Sangoti tehsil Mandhar.

In 2013,a total of 166 people have lost their lives due to violent incidents in
Jammu & Kashmir. Killing of the civilian persons were carried out by the Indian


In occupied Kashmir, Indian police arrested the All Parties Hurriyet Conference

leaders and the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party,
January 03,2014
Shabbir Ahmad Shah, at Mirgund, today, to prevent him from addressing a

gathering in Sopore.

January 04 ,2014 In occupied Kashmir, the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz
Umar Farooq, has demanded reopening of all traditional routes of Jammu and

Kashmir to end the crisis of essential commodities in the Kashmir Valley during


In occupied Kashmir, the parents of students studying in different colleges of

India under the Indian Prime Minister‘s Scholarship Programme have said that

their children are being forced to leave colleges.

Scores of parents from different towns of the territory staged a protest at Press
January 05 ,2014
Enclave in Srinagar said that the college authorities in India were sacking their

children on the pretext that India‘s Ministry Of Human Resource Development

had rejected to bear their expenses.

The aggrieved parents told media men that under the Prime Minister‘s
Scholarship Scheme 23 students pursuing B-Pharmacy had been admitted to

Shekhawati College of Pharmacy in Rajasthan last year.

In occupied Kashmir, the authorities suspended the mobile phones and wireless

internet services across the Kashmir Valley on the occasion of India‘s Republic

Day, today.
January 26,2014
It has become a regular practice in the occupied territory to jam the mobile

telephony and internet signals during India‘s Republic Day and Independence

Day functions.

The Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) are needed to be
January 30 ,2014
brought together to discuss the future of their motherland, says an Australian
academic, Dr Christopher Snedden.

Dr Christopher Snedden, an Australian politico-strategic analyst and author

expert on South Asia, was giving a talk at the Oxford University Press bookshop

in Islamabad in connection with the launch of his book ―The Untold Story of the

People of Azad Kashmir‖. The book has been published by the Oxford

University Press.

In occupied Kashmir, the Voice of Victims (VoV), a Srinagar-based rights forum,

has said that the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) is a
January 30 ,2014
deadly tool, which facilitates the Indian army to not only carry out the killing of

innocent people but also often murder the justice in the territory.

Feburary 05,2014 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif invited the Indian government to hold a peaceful
dialogue to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to the aspirations of the

Kashmiri people, as people across Pakistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK)

and Gilgit-Baltistan observed Kashmir Solidarity Day with zeal and fervor

expressing solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir.The prime minister

said his government was ready to consider any proposal for the establishment

of peace. ―We are ready to discuss and resolve all outstanding issues with India

including the Kashmir dispute,‖ he said while addressing a joint session of the

Azad Kashmir Legislative Assembly and Kashmir Council held here in

connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day. ―The future of Pakistan and Kashmir

is linked to each other. Uncertainty and confrontation will continue in the region

till a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue,‖ the prime minister said.

February 05,2014 In occupied Kashmir, a signature campaign has been launched to press for the
return of mortal remains of Mohammad Maqbool Butt and Mohammad Afzal

Guru from New Delhi‘s Tihar jail to Kashmir.

The campaign was launched by APHC leaders Javed Ahmad Mir, Hakeem

Abdur Rasheed, Abdur Rasheed Untoo, Syed Basheer Andrabi, Imtiyaz Ahmad

Reshi, Jafar Kashmiri, Gulam Mustafa Butt, Ghulam Mohiuddin Mir, Shabbir

Ahmad Butt, Tahoor Ahmad and others in front of Press Colony at Lal Chowk in


The United Nations (UN) is ready to mediate between India and Pakistan if the

two neighbors request such assistance in resolving the Kashmir dispute. ―On
February 08 ,2014
Kashmir, (as with other conflicts around the world), our good offices are

available if both sides (India and Pakistan) were to request that. And that
remains the case today,‖ Acting Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-

General, Farhan Haq, said in New York. Farhan Haq was responding to a

question on whether the UN chief would propose to India to sit down and talk

with Pakistan to resolve the longstanding Kashmir issue.

In occupied Kashmir, the puppet Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has said that at
February 12 ,2014
least 2,396 people are lodged in various jails of Jammu and Kashmir.

In occupied Kashmir, puppet Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has acknowledged

that over 9,200 youth have been booked on different charges in the territory
, February
since 2009 to January 31, 2014 and only 1800 of them have been granted
amnesty by the authorities. Omar Abdullah, who is also Minister Incharge for

Home, in a written reply to a question informed the so-called Assembly that out
of the 1733 cases, 738 had been registered against 3,175 persons in Srinagar,

256 cases against 867 persons in Baramulla, 191 cases against 940 persons in

Islamabad, 87 cases against 751 persons in Kulgam, 127 cases against 1176

persons in Pulwama, 53 cases against 420 persons in Kupwara, 79 cases

against 709 persons in Shopian,75 cases against 349 persons in Ganderbal,

and 127 cases against 779 persons in Bandipora.

The United States has expressed disappointment over Indian Government‘s

failure to hold an inquiry into the issue of unmarked graves and continuing the

arbitrary detentions under Public Safety Act in occupied Kashmir. A report

March 01,2014
commissioned by the US Congress and published by the State Department said

that the authorities in Kashmir were denying permits to the people for holding

public rallies. It said that Indian government had expressed its intention to
conduct a probe into unmarked graves discovered in Jammu and Kashmir but

no investigation was initiated yet.

The report titled ‗India 2013 Human Rights Report‖ and released by the US

Secretary of State, John Kerry pointed out that there were reports that the

government and its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings, including

extra-judicial executions, in Kashmir. It pointed out that India continued to

impose laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Public Safety Act in

occupied Kashmir that gave unbridled powers to its forces to fire upon and

arrest people without any reason.

Kashmiri students, who had cheered for Pakistan cricket team during the Asia
March 06,2014
Cup game against India and were thrown out by the authorities at an Indian
varsity, have been booked on fake charges of inciting hatred and violence.

Uttar Paradesh police registered a case against Kashmir students after Swami

Vivekananda Subharti University authorities filed a complaint with the police

against them.

The university claims some Kashmiri students celebrated Pakistan‘s victory and

raised slogans in the community hall of the hostel, which led to a clash with

other students and escalated into stone-throwing.

The university suspended all 67 Kashmir students of one hostel block and

asked them to leave. Around 200 Kashmir students are taking engineering and

law courses in the university

A group of Kashmir students of Sharda University located at Greater Noida, UP,

told the Srinagar-based English daily, Rising Kashmir, over phone that they

were harassed and attacked by the fanatic Hindu students.

―At around 12 noon today, about 12 Kashmiri students were on their way to
March 07,2014
examination centre in the university. However, they were intercepted by a group

of local students. They thrashed the Kashmiri students and beat them

mercilessly. Our hostel was also attacked during the preceding night,‖ said Aasif

Iqbal of Peerbagh Srinagar, who is pursuing B.Tech in Sharda University.

The Amnesty International India has asked the probable prime ministerial

March 20,2014 candidates for 2014 to reveal their stand on crucial human rights issues facing

the people. In a statement, Shashikumar Velath, Programmes Director at

Amnesty International India, said, ―political parties have sworn to uphold

constitutional values of justice, liberty, equality and dignity. But their leaders‘

actions must reflect this pledge. It is essential for everyone to know where Prime

Ministerial candidates stand on important human rights questions.‖

―India‘s next Prime Minister must show evidence of commitment to human

rights. Amnesty International India is asking the declared and probable Prime

Ministerial candidates of various political parties to clarify their positions on key

human rights issues ahead of parliamentary elections in April and May,‖ Velath


In occupied Kashmir, while terming the authorities‘ crackdown on pro-freedom

March 21,2014
leaders ahead of upcoming election drama as ridicules, the forum led by veteran
Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, has said that the action testifies their stand that

the elections in the territory are merely a military operation rather than a

democratic process. In a statement issued in Srinagar, said, ―Elections in

Jammu and Kashmir are actually a joint operation of Indian Home Ministry,

Army and secret agencies by which sometimes National Conference,

sometimes PDP and sometimes Congress are made successful and the

candidates are selected for the posts.‖

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, has asked the US to

play its role in normalizing ties between Pakistan and India and said that issues

March 25 ,2014 between the two neighboring countries should be resolved. Muhammad Nawaz

Sharif talking to reporters after a meeting with the US Secretary of State, John

Kerry, in Hague said that India was hesitating to resolve the Kashmir dispute
bilaterally. ―If India is not willing to include a third force in resolving the Kashmir

issue then the US will have to play its role in ensuring a normal situation in the

region,‖ he added.

The veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, has said that the Kashmiri
March 29 ,2013
people will not accept anything less than complete freedom from India.

In occupied Kashmir, the less social freedom that women in Kashmir have has

resulted in their lesser empowerment, says a research report.

The study titled ―Study of Women Empowerment in Kashmir In Relation To

March 31 ,2014
Social Freedom‖ has been conducted by Kamalpreet Kaur, an Assistant

Professor in the Education Department of Lovely University, Phagwara, Punjab

in India. To find out the difference between women empowerment and social
freedom of women in Kashmir, the study was conducted on 120 women

teachers and students in two southern districts—Shopian and Kulgam in

occupied Kashmir.

The survey revealed that women empowerment and women social freedom in

Kashmir are not significantly related to each other. ―The reason may be the

threading and suppressed culture of Kashmir in which the women who are

enjoying social freedom do not feel empowered due to their snubbed voices at

some levels,‖ according to the study.

It was also found that there exists a negative relationship in women

empowerment and social freedom of women. In other words, women in Kashmir

enjoy less social freedom and empowerment. ―The reason being that in Kashmir
there are some religious restrictions and social bondages which do not allow

women to get maximum social freedom,‖ says the study.

It says that the culture in Kashmir ―is so constructed that women are not able to

think about their freedom.

In occupied Kashmir, the forum patronized by veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali

Gilani, has said that it is not against the democracy or the democratic process,

but in presence of more than 750,000 Indian troops, the election drama doesn‘t

April11,2014 hold any importance and credibility.

The forum General Secretary, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, chairing a meeting of its

Executive Council in Srinagar said, ―We are not against the democracy or the

democratic process, but in presence of more than 7.5 lakh foreign forces, the
election drama doesn‘t hold any importance and credibility and it becomes a

military operation rather than a democratic process in the occupied territory.‖

In occupied Kashmir, the APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and other

Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani and Muhammad Yasin Malik have said
that peoples‘ boycott of the so-called elections, yesterday, should serve as an

eye-opener for India and the international community.

In occupied Kashmir, Indian troops in their unabated acts of state-terrorism

martyred 12 Kashmiris in the last month of April.

May01,2014 According to the data compiled by the Research Section of Kashmir Media

Service, 243 persons were injured when Indian troops and police personnel

resorted to brute force and fired teargas shells and bullets against peaceful
protesters while 1,898 civilians were arrested during the period. Indian

paramilitary personnel destroyed 4 residential houses and disgraced 5 women

in the month.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch has urged India to implement the

recommendations of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child to

improve protection for children affected by armed conflict.The Child Rights

Committee made its recommendations to India public on June 19, 2014, in

June 21,2014

The committee expressed concern about government armed forces occupying

schools in Maoist-affected areas, despite Supreme Court rulings prohibiting the

practice. It said that India should ―take all necessary measures to prevent the
occupation and use of places with a significant presence of children, such as

schools, in line with international humanitarian law, expedite the vacation of

schools as appropriate and take concrete measures to ensure that cases of

unlawful occupation of schools are promptly investigated, and that perpetrators

are prosecuted and punished.‖

Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia Director at Human Rights Watch, in a

statement posted on the website of the organization said that the Indian

government should finally and fully withdraw its forces from schools.

International human rights watchdog, Amnesty International has expressed

June 26,2014 concern over the inordinate delay in investigation into all the pending cases of

detained youth in occupied Kashmir.

Amnesty in a statement in New Delhi said the information provided by the office

of the Inspector General of Police shows that 8,072 people have been accused

in cases involving stone-pelting since 2010. Cases against mere 1,811 people

have been withdrawn. AI attempts to know the fate of other 6,261 individual

cases has been stonewalled by the police personnel. The human rights group

feels that undue delays in investigations into detained cases are being used as

a punitive measure.

The AI had documented the continued detention of juveniles under the black law

Public Safety Act, despite amendments to the Act in 2012 prohibiting the

detention of those less than 18 years of age. AI has reiterated its demand for

the repeal of the Public Safety Act in Jammu and Kashmir.

In occupied Kashmir, Indian troops, in their continued acts of state terrorism,

martyred 10 Kashmiris during the last month of June.

According to the data issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media

Service, today, one of those martyred was killed in custody. During the month,

61 people were critically injured when Indian police and paramilitary personnel
July 01,2014
used brute force against peaceful demonstrators in the occupied territory while

225 civilians, mostly youth, were arrested.

The troops also molested 3 women and destroyed 3 residential houses during

the period.

In occupied Kashmir, complete shutdown was observed, today, on the occasion

July 04,2014
of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi‘s visit to the territory to convey a
message to him that Kashmiris reject India‘s illegal occupation of their


Call for the shutdown had been given by the entire Hurriyet leadership including

Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Muhammad Yasin

Malik and the High Court Bar Association.

The authorities imposed strict curfew and restrictions in Srinagar and other cities

of the Valley deploying Indian troops and police personnel in strength to prevent

people from holding anti-India demonstrations. Friday prayers could not be held

at Srinagar‘s historic Jamia Masjid and at other places due to the restrictions.

In occupied Kashmir, the authorities have placed the All Parties Hurriyet
July 29,2014
Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and other Hurriyet leaders
including Syed Ali Gilani, Maulana Abbas Ansari, Mohammad Yasin Malik,

Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Mohammad Ashraf Sehraee, Nayeem Ahmed Khan,

Zafar Akbar Butt, Masroor Abbas and Hilal Ahmad War under house arrest

preventing them from addressing public gatherings and offering Eid prayers.

The All Parties Kashmir Coordination Council (APKCC) has condemned

continued gross human rights violations committed by the Indian troops in

occupied Kashmir.

The APKCC and Hurriyat leaders of AJK Chapter in a meeting at Kashmir

House in Islamabad reaffirmed that Kashmiris would continue their political

struggle till the achievement of right to self determination in accordance with the

United Nations resolutions.

The meeting passed a resolution, which condemned the statement of new

Indian Army chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag in which he has warned Pakistan

of intense action.The resolution expressed serious concern over the Indian

government‘s move to convert Kausarnag in South Kashmir into a Hindu

pilgrimage spot.

The resolution paid tributes to the people of Kashmir for observing protest strike

on the occasion of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s visit to the occupied

territory in July.The resolution said that the visit of Pakistan Prime Minister

Mohammad Nawaz Sharif to Muzaffarabad on August 10 will once again send a

message across the globe that Pakistan and Kashmiris are linked to each other

with eternal bonds of love, brotherhood and amity.The resolution also

denounced Israeli aggression and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and asked

the UN and OIC to play a decisive role to stop the unabated Zionist barbarism.

The meeting was attended by AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majeed.

Ameer Jamaat-e- Islami AJK Abdul Rashid Turabi, Maulana Saeed Yousuf,

Saghir Chughtai, Tahir Khokhar, Mahmood Ahmed Saghar,Ghulam Mohammad

Safi, Rafiq Ahmad Dar and Abdul Khaliq Wasi.

The House of Commons of British parliament is going to hold a special debate

on the state of human rights in Kashmir.

August 05,2014 Calling the Kashmir issue a threat to regional and global peace, British MP

David Ward informed the backbench business committee that new Indian

government has been ―quite aggressive in terms of its stance towards Kashmir‖
which was ―opening up a whole new area of uncertainty‖.

Ward, according to a report published in a Delhi-based newspaper, also

informed the committee that he had 40 MPs backing him up through a signatory

campaign who would like Westminster to hold a debate on the human rights

violations in Kashmir. According to the report, though a formal date is yet to be

decided, Britain‘s decision to agree for a debate on Kashmir hasn‘t gone down

well with Friends of India.

Britain‘s foreign office minister Hugo Swire has on record told the parliament

earlier that ―any solution should be between the two governments of India and

Pakistan. We welcome progress made last September during a meeting of both

prime ministers in New York. The British government does help and we have
had discussions on human rights as recently as last month.‖ Swire had added:

―This is a long-running conflict, and we stand by to help; but ultimately it can be

resolved only by the two countries in question.‖

The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad

Abdullah Ameen Madni, expressing unequivocal support for the right to the self-

determination of Kashmiri people, has underlined the need of a political solution

to the issue in accordance with the wishes of the Kashmiris.

August 06,2014
Speaking at a reception hosted by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime

Minister, Chaudhry Abdul Majeed at Kashmir House in Islamabad, Mr Madni

emphatically stated that Kashmiris were the basic party to Kashmir dispute and

they should be given right to decide their fate in accordance with the United
Nations resolutions.

A UK-based child rights organization, Save the Children, has revealed that

estimated population of orphans in occupied Kashmir is more than two lakhs out

of which 37 percent of them are orphaned due to the armed conflict.

―An estimated population of orphans in Jammu and Kashmir both due to conflict
August 06,2014
and natural death of parents is around 2,15,000,‖ said Sharief Butt, state head

of Save the Children during a one day workshop on ‗Children and Print Media in

Jammu and Kashmir‘ organized by Save the Children in Srinagar.

In the backdrop of cancellation of Foreign Secretary-level talks with Pakistan by

August 26,2014
India, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, has asked the two countries to
resolve their issues peacefully and through dialogue.

―The Secretary-General calls on both sides to solve the issues peacefully and

through dialogue,‖ according to a statement obtained by Press Trust of India

(PTI) from the office of Ban Ki Moon‘s spokesperson in response to questions

about the cancellation of the talks and ceasefire violations.

The statement did not respond to a question whether the UN Chief would

intervene in the tense situation and encourage the leaders of the two countries

to meet.

Hindu extremists beat up and injured at least 12 Kashmiri students at Swami

August 28,2014 Parmanand College in Mohali city of Indian Punjab when they were watching on

television a cricket match between Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The Kashmiri students of B-Tech told media men over phone in Srinagar that

they were attacked by local students when they were watching Pakistan-Sri

Lanka match on television in the college hostel.

In occupied Kashmir, Abdul Qadeer, the Executive Director of the Voice of

Victims (VoV), a local human rights forum, has said that after the lapse of 23

years the victim families of the territory yet not got justice.

Abdul Qadeer in his report in Srinagar said that as per the residents of Safa
Nagri, Nelura and Pulwama Indian Border Security Force (BSF) personnel
entered the three villages and fired indiscriminately on local civilian population.

In this unwarranted, terrific and horrible incident 19 civilians (local residents)

were killed.
In occupied Kashmir, the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz

Umar Farooq, and the Chief of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front,

Muhammad Yasin Malik, have expressed profound grief and sorrow over the

loss of precious lives and property due to the heavy rains and flashfloods in the

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq along with other APHC leaders, today, visited flood-hit
areas of Srinagar and Badgam. He expressed solidarity with the affected people

and distributed relief goods among them. He urged the masses to help all their

brothers and sisters who were facing difficulties due to this natural calamity. The

Mirwaiz was accompanied by Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, Hilal

Ahmed War, Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Shahid-ul-Islam and other leaders

Britain‘s House of Commons is holding a special debate on the state of human

rights in the Indian-held Kashmir, today, a move that has seriously irked India.

Calling the ongoing Kashmir issue a threat to regional and global peace, British
Member of Parliament (MP) David Ward informed the Backbench Business
Committee that he had 40 lawmakers backing him up through a signatory

campaign who would like Westminster to hold a debate on the human rights

violations in Kashmir.

The Kashmir Council European Union (KCEU) organised the annual European

September Union-Kashmir Week in the European Parliament in Brussels.

13,2014 The week long programme on Kashmir titled ‗Kashmir and Europe: prolonging

Friendship and Solidarity‘ was organized by KCEU, International Council for

Human Development (ICHD) and World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance (WKDA) in

collaboration with some other organizations. It was aimed at raising awareness

about human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir and the Kashmiris‘ liberation

struggle. Member European Parliament (MEP), Dr Sajjad Karim, was main host

of the whole event that included a three day Exhibition of Kashmiri art,

handicraft, photos and literature, an International Conference, video casting of a

documentary as well as seminars and round table sessions.

On the eve of the historic Scottish referendum on independence, an array of

September 15 organizations staged an event in support of the Scottish ‗Yes‘ campaign, urging

,2014 voters to take the opportunity which tens of millions across the world were so

envious of.
Hosted by ‗Nations Without States‘ (NwS), the event focused on the need to

hold referenda in conflict zones across the world where oppressive states have

sought to crush, by force, legitimate self-determination struggles by nations in

their own homeland.

Hindu militants raided and ransacked the office of Vikram University Vice-

Chancellor Jawahar Lal Kaul at Ujjain in Madhya Paradesh and was

misbehaved for speaking out in favour of Kashmiri students, affected by the

September 16
devastated floods. The victim is hospitalized for trauma.The Hindu militants
belonging to Hindu extremist group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang

Dal while attacking the vice-chancellor protested the reported statement

favouring flood ravaged people of Kashmiri students, DSP Vijay Kumar Dawar
told reporters. About 100 Kashmiri students study in different departments of the


Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has urged the United Nations

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to take steps for the peaceful settlement of

September26, Kashmir dispute, in accordance with the elevant resolutions of UN Security

2014: Council. In a meeting with Ban Ki-moon here on the sidelines of 69th UN

General Assembly session, the Prime Minister pointed out that Kashmir was

one of the long-standing conflicts on the agenda of Security Council.

Prime Minister, Mohammad Nawaz Sharif has stressed resolution of the

September27,2014 Kashmir dispute for peace, security and economic uplift of the people of South

Mohammad Nawaz Sharif in his address to the UN General Assembly in New

York reminded that more than six decades ago, the UN passed resolutions to

hold a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir and Kashmiris are still waiting for

fulfillment of that promise. ―Many generations of Kashmiris have lived their lives

under occupation, accompanied by violence and abuse of their fundamental

rights. Kashmiri women, in particular, have undergone immense suffering and

humiliation,‖ he said. He asserted that a veil could not be drawn over the core

issue of Kashmir and Pakistan was ready to work for its resolution through

negotiations. ―Our support and advocacy of the right to self-determination of the

people of Jammu and Kashmir is our historic commitment and a duty, as a party

to the Kashmir dispute. The core issue of Jammu and Kashmir has to be

resolved. This is the responsibility of the international community. We cannot

draw a veil on the issue of Kashmir until it is addressed in accordance with the

wishes of the people of Jammu and Kashmir,‖ Nawaz Sharif told the gathering.

The Prime Minister criticized India for canceling Foreign Secretary-level talks

over bilateral issues including the Kashmir conflict. ―We were disappointed at

the cancellation of the foreign secretary-level talks by India. The world

community, too, rightly saw it as another missed opportunity,‖ he stated. Nawaz

Sharif said that Pakistan was convinced to remain engaged in dialogue. ―Let us

not ignore the dividends of peace,‖ he added.

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon has said that the World Body is willing
to play a role if so requested by both Pakistan and India in resolving the
Kashmir dispute. In a media interview in New York after his meeting with
Pakistan Prime Minister, Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, Ban Ki-moon said that the

good offices of the World Body would be available for the purpose. He said, ―I

have long expressed my hope that the issues be addressed through dialogue.‖

He also expressed deepest condolences to the Kashmiri families affected by


In occupied Kashmir, a number of people, mostly women, blocked many arterial

roads in protest against the authorities‘ apathy towards the sufferings of the

September 28 flood-affected people of the territory.

,2014 Dozens of residents, mostly women, hailing from Maisuma and Koker Bazaar

localities near Lal Chowk blocked the Budshah Bridge in protest against the

failure of the authorities to dewater the areas.―Most of the houses in Maisuma

have become unsafe for living and the affected people are not sure when they

can start reconstruction works,‖ Saleema, one of the women protestors, said.

―It has been 21 days since flood water entered our areas and the authorities do

not seem to be bothered,‖ she said.

The Kashmiris residing in the United States held a protest demonstration

against India‘s occupation over Jammu and Kashmir as Indian Prime Minister

Narendra Modi arrived for his first address to the UN General Assembly in New
September 28 ,
York, the other day.
A large number of Kashmiri representatives carrying anti-India and pro-freedom

banners gathered outside the UN headquarters and shouted anti-India slogans.

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