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Claims for tax exemption are construed against

Taxation – defined as a state power, a legislative
process, and a mode of gvrmnt cost distribution. 3. The government reserves the right to choose the
objects of taxation
 As a state power – an inherent power
of the state. 4. The courts are not allowed to interfere with the
 As a process – process of levying taxes collection of taxes.
by the legislature of the state.
5. In income taxation:
 As a mode of cost distribution - mode
by which the state allocates its costs. a. Income received in advance is taxable upon
The theory of taxation – A system of government is b. Deduction for capital expenditures and
indispensable to every society. Without it, the people prepayments is not allowed effectively defers the
will not relish the benefits of a civilized and orderly collection of income tax.
society. However, a government cannot exist without a c. A lower amount of deduction is preferred
system of funding. when a claimable expense subject to limit.
d. A higher tax base is preferred when the tax
The basis of taxation – government provides benefits to object has multiple tax base.
the people and the people provides the funds that
finances the government.
sustenance, protection, and properties.
The Inherent Powers of the State
Benefit received theory – presupposes that the more
1. Taxation power is the power of the State to enforce
benefit one receives from the government, the more
proportional contribute from its subjects to sustain
taxes he should pay.
Ability to pay theory – presupposes that taxation
2. Police power is the general power of the State to
should also consider the taxpayer’s ability pay. Required
enact laws to protect well-being of the people.
to contribute based on their relative capacity to
sacrifice. 3. Eminent domain is the power of the State to take
private property for public use after paying just
1. Vertical equity (Gross concept) – extent of one’s
Scope of the taxation power – widely and
ability to pay is directly proportional to the level
comprehensive, plenary, unlimited, and supreme but it
of his taxes.
is not absolute limited.
2. Horizontal equity (Net concept) – requires
consideration of the particular circumstance of THE LIMITATION OF THE TAXATION POWER
the tax payer.
A. Inherent limitation
The lifeblood doctrine – taxes are essential and 1. Territorial of taxation – provide within the
indispensable to the continue subsistence of the boundaries of the state.
government. 2. International comity – no country is
powerful than the other.
Implication of the lifeblood doctrine in taxation:
3. Public purpose – intended for common
1. Tax is imposed even in the absence of a good.
Constitutional grant 4. Exemption of the government – the
government does not tax itself
5. Non delegation of the taxing power – charitable, religious, and educational
vested exclusively in congress and is non purposes.
delegable. 9. Non-appropriation of public funds or
property for the benefit of any church,
sect, or system of religion - intended to
B. Constitutional limitation of taxation highlight the separation of religion and the
1. Observance of due process of law- tax State.
should be neither be harsh nor oppressive.

 Substantive due process- imposed 10. Exemption from taxes of the revenues and
for public purpose and collected assets of non-profit, non-stock educational
under authority of a valid law. institutions - applies only on revenues and
 Procedural due process – there assets that are actually, directly, and
should be no arbitrariness in exclusively devoted for educational
assessment and collection of taxes. purposes.
11. Concurrence of a majority of all members
2. Equal protection of law – no person shall
of Congress for the passage of a law
be denied the equal protection of the law.
granting tax exemption - requires the vote
3. Uniformity rule in taxation - rule of
of the majority of all members of Congress
taxation shall be uniform and equitable.
in the grant of tax exemption.
4. Progressive system of taxation - congress
12. Non-diversification of tax collections - Tax
shall evolve a progressive system of
collections should be used only for public
taxation. Tax rates increase as the tax base
purpose. It should never by diversified or
used for private purpose.
5. Non-imprisonment for non- payment of
debt or poll tax- no one shall be imprisoned 13. Non-delegation of the power of taxation -
because of his poverty, and no one shall requires that taxation power as part of
imprisoned for mere inability to pay debt. lawmaking be vested exclusively in
Poll tax has two components: 14. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the
a. Basic community tax Supreme Court to review tax cases - taxes
can be raised to and be finally decided by
b. Additional community tax
the Supreme Court of the Philippines.
6. Non-impairment of obligation and contract 15. Appropriations, revenue, or tariff bills shall
- Tax exemptions granted under contract originate exclusively in the House of
should be honored and should not be Representatives, but the Senate may
cancelled by a unilateral government propose or concur with amendments.
action. 16. Each local government unit shall exercise
7. Free worship rule - adopts free exercise of the power to create its own sources of
religion and does not subject its exercise to revenue and shall have a just share in the
taxation. national taxes - recognition of the local
8. Exemption of religious, charitable or autonomy of local governments and an
educational entities, non-profit express delegation of the taxing power.
cemeteries, churches and mosques, lands,
buildings, and improvements from
property taxes - exemption from property
tax applies for properties actually, directly, 1. Levy or imposition - This process involves the
and exclusively (Le. primarily) used for enactment of a tax law by Congress and is called impact
of taxation. It is also referred to as the legislative act in 4. Non- compensation or set-off – taxes are not
taxation. subject to automatic set-off or compensation
5. Non-payment of taxes – tax obligations cannot
Congress is composed of two bodies:
be assigned or transferred to another entity by
1. The House of Representatives, and contract.
2. The Senate 6. Imprescriptibility in taxation – prescription is
the lapsing of a right due to the passage of time.
7. Doctrine of estoppel – government id not
subject to estoppel
8. Judicial Non-interference – lifeblood doctrine
9. Strict construction of tax laws – taxation is the
2. Assessment and Collection - implemented by
rule, exemption is exception
the administrative branch of the government.
Implementation involves assessment or the
 Vague tax laws - construed against the
determination of the tax liabilities of taxpayers
government and in favor of the tax
and collection. This stage is referred to as
incidence of taxation or the administrative act
of taxation.


Situs is the place of taxation. It is the tax jurisdiction

that has the power to levy taxes tax object

Examples of Situs Rules:

1. Business tax situs: Businesses are subject to tax in

the place where the business is conducted.
2. Income tax situs on services: Service fees are subject
to tax where they are rendered.

3. Income tax situs on sale of goods: The gain on sale is

subject to tax in the place of sale

4. Property tax situs: Properties are taxable in their


5. Personal tax situs: Persons are taxable in their place

of residence.


1. Marshall Doctrine – the power of tax involves

the power to destroy.
2. Holmes’s doctrine – taxation power is not the
power to destroy while the court sits.
3. Prospectivity of tax laws – tax laws are
generally prospective in operation.

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