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‘The human resplratory system consists of: Nasal cavity 4 Oxygen and carbon dlexide maves from high concentration reglon to law concent through diffusion. lion region Movement and gatcous exchange in the human body: (a) Higher oxygen Inhaled alr compared to the concentration ‘of oxygen in blond allows oxygen to dl Inia the bload capillaries through the alveoli wall, (b) In the red blood celle, oxygen combines with haemoglobin 1a form oxyhaemoglobin, concentration inthe ‘Air pathway in breathing mechanism, ‘Oxygen |, | Hacmoglobin} +] Oxyhaemogiobin Nostrils [>| _ Nasal eavity (6) Oxyhacmoglobin in the blond is carried to the hheart to be pumped to the ether party of the body. (a) When blood reaches the cells that need cmygen. i+] _ Pharynx Laryns oxyhaemoglobin decomposes to release oxygen molecule, Lt trachea fof Bronchus Oxyhaemoglobin} | Oxygen || Haemoglobin an ‘Alvsotus (©) In_body cells, oxygen oxidises glucose { molecules in the process of cell respiration Breathing mechanism. Glucose | +] Oxygen |r] Carbon dioxide Inhalation Exhalation | ~ Tntercostal muscles {= Intercostal muscles a (Ewa) [eeeay contract and ribeage | relax and ribcage moves upwards ‘moves downwards an: eee | ee 4) | (© Carbon dioxide produced in the cell diffuses, a ino the blood coplarie and arid inthe and fatiens curves upwards “Volume ofthoracic | ~ Volume of thoracic ‘Adaptation of the alveolus structure for efficient gas ‘cavity increasesand | cavity decreases and air| | exchange. air pressure init Pressure in it increases (a) Moist wall decreases ~ Air inside the hungs is (b) Thin wall = Outside air is rushed | pushed out (c) Covered by networks of blood capillaries into the langs (6). Hasa large surface area 7 Substances that are harmful to the respiratory syste include elgarette tar, carbon monoxide, nlteogen dioxide and dust. 8 Respiratory system-related diseases are thma, bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer. 9A passive smoker is a non-smoker who inhal cigarette smoke produced by a smoker. " 10 The characteristics of the molst ski an (a Pr Respiratory [7 fi. structure | Moist skin (=) Thin and very permesble 0 respiratory gases (b) Always moist (©) Dense blood capillaries under the skin (a) ‘The number of filament and lamellae produces large surface area (&) Always surrounded by water Gills Trachea (a) Tracheole has a thin and moist wall (0) The large number of tracheole produces large surface area (©) Some insects have air sacs 2 1B “ 15 Adaptation of respiratory eyrtem to different situations, (2) People living in high altitudes produce more haemoglobin than others (b) ‘The athletes strengthen the diaphragm and intercostal muscles through sports training. ‘This increases the ability to breathe In more ais for a longer time. ‘The opening and closing of the stomata is controlled by the cell guard. During the day, photosynthesis occurs and glucose is produced. The water diffuses in by osmosis thus the guard cells become turgid and the stomatal pore is opened. Carbon dioxide from the environment diffuses into the leaves and oxygen produced by photosynthesis diffuses out through the stomatal pore. At night, photosynthesis does not occur, The glucose content in the guard cells decreases causing the water to diffuse out by osmosis. The guard cells become flaccid and the stomatal pore is closed. K summative Preatica 72 | 1 Diagram F shows a hun an breuthin mechanism, Direction of air mavement Diagram 1 (a) What is the breathing mechanism shown in Diagram 17 [hms] (©) Mark (¥ ) the correct statement and crovs (X ) the wrong statement when human breathes (i) The diaphragm muscle relaxes and curves up The diaphragm muscle relaxes and flattens, Gi) The imeercostal muscle relaxes and the ribcage moves down and inwards (iv) The intercostal muscle relaxes and the ribcage moves up and outwards 14 marks] 2 Diagram 2 shows the gaseous exchange between alveolus and blood capillary. Air out Diagram 2 3 (W) Explain how oxygen entera the blood capillary. [2 marks] (b) Complete the following for the transport of oxygen in the red blond cell. Oxygen To [1 mark} Dingram 3 shows the condition of alveolus caused by irritant in the cigarette smoke. Diagram 3 (a) What is the disease involved? Circle the correct answer. Bronchitis Asthma Emphysema [1 mark) (b) Name two toxic substances in the cigarette smoke that can harm the human respiratory system. 1. 2. {2 marks} 2 Diagram 2 shows a set-up of an experiment to examine the effects of cigarette smoke on the lungs. thermometer |_tube closed ‘with thumb to the fier pump cigarete moist Lil universal indicator solution Diagram 2 (2) (i) After the filter pump is closed, state the change in the colour of the moist cotton wool. [1 mark (ii) Name the substance in the cigarette smoke that causes the change in the colour of the moist cotton wool. [1 mark (b) What conclusion can you make about the cigarette smoke based on the change in colour of the universal ‘ers indicator solution? U1 mara (c) Name offe type of disease @ smoker can get if he smokes for a long period of time. (1 mark (4) A pregnant mother is advised to stop smoking. What is thejeffeetof:smoking’on the foetus if she ggg continues to smoke throughout her pregnancy? {2 marks] 3. Diagram 3 shows the exchange of gases that occurs at the alveolus. biood capilaies iagram 3 (a) What is the process that occurs during the exchange of gases? (1 marks} (b) Name gas P. U1 marks} (©) What are the tests for gases P and G? (2 marks} (@) State how alveolus is adapted for an efficient gaseous exchange. [2 marks} 4 Diagram 4 shows the conditions of thorax during the mechanism of breathing, S$ and T. Diagram 4 (a) (i) Name processes S and T. 2 pel (ii) State two differences between the processes you stated in (a)(i) [2 marks] (b) Describe the changes in the rate of respiration of @ mountain climber when he reaches the peak of 2 mountain. (4 marks)

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