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Biodiversity, also called ecological biodiversity, is the biological wealth that exists on our planet

due to the great variety of species that exist; in other words, biodiversity is the breadth of
genetic material that makes up the biosphere. Biodiversity is important because it implies a
series of factors intrinsic to it. Biodiversity guarantees the existence of a greater number of
species implies more genetic variants in an ecosystem, which is positive for it. Natural
ecosystems develop over millions of years, this leads to the creation of interdependent
relationships between the species that make it up, which leads to a stronger and more
connected ecosystem. it also allows a balance to exist within ecosystems, this allows all species
to survive and develop positively


CLIMATE CHANGE: Global warming and changes in weather patterns affect the distribution
and survival of species. Many species cannot quickly adapt to changes in temperatures and the
ecosystems in which they live, leading to their decline and extinction.

INVASIVE SPECIES: The introduction of alien species into an ecosystem may compete with
native species for resources and habitats, and may be predators or carriers of disease. This can
lead to the displacement or extinction of native species.

Overexploitation of natural resources: Excessive exploitation of natural resources, such as

fishing, hunting, and uncontrolled logging, depletes species populations.

Contamination: Pollution of air, water, and soil by toxic chemicals, such as pesticides and
industrial chemicals, have negative effects on species and their habitats. It can cause the death
of organisms, affect reproduction and alter ecosystems in general.


Decreased productivity and food security: The loss of biodiversity, especially pollinators, can
affect agricultural production and food security. Without proper pollination, many crops
cannot produce fruit.

Impact on human health: The loss of biodiversity can have impacts on human health. For
example, declining species diversity can increase the risk of spreading zoonotic diseases.

Loss of medicines and natural resources: Biodiversity is an invaluable source of medicines and
natural resources used in industry. The loss of species implies the loss of potential sources of
discovery for new drugs and other valuable products.


 Do not favor actions that are directly or indirectly related to the extinction of species,
whether animals, plants or other types of living beings.
 Promotion of responsible species trade: Regulating the trade of species, especially
those in danger of extinction, is essential to prevent overexploitation and illegal
 Education and awareness: It is necessary to increase public awareness about the
importance of biodiversity and the actions we can take to protect it. This can be
achieved through educational campaigns, outreach programs
 Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices: Intensive agriculture is one of the main
causes of biodiversity loss. Promote sustainable farming practices, such as agroecology
and organic farming
 Apply the 7Rs of ecology to reduce consumption and, in general, our negative impact
on the environment and biodiversity.
 Control of invasive species: It is important to take measures to prevent and control the
introduction of invasive species. This implies strengthening surveillance and controls at
ports and borders,

La biodiversidad también llamada biodiversidad ecológica es la riqueza biológica que existe

en nuestro planeta debido a la gran variedad de especies que existen en otras palabras la
biodiversidad es la amplitud de material genético que conforma la biosfera. la
biodiversidad es importante porque implica una serie de factores intrínsecos a ella. la
biodiversidad garantiza la existencia de una mayor cantidad de especies implica mas
variantes genéticas en un ecosistema lo que es positivo para el mismo. los ecosistemas
naturales se desarrollan a lo largo de millones de años esto hace que se creen relaciones
de interdependencia entre las especies que la conforman, lo que conlleva a un ecosistema
mas fuerte y conectado entre si. también permite que exista un equilibrio dentro de los
ecosistemas, este permite que todas las especies sobrevivan y se desarrollen de forma

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