How Do We Learn Essay - Myra

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How do we learn

For many people , learning something can be summed up as running around like a headless chicken ,
far too many hours have been spent peering into textbooks without registering a meaningful sentence .
Before I divulge age old spells for effective learning , it is imperative that one should know what
learning really is. Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding , knowledge , behaviours ,
skills , values , attitudes and preferences. You are said to learn when you get familiar with new

Now that a dash of insight have been given on describing learning , our next adventure brings us on
differentiating between types of learnings . In its widest sense , learning is like a buffet with more
options then you can fit on a single plate. Matching two unrelated things in your mind, resulting in
‘AHA’ moments (like peanut butter and jelly or study anchor and clat) is known as associative
learning , learning to cook by watching recipes on Youtube (something every mother is guilty of) is
known as observational learning where as learning things that you read out of a book is known as
explicit learning.

Every type of learning that has ever existed in this big blue ball of land and water is based on one or the
other concepts of memory. Memory is the brain’s way of keeping safe everything you have seen , read ,
or heard. This piece of neuroplasticity is how humans are able to learn. Your brain is like a mind palace
, storing every piece of critical information in it , its similar to a library where important books are kept
in hand’s reach and other non essential documents in a dusty cupboard.

What is difficult in all this , is , fetching information from your mental library. Sometimes you may end
up picking out the wrong book and find yourself quoting shakespeare at the grocery store instead of
asking for chips . So to minimize the chances of embarasing yourself somewhere , you should know
how to effectively sort out the relevant piece of information that you want to relay at any given point of

While being influenced by a lot of factors , the most important thing for your memory to work like a
loyal dog , coming to you whenever commanded , is motivation. Without motivation you may as well
try to bring back a dead person. Also noteworthy Is providing the right environment , a supportive and
stimulating environment is like learning in a sunny valley , whereas distracting surroundings are like
trying to learn with your brother singing in the background. Prior knowledge is also indespensible in
your journey to learn , imagine walking in your science period knowing all the elements in the periodic
table or walking into your arithematic class and knowing all the multiplication tables. Learning is like
making your own key to your own vault , each person is a different type of learner , each learning style
is as unique as a set of fingerprints , some people learn better listening and others may learn better
visually. Another thing that wouldnt hurt in this process is having a helping hand to help you know
when youre on the right track and when youre not.

As you continue on the journey of learning , youll realize that this is a carnival ride which is worth
taking . So embrace the hard yards , laugh on the mishaps and immerse in the roller coaster ride of
discovery something new everyday.

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