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Colonial cameo

Describe the rise of self-esteem in the mind of the speaker

And respect for his own language and culture

As he relieved from the occi-oriental dilemma

Showcases the consequences of his cultural identity crisis

and awakening from his occi-oriental dilemma

god of small things

depicts a fragmented community struggling with cultural, and religious chaos, and racial
discrimination due to a terrible colonial past.

That is still haunting the people in Ayemenem long after freed from the British.

They remain troubled by internal conflict, ideological disillusionment, cultural dislocation

Still haunting the natives from indirect rigit caste systems

Cultural hybridity due to mimicry of colonial cultures, patriarchal traditions, power dynamics and
political resistence

Made india smouldering with hate worse than the sufferings at the hands of british.

People still remained colonialized at the hands of the natives, individuals from superior classes

Things fall apart

Provide readers with an insight of Igbo society right before the invasion of the British.

In colonial invasion changed almost every aspect of Igbo society from culture to family life and trade.

Novel criticizes the colonialism and its devastating impacts on the African way of life.


Our minds have been invaded by a war

A war that we won and lost

A war that capyured dreams and redream them

A war that made us adore our conquerors and despise ourselves

Hands them back the dreams after re dreaming them, by manipulating them with their neo colonial

Colonizers create history and the future of a colonialized country

We are a family of anglophile pointed at the wrong direction trapped outside our own history
Chacko came to olove magret kochchamma

For the fact that she is self sufficient and didn’t cling to him

He admires magret in the way of looking down on indian women

He was greatful for his wife for not wanting to lookaftyer him

The same woman leaves him because he is not used to look after himself

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