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XI / XII / PUC Level Questions

Sub- Difficulty
QID Test Section Main Topic
topic Level

Atomic Structure and Periodic

Question ID 1 Chemistry Periodicity Trends

Question Which of the following elements has the largest atomic radius?
Option A Lithium (Li)
Option B Sodium (Na)
Option C Potassium (K)
Option D Rubidium (Rb)
Correct Answer Option D

Atomic radius increases down a group in the periodic table. Among the
Solution/Workout/Explanation given options, rubidium is located below the other elements in the same
group (Group 1), indicating that it has the largest atomic radius.


QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Atomic Structure and
Question ID 2 Chemistry Periodicity
Periodic Table Moderate

Question What is the group number of halogens in the periodic table?

Option A Group 1
Option B Group 2
Option C Group 17
Option D Group 18
Correct Answer Option C
Solution/ Halogens are located in Group 17 of the periodic table. They include elements like
Workout/ fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Halogens are highly reactive non-
Explanation metals.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Basic chemical calculations,
Question ID 3 Chemistry Chemical bonding, Chemical Bonding Easy
Coordination compounds

Question Which of the following molecules has a nonpolar covalent bond?

Option A H2O
Option B CO2
Option C NH3
Option D HCl
Correct Answer Option B
In CO2 (carbon dioxide), the bond between carbon and oxygen is nonpolar covalen
because the electronegativity difference between carbon and oxygen is small, resulting
in equal sharing of electrons. Understanding the nature of covalent bonds is crucial in
predicting the polarity and behaviour of molecules. Nonpolar covalent bonds occu
when the atoms involved have similar electronegativities, leading to equal sharing o

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Basic chemical calculations,
Question ID 4 Chemistry Chemical bonding,
Coordination compounds

Question What is the name of the ligand in the coordination compound [Fe (CN)6]4-?
Option A Cyanide
Option B Ammonia
Option C Water
Option D Chloride
Correct Answer Option A
In the coordination compound [Fe (CN) 6]4-, the ligand is cyanide (CN-). Cyanide acts as a
Solution/ monodentate ligand, meaning it forms one bond with the central metal ion. Ligands play a
Workout/ crucial role in the structure and properties of coordination compounds.Cyanide is a
Explanation commonly encountered ligand in coordination chemistry, and knowledge of its properties
is essential in various fields, including bioinorganic chemistry and environmental science.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Basic chemical calculations,
Question ID 5 Chemistry Chemical bonding,
Coordination compounds
What is the oxidation number of manganese in potassium permanganate
Question (KMnO4)?
Option A +3
Option B +5
Option C +7
Option D +2
Correct Answer Option C

In potassium permanganate (KMnO4), the oxidation state of potassium is +1, and

each oxygen atom has an oxidation state of -2. By considering the overall charge
of the compound (-1 for potassium), the oxidation state of manganese (Mn) is
calculated as +7.


QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Basic chemical
calculations, Chemical Basic Chemical
Question ID 6 Chemistry bonding, Coordination Calculations
What is the coordination number of a central atom in an octahedral coordina
Question complex?
Option A 4
Option B 5
Option C 6
Option D 8
Correct Answer Option C
In an octahedral coordination complex, the central atom is surrounded by six liga
arranged symmetrically around it. Therefore, the coordination number of the cen
atom in an octahedral complex is 6

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

Atomic Structure and

Question ID 7 Chemistry Periodicity
Periodic Table Moderate

Question Which of the following elements has the highest electronegativity?

Option A Sodium (Na)
Option B Magnesium (Mg)
Option C Chlorine (Cl)
Option D Potassium (K)
Correct Answer Option C

Solution/ Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons in a chemical

Workout/ bond. Among the given options, chlorine (Cl) has the highest electronegativity. It is a
Explanation non-metal with a strong attraction for electrons due to its high effective nuclear charge
and small atomic size. Electronegativity generally increases across a period from left to
right and decreases down a group in the periodic table.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Basic chemical calculations,
Question ID 8 Chemistry Chemical bonding, Coordination

Question Which of the following molecules exhibits polar covalent bonding?

Option A H2
Option B O2
Option C HCl
Option D N2
Correct Answer Option C

In HCl (hydrogen chloride), the electronegativity difference between hydrogen and

Solution/ chlorine atoms results in polar covalent bonding. Chlorine is more electronegative
Workout/ than hydrogen, causing it to attract electrons more strongly and giving the molecule
Explanation a partial negative charge on the chlorine atom and a partial positive charge on the
hydrogen atom.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Basic Organic chemistry, Organic Organic
halogen compounds, Organic Functional
Question ID 9 Chemistry functional groups-hydroxyl,
Groups -
carbonyl compounds and ethers Hydroxyl

Question Which functional group is present in alcohols?

Option A Carboxyl
Option B Carbonyl
Option C Hydroxyl
Option D Aldehyde
Correct Answer Option C
Solution/ The hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is characteristic of alcohols. Alcohols are
Workout/ organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl groups bonded to carbon
Explanation atoms.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

Basic Organic chemistry, Organic Functional
halogen compounds, Organic
Question ID 10 Chemistry functional groups-hydroxyl,
Groups - Easy
carbonyl compounds and ethers Carbonyl

Question Which functional group is present in ketones?

Option A Carboxyl
Option B Carbonyl
Option C Hydroxyl
Option D Alkyl
Correct Answer Option B
Workout/ The carbonyl functional group (>C=O) is characteristic of ketones. Ketones contain a
Explanation carbonyl group bonded to two carbon atoms.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic
Basic Organic chemistry, Organic Organic
halogen compounds, Organic
Question ID 11 Chemistry functional groups-hydroxyl,
Halogen Moderate
carbonyl compounds and ethers Compounds

Question Which of the following compounds is an example of a chlorinated hydrocarbon?

Option A Methane
Option B Ethane
Option C Chloroform
Option D Ethanol
Correct Answer Option C
Chloroform is a chlorinated hydrocarbon containing chlorine atoms bonded to
carbon atoms. Chlorinated hydrocarbons are organic compounds that contain one
or more chlorine atoms bonded to carbon atoms. Chloroform is commonly used as
a solvent and in the production of various chemicals.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

Biomolecules and
Question ID 12 Chemistry Environmental Biomolecules Easy

Question Which biomolecule is composed of a long chain of amino acids?

Option A Proteins
Option B Carbohydrates
Option C Lipids
Option D Nucleic acids
Correct Answer Option A
Proteins are polymers composed of amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds
They play diverse roles in living organisms, serving as enzymes, structura
components, hormones, antibodies, and more. The sequence and arrangement o
amino acids determine a protein's structure and function.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

Biomolecules and
Question ID 13 Chemistry Environmental Biomolecules Moderate
Which biomolecule functions as enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and structura
Question components in cells and tissues?
Option A Proteins
Option B Carbohydrates
Option C Lipids
Option D Nucleic acids
Correct Answer Option A

Proteins are versatile biomolecules that serve a variety of functions in living

organisms. They function as enzymes to catalyze biochemical reactions, hormones to
regulate physiological processes, antibodies to defend against pathogens, and
structural components in cells and tissues.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

Colligative properties,
Question ID 14 Chemistry Chemical and Ionic Easy
Equilibrium properties

Question Which of the following pairs is a buffer solution?

Option A NH₃ and NH₄Cl.
Option B HCl and NaOH
Option C NaOH and NaCl
Option D H₂SO₄ and Na₂SO₄
Correct Answer Option A

Solution/ A Buffer solution resists changes in pH and is typically made from a weak acid and
Workout/ its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. NH₃ (a weak base) and
Explanation NH₄Cl (its conjugate acid) form a buffer.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Leve

Colligative properties,
Question ID 15 Chemistry Chemical and Ionic Easy
Equilibrium Equilibrium

Question A base according to Bronsted concept is a substance which can

Option A accept protons
Option B gain a pair of electrons

Option C donate protons

Option D lose pair of electron

Correct Answer Option A

The Brønsted-Lowry concept defines acids and bases based on their ability to don
Solution/Workout/ or accept protons (H⁺ ions). A Brønsted-Lowry acid is a proton donor, while a
Explanation Brønsted-Lowry base is a proton acceptor. Therefore, a substance that can accept
protons qualifies as a Brønsted-Lowry base.
QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level
Colligative properties,
Question ID 16 Chemistry Chemical and Ionic Moderate
Equilibrium Properties

Question Which of the following solutions will have the highest boiling point?
Option A 0.1 M glucose (C6H12O6)
Option B 0.1 M sodium chloride (NaCl)
Option C 0.1 M magnesium chloride (MgCl2)
Option D 0.1 M sucrose (C12H22O11)
Correct Answer Option C
The boiling point elevation of a solution is directly proportional to the concentration
of solute particles in the solution, as per Raoult's law. Magnesium chloride (MgCl 2
dissociates into three ions (Mg2+ and 2Cl-) when dissolved in water, yielding a tota
Solution/ of three solute particles per formula unit. In contrast, sodium chloride (NaCl
Workout/ dissociates into two ions (Na+ and Cl-) per formula unit, while glucose (C 6H12O6) an
Explanation sucrose (C12H22O11) do not dissociate into ions and thus contribute only one solut
particle per formula unit. Therefore, the solution of 0.1 M magnesium chloride wil
have the highest boiling point among the options provided due to the presence of th
highest number of solute particles.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

Question ID 17 Chemistry Electrochemistry, Chemical Easy
Chemical kinetics kinetics
Which substance is oxidized in the following redox reaction? Cu2+ +Zn→Cu Zn2+Cu2
(aq) +Zn(s)→Cu(s)+Zn2+(aq)
Option A Cu2+
Option B Zn
Option C Cu
Option D Zn2+
Correct Answer Option B
In the given redox reaction, zinc (Zn) is oxidized to Zn2+ ions. Oxidation is the loss of
Solution/ electrons by a species, resulting in an increase in its oxidation state. In this reaction, z
Workout/ (Zn) goes from an oxidation state of 0 in its elemental form to an oxidation state of +2
Explanation the form of Zn2+ ions. Therefore, zinc undergoes oxidation, while copper ions (Cu2+) a
reduced to metallic copper (Cu), gaining electrons.
QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level
Question ID 18 Chemistry Chemical kinetics Moderate
Chemical kinetics

Question Which of the following factors does not affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
Option A Temperature
Option B Concentration of reactants
Option C Presence of a catalyst
Option D Color of the reactants
Correct Answer Option D
Solution/ The rate of a chemical reaction is affected by the concentration of reactants,
Workout/ temperature, and the presence of a catalyst. The color of the reactants does not
Explanation influence the reaction rate.
QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level
Question ID 19 Chemistry Chemical kinetics Moderate
Chemical kinetics

Question Which of the following is altered by the catalyst in a chemical reaction?

Option A Activation energy
Option B Enthalpy
Option C Internal energy
Option D Entropy
Correct Answer Option A
A catalyst provides an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy,
Solution/ which increases the rate of the reaction. However, it does not change the overall
Workout/ enthalpy (ΔH), internal energy (U), or entropy (S) of the reactants and products. The
Explanation catalyst simply allows the reaction to proceed more quickly by lowering the energy
barrier that must be overcome for the reaction to occur..
QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level
Question ID 20 Chemistry Organic nitrogen Hydrocarbons Easy

Question Which type of hydrocarbon contains at least one carbon-carbon triple bond?
Option A Alkane
Option B Alkene
Option C Alkyne
Option D Aromatic hydrocarbon
Correct Answer Option C
Alkynes are hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-carbon triple bond (-
C≡C-). The general formula for alkynes is CnH2n-2, where "n" represents the number
of carbon atoms in the molecule. Alkynes exhibit similar reactivity to alkenes but are
more reactive due to the presence of the triple bond, which can undergo addition
reactions with various reagents. Alkynes are commonly used in organic synthesis to
introduce functional groups or construct complex molecules.
QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level
Hydrocarbons, Organic
Question ID 21 Chemistry Organic nitrogen Nitrogen Difficult
compounds Compounds

Question Which of the following compounds is an example of a secondary amine?

Option A Ethylamine (CH3CH2NH2)
Option B Methylamine (CH3NH2)
Option C Dimethylamine (CH3)2NH
Option D Aniline (C6H5NH2)
Correct Answer Option C
A secondary amine is characterized by a nitrogen atom bonded to two alkyl or aryl
groups and one hydrogen atom. In the case of dimethylamine, the nitrogen atom is
Solution/ bonded to two methyl groups (-CH3) and one hydrogen atom, making it a secondary
Workout/ amine. Ethylamine and methylamine are examples of primary amines, while aniline
Explanation is an example of a primary aromatic amine. Secondary amines exhibit distinct
chemical properties and reactivities compared to primary amines and are commonly
used in organic synthesis and pharmaceuticals.
QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level
d and f block
Question ID 22 Chemistry elements d-block element Easy

Question Which of the following elements is not a d-block element?

Option A Iron (Fe)
Option B Zinc (Zn)
Option C Calcium (Ca)
Option D Copper (Cu)
Correct Answer Option C
These elements exhibit a wide range of properties, including variable oxidation
states, colourful compounds, and catalytic activity. Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), and Coppe
Solution/ (Cu) are all examples of d-block elements due to their characteristic electroni
Workout/ configurations involving d-orbitals. However, Calcium (Ca) is not a d-block element
Explanation It belongs to the s-block of the periodic table, specifically Group 2. Elements in the s
block have their outermost electrons in the s-orbital, rather than the d-orbital
characteristic of d-block elements.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

d & f Block
Question ID 23 Chemistry d Block Elements Easy

Question Which group of elements is known as the transition metals?

Option A Group 1
Option B Group 2
Option C Groups 3-12
Option D Group 17
Correct Answer Option C
The transition metals are elements found in groups 3-12 of the periodic table
occupying the d-block. These elements exhibit typical metallic properties such a
Solution/ lustre, conductivity, and malleability. They are characterized by the presence o
Workout/ partially filled d orbitals in their electron configurations, which contribute to thei
Explanation ability to form multiple oxidation states and complex ions. Transition metals play
crucial roles in various industrial processes, catalysis, and biological systems due to
their versatile chemistry and reactivity.

QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level

Question ID 24 Chemistry d & f Block f Block Elements Easy

Which of the following f-block elements is commonly used in the control rods
Question of nuclear reactors?
Option A Thorium (Th)
Option B Curium (Cm)
Option C Plutonium (Pu)
Option D Neptunium (Np)
Correct Answer Option C
Plutonium is commonly used in the control rods of nuclear reactors due to its
ability to absorb neutrons and regulate the rate of fission reactions. Neptunium,
curium, and thorium have other uses in nuclear applications but are not
commonly used in control rods..
QID Test Section Main Topic Sub-topic Difficulty Level
Question ID 25 Chemistry Thermodynamics Enthalpy Easy

Question Which of the following represents the enthalpy change for an exothermic reaction?
Option A ΔH > 0
Option B ΔH = 0
Option C ΔH < 0
Option D ΔH can be positive, negative, or zero depending on the reaction conditions.
Correct Answer Option C
In an exothermic reaction, heat is released to the surroundings, resulting in a decrease
in the enthalpy of the system. Therefore, the enthalpy change (ΔH) for an exothermic
reaction is negative. Exothermic reactions are characterized by a decrease in enthalpy
and are often accompanied by an increase in temperature. Examples of exothermic
reactions include combustion reactions, neutralization reactions, and certain
decomposition reactions. Enthalpy, represented by the symbol H, is a thermodynamic
quantity that accounts for the internal energy of a system plus the product of pressure
and volume.

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