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Marianne, a research assistant at one of the biggest universities in the city, finds her work
challenging and enjoyable. She seeks the same kind of mental stimulation in her leisure time,
which led her to playing Dungeons & Dragons with her peers. This phenomenon is often called
the ____, wherein cognitive gains and attitudes in the work setting are carried to nonworking
c. Spillover effect

2. Research has found that when parents expect their child to do well in school, the child lives up
to such expectations. This is similar to the ___, wherein a teacher, an experimenter, or a mentor’s
positive expectations positively influence an individual’s attitudes about their own abilities,
leading to improvement in performance.
a. Rosenthal effect

3. The world’s leading preventable cause of early death. This also becomes an important health
concern at middle adulthood.
a. Hypertension

4. This is a period of rapid physical development, the period between conception and birth of a
d. Gestation
5. Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological theory proposes that an individual’s biology interacts with
their environment to exert an influence on their growth and development. To which level of the
bioecological theory do historical events and changing societal conditions belong in?
d. Chronosystem
6. Erikson considered ___ as a crucial task for young adults.
d. Developing intimate relationships
7. A newborn baby can also be called a/an:
d. Neonate
8. “I don’t wanna play video games without Mom’s permission. I might get in trouble!” This
statement from a young boy demonstrates Kohlberg’s ____ stage of moral development.
d. Level 1, Stage 1
9. Kazu is playing with clay with his father. His father rolls two identical clay balls and shows
them to Kazu. Then, he rolls one of them into the size of a hotdog. His father then asked Kazu
which of the two clay balls has more clay. Kazu, who is eight years old, is likely to say:
b. “They’re both the same!”

10. Cairo was adopted by an upper-class household from his extremely impoverished community
and neglecting parents when he was around five months old. At first, Cairo was underweight,
inactive, and showed slow responses. His adoptive parents decided to consult with a
developmental pediatrician, who suggested they provide him with a nourishing diet and a
stimulating environment where he can be stimulated. When he turned two, Cairo became an
active, talkative boy who was curious about many things he reads in books. He has begun to
learn the alphabet and basic numbers and has recently taken an interest in swimming. Cairo’s
development shows the brain’s capability for:
d. Plasticity
11. At which stage of pregnancy does the fertilized egg travel down the fallopian tube before
implanting itself in the uterus?
a. Germinal stage

12. Which of the following children are at the most risk of poorer outcomes in life?
a. A child carrying genetic predispositions for depression raised in a low SES home.

13. Two parents and their child(ren) is the traditional definition of a/an ______ family.
a. Nuclear

14. Adler proposed that _ tend to be highly competitive, always thinking he/she needs to get
ahead and like to see power change hands. However, he also suggests that these people are most
likely to develop favorably compared to their siblings.
c. Middle children

15. Which of the following is helpful in fostering infants’ and toddlers’ cognitive development?
d. All of the above
16. Which of the following experiments measured depth perception among infants and young
d. Visual cliff
17. Fetal development begins from the head to the trunk. This is called the ____ principle,
meaning “head to tail”.
c. Cephalocaudal

18. Which of the following is a secondary sex characteristic?

d. Wide hips
19. The most common curable STIs:
c. Chlamydia and gonorrhea

20. Piaget proposed that the last stage of cognitive development is formal operational thinking.
In recent years, neo-Piagetians have suggested another stage called _____, involving thinking
that relies on subjective experience and intuition and allows for ambiguity, uncertainty,
inconsistency, imperfection, and compromise.
c. Postformal thought

21. According to Adlerian theorists, people who are overprotective, have high anxiety, and have
intensified feelings of superiority are most likely:
a. Firstborn children
22. Paris Skyle, age eighty, feels that he has achieved all he wanted in his life. He is happy, and
willing to share his happiness and knowledge to others. We can say that Paris has achieved the
basic strength of _.
d. Wisdom
23. Body image concerns peaks at which of the following stages of development?
a. Middle childhood

24. According to Marcia, this is the identity status characterized by commitment without crisis,
usually to choices the individual has not chosen themselves.
a. Foreclosure

25. Eunice and her family gathered around their father’s deathbed. He had a stroke a few hours
ago and had been legally brain dead. He specified in his will that if he were to suddenly
encounter an accident or condition that caused him to be hospitalized, did not wish to be
resuscitated. Respecting his wishes, Eunice and her siblings agreed that they would not be
requesting life support. This scenario describes ___.
b. Passive euthanasia

26. Which of the following statements is true about human development?

a. The stages of human development is an invention of society.

27. Carl is going to attend the day care for the first time today. Contrary to his mother’s worries,
Carl showed no intense reaction when she left him. He also showed very little reaction when she
returned, and his teachers told her that Carl had participated somewhat in the day care activities.
What can you say about Carl’s behavior?
a. Carl display’s avoidant attachment, which explains his lack of emotion towards his mother or the
strangers around him.

28. Fetal development occurs from the central parts of the body and then outward. This is called
the ____ principle.
a. Proximodistal

29. The baby’s sex is detectable as early as:

c. Three months

30. The Classic Grief Work Model suggests three paths in the process of grief work, which may
vary from person to person. Which of the following is not included in this model?
d. Meaning

31. All of the following are common emotional disorders in middle childhood except:
d. Antisocial personality disorder
32. While playing with a puzzle, Anita gave hints to her younger sister about how to correctly
put the picture together. Over time, her younger sister got used to answering the puzzle until
Anita no longer needed to give her hints and suggestions. Anita is most likely using which type
of learning method?
b. Scaffolding

33. Research suggests that the environmental factor most associated with an adolescent
identifying as gay or lesbian is:
a. Prenatal influences

34. Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological theory proposes that an individual’s biology interacts with
their environment to exert an influence on their growth and development. To which level of the
bioecological theory does a child’s parents’ workplace and religion belong in?
b. Exosystem

35. This is an eating disorder wherein adolescents prevent refuse food intake even to the point of
b. Anorexia nervosa

36. The mother leaves Rohainah in a room with a stranger. She cries as soon as her mother
leaves, and though the stranger picks her up to console her, her tears only subside when her
mother comes back. Upon her mother’s return, Rohainah reaches out to her mother with smiles,
asking for comfort. Rohainah exhibits which of the following attachment styles?
a. Secure attachment

37. At this stage of pregnancy, the body’s major organ systems develop.
b. Embryonic stage

38. Horney described this as "a feeling of being isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile
world" that prevents the child from relating to people in a normal way.
b. Basic anxiety

39. This is an intelligence test which measures three aspects of intelligence based on Sternberg’s

40. When she was four, Laurel learned that she is a girl. Therefore, she preferred pink over blue,
dolls to toy cars, and sweeping the floor to mopping the tiles. The idea that gender concepts
influence behavior is consistent with _____’s theory of gender identity.
a. Kohlberg

41. In this stage of psychosexual development, people's sexual energies are directed toward
others instead of toward themselves.
d. Genital stage
42. Erikson believed that human personality develops according to an epigenetic principle. This
means that _.
a. Each stage contributes to the formation of the total personality.
43. “The moon is following me.” The speaker of this statement is most likely in which of
Piaget’s stages of development?
b. Preoperational stage

44. Which of the following abilities describe an infant’s ability to correctly put square pegs in
square holes and to think about their actions before doing them?
a. Representational ability

45. All of the following can b manifestations of generativity except:

a. Solitude

46. This is the bonding hormone released in parents when engaging in sensitive parenting
behaviors (such as when mothers are affectionate to their young or when fathers engage in
playful behaviors with children).
a. Oxytocin

47. Human sex cells only have 23 pairs of chromosomes due to the process of ____. On the other
hand, non-sex cells divide over and over in a process called ____, resulting in 46 pairs of
c. Meiosis; mitosis

48. Which of the following statements is true about health and aging?
b. Women are more likely to live longer than men.

49. According to Marcia, this is the identity status characterized by a lack of commitment and
crisis, where the individual does not feel any pressure to commit to any choice and is not
currently considering any alternative.
c. Identity diffusion

50. Which of the following defines secure attachment?

b. A pattern in which the infant is quickly and effectively able to obtain comfort from attachment figure in
the face of distress

51. Babies born later than their expected due date, they are called ___. Risks of such instances
include cesarean delivery, possibility of maternal hemorrhage, perineal tears, and the possibility
of the infant getting stuck in between the mother’s pelvic bone.
b. Postmature

52. One theory of aging involves the hypothesized cap on the number of times cells can divide.
When the cell stops dividing, the body begins to age. This cap is called the ___.
d. Hayflick limit
53. Which of the following thought processes is not associated with the preoperational stage of
development according to Piaget?
b. Decentration
54. Genetics determine a wide array of traits a person can manifest. The environment can
influence the expression or non expression of any genetic predisposition. The mechanism
through which genes are “triggered” and consequently turned on (or off) is called the process of:
a. Epigenesis

55. This happens when a woman stops ovulating (and menstruating), consequently leading to an
inability to reproduce.
d. Menopause
56. What does Marcia’s Identity Development say about ethnicity?
d. Ethnicity is important among young people in minority groups, and it is important for them to think
about their ethnicity in identity formation.
57. Using a behaviorist perspective, which is not a likely reason why a child throws frequent
temper tantrums?
c. Parents are using reverse psychology to make the child stop crying.

58. Which of the following statements demonstrate dualistic (black and white) thinking?
d. “If I do not give back to my parents after graduation, I am a bad child.”
59. Eighteen-month-old Sayako is naturally fidgety, shy, and doesn’t like strangers. She gets
upset whenever her mother leaves her, throwing her fists, crying inconsolably, and refusing to be
comforted. Her tantrums continue for a long time even after her mother or caregiver returns, to
the point that she even refuses to be carried by them. We might say that Sayako displays which
of the following attachment styles?
d. Ambivalent attachment
60. A husband depending on his wife to take care of the household chores; a teenager depending
on his parents to take care of him; and, a student depending on the tutor's notes instead of
studying. These are all examples of people using _.
b. Proxy agency.

61. The core pathology of old age is:

d. Disdain

62. According to Erikson, young adults must be able to integrate experiences of intimacy and
isolation to achieve young adulthood’s virtue of ____.
d. Love
63. This is the negative attitudes, prejudice and discrimination, directed towards older
a. Ageism

64. An individual’s self-concept, self-esteem, and ability to regulate emotions typically begin to
develop during:
d. Early childhood
65. Many Filipino young adults pursue careers that enable them to support their family members,
even at the expense of their passions or interests. Usually, the eldest child goes to work and
becomes a breadwinner for parents and siblings, leading them to seek marriage later. This is
encapsulated by the concept of:
c. Tagasalo

66. Babies learn that when they suck on their mother or their baby bottle’s nipples, milk comes
out and they find this satisfying. Behaviorists may say that babies’ sucking behaviors are a
product of:
c. Operant conditioning

67. Neonates may have all of the following features upon birth except:
d. Secondary sex characteristics
68. Premature or preterm babies are so-called because they are born before the ___ week. Being
born premature is often associated with lower birth weight and size, and in some instances birth
defects, and even infant mortality.
c. 37th

69. In the Philippines, most families are characterized by tight contact among multigenerational
family members who sometimes live together in the same house or compound. This form is
called a/an _____ family.
c. Extended

70. Kyle, a teenager, refuses his friends’ pressure on him to smoke and use marijuana. Even if he
has already been ostracized by his first group of friends, he maintains that drugs and vices are
wrong. He insists that if he uses it, his parents will “definitely be heartbroken that their good boy
went on the wrong path.” Kyle is likely to be in which of Kohlberg’s level of moral
b. Level 2, Stage 3

71. Most tests of infant development assesses a baby’s behaviors and compares their
performance to same-age or same-race peers. Doctors and pediatricians can then infer whether
the baby’s development is typical or atypical for their age and/or culture. This scenario suggests
that many of such tests are:
b. Norm-referenced

72. Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological theory proposes that an individual’s biology interacts with
their environment to exert an influence on their growth and development. To which level of the
bioecological theory does a child’s immediate home and neighborhood belong to?
a. Microsystem

73. Which of the following describes what an epidural (spine) does during labor?
c. Blocks the nerve pathways sending pain sensations to the brain during labor

74. This is the study of the aged and the process of aging, and the differences between elderly
b. Gerontology
75. Which of the following theorists would suggest that the capacity for language is inborn?
b. Chomsky

76. In which of the following scenarios is cesarean delivery not necessary?

b. When the electronic fetal monitoring is used during childbirth.

77. Who is the pioneer of the Strange Situation experiment?

d. Mary Ainsworth
78. Darren, a nineteen-year-old, knows he is a unique individual, but at the same time, a part of
the society with his own share in responsibilities. He is slowly creating a schema of his beliefs,
his likes, dislikes, and goals. It can be said that Darren has overcome the _ crisis.
d. Identity
79. Which theorist is likely to put less emphasis on the idea that childhood experiences shape
b. Cattell

80. Which of the following hormones triggers the release of other hormones which begin the
puberty stage?
b. GnRH

81. Freud, Jung, Horney, Erikson, and other psychodynamic theorists all believe that:
a. Childhood experiences influence adult personality.

82. Which of the following individuals is most prone to risk-taking behaviors?

d. A 13-year-old male high school student
83. Mercy killing is also called:
a. Active euthanasia

84. Nanay Mila stared out of her window as younger children played sepak takraw outside. “I’m
so old, that’s why I’m so weak now. I won’t be able to do anything anymore. I’m so useless.”
Nanay Mila is displaying internalized ____.
d. Ageism
85. The first menstruation of an adolescent girl is called:
c. Menarche

86. Mario is a chain smoker. He can finish one box of cigarettes in one sitting, more if he is
stressed. At the age of forty-seven, he is hospitalized due to a severe case of lung and respiratory
problems. In assessing this case, Freud would say that Mario’s problems stem from over- or
under-gratification of the mouth in childhood. This causes a ___ about the gratification of the
a. Fixation

87. Which of the following assessment tools is used to determine infant health at zero to five
minutes immediately after birth?
a. Apgar scale

88. Which of the following is true of parental influences on infant and toddler development?
c. Fathers are more likely to engage in gender-typing than mothers.

89. Evra is a free spirit. He is autonomous, serene, and independent in his life. We can say that
he has achieved the normal analog for the neurotic trend of _.
a. Moving away

90. The crisis facing most middle-aged adults according to Erikson is:
c. Generativity vs. Stagnation

91. The existing literature suggests that the relationship between playing first person shooter
video games and aggression among children is ____.
b. Directly proportional

92. During class, a student commented, “I know most people will say that killing someone is
bad, because it’s not up to a person to take another’s life. However, the woman in the
documentary only killed her husband because he was being abusive of them.” This demonstrates
which of the following stages of Kohlberg’s moral development?
b. Level 3, Stage 5

93. This part of the personality according to Freud is involved with a person’s acquired “should”
and “should nots”.
c. Superego

94. These are the false contractions around the final months of pregnancy:
a. Braxton-Hicks

95. One difference between operant and classical conditioning is that:

d. Behaviors in classical conditioning are reinforced through association with anticipated events;
behaviors in operant conditioning are learned based on their consequences.
96. The typical length of gestation is:
b. 40 weeks

97. The core virtue of old age is:

c. Wisdom

98. You are lying in bed at night when suddenly, a female ghost appears in the corner of your
eyes. To make it go away, you close your eyes so you won’t see it, and immediately feel better.
The female ghost would probably agree with Piaget in saying that you:
b. Have not yet mastered the concept of object permanence

99. Which of the following components of love according to Sternberg is driven by our innate
drives and sexual desire?
a. Desire
b. Passion
c. Intimacy
d. Commitment
100. Marley is a clone created from Matt’s DNA. However, anyone would look at the two of
them and say that there is very little resemblance. Which of the following could be a reason for

a. This scenario is impossible. When two living creatures are genetically identical, the gene expression is
the same regardless of environmental influences.
b. Laboratory environments cause some of Marley’s genetic predispositions to be activated; thus, some of
Matt’s recessive traits are expressed in Marley
c. Marley’s genes, although a replica of Matt’s, are only 90% identical because of the expression of
alleles during development.
d. Matt and Marley grew up and lived in different environments that influenced how they developed and

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