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Exploring the Perspective of STEM Students with Intentions of Pursuing

Health-Allied Careers on Studying Engineering-related Subjects

A Research Proposal Presentation to the

Senior High School
Taft National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 1

Submitted by:
Osit, Jessalie Jhamiel G.
Gabia, Antonette A.
Germino, Jenny D.
Gaño, Louise Mae.
Odon, Ian Joshua O.
Aradillos, Laurence A.

11 – Aristotle (STEM)

Submitted to:
Charito A. Balequia
Research Adviser

May 07, 2024


Title Page …………………………………………………………………………….…… i
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………… ii
Abstract ……………………………………………..……………………………. iii
Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………………... iv
Chapter I. Introduction …………………………………………………………… 3

Background of the Study …………………………………………………………… 3

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………… 6
Scope and Delimitations …………………………………………………………… 6
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………… 7
Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………………. 8

Chapter II. Review of Related Literature 9

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………… 14

Chapter III. Methodology …………………………………………………………… 17

Research Design ……………………………………………………………………. 17

Respondents/Participants of the Study ………………………….……………...………….. 17
Sampling Procedure ……………………………………………………………………. 18
Locale of the Study ……………………………………………………………………. 18
Research Instrument ……………………………………………………………………. 18
Data Gathering ……………………………………………………………………. 18
Data Analysis …………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Ethical Considerations ……………………………………………………………………. 20
Chapter IV. Analysis and Results ……………………………………………………….. 22

Chapter V. Summary, Conclusion, Recommendations ……….……………………….. 38

Summary …………………………………………………………………………….. 38
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………. 38
Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………….

Reference …………………………………………………………………………….. 40
Appendices …………………………………………………………………............. 42

Chapter I


Background of the Study

In the past several years, studies have focused on the perceptions of students on medicine and

engineering subjects. Blum (2019) highlight the global perspectives in medical and engineering

education, respectively. They emphasize the need for interdisciplinary understanding and the challenges

in integrating these perspectives into the curriculum. (D. Bennett, 2020) further explores the career

thinking of STEM students, underscoring the influence of feedback and personal dimensions on their

career decisions. (Louis J Berk, 2014) provides a practical approach to inspiring STEM and healthcare

careers through high school science education, emphasizing the role of self-efficacy in career

development. These studies collectively underscore the significance of global perspectives and self-

efficacy in shaping the career intentions of STEM students, particularly those aspiring to medical

careers. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields have seen tremendous

growth with a greater focus on their significance in innovation and education. These fields are crucial

to the development of new technologies, and their relevance has become increasingly important in

addressing global challenges such as climate change, energy shortages, and health concerns. As such,

they are of significant interest to a growing number of students, who recognize the potential for a fruitful

and meaningful career in these fields.

There has been considerable national attention given to increasing the talent pool in STEM (science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics) to address the growing concerns of sustainability,

maintaining world's competitiveness in the global economy, and ensuring access to highly paid, highly

rewarding fields for all students. The strand STEM is essential to improving our nation’s students’

performance in the subjects of science and math. In 2022, Filipinos were ranked sixth lowest in

mathematics and reading and third lowest in science (PISA, 2022). Thus, STEM students nowadays

usually focus on developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities and a deep understanding

of scientific principles.

Most students choose STEM because of the opportunities that they will get. In fact, there are many

students that choose STEM because this strand is aligned to the program that they will take, such as

medical and engineering-related programs. (L. Dawes, 2015)

Engineering is a vast field comprising different branches including civil engineering, mechanical

engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, computer engineering, and more. It is a field

essential for building infrastructure, designing products, creating systems, and solving complex

problems. The American Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (ECPD) defines

engineering as the creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines,

apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct

or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific

operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation, and safety to life and

property. As both stand-alone courses and as components of science, mathematics, and career-tech

courses, engineering education is increasingly appearing in high schools. Massachusetts² and

Minnesota³ require engineering to be taught along with science throughout the K-12 curriculum

American Society for Engineering Education (2014). Pre-college education now places a greater

emphasis on engineering education, changing its previous role (Li et al., 2019; Pleasants & Olson,


On the other hand, the medical field and its related programs – such as MedTech and Nursing – are one

of the few paths that most STEM students will choose once they have decided to continue their academic

careers in college. However, many studies examining the success of STEM majors have either

intentionally excluded pre-med/health students or have neglected to account for them as a distinct

demographic population. For instance, the National Science Board, which serves as an independent

body of advisors to the President and Congress on policy matters related to science, engineering, and

education in these areas, does not count healthcare professionals as part of the science and engineering

workforce (NSF, 2020).


Despite calls to address the pre-med/health experience, little research exists in this area, with much of

what is available published before 1990 (Lin et al., 2014), and even fewer studies have explored how

STEM majors on a pre-med/health track differ from those not seeking health-related careers (Larson et

al., 2014). As medicine is a branch of the healthcare field, future medical students from the STEM strand

who are studying engineering subjects may wonder about the relevance of such content in their studies

and career choices. Understanding their attitudes and perspectives can help educators better guide and

support them in their academic and professional endeavors.

While the researchers aim to shine a positive light on undergraduate pre-med/health students and their

career intentions, more than 50% that will not enter medical school due to overwhelming challenges

(Association of American Medical Colleges, 2021). Working with life science undergraduates,

postgraduates, and faculty, Aikens et al. (2016) provide complementary evidence supporting the

important role of faculty. Collectively, these findings suggest that, in some ways, pre-med/health

students associate themselves with STEM more so than other STEM majors, the finding that compares

science and math goals suggests that pre-med/health students see value in learning more science and

math than may be required of them.

However, while the STEM strand mostly focuses on engineering, most private schools in Manila have

medical courses dedicated to students who want to pursue nursing and the likes, such as integrating a

health-allied strand. This curriculum is crafted to equip students with the knowledge and skills required

for careers in the health sciences (University of Santo Tomas, 2016). The field of medicine is important,

researchers focus on this study to know the perspectives of the STEM students in regards of the current

specialized engineering-subjects of their strand, such as Calculus, specifically the students who wants

to pursue a medical career in the future. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to know the views of

the senior high school students who wants to pursue health-allied careers in studying engineering related

subjects, as well as to having separated specialized subjects that only focuses on health and medicine,

and to know if public schools have the need to change their current curriculum in order to have

specialized subjects relating to medicine for senior high school STEM, similar to that of private schools

in Manila.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to understand the perspective of senior high school students in the STEM strand who

have the intention of pursuing medical careers in the future regarding engineering-related subjects in

their current curriculum. This research aims to address these concerns by answering the following


1. What are the perceptions of STEM students pursuing medical careers in studying

engineering-related subjects?

2. How does studying engineering-related subjects affect the academic career of senior high

school students of STEM who have the intention of pursuing medicine for college?

3. What are the views of the students if specialized subjects relating to medical and

engineering courses will be separated in their strand based on their chosen career path?

Scope and Delimitations

This study will focus on the Grade 11 STEM students at Taft National High School in the school year

of 2023 – 2024 and is limited to the students in the STEM strand of Taft National High School with an

intention of pursuing medical careers in the future. It will cover the perspectives of the students

regarding studying engineering-related subjects in their strand (Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus). This

study will be conducted from February 2024 to March 2024. This research will be qualitative in nature,

using in-depth interviews with students as primary sources of data. This study will be limited to being

only conducted within the campus as the location is easily accessible to the researchers, thus ensuring

an effective approach to the study.


Significance of the Study

Understanding the challenges that STEM learners face when considering their future in the STEM field

makes a difference for providing personalized support and improving their learning experiences. This

study puts light on the difficulties that STEM students face, particularly when dealing with subjects that

they may not have initially wanted or anticipated, such as calculus, when their aspirations are in other

fields, like medicine. Educators and policymakers can better address students' needs by learning about

their perspectives on engineering subjects, possibly leading to more effective teaching methods and

curriculum changes.

STEM Learners: Understanding the difficulties STEM students face when visualizing their future in

the STEM field will provide insights into their learning needs and perspectives on engineering subjects,

potentially lading to tailored support mechanisms and improved learning experiences.

Teachers, particularly those in SHS: This study provides insights into effective approaches to

teaching STEM students, allowing educators to adapt their methods to better support students

navigating difficult subjects and aligning their teaching strategies with students' career goals.

DepEd (Department of Education): The findings of this study can help DepEd make decisions,

potentially leading to the creation of specialized STEM strands or curriculum changes that better cater

to STEM students' diverse career interests and needs.

Future Researchers: This study adds to the existing body of knowledge on STEM education and

student career paths, laying the basis for future research into related topics such as educational

interventions, career guidance, and curriculum development.


Definition of Terms

STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics). An abbreviation for academic disciplines in

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics that emphasize interdisciplinary problem-solving

and creativity; a strand in the senior high school curriculum academic track.

Engineering subjects. Refers to courses or subjects in the engineering discipline, which use

mathematical and scientific ideas to create, develop, and enhance devices, machines, systems, and

sructures; subjects that are studied in the STEM strand (Calculus).

Medical Careers. refers to the careers that range very broadly from those that involve “hands-on” care

of individual patients to those that involve examining health and health care practices; these include

careers such as nurse, doctors, etc.

Perspective. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view of an


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter analyzed and presented significant research and studies that provide evidence for the

current study. The proper context for reviewing past research that is relevant to current study is also

covered in this section, as is creating a synthesis based on the citations mentioned above.

The perceptions of STEM students towards Calculus as a specialized subject in their senior high school

strand are influenced by a variety of factors. Casinillo (2018) found that students' performance in Basic

Calculus is influenced by their understanding of pre-calculus and their interest in the subject. Ellis

(2014) and Wu (2018) both highlighted the importance of pedagogical activities and course experiences

in shaping students' perceptions and persistence in Calculus. These studies suggest that a positive

learning experience and effective teaching methods can enhance students' perceptions of Calculus and

their likelihood of pursuing STEM careers. Rafanan (2020) further emphasized the role of personal

aspiration and career guidance in shaping students' perceptions and career intentions in STEM fields. A

range of studies have explored STEM students' experiences with calculus. Ellis (2014) found that

students' perceptions of pedagogical activities, such as problem-solving demonstrations and class

discussions, influenced their decision to continue studying calculus. Wu (2018) further emphasized the

impact of course settings on students' attitudes and persistence in STEM fields. Roble (2017)

highlighted the importance of valuing students' productive struggle and creativity in calculus, which

can enhance their achievement and problem-solving abilities. However, Zamista (2020) noted that the

shift to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic led to negative perceptions of calculus,

particularly in terms of content and interaction. Estonanto (2019) also highlights the prevalence of

mathematics anxiety among students. Rozgonjuk, et al. (2020) then stated that few studies have been

conducted on the relationship between math anxiety and math self-efficacy and deep (more thorough)

and surface (more superficial) learning methodologies in STEM and social science students.

Senior High School is the life phase of a learners wherein learners are required to choose one of the

various strands connecting to their desired job intended for the learners to determine which paths fit

their strengths, passions, and skills. STEM education aims to prepare students for college, graduate

study, and careers in fields related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Rather than

teaching these subjects separately, STEM combines them to provide students with real-world

applications and hands-on learning experiences Wyatt Dalton (2020).

STEM focuses mostly on the two most popular career paths that students choose: Engineering and

Medicine. However, in the DepEd school curriculum, STEM primarily emphasizes engineering due to

its specialized subject, calculus. For senior high school students who plan to pursue a career in medicine

or the health field, the use of calculus is lesser in their chosen pre-med for college, compared to other

subjects such as chemistry and biology Rosenzweig (2023). Yonghong (2018) states that students

decide to pursue careers in medicine in order to benefit society and improve people's lives. This suggests

that the motivations for studying medicine among STEM students are both altruistic and personal.

Studying the perspective of the STEM students pursuing a medical career in the future is essential to

know in order to gain insights from their experiences in handling a subject not related to their chosen

field. As such, students overwhelmingly attributed elevated and enduring levels of impact on their

interest and confidence in pursuing a science or healthcare-related career to the program. Additionally,

63% subsequently took additional science or health courses, 73% participated in a job or educational

experience that was science related during high school, and 97% went on to college. Four of every five

program graduates cited a health-related college major, and 83% offered their strongest

recommendation of the program to others ( (L. Dawes, 2015) (L. Katehi, 2009)Physiol Educ., 2014). A

pre-med student may take it as part of their studies, but calculus has little to no value in medical school.

Statistics is the usual math course taken there; lack of math skills is the reason why more doctors don’t

object to the sloppy studies done in the field of medicine (Michael Keyes, 2018).

Khan (2018) defines calculus as a fundamental branch of mathematics that studies the rate of change

of quantities, such as slopes of curves, and the length, area, and volume of objects. It is a versatile tool

with applications in various fields, including business, economics, engineering, and the sciences. This

makes calculus fundamental in today’s society. However, the necessity of calculus for all pre-medical

students is debated, with some arguing that basic mathematical knowledge, including algebra and

statistics, is more important. While calculus may not be a requirement for most medical schools, it is

still a valuable tool in other medical fields. Differential calculus, in particular, is used in medicine to

understand the body's mechanisms and develop innovative treatment possibilities (Santos, 2022). In

some medical fields that focus on patient and health care (such as nursing), the use of calculus is not

the main focus of nursing, if not needed. On the other hand, anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology are

the most preferred basic science subjects among medical students, with a particular interest in surgery

(Kumar, 2014). Sengupta (2019) reported a preference for medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and

surgery, with limited interest in community medicine. Gour (2011) identified interest as the primary

factor influencing specialty preference, with gender variations in preferred specialties. Knoster (2020)

highlighted the importance of clarity, relevance, and competence in effective teaching, particularly in

clinical education. These studies collectively suggest that the most prioritized subjects in the medicine

field are those that align with students' interests and future career goals, such as subjects that focuses

on health care, human body, and the likes, and that effective teaching is crucial in shaping these


In 2015, the great majority of physicians surveyed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported

having started off their careers as STEM majors at undergraduate institutions with nearly half enrolled

as biological sciences majors and approximately 15% as physical sciences majors (Chen, 2017). Other

STEM-related majors included engineering, mathematics, and social sciences. However, national

reports and research studies that address the success of STEM majors often fail to include or address

pre-med/health students specifically, either by intentionally excluding them or neglecting to account for

them as a distinct demographic population (EspinosaSuarez, Cian, & Remy, 2021).

Despite the wealth of research exploring science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

identity and career goals in both formal and informal settings, existing literature does not consider

STEM identity for undergraduate students pursuing health and medical careers through STEM

pathways (Espinosa-Suarez, Cian, & Remy, 2021). Additionally, Espinosa-Suarez, Cian and Remy

stipulated that given the different perspectives around STEM and STEM education, understanding what

counts as “STEM” and who count as “STEM people” in relation to those pursuing health or medical

careers has far-reaching implications relevant to the undergraduate student experience, including access

to career funding support (e.g., scholarships, grants, fellowships) and research opportunities (e.g.,

employment in STEM labs funded by STEM agencies), as well as implications relevant to education

researchers who work with STEM students.

Understanding the identity perspectives of STEM majors on a pre-med/health track is of particular

importance due to 1) the relative few who actually go to medical school, which implies that many do

not enter their intended careers; 2) the general omission of the population from conversations about

supporting STEM education and retention; and 3) stereotypes of the profile of pre-med/health

students—each of which we discuss in more detail later. Given the many career-related phenomena

associated with identity, developing this understanding of the STEM identity of pre-med/health students

is important both for supporting their success using identitybased interventions and addressing issues

of persistence and retention in STEM fields in general (National Research Council, 2013).

Understanding the experiences of pre-med/health majors and their identification with STEM is critical

in supporting their success and addressing needs of health fields broadly, including issues of

underrepresentation. For instance, Emery et al. (2018) propose interventions in STEM identity could

increase participation of underrepresented minorities in health professions. Understanding the extent to

which premed/health students identify with STEM broadly is important, given that most physicians

begin undergraduate education as STEM majors but fewer than half of medical school applicants

(Association of American Medical Colleges, 2020) are accepted and enrolled in a U.S.-based medical

school each year.

Also exploring the attitudinal similarities and differences between STEM majors pursuing or not

pursuing medical or health occupations, Larson et al. (2012) compared undergraduate students based

on their educational and postgraduate intentions: careers in medicine (i.e., identified as “Pre-Med” and

defined to include a broad group of health-related careers), a graduate degree, or a bachelor’s degree.

The authors found that the undergraduate Pre-Med group had higher science and math self-efficacy,

interest, and goals (e.g., intention to enter a science career, willingness to take more than the required

science courses) than those in the bachelor’s degree group and significantly higher goals than the

students who intended to pursue graduate degrees.

These findings stand in contrast to widely recognized (though anecdotal) perceptions of pre-med/health

students held by STEM faculty, such as that they are only interested in getting good grades (Moss,

2018). Particularly, the finding that compares science and math goals suggests that pre-med/health

students see value in learning more science and math than may be required of them. Though this finding

could be explained as a willingness to have more experiences so that they are better prepared to succeed

on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) or in their medical school studies, it is still suggestive

of a willingness to get more out of their undergraduate experience than good grades. Still, these

stereotypes continue to persist, and their persistence has potentially far-reaching consequences

(Espinosa-Suarez, Cian, & Remy, 2021).

Although existing research explores various aspects of STEM students, engineering-related subjects,

and future medical students, a critical gap remains in understanding the specific perceptions of future

medical students who choose these subjects through the lens of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).

While the reviewed literature provides valuable insights into broader student populations and mentions

the TPB framework, it lacks a targeted investigation into the specific attitudes, subjective norms, and

perceived behavioral control of future medical students regarding engineering subjects. In addition, the

previous research lack topic regarding on separating medical and engineering subjects for the STEM

students in terms of studies, as well as the limited studies of the perceptions on Taft National High

School’s STEM students with the intention of pursuing medicine in studying engineering related

subjects. Addressing these gaps can inform curriculum development, support systems, and educational

policies tailored to this unique student population, ultimately benefiting their academic journeys and

potentially shaping the future of STEM education and healthcare career.

Theoretical Framework

To have a guide toward explaining the perception of future medical students who take

engineering-related subjects, the researchers will use Azjen's Theory of Planned Behavior. The

theory of planned behavior states the individual's intention to perform a specific behavior such

as pursuing medical courses after studying engineering subjects is influence by the attitude

toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (Azjen, 1991).

Theory of planned behavior is a dominant theory which distinguishes how to predict and

understand behavior of future medical students taking engineering-related subjects, such as

Calculus. Future medical students' attitudes towards studying engineering subjects such as

calculus can be influenced by a variety of factors. Laguador (2013) found that engineering

students often struggle with difficult subjects, leading to negative negative attitude towards the

program. Sonnert (2015) highlighted the impact of instructor pedagogy on students' attitudes,

with traditional teaching practices having a positive effect. Zhang (2012) noted that while

medical postgraduates generally hold positive attitudes towards statistics, they find it difficult,

suggesting a similar pattern in other technical subjects. Finally, Liu (2006) found that a

historical approach calculus course can shift students' view of mathematical thinking,

potentially impacting their attitudes towards the subject.

The attitudes of senior high students' towards studying calculus vary, with some finding it

interesting and challenging (Lim-Teo, 2000), while others experience high levels of

mathematics anxiety (Estonanto, 2019). These attitudes are influenced by factors such as the

abstract nature of calculus, teaching style' and student comprehension (Estonanto, 2019). There

is significant relationship between attitudes towards mathematics and proficiency in the subject

(Cerbito, 2020), 1 with students valuing mathematics but expressing negative attitudes towards

self-confidence, enjoyment, and motivation (Cerbito, 2020). The influence of attitudes on

learning experiences and mathematical resilience being a positive factor (Casinilio, 2020).

The decision of future medical students to study calculus is influenced by a variety of social

factors. Nusbaum (2006) suggests that the traditional calculus course may not be necessary for

future physicians, indicating that the perceived importance of calculus may be overemphasized.

Steele (2005) and Cribbs (2012) both highlight the role of support structures and self-

perceptions in influencing students' success and career choice in mathematics, respectively.

Sonnert (2015) further emphasizes the impact of instructor pedagogy on students' attitude

toward mathematics, which could potentially influence their decision to study calculus.

A range of factors influence high school students' ability to study engineering. Andrews (2012)

highlights the role of pedagogical, social, and familial influences, with lack of awareness and

misconceptions about the field being key barriers. Boles (2017) emphasizes the need to address students'

attrition in engineering programs, suggesting that a review of the literature and student perceptions can

help identify barriers to success. Reyer (2007) focuses on the barriers to creativity in engineering

education, suggesting that the current academic environment may not be conducive to fostering

creativity in students.

The intentions of future medical students towards studying engineering subjects and their actual

behavior are influenced by a variety of factors. Valencia-Arias (2019) found that attitudes, perceived

behavioral control, and current behavioral control significantly influence the entrepreneurial intentions

of engineering students. This suggests that these factors may also play a role in their intentions towards

studying engineering subjects. Ramirez (2014) further supports this noting that personal and

environmental factors have a significant influence on the interest of engineering students in their degree

program. Rohde (2018) adds that career aspirations and attitudes towards engineering are closely

related, with an interest in industry-based careers being associated with high engineering identity and

motivation. These findings suggest that the attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral

control of medical students may indeed influence their intention to pursue engineering courses.

However, further research engineering students in their degree program. Rohde (2018) adds that career

aspirations and attitudes towards engineering are closely related, with an interest in industry-based

careers being associated with high engineering identity and motivation. These findings suggest that the

attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control of medical students may indeed influence

their intention to pursue engineering courses.


Chapter III


This chapter covers study design appropriate to the conduct of the study or the research design,

respondents of the study, research locale, sampling techniques used to identify respondents, research

instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis. Furthermore, this chapter also introduces data

reflexivity and ethical consideration.

Research Design

In this study the researcher will utilize a qualitative design, specifically narrative inquiry. According to

J Springer (2020), narrative inquiry aims to provide the researcher with their life experience through

thick theories. Narrative inquiry records the experiences of an individual or small group, revealing the

lived experience or particular perspective of that individual, usually primarily through interview which

is then recorded and ordered into a chronological narrative. A narrative inquiry design can use a wide

variety of research methods to investigate the perception of future medical students, or students with an

intention of taking a medical career, studying engineering-related subjects.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents involved in the study are Grade 11 STEM students from Taft National High School,

with a total of 7 students. Based on the chosen number of respondents, the researchers choose a

purposive sampling approach. The selection of student participants was guided by specific parameters

or factors that were considered relevant to the study's objectives: The respondents, or students, must be

officially enrolled at Taft National High School with an intention or plan of pursuing medicine-related

programs, such as Nursing and Medical Technology, for their tertiary education. By selecting these

participants, the researchers aim to capture the perspective of STEM students who have a genuine

interest in pursuing careers in the medical field. Their participation in the study would provide

invaluable insights into the challenges and motivations that these students face when studying

engineering-related subjects with the intention of pursuing a medical career in the future.

Research Locale

This study investigated the STEM students enrolled in the STEM strand of the Senior High School

program at Taft National High School, a public secondary school in Brgy. 05 Veteranos Street Taft,

Eastern Samar (Region VIII). This school offers various programs, including Senior High School,

Junior High School, and the Special Program in the Arts (SPA), making it a crucial site for

understanding the student experience and perspectives of STEM-related education in this particular


Figure 1: Geographical Location of Taft National High School

Sampling Procedure

To target the specific experiences of future medical students in the STEM program at TNHS, we will

employ purposive sampling. This approach involves recruiting participants who meet defined criteria:

current enrollment in the STEM strand, aspirations for a medical degree, and currently studying an

engineering subject this semester. Since the goal is not generalizability but in-depth exploration, we

will target a sample size sufficient to reach data saturation, the point where no new insights emerge

from further interviews. This method acknowledges the limitations of non-probability sampling but

ensures data richness by focusing on a carefully selected group with the most relevant experiences for

your research questions about the intersection of medical aspirations and engineering coursework.


In the accumulation of the needed data, the research instrument to be used in the study will be

interviewing and recording the participants and transcribing their responses in order to capture essential

answers for the study, thus earning an easier analysis that will benefit for the study. In the said interview,

there will be a set of questions given to the interviewees. These questions aim to explore students’

perceptions, experiences, challenges, and preferences regarding the integration of engineering-related

subjects into the academic path of those pursuing a medical career.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure for this study regarding understanding the students’ perspectives begins

with seeking permission from the research adviser and the school authorities. Prior to distributing

research questionnaires and interviews, the researcher will obtain approval from the research adviser to

ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and data protection regulations.

Once the necessary permissions have been obtained, the researchers will proceed with the data gathering

process. During this phase, the researchers will personally approach 10 potential respondents and

present the permit or note. Emphasizing the freedom of the respondents to refuse participation, the

researchers will assure them that their decision to participate or not will be fully respected and will not

have any negative consequences.

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the perception of future health-allied students that are

taking engineering subjects, face-to-face interaction will be preferred for distributing the questionnaires.

This method allows for real-time clarification of any doubts or concerns that the respondents may have,

ensuring accurate and reliable data collection.


Additionally, collecting the questionnaires and transcribing the results of the interview immediately

after the respondents have finished answering them minimizes the chances of incomplete or inconsistent


Throughout the entire data gathering process, the researchers will uphold strict confidentiality to protect

the privacy of the respondents. The collected data will be securely stored and used solely for the

purposes of the study, ensuring that no personal information is disclosed or shared with unauthorized


Data Analysis

The data analysis technique would utilize a thematic analysis approach to provide insights into the

academic trajectory of stem students with Intentions of Pursuing Health-Allied Careers on Studying

Engineering-related Subjects.

The interview tapes will be verbatim transcribed following a thorough analysis of the data to gain a

better understanding of the subject. Upon repeat readings of the transcripts, which will highlight key

concepts and patterns in the participants' responses, the first codes will be easily recognized. Following

that, these draft codes will be organized into a coding framework, which will serve as the starting point

for further study.

To guarantee a comprehensive analysis, data reduction will be carried out by removing duplicates and

assembling comparable or associated topics into more extensive groups.

The topics will be adjusted to better reflect the participants' viewpoints by going over their definitions

and boundaries. The researchers will explain the connections between the issues and point out any more

levels of analysis or related subjects.

To visually represent the subthemes and themes' hierarchy and relationships, they will be arranged into

a matrix or connected structure.


To demonstrate each topic and offer proof to back up the analysis, this data presentation will incorporate

sample sentences or paragraphs from the interview data.

As part of the interpretation process, the themes and subthemes will be examined in relation to the

objectives of the study. To offer a more thorough comprehension of the ramifications and importance

of each topic, connections will be made with previously published work or theoretical frameworks.

The perspective to STEM students with an intention of pursuing health-allied careers on studying

engineering-related subjects will be examined and discussed.

The outcomes of the theme analysis will be compiled into a lengthy report in the end. A thorough

description of the themes and subthemes will be included in the article, and the study will include

pertinent remarks or quotes from the interview data.

Together with explanations of the analysis's implications, constraints, and possible avenues for future

research, it will be provided within the larger context of the study topic.

Ethical Considerations

This narrative inquiry of future medical students that are taking engineering subjects adheres to ethical

guidelines. The researchers, who are grade 11 students at Taft National High School, prioritize the

confidentiality of participants' identities and research information by constructing a letter of consent in

regard to conducting an interview to the school head and to the interviewees. Participants will be assured

that their names will be replaced with numbers to maintain anonymity. Furthermore, participants will

have the freedom to decline answering any questions they find obtrusive, ensuring voluntary

participation. The result of this study is free from bias, thus every response, regardless of their negativity

or positivity, is analyzed in the study.


Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

A. Students Perceptions of Pursuing Medical Careers

Medical and engineering subjects in a curriculum can be challenging for students, particularly if the

subjects are too different from each other. The responses show that participants are feeling overwhelmed

balancing General Biology and calculus, they feel that calculus doesn’t align with their chosen

integrating career path as they are struggling to have a balanced focus on two major subjects.

For Q2 P6 “It’s difficult to balance understanding general biology and math, it’s stressful because

measuring thinking is really needed, it’s difficult to focus on two major subjects”

STEM students’ views on Calculus in high school are influenced by multiple factors. These include

their background in math (Casinillo, 2018) and how the course is taught (Ellis, 2014; Wu, 2018).

Respondents explained the difficulty of pursuing medical careers in studying Engineering – related


B. Studying Engineering – Related Subject Affect the Academic Carrer

The value of studying engineering-related math like pre-calculus and basic calculus for health-allied

careers is debated.

The students were asked about the question on what their perceptions on studying engineering-related

subjects (such as Pre-calculus and Basic Calculus) as a student who wants to pursue a health-allied

career in the near future.

Some have positive responses about their perceptions. Q3 P1 mentioned that “Para ha ak, necessary din

na mag-study ng calculus bisan engineering-related subject iton kay karuyang ko na mag-pursue ng

trabaho ha medical field. Bangin kailangan it calculus ha college, kaya just to be sure la.”. Q3 P5 also

said a similar response: “Studying engineering-related subjects like Pre-calculus and Basic Calculus

will give you the skills you need to pursue a medical course. We need math skills again because this is

important in many aspects of health care.”

However, there are also negative perceptions about studying engineering subjects in their strand. In Q3

P2 response, “Maraot para ha ak habang Grade 11 ak, makuri ko it Math tas dapat maging mas focus

ako ha subject nga related hit health or medicine, suga hit General Biology, kay asya gud it importante

para ha ak nga magt--take hin medical course hit college.”

In a similar response from Q3 P3, “Para ha ak, makuri magkamaydaan hin sugad nga subject. Like

kailangan nim magpinanbasa hin numbersFor me, it’s tough to have this kind of subject honestly, you

have to deal with numbers while dealing with science related things. Since they are all saying that in

Senior High, we’re already preparing for college, we should focus our time in practicing our knowledge

and prepare ourselves by focusing on what really is necessary for our field. These two should be


And lastly, a response from Q3 P7: “It’s not okay that you are enjoying your one specialized (General

Biology) subject, and the other specialized (Calculus) subject is a burden for you.”

Based on the responses, some believe it strengthens critical thinking and is necessary for some medical

fields, while others argue it takes time away from directly relevant health subjects and might not be

universally needed. Ultimately, the decision depends on their specific career goals and learning style.

C. View of the Student’s on Specialized Subject

Some students struggle with a combined medical and engineering class curriculum, especially those

who want to focus directly on healthcare (like nursing). They feel it’s overwhelming and might not be

relevant to their future jobs. According to some respondents, splitting the classes into separate tracks

might be better for them.


These are some responses related to it; Q6 P2 “Maupay hiya (splitting classes) because it will help us,

the students, to have more focus on the subjects that is related to the program we are going to take in


For Q6 P3 and P5: “Best option hiya para sa’ming mga STEM students. And it can really help them

enhance their learning in the field na interesado kami.”.

However, there are some students who don’t feel the need to split engineering courses to health-allied

courses in senior high.

In a response from Q6 P4: “No, for us that want to pursue medical course, we still need to have math

skills because it’s really important for health care.”

In short, it depends on the student’s learning style and career goals.

Analysis of Data:

This analysis explores the perspectives of senior high school STEM students interested in health-allied

careers on the current curriculum integrating medical and engineering subjects. Two main themes

emerged from the interviews:

Theme 1: Challenges of the Integrated Curriculum

Workload and Relevance: Students expressed feeling overwhelmed by the combined workload of

engineering subjects (e.g., pre-calculus, calculus) and core health-allied coursework. They questioned

the direct relevance of some engineering math topics to their chosen career paths (See Responses for

Q3, Q5, Q7).


Illustrative Quotes:

“Studying these two subjects at the same time is very difficult… It’s not okay that you are enjoying

your one specialized subject (General Biology), and the other one specialized subject (Calculus) is a

burden for you.” (P3)

“Those math related subjects, I know that it is for additional knowledge, but it really is difficult

especially if a student wants to take course that has nothing to do with math.” (P6)

Focus and Interest: Students expressed a desire for more focus on subjects directly related to their

chosen health professions. They felt the current curriculum divided their attention and made it harder

to achieve deeper understanding (See Responses for Q5, Q6, Q7).

Illustrative Quote:

“Yes, it will help me so much because I will be more focused on the medical subjects and I will be more

interested in studying because I know that I will enjoy it, and of course I need it for college.” (P2)

Theme 2: Opinions on Curriculum Change

Support for Specialization: A majority of students (71% based on responses to Q6) favored a curriculum

with specialized subjects based on career goals (health vs. engineering). This approach was seen as

allowing for deeper focus and increased interest in chosen fields (See Responses for Q1, Q6,Q7).

Illustrative Quote:

“Students pursuing the medical field should be taught specialized subjects that relate to the medical

field. On the other hand, students pursuing the engineering field should be taught specialized subjects

that relates to the engineering field.” (P1)


Importance of Math Skills: While some students favored eliminating engineering math from the health-

allied curriculum (See Responses for Q5, Q6), others acknowledged the broader benefits of math skills

for problem-solving and critical thinking, even if not directly applicable (See Responses for Q3, Q4).

Illustrative Quote:

“For us that wants to pursue medical course, we still need to have math skills because it’s really

important on health care.” (P4)


Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter summarizes the research on how students in a health-related program view engineering

classes in their curriculum. It discusses the challenges students face and proposes solutions.


• The integrated curriculum in the health-allied program poses challenges for students due to the

inclusion of engineering subjects alongside core coursework. Many students feel these

engineering subjects, especially math, are not directly relevant to their career paths and impede

their focus on health-related topics.

• There is a consensus among students for a more specialized curriculum tailored to their specific

health-allied professions, such as medical technology or physical therapy. A proposed solution

involves implementing a phased specialization approach, starting with a strong foundation in

core sciences and gradually introducing specialized health subjects alongside relevant

engineering or math courses.

• This approach would ensure a well-rounded education while catering to the specific needs of

health-allied students. Additionally, revising the math curriculum to include real-world

applications in healthcare could enhance its relevance and practicality for students in the



• The integrated curriculum presents challenges for students in the health-allied program. While

it offers a well-rounded education, students struggle with the combined workload of

engineering subjects and core coursework. They feel these engineering subjects, particularly

math, are not directly relevant to their chosen career paths and hinder their focus on health-

related topics.

• There’s a clear desire for specialization. A majority of students favor a curriculum with subjects

tailored to their specific health-allied professions, such as medical technology or physical

therapy. This targeted approach would allow for a deeper understanding of the scientific

underpinnings of their chosen field and better equip them with the necessary skills for their

future careers.


• The health-allied program curriculum can be improved by implementing a phased

specialization. This would involve a strong foundation in core sciences initially, followed by a

split curriculum with core health subjects alongside introductory engineering or math courses

focused on healthcare applications. Later years would see further specialization with advanced

health-allied subjects tailored to specific career paths.

• Additionally, revising the math curriculum to showcase real-world applications in healthcare,

such as dosage calculations in pharmacology or medical imaging in radiology, could bridge the

gap between theoretical concepts and practical relevance for health-allied students. This phased

approach and revised curriculum would ensure a well-rounded education while catering to the

specific needs of students pursuing health-allied careers.



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Appendix A: Questionnaire For Respondents

Exploring the Perspective of STEM Students with Intentions of Pursuing Medical Careers on
Studying Engineering-related Subjects

This questionnaire is designed to find out relevant information about the above topic. The
information that the interviewees supply will be for the purpose of this research only.


1. What is the reason why you chose STEM strand for your Grade 11 path?
2. Are you planning to pursue a health-allied program in college? Why?
3. What are your perceptions on studying engineering-related subjects (such as Pre-calculus and
Basic Calculus) as a student pursuing a health-allied career?
4. How can engineering concepts benefit your future health-allied career from your perspective?
5. Based on your experiences, what challenges, if any, do you face when navigating a curriculum
that integrates both medical and engineering subjects?
6. What are your perceptions on changing the current senior high school curriculum for future
health-allied students of STEM?
7. Do you think separating medical and engineering-specialized subjects (such as separating
General Biology for students pursuing health-allied and Calculus for students pursuing
engineering) would improve your learning experience? Why or why not?

Appendix B: Letter Of Approval

March 14, 2024


School Principal II
Taft National High School
Taft, Eastern Samar

Warm greetings!

As part of the partial requirements for second semester, Practical Research 1 we, the Grade 11 learners
of Taft National High School, are embarking on a research endeavor.

In line with this, we respectfully request your approval for the conduct of the following research projects
within our school premises: Exploring the Perspective of STEM Students with Intentions of
Pursuing Medical Careers on Studying Engineering-related Subjects. We assure you that the
research will adhere to ethical guidelines, encompassing all necessary protocols and regulations. The
privacy and confidentiality of all participants will be strictly maintained, with minimal disruption to our
academic activities. We firmly believe that this research opportunity will not only foster our academic
growth but also contribute to the overall development of our school community. With your valuable
support, we are confident in successfully undertaking this research project.

We hope for your favorable response to our request. Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,
Grade 11 Aristotle


Practical Research I Adviser

Appendix C: Letter Of Consent

March 14, 2024

To the respondents,


We are the Researchers from Grade 11 - Aristotle of Taft National High School. We are currently
conducting research for the fulfillment of requirements for our research in the English subject titled
“Exploring the Perspective of STEM Students with Intentions of Pursuing Medical Careers on
Studying Engineering-related Subjects”. In connection with our study, we are humbly asking for your
permission to allow us to conduct an interview, where the respondents are the students at this school.
Rest assured that the data we will gather from the interview will be used only for academic purposes
and apply the ethics of conducting research. Hoping for a positive response on this matter. Thank you
very much and have a good day.

Respectfully yours,

Jessalie Jhamiel G. Osit

Antonette A. Gabia
Louise Mae Gaño
Jenny D. Germino
Laurence Aradillos
Ian Joshua Odon

Noted by:

Charito A. Balequia
Research Adviser

Approved by:

Emil E. Adena
School Principal II

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