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V Public School, Kaithal

Summer Break Homework
Dear Students
A positive and proactive approach to utilizing vacation time for personal and academic development
can truly make a difference! By completing homework assignments during the summer break, students
can reinforce their learning, develop time management skills, and even discover new interests. It's a
chance to explore topics in depth, work on creative projects, and prepare for the upcoming academic
*The school will re-open on July 1, 2024.
*School Timings will be: 7:50 am to 2:20 pm
Subject: - English
Be a logophile and create an enticing magazine in about 10-12 pages comprising the following details:
* A Creative Book Cover (Mention the Name of School, Title of the Magazine, Editor's Name etc.)
* Content: (For Reference)
1. Trivia of English Language 2. Story
3. Jokes 4. Comic Strips
5. Interviews 6. Palindrome
7. Pangram 8. Idioms and Phrases (10 each)
9. Crossword Puzzle 10. Creative Poems (Haiku, Sonnet, Ballad
11. Poetic Devices and Literary Devices 12. Famous Authors and Poets
13. English Hymns/ English Songs 14. Any other interesting content as per
your desire
Art Integrated Project ( ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’)

"Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Haryana and Manipur"

"Empowered Women, Empowered Nations: The Spirit of Change in Haryana and Manipur"
Subject: - HINDI
1. पर प ज
)छ और रज 120 प
( ) प पर और प प
प र 120 प
) प ज र 120 प

घ) प और र ज र र
र 120 प
(ङ) प छ और र प
ज र और र रर
120 प

पर र पर 150 :
) र र
* र ? * * और
( ) र र: पर प
* * र और र *

( )ज ( ) ओर
* * र * , *
* पर * र
ङ) र र ज ज
प * और प र *
पर ज
र प , र र र प ,
प च

प ( र) च
च र

प पच प र र

1.Do odd numbered questions of each exercise of ch. 1,2,3 and 4.
2.Do given assignments.
Make a project on the life history of twomathematicians with their photos.
4.Art Integration (File Colour : Green)
*Ek Bharat shresht Bharat
*State-Manipur and Haryana.
*Collect the data of the Temperature of the states Manipur and Haryana for the months of July
2023 to December 2023.
*Prepare a table and draw a double bar graph for the same.
Ch.1(Real Number)and 2( Polynomials)
Q1 Determine the prime factorization of the following positive integer:
(i) 7325 (ii) 45470971 (iii) 20570
Q2 Find HCF and LCM by prime factorization method
(i) 40,36 and 126 (ii) 24,15 and 36
(iii) 84,90 and 120
Q3 Prove that √2+√5 is an irrational number.
Q4 Prove that 4-√11 is an irrational number.
Q5 Given that √2 is an irrational number, prove that(5+ 3√2 ) is an irrational number.
Q6 What is the smallest number which that ,when divided by 35,56,and 91 leaves remainders of
7 in each case?
Q7 Find the least number that is divisible by all the numbers between 1 and 10.
Q8 Find the greatest number which divides 285 and 1249 leaving remainder 9 and 7
Q9 A Merchant has 120 litres oil of one kind ,180 liters of another kind and 240 liters of third
kind. He wants to sell the oil by filling the three kind of oil in tins of equal capacity. What
should be the greatest capacity of such a tin ?
Q10 In a seminar, the number of participants in Hindi , English and Mathematics are 60,84,and
108 respectively. Find the minimum number of rooms required of in each room the same
number of participants are to be seated and all of them being in the same subject.
Q11 Find the zeros and verify the relationship between zeros and its coefficients:
(i) 6x²-3 (ii) y²+3√5/2-5 (iii) v²+4√3v-15
(iv) a(x²+1)-x(a²+1)
Q12 If a and b are zeros of p(x) = 6x²+x-2,find the value of a/b+b/a
Q13 If the squared difference of zeros of the quadratic polynomial p(x) = x²+px+45 is equal to
144,find p
Q14 If a and b are zeros of the quadratic polynomial p(x) = 3s²-6s+4,find
a/b+b/a+2(1/a+1/b)+3ab .
Q15 If a and b are the zeros of quadratic polynomial such that a+b=24 and a-b =8,find ,find a
quadratic polynomial having a and b as it's zeros.
Q 16 If a and b are zeros of quadratic polynomial x²- 3x-2, find a quadratic polynomial whose
zeros are 1/ (2a+b) and 1/ (2b+a).
Q17 If p and q are the zeros of quadratic polynomial p(x) = kx²+4x+4 such that p²+q²=24, find
Q18 If a and b are the zeros of polynomial 2x²-5x+7 ,find a polynomial whose zeroes are 2a+b
and 3a+2b.

Q1 (i) 5²×293 (ii) 7²×13²×17²×19 (iii) 2×5×11²×17
Q2(i) 2,2520 (ii) 3,360 (iii) 6,2520
Q6 3647 Q7 2520 Q8 138 Q9 60 liters Q10 21 Q11 ( i) √3/6,-√3/6 (ii) √3,-5√3
(iv) a,1/a Q12 -25/12 Q13 18,-18 Q14 8 Q15 k ( x²-24x+128) Q16 k(x²-9x/16+1/16)
Q17 k= -1,⅔ Q18( kx²-25/2 +41)

Q 1. Find the solutions of the pair of linear equations 5x + 10y – 50 = 0 and x + 8y = 10. Hence
find the value of m if y = mx + 5.
Q 2. Are the following pair of linear equations consistent? Justify your answer.
2ax + by = a
4ax + 2by – 2a = 0 ; a , b ≠ 0
Q 3. There are 20 vehicles – cars and motorcycles in a parking area. If there are 56 wheels
together, how many cars and motorcycles are there?
Q 4. Write a pair of linear equations which has a unique solution x = 2 and y = −1. How many
such pairs are possible?
Q 5. If the sum of two positive numbers is 108 and the difference of these numbers is 8, then
find the numbers.
Q6. The sum of the number and the number obtained by reversing the order of the digits is 77
.If digits of the number are differ by 2.Find the original number.
Q7. The monthly incomes of A and B are in the ratio 5:4 and their expenditure are in the ratio
7:5. If each saves 3000/- per month, find the monthly income of each.
Q8. A and B each have a certain number of oranges. A says to B, ―if you give me 10 of your
oranges, I will have twice the number of oranges left with you.‖ B replies,‖ if you give me 10
of your oranges, I will have the same number of oranges as left with you. Find the number of
oranges with A and B separately.
Q9. Yash scored 40 marks in a test, receiving 3 marks for each correct answer and losing 1
mark for each wrong answer. Had 4 marks been awarded for each correct answer and 2 marks
been deducted for each wrong answer, then Yash would have scored 50 marks. How many
questions were there in the test?
Q10. A man has only 20 paisa coins and 25 paisa coins in his purse. If he has 50 coins in all
totalling 11.25/-, how many coins of each kind does he have?
Q11. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:6. If 8 is subtracted from each of the numbers, the ratio
becomes 4:5. Find the numbers.
Q12. The age of the father is twice the sum of the ages of his two children. After 20 years, his
age will be equal to the sum of the ages of his children. Find the age of the father.
Q13. A number consists of two digits. When the number is divided by the sum of its digits, the
quotient is 7. If 27 is subtracted from the number, the digits interchange their places. Find the
Q14. Draw the graphs of 2x − 3y + 6 = 0 and 2x + 3y − 18 = 0. Find the ratio of areas of
triangles formed by the given lines with X-axis and Y-axis.
Q15. Determine graphically the vertices of the triangle formed by , the equations of whose
sides are given below
2y − x = 8; 5y − x = 14; y − 2x = 1

Q17. A part of monthly Hostel charge is fixed and the remaining depends on the number of
days one has taken food in the mess. When Swati takes food for 20 days, she has to pay 13000
as hostel charges whereas, Mansi who takes food for 25 days pays ? 3500 as hostel charges.
Find the fixed charges and the cost of food per day.
Q18. Draw the graphs of the pair of equations x + 2y = 5 and 2x-3y = – 4. Also find the points
where the lines meet the x-axis.
Q19. Given a linear equation 3x-5y = 11. Form another linear equation in these variables such
that the geometric representation of the pair so formed is:
(i) intersecting lines
(ii) coincident lines
(iii) parallel lines
Q20. 4 chairs and 3 tables cost ? 2100 and 5 chairs and 2 tables cost ? 1750. Find the cost of
one chair and one table separately
Q21. 6(ax + by) = 3a + 2b
6(bx – ay) = 3b -2a
Q22. In a two digit number, the digit in the unit place is twice of the digit in the tenth place. If
the digits are reversed, the new number is 27 more than the given number. Find the number.
Q23. The owner of a taxi company decides to run all the taxi on CNG fuels instead of petrol/
diesel. The taxi charges in city comprises of fixed charges together with the charge for the
distance covered.
For a journey of 13 km, the charge paid is ? 129 and for journey of 22 km, the charge paid is
(i) What will a person have to pay for travelling a distance of 32 km?
(ii) Why did he decide to use CNG for his taxi as a fuel?
Q24. The area of a rectangle reduces by 160 m if its length is increased by 5 m and breadth is
reduced by 4 m. However, if length is decreased by 10 m and breadth is increased by 2 m, then
its area is decreased by 100 m2. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
Q25. Ritu can row downstream 20 km in 2 hours, and upstream 4 km in 2 hours. Find her speed
of rowing in still water and the speed of the current.

1.-¼ 2.Not consistent
3.Moter cycles are 12 4.Infinite pairs
Cars are 8.
5.58,50 6.34 or 43
7.₹10000, ₹8000 8.A=70 , B=50.
9.20 questions 10.25,25coins
11.40,48 12.40years,20years
13. 63 14.(3, 4), (-3, 0), (9,0)
15.(-4, 2), (1, 3), (2, 5) 16.X=b, Y=-a
17.₹100, ₹1000 18.(-2, 0), (5, 0), (1, 2)
20.₹150, ₹500 21.x=½, y=⅓
22. 36 23.₹300
24.60m, 20m 25.6km/hr, 4km/hr.

(Quadratic Equation)
Q1. Find the roots of quadratic equation
√ 2 √ =0
Q2. 3 - 4√
Q3. Solve for ,
Q4. Divide 27 into two parts such that the sum of their reciprocals is .
Q5. Two numbers differ by 3 and their product is 504 . Find the numbers.
Q6. + =3 (
Q7. Find the value of K for which the given equation has real and equal roots:
+K(4 +K-1)+2=0
Q8. Find the value of ‗a‘ for which the roots of the quadratic equation
2( –( +1 =0 are equal.
Q9. Three consecutive natural numbers are such that the square of the middle number exceeds
the difference of the squares of the other two by 60.Find the numbers.
Q10. Speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/h. It goes 30 km upstream and return back at the
same point in 4 hrs. 30 minutes. Find the speed of the stream.
Q11.A plane left 30 min. late than its scheduled time and in order to reach the destination 1500
km away in time, it had to increase its speed by 100 km/h from the usual speed. Find its usual
Q12. If the roots of the quadratic equation ( +( +(
are equal , prove that 2 =
Q13. Find the value of P for which the quadratic equation ( - 6( +3(
( ) has equal roots. Hence find the roots of Equation.
Q14. Solve for
= + +
Q15. The perimeter of a right angled triangle is 70 units and its hypotenuse is 29 units. Find
the lengths of other sides.
Q16. Is the following situation possible
The sum of the ages of a mother and daughter is 25 years. Five years ago the product of their
ages was 58.
Q17. If the roots of following quadratic equation are equal, then Equation is 2( 2
+ 2 )+2 ( ) ( 2 + 2)=0
Q18. Solve : , Q19. The sum of two numbers is 35. If the sum of their

reciprocals is . Find the numbers.

Q20. Solve : –1 =
√ √
1. √

2. , 3.
5) or ,
6) 5, 7) K=-1, 8)
9) 9,10,11 10) 5 km/h 11)500 km/h
13) =3, ,3 14) or =-a 15) 20,21
16) Not possible 18) =1,1 19) 20)

Subject: - SCIENCE

Ch-5( Life Processes )

Instruction : Do these assignments in a separate notebook,( physics, chemistry bio in a
single notebook)
Q1.Name the intermediate and the end product of glucose breakdown in aerobic respiration.
Q2.How would it affect the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates in man if there is a
blockage in the pancreatic duct? Explain.
Q 3. Why is there no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the human heart
Q 4.Why are the walls of ventricles thicker than the auricles?
Q5.Write one feature which is common to each of the following pairs of terms/organs.
a. Glycogen and starch. b. Chlorophyll and hemoglobin
c. Gills and lungs. d. Arteries and veins
Q 6. What is the significance of emulsification of fats?
Q 7. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this
plant remain healthy for long? State three reasons for your answers.
Q 8.Name the glands associated with digestion of starch inhuman digestive tract and mention
their role.
Q 9. How is required pH maintained in the stomach and small intestine?
Q 10.. Bile juice does not contain any digestive enzymes, yet it is essential for digestion, why
so ? Explain.
Q 11..If one holds his breath after exhalation for about 30 seconds. Would there still be any
exchange of respiratory gases in the lungs during the period? Explain.
Q 12.. Mention the components of the transport system in highly organised plants. State the
functions of these components.
Q13. Write down the differences between respiration and photosynthesis?
Q14.. If a plant is releasing carbon dioxide and taking in oxygen during the day, does it mean
that there is no photosynthesis occurring? Justify your answer.
Q15.. What would happen if green plants disappeared from earth?

Chemical reactions and equations

Section - A (1 mark questions)

Q.1 it is important to balance a chemical equations to satisfy the law of conservation of
mass which of the following statements of the law is incorrect?
a) The total mass of the elements present in the reactants is equal to the total mass of the
elements present in the products.
b) The number of atoms of each element remains the same before and after a chemical
c) The chemical composition of the thanks is the same before and after the reaction.
d) Mass can neither be created not be destroyed in a chemical reaction.

Q.2 The balanced chemical equation showing reaction between quicklime and water is
a)2CaO + H2O—-->2CaOH + H2
b)CaO + H2O —--->Ca(OH)2 + H2
c)CaO + H2O >Ca(OH)2 + heat
d)2CaO + 3H2O >2Ca(OH)2 + O2 + heat

Q 3 When lead nitrate heated in boiling tube, we observe

a) brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide
b) brown fumes of lead oxide.
c) yellow fumes of nitrogen dioxide
d) brown films of nitric oxide.

Q.4 in which of the following the identity of initial substance remains unchanged?
a) curding of milk.
b) formation of crystals by process of crystallization
c) Fermentation of grapes
d) digestion of food.

Q.5 The reducing agent in the following reaction

is 2Na + 2H2O > 2NaOH + H2
a)Na. b)H2O. c)NaOH. d)H2

Q.6 A student took sodium sulphte solution in a test tube and add barium chloride solution to
it. He observed that an insoluble substance is formed. The colour of insoluble substance is
a)Grey. b) Yellow. c) White. d)Pink

Q.7 C6H12O6 + 6O2—->6CO2 + 6H2O

The above reaction is
a) Displacement reaction
b) Endothermic reaction
c) Exothermic reaction
d) Neutralization reaction

Q.8 Copper utensils slowly lose their shiny brown surface and gain a green coat on
prolonged exposure to atmospheric air. This is due to the formation of a coating of
a) Copper sulphate
b) Copper carbonate
c)Cupric oxide
d)Cuprous oxide

Q.9 Which of the following statements about the given reaction are correct?
3Fe + 4H2O → Fe3O4 (s) + 4H2 (g)
(i) Iron metal is getting oxidised
(ii) Water is getting reduced
(iii) Water is acting as reducing agent
(iv) Water is acting as oxidising agent
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (in) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

Q.10 Give the ratio in which hydrogen and oxygen are present in water by volume.
(a) 1:2. (b) 1:1. (c) 2:1. (d) 1:8

Q.11 Assertion: reaction of quickline with water is an exothermic process.

Reason: quick lime reacts vigorously with water releasing a large amount of heat.

Q.12 Assertion: silver salts are used in black and white photography
Reason : Silver salts do not decompose in the presence of light.

Q.13 Assertion: Burning of natural gas is an endothermic process.

Reason : Methane gas combines with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.

Q.14 Assertion (A) : Decomposition of vegetable matter into compost is an example of

exothermic reactions.
Reason (R) : Exothermic reaction are those reactions in which heat is evolved.

Q.15. Assertion: When HCl is added to zinc granules , a chemical reaction occurs
Reason: Evolution of gas and change in colour indicates that chemical reaction is taking place.
Section - B(2 Mark questions)
Q.16 A student wants to study decomposition reaction by taking ferrous sulphate crystals.
Write two precautions he must observe while performing the experiment.

Q.17 A solution of potassium chloride is mixed with silver nitrate solution. An insoluble
white substance is formed. Write the chemical reaction involved and also mention the type of
chemical reaction.

Q.18 Can displacement reaction be a redox reaction ? Explain with the help of an example.

Q.19 Identify the oxidizing and reducing agent in the following reactions
(a) 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O
(b) H2O + F2 → HF + HOF
(c) Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2
Q.20 Respiration is an exothermic process. Justify with chemical reaction.

Section - C (3 mark questions)

Q.21 Zinc liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid, whereas copper
does not. Explain why?

Q.22 On heating blue coloured powder of copper (II) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide
(black), oxygen gas and a brown gas X is formed
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction.
(b) Identity the brown gas X evolved.
(c) Identify the type of reaction.

Q.23 On adding a drop of barium chloride solution to an aqueous solution of sodium sulphite,
a white precipitate is obtained.

(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved

(b) What other names can be given to this precipitation reaction?
(c) (C Write the chemical reaction involved.

Q.24 Write one equation each for decomposition reactions where energy is supplied in the
form of heat light or electricity.

Q.25 A shiny brown coloured element x on heating in air becomes black in

colour. Name the element X and black coloured compound formed.
How X can be recovered again from that black coloured
compound? Write the chemical reactions involved .
Section - D(5 mark questions)

Q.26 Balance the following chemical equations and identify the type of chemical reaction.

(a) Mg(s) + Cl2 (g) → MgCl2 (s)

(b) HgO(s) → Hg(l) + O2 (g)

(c) Na(s) + S(s) → Na2S(s)

(d) TiCl4 (l) + Mg(s) → Ti(s) + MgCl2 (s)

(e) CaO(s) + SiO2 (s) → CaSiO3 (s)

Q.27(a) What is the difference between displacement and double displacement reactions?
Write equations for these reactions.
(b) Give reason:Silver chloride is placed in dark coloured bottles.
Q.28(a) In the refining of silver, the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involves
displacement by copper metal. Write down the reaction involved.
(b)What do you mean by a precipitation reaction? Explain by giving examples
Section - E(4 mark questions)

Q.29 oxidation has damaging effect on metals as well as on food. The damaging affect of
oxidation on metals is studied as corrosion and that on food is studied as rancidity.
i) Define the term rancidity.
ii) Why do we apply paint on iron articles?
iii)What are the different effects of corrosion?
iv)How corrosion can be prevented?

Q.30 A solution of slaked lime produced by the reaction is used for white washing walls.
Calcium hydroxide reacts slowly with the carbon dioxide in air to form a thin layer of
calcium carbonate on the walls. Calcium carbonate is formed after two to three days of white
washing and gives a shiny finish to the walls. It is interesting to note that the chemical
formula for marble is also CaCO3.
i) Give the reaction for the formation of calcium carbonate with physical states.
ii) Name the substance used for white washing the walls.
iii) How Slaked lime is prepared from quick lime?
iv) Define the above type of reaction
Ch-9 (Light Reflection and Refraction)
1. Which of the following can make a parallel beam of light when light from a point source is
incident on it?
(a) Concave mirror as well as convex lens
(b) Convex mirror as well as a concave lens
(c) Two plane mirrors placed at 90° to each other
(d) Concave mirror as well as a concave lens
2.2. A 10 mm long awl pin is placed vertically in front of a concave mirror. A 5 mm long image of
the awl pin is formed at 30 cm in front of the mirror. The focal length of this mirror
(a) – 30 cm
(b) – 20 cm
(c) – 40 cm
(d) – 60 cm
3. Under which of the following conditions a concave mirror can form an image larger than the
actual object?
(a) When the object is kept at a distance equal to its radius of curvature
(b) When an object is kept at a distance less than its focal length
(c) When an object is placed between the focus and centre of curvature
(d) When an object is kept at a distance greater than its radius of curvature
4. Figure 10.1 shows a ray of light as it travels from medium A to medium B. Refractive index of the
medium B relative to medium A is
(a) √3 / √2
(b) 2 / 3
(c) 1/ 2
(d) 2
5. A light ray enters from medium A to medium B, as shown in Figure 10.2. The refractive index of
medium B relative to A will be
(a) greater than unity
(b) less than unity
(c) equal to unity
(d) zero
6. Beams of light are incident through holes A and B and emerge out of the box through holes C and
D, respectively, as shown in the Figure10.3. Which of the following could be inside the box?
(a) A rectangular glass slab
(b) A convex lens
(c) A concave lens
(d) A prism
7. A beam of light is incident through the holes on side A and emerges out of the holes on the other
face of the box, as shown in Figure 10.4. Which of the following could be inside the box?
(a) Concave lens
(b) Rectangular glass slab
(c) Prism
(d) Convex lens

8. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) A convex lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m
(b) A convex lens has –4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m
(c) A concave lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m
(d) A concave lens has –4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m
9. Magnification produced by a rearview mirror fitted in vehicles
(a) is less than one
(b) is more than one
(c) is equal to one
(d) can be more than or less than one, depending upon the position of the object in front of it
10. Rays from Sun converge at a point 15 cm in front of a concave mirror. Where should an object be
placed, so that size of its image is equal to the size of the object?
(a) 15 cm in front of the mirror
(b) 30 cm in front of the mirror
(c) between 15 cm and 30 cm in front of the mirror
(d) more than 30 cm in front of the mirror
11. A full-length image of a distant tall building can definitely be seen by using
(a) a concave mirror
(b) a convex mirror
(c) a plane mirror
(d) both concave as well as plane mirror
12. In torches, searchlights and headlights of vehicles, the bulb is placed
(a) between the pole and the focus of the reflector
(b) very near to the focus of the reflector
(c) between the focus and centre of curvature of the reflector
(d) at the centre of curvature of the reflector
13. The laws of reflection hold good for
(a) plane mirror only
(b) concave mirror only
(c) convex mirror only
(d) all mirrors, irrespective of their shape
14. The path of a ray of light coming from air passing through a rectangular glass slab traced by four students
are shown as A, B, C and D in Figure 10.5. Which one of them is correct?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
15. You are given water, mustard oil, glycerine and kerosene. In which of these media a ray of light incident
obliquely at the same angle would bend the most?
(a) Kerosene
(b) Water
(c) Mustard oil
(d) Glycerine
Short Questions

1 Identify the device used as a spherical mirror or lens in the following cases, when the image formed is virtual
and erect in each case.

(a) Object is placed between the device and its focus, and an image formed is enlarged and behind it.
(b) Object is placed between the focus and device, and an image formed is enlarged and on the same side as
that of the object.
(c) Object is placed between infinity and device, an image formed is diminished and between focus and
optical centre on the same side as that of the object.
(d) Object is placed between infinity and device, image formed is diminished and between pole and focus,
behind it.
2. Why does a light ray incident on a rectangular glass slab immersed in any medium emerges parallel to
itself? Explain using a diagram.

3. A pencil, when dipped in water in a glass tumbler, appears to be bent at the interface of air and water.
Will the pencil appear to be bent to the same extent if, instead of water, we use liquids like kerosene or
turpentine? Support your answer with reasons.

4 How is the refractive index of a medium related to the speed of light? Obtain an expression for the refractive
index of a medium with respect to another in terms of the speed of light in these two media.

5. Refractive index of a diamond with respect to glass is 1.6, and the absolute refractive index of glass is 1.5.
Find out the absolute refractive index of the diamond.

Long Questions

1. Draw ray diagrams showing the image formation by a concave mirror when an object is placed
(a) between pole and focus of the mirror
(b) between focus and centre of curvature of the mirror
(c) at the centre of curvature of the mirror
(d) a little beyond the centre of curvature of the mirror
(e) at infinity

2. Draw ray diagrams showing the image formation by a convex lens when an object is placed
(a) between optical centre and focus of the lens
(b) between focus and twice the focal length of the lens
(c) at twice the focal length of the lens
(d) at infinity
(e) at the focus of the lens

3. Write laws of refraction. Explain the same with the help of a ray diagram, when a ray of light passes
through a rectangular glass slab.

4. Draw ray diagrams showing the image formation by a concave lens when an object is placed
(a) at the focus of the lens
(b) between focus and twice the focal length of the lens
(c) beyond twice the focal length of the lens
The image of a candle flame formed by a lens is obtained on a screen placed on the other side of the lens. If the
image is three times the size of the flame and the distance between the lens and the image is 80 cm, at what
distance should the candle be placed from the lens? What is the nature of the image at a distance of 80 cm and
the lens?

Project- Ek bharat Shreshtha Bharat

File cover - Green colour
1. Scientists
Haryana (2) + Manipur (2)
Name, life span, achievements/ research, awards
2. Research institutes
Haryana (2) + Manipur (2)
Name, location, field of research, starting year
Art integration, project
1. ray diagram (any) with the help of straw, broomstick, etc compulsory
2. Do any two from following
elementary canal
double circulation, heart (glacé paper cut paste)
Project. Work
A Project file is to be made any one of the following topic, with a strict adherence to the following
Choose any one
1 Consumer Awareness
Project must cover the following:
Information about Consumer , Six Rights of consumer
Enactment of COPRA 1986
Violation of Consumer Rights
Redressal Process of Consumer Forums
Also include a report of 200 words based on JAAGO GRAHAK JAAGO

TOPIC:2. Gender Inequality(Your state/country)
Project must cover the following Points;
Gender Statistics.
Economic Inequality
Political Inequality
Educational Inequality
Reasons behind Gender Inequalities
Political and Legal Reforms
Organisations which work towards it.
Also Include a report of 200 words on BETI BACHAO,BETI PADHAO YOJANA
Topic3.: Sustainable Development :Soil Conservation
Project must cover the following Points:
Resource Planning
Conservation of Resources in India
Soil as a Resource
Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
Also include a report of 200 words based on RASHTRIYA KRISHI Vigyan YOJANA (RKVY)

Guidelines for the Project:

Cover Page:Must contain title, students detail, school name,session

Content:-List of content with Page no(Index)
Acknowledgement:-Acknowledging the institution and the persons who helped
Subject Matter:-Chapter with Headings
Summary and Conclusion
Bibliography:-It must have the names of books, websites along with their links from where the content
is collected
NOTE:-The total length of the project Must be maximum 15
Use A4sheets ,Size of the file pages and cover (A4)
Report must be handwritten and not a computerized one
It must be present in the above given order.
Prepare the above asked topic using art integration
*Maps,flowchart,pictures, tables,graphs,newspaper cutting for data collection.
Colour for file cover-
SectionA,B -Yellow. Section-C,D-Green
SectionE,F-Pink. Section-G,H- Blue Section-I-Black
Art Integration
Ek Bharat Shresht Bharat
State-Manipur &Haryana
Locate Haryana and Manipur on the map of India
Collect information about
Agricultural practices of both the states using art integration.
Cropping pattern.
Soil type
Staple crops
Geographical and climatic conditions etc.
Colour of File cover- Green

Let's make this vacation a time of growth and exploration through the power of learning!

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