Rough Draft Christmas 2019

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Me was in Arizona with my family & my bff (Anya, is

technicaly my 2nd sister & her family in December. We

were in my aunt’s new house, which had a pool that was
not fixed yet because they (My ant, uncle, & baby cousin,
bojo) We were just playing & playing with my baby
cousin. Buf, the thng was, Christmas had already passed.
My family came on December 24 AKA Christmas Eve.
Anya’s family came on December 25 aka Christmas! So
now, we woulentt get any presents?
My aunt said that Santa Claus comes days after
Christmas, but me & Anya knew that wasn’t true. We
tried to use the internet, but it wouldn’t say the correct
answer, so we gave up. A few days later, we put milk &
cookies out. The next day, they were gone! We actually
belived that Santa came. The next day, when Anya had to
leave, we heard John (some person my uncle knows)
telling my uncle how fun it was to buy presents & see the
kids open it. HE WAS SANTA! We didn’t mind that
much. It was still super fun. I said good bye to anya, an
she was gon. The lesson that I learned was to always have
fun and it dosnt matter if your family say something that
is not true, because maybe there just tring to make yo

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