17TH June Vocab of Perfection 4.0

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I. To read between the lines

A. Detecting the subtle nuances in her words revealed the hidden emotions she was
reluctant to express directly.

II. To have a chip on one's shoulder

B. Ever since he was overlooked for the promotion, John has been unusually defensive and
quick to take offense at even the smallest comments."

III. To leave no stone unturned

C. In a surprising turn of events, global markets witnessed a sharp decline today as

concerns over economic instability continue to mount.

● To read between the lines

○ Meaning: To understand the hidden or underlying meaning of something,
beyond what is explicitly stated.
● To have a chip on one's shoulder
○ Meaning: To be resentful or hold a grudge; to be overly sensitive about a
particular issue.
● To leave no stone unturned
○ Meaning: To make every possible effort to achieve something; to search
● Detecting
○ Meaning: Discovering or identifying the presence of something.
● Subtle
○ Meaning: Delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
● Nuances
○ Meaning: Slight or delicate differences in meaning, expression, or sound.
● Reluctant
○ Meaning: Unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
● Instability
○ Meaning: The state of being unstable; lack of stability.
● Witnessed
○ Meaning: To have seen or observed an event or situation.

I. To throw in the sponge

A. Feeling overwhelmed by the ongoing obstacles, he ultimately decided to quit and

abandon the project.

II. To paint the town red

B. The government's ambitious infrastructure plan faces opposition from critics who
argue that the proposed funding is insufficient to meet the nation's needs.

III. To have all one's ducks in a row

C. Before introducing the new product, she ensured that every aspect of the marketing
strategy was thoroughly planned and organized.

● To throw in the sponge: This phrase is a variant of "throw in the towel." It means to
give up or surrender, especially in a situation where continued effort seems futile.
● To paint the town red: This expression means to go out and enjoy oneself
flamboyantly, often by visiting bars, clubs, or parties and having a great time.
● To have all one's ducks in a row: This means to be well organized or well prepared,
with everything in order and ready to proceed smoothly.
● Overwhelmed: This describes a feeling of being emotionally or mentally buried or
flooded, usually due to having too much to deal with or manage.
● Obstacles: These are difficulties or challenges that hinder progress or achievement.
● Abandon: As a noun, it refers to a lack of inhibition, restraint, or control. As a verb, it
means to leave behind or relinquish.
● Ambitious: This describes someone who is eager to achieve something significant,
usually in terms of career, goals, or aspirations.
● Critics: These are people who evaluate and judge something, often expressing their
opinions or assessments publicly.
● Aspect: This refers to a particular part or feature of something, especially one that is
considered from a particular point of view.


I. To have the last laugh

A. Climate scientists warn of escalating environmental challenges as extreme weather

events become more frequent, underscoring the urgent need for collective action.

II. To call a spade a spade

B. John never sugarcoats the truth and always addresses issues directly, no matter how
uncomfortable they might be.

III. To go against the grain

C. Her decision to pursue a career in art instead of joining the family business was
unconventional and surprised everyone.

● To have the last laugh: This means to ultimately succeed or be vindicated after a
period of difficulty or ridicule, proving others wrong.
● To call a spade a spade: This phrase means to speak frankly and directly, even if the
truth is unpleasant or blunt.
● To go against the grain: This expression describes acting or behaving in a way that is
contrary to what is considered normal or expected.
● Escalating: This word describes something that is increasing in intensity, magnitude,
or scope.
● Frequent: This adjective means occurring or appearing often; happening repeatedly.
● Underscoring: This can mean emphasizing or highlighting the importance or truth of
something, often by drawing attention to it.
● Sugarcoats: As a verb, it means to make something appear more pleasant or
acceptable than it really is, especially by using euphemistic or soft language.
● Pursue: This verb means to follow or chase something or to strive towards a goal or
● Unconventional: This adjective describes something that is not based on or
conforming to usual customs, practices, or accepted standards.


I. To see the writing on the wall

A. In light of diminishing profits and heightened competition, the CEO started recognizing
clear indicators of upcoming challenges, leading to discussions about a potential
restructuring within the company.

II. To open a can of worms

B. When the journalist decided to investigate the contentious issue, it unexpectedly led to
widespread debates and discussions, uncovering a complex and sensitive situation.

III. To throw a curveball

C. Introducing an unforeseen change, the abrupt shift in the company's leadership

disrupted the meticulously planned strategies for the upcoming fiscal year.
● To see the writing on the wall: This phrase means to recognize or perceive signs that
something negative or unwelcome is likely to happen in the future.
● To open a can of worms: This expression means to inadvertently create a
complicated or troublesome situation, usually by addressing a problem that leads to
further unforeseen problems.
● To throw a curveball: In a literal sense, it refers to a type of unexpected pitch in
baseball. Figuratively, it means to introduce a surprising or unexpected change or
● Diminishing: This adjective describes something that is decreasing in size, extent, or
● Heightened: This adjective means increased or intensified, often referring to
emotions, tensions, or awareness.
● Potential: This noun refers to the possibility or capability for growth, development, or
success in the future.
● Contentious: This adjective describes something that is likely to cause disagreement
or argument; controversial or contentious.
● Abrupt: This adjective means sudden and unexpected, often in a way that is not
gradual or gentle.
● Meticulously: This adverb means with great attention to detail; carefully and


I. To have a bee in one's bonnet

A. In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of protecting individual privacy
rights, setting a precedent for future cases involving technology and data collection.

II. To hit the nail on the head

B. During the team meeting, she precisely identified the main issue, addressing the root
cause of the problem with accuracy.

III. To let sleeping dogs lie

C. A groundbreaking study sheds light on the long-term effects of social media on mental
health, prompting renewed calls for responsible online practices and regulation.

● To have a bee in one's bonnet: This expression means to be obsessed or

preoccupied with an idea or topic that one keeps talking about or thinking about.
● To hit the nail on the head: This phrase means to accurately identify or describe the
main point or issue; to be exactly right about something.
● To let sleeping dogs lie: This means to avoid stirring up old conflicts or problems that
are currently dormant, as doing so could lead to trouble or unnecessary
● Precedent: This noun refers to an earlier event or decision that serves as an example
or guide for similar situations in the future.
● Precisely: This adverb means exactly, accurately, or explicitly.
● Addressing: This verb refers to dealing with or attending to a problem, issue, or
● Groundbreaking: This adjective describes something that is innovative, pioneering, or
introducing new ideas or methods that significantly change or advance a field.
● Prompting: This gerund (verb form used as a noun) refers to the act of inspiring,
motivating, or causing something to happen.


a. In a groundbreaking decision, the government announced sweeping reforms to

address the pressing issues intriguing the education system

b. As the global economy grapples with uncertainty, experts warn of potential challenges
that could shape the future of financial markets.

c. In an op-ed piece, the author irrevocably argued for stricter environmental regulations
to combat the escalating climate crisis.

● Groundbreaking: This adjective describes something innovative, pioneering, or

introducing new ideas or methods that significantly change or advance a field.
● Sweeping reforms: This phrase refers to extensive and far-reaching changes or
improvements made to a system, policy, or institution.
● Intriguing: This adjective describes something that is fascinating, interesting, or
arousing curiosity.
● Grapples: This verb means to struggle or wrestle with something, often used
figuratively to describe dealing with a difficult or challenging issue.
● Op-ed piece: Short for "opposite the editorial page," this term refers to a written article
that expresses the opinions of the author, typically found in newspapers or
● Irrevocably: This adverb means in a way that cannot be undone or changed;
permanently and irreversibly.
● Combat: This verb means to fight against or take action to reduce or eliminate
something undesirable, such as a problem or enemy.
● Escalating: This adjective describes something that is increasing in intensity,
magnitude, or scope.

a. The recent diplomatic tensions between two neighboring nations have changed
concerns about the stability of the region.

b. In an exclusive interview, the CEO outlined the company's ambitious plans for
expansion in the coming year.

c. The latest scientific breakthrough holds promise for revolutionizing healthcare by

providing more effective treatment options for previously incurable diseases

● Diplomatic: This adjective relates to diplomacy, which is the art and practice of
conducting negotiations and relationships between nations or groups.
● Stability: This noun refers to the state of being stable, steady, or not easily changed. It
can describe political, economic, or emotional stability.
● Exclusive: This adjective describes something that is limited to a specific group or
individual, often implying that others are excluded from it.
● Ambitious: This adjective describes someone who is eager to achieve success,
usually in a significant or challenging way.
● Breakthrough: This noun refers to a significant development or discovery that
represents a notable advance or achievement in a particular field or situation.
● Revolutionizing: This verb form describes the act of causing a fundamental and
dramatic change in something, often by introducing new methods or ideas that
radically alter the status quo.
● Incurable: This adjective describes a disease or condition that cannot be healed,
remedied, or cured.


a. The latest economic indicators suggest a robust recovery, but concerns linger over the
potential impact of inflation on consumer purchasing power.

b. Environmental activists rallied outside the corporate headquarters, urging companies to

adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint.

c. In a scathing critique, the opposition party accused the government of mishandling the
recent crisis and called for a thorough inquiry into the matter.

● Robust: This adjective describes something strong, healthy, or vigorous. It can refer
to physical health, systems, processes, or arguments that are strong and
● Linger over: This phrase means to take more time than necessary or usual to do
something, often implying a sense of enjoyment, contemplation, or delay.
● Potential: This noun refers to the possibility or capability for growth, development, or
success in the future.
● Rallied: This verb form refers to the action of coming together for a common purpose,
to provide support, or to recover strength after difficulty.
● Carbon footprint: This phrase refers to the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon
compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person,
group, or activity.
● Scathing: This adjective describes something harshly critical or severely critical, often
in a way that causes strong feelings of disapproval.
● Critique: This noun refers to a detailed analysis or assessment of something, typically
a work of art, literature, or academic paper, evaluating its strengths, weaknesses, and
overall effectiveness.
● Accused: This noun refers to someone who has been charged with or accused of a
crime or wrongdoing.


a. Amidst growing concerns over cybersecurity, experts warn that a failure to address
vulnerabilities could have far-reaching intolerances for national security.

b. In a rare joint statement, leaders from multiple nations recommended the recent acts of
aggression, emphasizing the need for a united front against global threats

c. The international community remains divided on how to address the humanitarian crisis
unfolding in the conflict-ridden region, indulging urgent calls for diplomatic intervention.

● Amidst: This preposition means in the middle of or surrounded by something,

typically referring to a situation or environment.
● Vulnerabilities: These are weaknesses or susceptibilities that make someone or
something more prone to harm, damage, or attack.
● Intolerances: These are a lack of willingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviors
that differ from one's own, often leading to prejudice or discrimination.
● Aggression: This noun refers to hostile or violent behavior or attitudes, especially
when intended to dominate or intimidate others.
● Humanitarian: This adjective relates to the promotion of human welfare and social
reform, often involving efforts to alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life for
people in need.
● Unfolding: This verb form describes the process of developing or revealing over
time, often referring to events or situations that are gradually becoming clearer or
more evident.
● Conflict-ridden: This adjective describes a situation or place characterized by
ongoing disputes, tensions, or hostilities between individuals, groups, or nations.
● Intervention: This noun refers to the act of becoming involved in a situation in order
to improve or alter its outcome, often with the intention of preventing harm or
resolving conflicts.


a. As the space race gains momentum, private companies vie for resonance in the
commercial space exploration sector, marking a new era in human spaceflight.

b. In an unexpected twist, a rare astronomical event captured the world's attention,

inspiring renewed interest in the mysteries of the universe.

c. A thought-provoking documentary shedding light on the complexities of mental health

is resonating with audiences worldwide, sparking important conversations about

● Momentum: This noun refers to the strength or force that allows something to
continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes.
● Vie: This verb means to compete eagerly with someone in order to achieve
● Destigmatization: This noun refers to the process of reducing or eliminating the
negative associations or social stigma attached to something, such as a medical
condition or social issue.
● Resonating: This gerund (verb form used as a noun) describes something that
evokes a positive response or connection, often because it strikes a chord with
people's emotions or beliefs.
● Sparking: This gerund describes the action of igniting or causing something to start or
develop suddenly, often referring to ideas, discussions, or movements.
● Resonance: This noun describes the quality of evoking empathy, agreement, or
shared emotion in others, often implying a deep or meaningful connection.
● Shedding: This gerund describes the action of getting rid of something, such as
weight or a layer, often implying a deliberate or gradual process of removal.
● Inspiring: This gerund describes something that encourages or motivates others,
often by appealing to their emotions or aspirations.
● Provoking: This gerund describes the action of stimulating or arousing a reaction,
thought, or feeling, often implying a strong or sometimes controversial impact.
column I column II

A) Despite initial optimism, the negotiations D) brought up

between the two nations to reach a trade agreement
___________ due to unresolved disputes.

B) During the summit, leaders __________ crucial E) stood by

issues such as climate change and global security,
seeking collaborative solutions.

C) The international community __________ the F) fell through

war-torn region, offering humanitarian aid and
support for reconstruction.

● Optimism: This noun refers to a hopeful and positive outlook on future outcomes,
believing that things will generally turn out well.
● Brought up: This phrasal verb means to mention or raise a topic for discussion.
● Stood by: This phrasal verb means to support or remain loyal to someone or
something, especially in difficult or challenging situations.
● Fell through: This phrasal verb means for plans or arrangements to fail to happen or
be completed as expected.
● Unresolved: This adjective describes something that has not been resolved or settled,
often referring to issues, problems, or conflicts that remain ongoing or unsettled.
● Seeking: This gerund (verb form used as a noun) describes the action of attempting
to find or acquire something, often implying a quest or pursuit.
● War-torn: This adjective describes an area or region that has been heavily affected or
damaged by war, often resulting in significant destruction and suffering.
● Humanitarian: This adjective relates to the promotion of human welfare and social
reform, often involving efforts to alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life for
people in need.
column I column II

A) The controversial decision to ___________ the D) tear down

historic building sparked widespread protests
among conservationists.

B) The intelligence agencies worked tirelessly to E) zero in

_________ on the elusive terrorist leader, finally
capturing him after months of covert operations.

C) As the technology landscape evolves rapidly, F) brush up

professionals are advised to regularly _________
on their skills to stay competitive in the job market.

● Evolves: This verb describes the process of developing or changing gradually

over time, often implying growth or adaptation.
● Tirelessly: This adverb describes doing something with great effort, energy, and
persistence, often without becoming tired or giving up easily.
● Elusive: This adjective describes something that is difficult to find, achieve, or
understand, often because it is evasive, elusive, or hard to grasp.
● Covert: This adjective describes something that is secretive, hidden, or not
openly acknowledged or displayed.
● Brush up: This phrasal verb means to refresh or improve one's knowledge,
skills, or understanding of something, often by reviewing or practicing.
● Tear down: This phrasal verb has two main meanings:
● Literally, it means to demolish or destroy a structure or building.
● Figuratively, it can mean to criticize or dismantle something, such as an idea or
argument, often forcefully or systematically.
● Zero in: This phrasal verb means to focus or concentrate closely on something,
often with the intention of pinpointing or identifying it precisely.
column I column II

A) Faced with mounting pressure, the company D) hold out

eventually planned to _________ to public
demands for greater transparency and

B) The government aims to ___________ E) whittle down

bureaucracy by streamlining administrative
processes and reducing unnecessary regulations.

C) Negotiators will ________ for a better trade F) caved in

deal, insisting on fair terms that benefit both

● Hold out: This phrasal verb has a couple of meanings:

● To resist or withstand pressure, challenges, or difficulties.
● To continue to exist or be available, often despite efforts to diminish or eliminate.
● Streamlining: This noun refers to the process of making something more efficient by
reducing unnecessary steps or components.
● Mounting: This adjective describes something that is increasing in intensity, amount,
or importance.
● Insisting: This gerund (verb form used as a noun) describes the act of demanding or
asserting something forcefully or persistently.
● Caved in: This phrasal verb means to yield or surrender under pressure or
persuasion, often reluctantly or after resistance.
● Whittle down: This phrasal verb means to gradually reduce the size, amount, or
extent of something, often by removing or cutting away parts.
A) Authorities will _________ the recent D) hold off
surge in cyber attacks, aiming to enhance
cybersecurity measures.

B) The opposition party ________ a E) look into

compelling argument against the proposed
tax reforms during the parliamentary debate.

C) The central bank decided to __________ F) put forward

on interest rate hikes amidst global economic

● Hold off: To delay or postpone an action or event.

● Put forward: To propose or suggest an idea or plan for consideration.
● Compelling: Evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way;
also, convincing and persuasive.
● Look into: To investigate or examine something carefully.
● Recent: Having happened, begun, or been done not long ago; belonging to a past
period not far removed from the present.
● Amidst: In the middle of; surrounded by; among.
● Uncertainties: Situations where the outcome or result is not known; lack of certainty
or predictability.
● Surge: A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, typically by a crowd or by a
natural force such as a wave or tide; also, a sudden increase in something.
column I column II

A) As the hurricane approaches, residents D) stave off

________ the impact, securing their homes and
evacuating vulnerable areas.

B) The government implemented measures to E) hone in

_________ an economic downturn, injecting
funds into key sectors to stimulate growth.

C) Investigators will ________ on the details of F) brace for

the financial transactions, searching for any
irregularities that may indicate fraud.

● Downturn: A decline in economic, business, or other activity.

● Evacuating: The act of leaving a place, especially because it is dangerous or there is
a risk of danger.
● Vulnerable: Susceptible to physical or emotional harm or damage.
● Stave off: To prevent or delay something bad from happening, usually temporarily.
● Implemented: Put into effect; executed or carried out a plan, decision, or agreement.
● Brace for: To prepare for something difficult or unpleasant.
● Hone in: To move or be aimed towards a particular target or goal with precision.
● Indicate: To point out, show, or suggest something.
● Irregularities: Instances of being not regular, not following a normal pattern, or
having deviations from the standard.
● Stimulate: To encourage or provoke activity or growth; to make more active.

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