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1. Datuk laksamana
2. Panglima Ammar
3. Panglima Haziq
4. Seruni
5. Pawang
6. Hasanah


“Seruini Putih” this script and story are inspired and adapted from the story Lancang Kuning, a
Lancang Kuning folk tale telling about the tragedy of a ship, named Lancang Kuning, which sailed from
Bukit Batu, Bengkalis Regency, to Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands. This ship was led by a captain named
Lancang Kuning. The Lancang Kuning story is one of the most popular folk tales in Riau.

This story has also become a symbol of pride for the people of Riau. The story tells of two
commanders who previously had a harmonious relationship which had to be destroyed because of envy
and envy. Located in Tembilahan, precisely in the Diwsasri Kramakala Kingdom, taken from the Sanskrit
language Diwsari means sun and kramakala means evening.

The story begins showing the marriage of Commander Ammar to a beautiful girl from the
kingdom named Seruni, everyone is happy, including the Grand Admiral of the kingdom, because
Commander Ammar succeeded in conquering the pirates who were causing trouble in the kingdom. But
behind the joyful atmosphere, Commander Haziq could be seen clenching his fists, covered in feelings of
great hurt and envy.

The scene changes to a royal charmer walking back and forth in fear. The Datuk Admiral who
was walking in the royal garden accidentally saw the charmer, and immediately he approached him.

Datuk laksamana : Haa Pawang, what’s wrong with you? I’ve been seeing you
pacing back and forth erratically. You should be happy, our
great kingdom, the great kingdom of Diwsasri Kramakala is
free from the terror of the Lanuns!! Ha ha ha.
(Datuk laksamana was surprised, the handler he had tried to
cheer up still didn’t look happy).

What’s wrong Pawang, what is it that makes your heart upset

like this, tell me Pawang. Pawang!!!

Pawang : Aaaaaa aaaaa Ammpunnnn my lord Aaampunn thousands Oh

my lord, I’m dreaming, my lord, I’m dreaming. This dream
does not make me happy to tell it to my lord.

Datuk laksamana : What dream do you mean, tell me!! Don't stop until you finish
the story of your dream!!

Pawang : (the handler nervously explains it)

My lord, I can’t really tell you this, but if I don’t tell you our
kingdom will sink into ruin.

(Seeing the grandfather admiral who was surprised, the handler

immediately continued)

In my dream it was said that datuk laksamana had to build a big

ship as proof of the datuk laksamana greatness, and had to
sacrifice a woman who had just married in the near future.

Datuk laksamana : (hearing this made Datuk very surprised)

Is that true, O Pawang??

(Datuk laksamana really trusted Pawang, because he had never

lied once in his life)

Hearing this, I felt that the handler was not feeling well, as far
as I know, only Commander Ammar and Serunilah were newly
married. I don’t know anyone else besides them.
(While thinking Datuk Admiral fell unconscious)
: (pawang immediately took the Datuk Admiral on his lap,
while sobbing he said)

Forgive me, O Lord, I don’t know what to do anymore. Forgive

me, my God.

The scene shows that previously Pamgilma Haziq had met Pawamg, he threatened the pawang to
lie about his dream, and he had to put poison in Datuk laksamana drink. Initially the handler refused,
but panglima Haziq threatened the lives of the handler and his entire family. Pawang has no other

The scene changes to show pawang putting poison into the datuk laksamana drink. All of these
incidents happened because of cunning thoughts that arose because of panglima Haziq’s jealousy
towards panglima Ammar. He was not sincere that he was happy with Seruni, because he also really loved
Seruni. That’s what made a fierce grudge emerge in Haziq’s heart. The Datuk laksaman was lying ill, the
pawang took over the kingdom temporarily and the order to build a large ship had begun. Not only that,
pawang ordered Pamglima Ammar to go to war against the neighboring kingdom. Which will last a long

The scene shows Seruni kissing panglima Amar’s hand, giving Mya a shawl and sending her off
to go to war, 1 day after panglima Ammar left, that’s where panglima Haziq’s evil plan took place.
Pawang ordered the soldiers to catch Chrysanthemum in his house, and kill him to break the ship.

The scene changes to Seruni’s house, Seruni is accompanied by Hasanah with an anxious heart
contemplating, Seruni feels a bad feeling, that’s when panglima Haziq’s sister Hasanah comes to try to
cheer her up.

Hasanah : Ouch, I don’t feel good seeing you pensive like this, Seruni.
What are you thinking about? Don’t worry, Seruni, even though
he is handsome and kind, Ammar will not cheat on him.
Moreover, he is the panglima of course he can protect himself
in the country of people

Seruni :What are you talking about Hasanah, right now I’m worried
about the him, why at a time like this he has to go to war. I have
a bad feeling about this, Hasanah

Hasanah : OK, I understand Seruni, it’s true what you said, your
marriage has just happened but he already has to follow his
responsibilities. But I think all your feelings of anxiety will
only burden you, you know? After all, the panglima-in-chief is
: hmmmm, somehow I have bad thoughts like this. Honestly, I
have never felt this way before, worry stirred in my heart. I’m
afraid what will happen to Hasanah

Hasanah : It seems that what I said is true.

Seruni : what do you means??

Hasanah : You’re afraid that Hasan is cheating on you hahahah, your

love for Hasan is so great, Seruni. Just hearing it makes me
feel very jealous

Seruni : what are you talking about

(Seruni blushed)

Do you think panglima Hasan feels the same way as I do

Hasanah? I think there is only 1 in 1 billion people as gentle
and kind as him, the way he holds my hand, the way he hugs

(While smiling, Hasanah looked at Seruni)

(Seruni covered her face with her scarf because she was

Seruni and Hasanah’s happiness didn’t last long, not long after they talked, several soldiers came to the
house of Seruni and Commander Umar. Soldiers broke in and took the seruni by force, Hasamah
couldn’t do anything, she could only cry. Premium chrysanthemums were used as sacrifices to anchor

Not long after that, the grandfather admiral died, and power was taken by the commander haziq who
planned it all, the commander haziq felt relieved because according to him his revenge had been avenged,
the grandfather admiral who loved commander Ammar more died because of poison, the seruni who
rejected his love outright was made a sacrificial offering , then he thought that commander Ammar lost
the battle because the neighboring kingdom was very strong and it was impossible for commander Ammar
to win.

Several months passed, Commander Ammar returned home in victory, his return was not known by
anyone in the kingdom because Commander Haziq had spread the news that Commander Ammar had
died fighting. Commander Ammar passed by the path and saw him half awake, pensive, to his surprise,
what he saw was Hasanah who had almost lost her mind. Hasanah was shocked and told everything to
commander Ammar. He also realized that something was wrong, after checking the house there was no
presence of Seruni, then when he came to the kingdom he realized that Datuk Admiral had died,
Hasanah had been expelled from the kingdom because she had lost her mind, Pawanh had disappeared
(murdered) to eliminate evidence of his love. Still not believing it, he went straight to the port where the
ship was built to confirm everything

(The last scene)

Panglima Ammar : panglima Haziq !!


Penglima Haziq : how are you, are you for real? How are you still alive

Panglima Ammar : it is true ! What have you done Commander Haziq. Convince
me ! Tell me that what happened wasn’t you the culprit. I can’t
believe we’ve been friends for so long, even like brothers. You,
you couldn’t possibly do that, right, tell me Haziq

Panglima Haziq : looking at your expression you definitely know everything

(He said casually)

It’s true Ammar, you definitely won’t believe it. That’s your
nature, good, gentle, no one doesn’t like you, Ammar. I’m the

Panglima Ammar : You bastard Haziq, where is your conscience? You killed
datuk laksamana and even tortured your own younger sister,
someone who is your own flesh and blood!! .

Panglima Haziq : bastard?? You are a bastard Umar. You know I love Seruni but
you took her from me. You bastard said haa, I killed Seruni so
you would suffer the same as me. But I gave this big ship to
him, so that his name will remain eternal.

Pangilma Ammar : (sigh)

Rice has become Porridge, Haziq get ready!! They won’t be at
peace there if you don’t catch up with them.

(Ammar took out his keris)

I will send you there haziq!!

Panglima Haziq : do it if you can Ammar!!

A fight between commander Ammar and commander Haziq is shown, both of them responding to
each other’s attacks, hitting each other, stabbing each other. Two best friends who try to kill each other. The
incident occurred under the majestic white ship which was made to immortalize the love for Seruni.

The fight reached its climax, commander Haziq fell. And Commander Ammar came out as the winner
who didn’t get anything. He took back the chrysanthemum shawl and kissed it one last time. He decided to
sail away from everything he had achieved using a ship which he named “White Seruni”. The ship sank due
to a storm and he sank along with the white Seruni.

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