Chalukyas of Badami

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Chalukyas of Badami

Before the origin of the Chalukyas. the Deccan was under the Rashtrakuta
dynasty. They ruled for about two centuries. The Chalukyas belonged to Badami
Vapati or modern Bijapur. Probably the Chalukyas were of the Kanner tribe
and called themselves
Kshtriayas. In the accounts of Yuan-Chwang Pulakesin
I is addressed as a
Kshatriya. Dr. D. C. Sarkar writes that this dynasty was named
after the name of the
predecessors of Chalukyas, called Chalak, Chalika, or
Chaluka. We come across such names in the
Chalukya inscriptions.
From Vikramankdeva Charitra of Bilhana, we learn about the
origin of the
Chalukyas. According to him on the ardent request of Indra to Brahma, he
produced a hero out of his palm (owho was to destroy the evil
Perhaps, therefore the Chalukyas thought themselves as the sons of God.
They enjoyed the protection of Karttikeya. Some contemporary records reveal that
the Chalukyas were worshippers of Lord Vishnu.
This is indicated by the titles
they kept such as Prithvi-Vallabha.
History of the Chalukyas
Jayasimha was the first Chalukya king. His father's name was
The Ranaraga.
great works of Jayasimha are not very informative but from the Kauthem
inscriptions we come to know that he had defeated Indra the son of Krishna, and
thereby re-established the Chalukya dynasty. But as there is no reference of it in
the Ahihole inscription, so it cannot be fully believed.
He was the first great king among the
Chalukyas. He was the first
independent ruler. In fact, he is regarded as the real founder of the
dynasty. Pulkesin I had titles of Ranavikram and Shree Prithvi-Vallabha.
The inscription reveal that he had performed a number of Yainas and
sacrifices. As for example, Hirnagarbha, Horse Ceremoney or Asvamedha
Agnishtoma, and Vajpaye. He was a great scholar and had studied thoroughlu
the Puranas, Ramayana and the Mahabharata. According to a Badami inscription
he had laid the foundation of Vatapi fort. This fort is situated near modern
Bijapur. Though from inscriptions we learn that he performed Asvamedha Yajna,
yet there is no proof of his personal conquesis. It was his successor Kirtivarman.
who scored a number of victories.

Maharaja Kirtivarman
Pulakesin I was succeeded on the throne by Maharaja Kirtivarman
piobably in 566 or 567 A.D. He ruled upto the year 597 to 598 A.D. He is also
called as the first founder of Vatapi. He had got constructed a number of temples
and palaces in the city of Vatapi.
The Raishnar cave inscription of Badami reveals that the cave temple was
completed by his younger brother. He celebrated the Bahusvarna and the
Agnishtoma' ceremonies. He had defeated Vangas, Angas, Magadha, Keralas,
Vatmas, Madraka, Gangas, Pandyas, Chola, Dramils, Cholyas, Mousikanoes and
Aluka. But the Mahakuta inscription presents an exaggerated description of the
victories of Kirtivarman. In the Aihole inscription of Manglesha he has been
compared to a night of destruction for the Mauryas, Kadambas and the Nalas.
There is an element of truth in this description according to Dr. D. C. Sarkar.

In the year 597 or 598 A.D. Kirtivarman died. He was succeeded by his.
brother Mangalesa as he had no son. Mangalesa ruled upto 610 or 611 A.D.
Mangalesa had assumed titles as Rana-Vikram, Parambhagvata etc. An Aihole
inscription shows that he had secured a victory over Kalachuris and Revti island.
The Mahakuta inscription reveals that he had won a victory over Bodhraj a
Kalachuri ruler and had confiscated his wealth and kingdem. Mangalesa had
appointed Indravarman as the haad of Revti island. On the basis of Goa grant
some historians are of the opinion that Indravarman was appointed during the
reign of Kirtivarman. But it is accepted that Revti ilsand was conquered in 597
or 598 A.D. then it will be proper to accept that Indravarman was appointed by
Towards the close of his reign Mangalesa had to fight with his nephew
Pulakesin II. Mangalesa wanted his son to succeed him but Pulkesi I was
against him. In the civil war Mangalesa was killed and thereafter Pulakesin II
ascended the throne.

Pulakesin Il
Pulakesin II was the son of Kirtivarman I. He ascended the throne after
killing his uncle, Mangalesa, in the year 610 A.D. He had the title of Shri Prithvi-
Vallabha and Parmeshwar.
Chalukyas of Badami
At the time of his accession
conditions. Most there had occurred a
of the rulers change in political
taking undue advantage of the
established their Civil War, haad
The wholeindependent
world was
Aihole enveloped in the darkness that was the
Inscription of
Pulakesin II. The capital of the enemies." -
threatened by the foreign foes. Chalukyas was also
banks of river Bhima. Appayika and Govinda had to reach the Northern
So Pulakesin was now
faced with two main
of the problems
To force the
country from foreign invasion.
Jagirdars to accept his sovereignty.
In such a situation
Pulakesin took a diplomatic and a tactful
adopted the policy of divide and rule. step. He
defeated Appayika. Entering into an alliance with Govinda he
Conquests of Pulakesin II
After strengthening his
power and resources Pulakesin II adopted a policy
of aggression and aggrandizement. He brought under his authority all the
neighbouring states. Aihole inscription provides an elaborate
great deeds. description of his
In the South Pulakesin
occupied Vanavasi, Vanavasi was the Capital of
Kadambas. Then, he won over the Ganges of Southern
Mysore and the
Friendship with the Kadambas was the Chief reason of this victory. When the
war was over theGanga ruler married away his daughter to Pulakesin. In Konkan,
he had won a victory over the Maurya and occupied the city of Puri. Besides he
conquered the rulers of
Malwa, Latas and Gurjaras.
The Aihole inscription depicts his victory over Harsha of
Kanauj. The
accounts of Yuan-Chwang reveals that the imperialistic ambitions of both the
Kings forced them to enter into a war. Both of the Kings wanted to occupy Gujrat.
But Pulakesin II forced Harsha to beat a retreat. Some historians in fact, are of
the view that Gurjars, Latas and the Mallavas of Valabhi joined hands
with Pulakesin II due to the fear of Harsha. But on the basis of other sources we
cannot accept this view. After defeating Harsha Pulakesin assumed the title of
Now, no wonder, Pulkesin had become the head of three States, namely
Maharashtra, Konkan, and Karnata. Aihole delineates his south western con-
quests too and his supreme victory over Kalinga and Kaushal. Pulakesin had too
established his authority over Pishtapur, a city near river Godavari. He had also
inflicted a crushing defeat on Mahendravarman, the Pallava ruler.
With the Cholas, Keralas, and Pandyas, he had established cordial
relations. Thus, he had won manifold victories.
Social condition under Pulakesin II
Pulkesin Il was ruling over Maharashtra when in 641 A.D. Yuan Chwang
visited that place.
430 History of Ancient India

"If a general loses a battle, they do not inflict punishment, but present himn
with women's clothes and so he is driven to seek death for himself. The country

provides for a band of champions to the number of several hundreds. Each time
they are about to engage in conflict they intoxicate themselves with wine and then
one man with lance in hand will meet ten thousand and challenge them to fight.
If one of those Champions meets a man and kills him the laws of the country do
not pr:nish him. Every time they go forth, they beatdrums before them. Moreover
they incbriate many hundreds heads of elephants and taking them out to fight
they themselves first drink their wine, and rushing forward in mess, they trample
every thing down, so that no enemy can stand before them. The King in
consequence of his possessing the se men and elephants treats his neighbours with
conteinpt."-Yuan Chwang-From "Classical Age.
This account of Yuan Chwang gives a glimpse of the social condition
prevailing under Pulakesin II.
Pulakesin was the greatest among the Chalukya rulers. His fame spread
far and wide. A contemporary Muslim record shows that he had sent his
ambassador in the court of the Persian King, Khusro II.
Death of Pulakesin II
Pulakesin II could not resist the Pallavas for long-Narasingh the Pallava
ruler, to wreck vengeance upon Pulakesin, invaded Badami and he conquered it.
Probably Pulakesin II was killed in this war.
Vikramaditya I
Pulakesin II was succeeded by his youngest son VikramadityaI. As Badami
had fallen into the hands of the Pallavas, his accession became difficult for
sometime. Though there were many claimants to the throne of Pulakesin II but
Vikramidtya was helped by his maternal grandfather to have the throne. He too
assumed titles like his predecessors, as of Ranarasik, Rajmakand Shri Prithvi
His achievements
Vikramaditya attained his hereditary throne and crushed his enemies. He
conquered the Southern part of the Pallavas and restored that States to the
Brahmans, which had been confiscated by their enemies. He defeated Pallavas
King Narsimhaverman I, Mahendravarman II and Perrmeshwar I the Pallava
rulers. In addition to this he occupied Kanchi too. He had established his
on almost the whole of the Deccan.
Thus Vikramaditya I is said to have become the Lord of the
whole earth
bounded by the three ocean, indicating South India, bordered
by the Bay of
Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian oceans".-D.C. Sircar-from Classical
But Vikramaditya could not assert his
authority for a long period in the South
as he was defeated by Parmeshwar I, the rules of the
Pallava dynasty. Thus in
681 A.D. Vikramaditya died.
Chalukyas of Badami 431

In the year 681 A.D. Vinayaditya the son of Vikramaditya ascended the
throne. He rnled till 696 A.D. The contemporary records reveal that he had to
wage a war against the ruler of Kanchi. He established his authority over the
Pallavas, Kalabhras, Kerala, Kalachuris, Mallar, Cholas and Pandyas. He re-
ceived an annual tribute from the rulers of Ceylon, and of the Valley of Kavali
and Persta.
Towards the closing period of reign he had to struggle hard against his
enemies. His foes imprisoned his son Vijayaditya. By this time Vinayaditya
He ascended the throne in 696 A.D. He was the son of Vinayaditya and
ruled upto 733 A.D. He was not a very prominent King of the Chalukya dynasty.
He also assumed the imperial title of Shri Prithvi Vallabha. His reign was a
peaceful one. Probably, he had to wage war against the Pallavas and the Chief
reason of it was his aggressive policy. In his lifetime only his son Vikramaditya,
II occupied Kanchi and received exaction from Parmeshwar II of Pallava dynasty.
Vijayaditya got constructed a beautiful Siva temple at Kanchi. He had a
tolerant religious policy and he gave grants to may Jain teachers. At Laxmeshwar
his sister got constructed Jain temple.
Vikramaditya II
Vijayaditya was succeeded by his son Vikramaditya II. He reigned from
734 to 745 A.D. He too assumed the title of Shri Prithvi Vallabha. His wife had
got constructed a Siva temple called Lokeshwara. The Chalukyas had lifelong
enemity with the Pallaves. Vikramaditya II in order to stamp out the Pallavas
made surprise attack upon them and received a heavy amount from Nandivarma.
Then he entered the city of Kanchi. He did not destroy Kanchi but presented heaps
of gold to the temples there
He also defeated the Pandyas, Cholas, Keralas etc. During period the Arabs
made a fierce attack but they were given bitter back and a shattering blow.
The End of the Chalukya Kingdom: Vikramaditya was succeed by
Kirtivarman I. He was the last king of the imperior line of Chalukyas. He ruled
till 757 A.D. During his reign to Chalukya dynasty started hastening towards
decay and downfall a with in short-time the Rastrakutas became all powerful in
a Southern India.

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