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Part I. Personal Information
Part II. Talking about the given topic
In this part after casting lot to find your topic, your teacher will give you a cue
card and ask you to prepare your topics. You have 2-3 minutes to note down the head
words and your ideas. Then you will be asked to present your preparation in one
minute to answer your topic. Finally, you will be asked to answer further two
Topic1: Talk about pollution in Vietnam
1. Do you think pollution is a big problem nowadays?
2. What are the common types of pollution in Vietnam?
3. How is the situation?
4. What are the causes?
5. What are the effects?
6. What should the people/you do to reduce it?
Topic 2: Talk about Shopping
a. Do you enjoy shopping? What do you shop for? Where do you shop every day?
b. How do you choose your shopping place?
c. Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on the street market?
d. When was the last time you went to a street market?
e. What do you think about online shopping?
g. Why has online shopping become so popular in many countries?
Topic 3: Talk about a natural disaster
a. What kind of disasters are there in Vietnam?
b. How can disasters be warned about in your country?
c. Where do you usually hear about the news on upcoming disasters?
d. What kinds of disasters are popular these days?
e. Why has the world suffered from natural disasters more than ever befores?
f. How can we limit the bad effects of disasters on our lives?
g. Describe a disaster that affected you country/region
- What kind of disaster it was
→ Where it happened
→ What the consequences were
And why you remember it
Topic 4: Talk about communication

1. Why are social networks so popular nowadays?
2. Which is better – face-to-face communicating or texting/emailing?
3. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
4. How do you usually keep in touch with members of your family?
5. Which is your favorite way to communicate? Why?
6. What do you think is the best way to keep in touch with friends?
7. Do you ever write letters by hand? Why/Why not?
8. At work or in your studies, do you often write things?
9. How often do you send emails?
10. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
11. How often do you make telephone calls?
12. Who do you spend the most time talking to on the telephone?
13. Do you prefer to speak to people by phone or by writing emails?
14. Is there anything you dislike about mobile phones?
15. Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning?
16. Do people keep in touch differently now compared to fifty years ago?
17. How do you think will people communicate in the future?
Topic 5: Talk about science and technology
Now let’s talk about computers
How often do you use a computer?
Do you enjoy using computers?
When did you last play a computer game?
Is there anything you would like to learn to do on a computer?

Let’s talk about science and technology

How interested are you in learning about science and technology?
Do you prefer to read books or watch videos to learn about science and technology?
Did you learn a lot about science and technology at school?
How important is knowledge of science and technology in your everyday life?

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