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Pale Carnations

story timeline, scene by scene

by Ottoeight for F95 pals



you receive the letter from the Carnation Club and have a phone conversation with Chuck.
dinner with mom;
phone conversation with Ian.


job interview at the club;
phone conversation with Chuck.


you meet Rosalind at the club (choice: take advantage/don’t take advantage);
phone call with Chuck.


meet Ian and Mina at the café;
meet August and Kathleen at the club; first meeting with Hana.
you meet Ian, Mina and Felicia at the disco;
disco free roam events: drink with Ian, Mina and Felicia, then talk to Felicia and get her a drink; talk to the
barman; talk to Ian; drink with Felicia (choice: do shots with Felicia/check Mina); check Mina and dance (with
her/with Mina and Felicia); drink with everybody, then Mina and Ian leave; find Mina and confront Mina’s
harasser (alone/with Ian);
(if you checked Mina) card game with Ian, Mina and Felicia at Ian’s penthouse suite (choice: accept Felicia’s
advances/threesome with Ian/reject Felicia);
(if you did shots with Felicia) have sex with Felicia in the stalls, then grab something to eat at the diner with her.


conversation with Kathleen in her Limousine.
you examine the files in the usb drive that Kathleen gave you (in the meanwhile you receive a message from
Mina and a phone call from mom).


you meet Hana outside the club;
scene with Veronica, Lucy and Kathleen in Kathleen’s office;
you meet Rosalind while leaving the club;
(if you asked Rosalind) have a cup of coffee with Rosalind at the café.
dinner with mom and Ian.


meeting Ian and Chuck at the Club;
sauna scene with Samson, Isaak, Chuck and Harper;
scene with Veronica before the exhibition;
trial exhibition between Veronica and Lucy;
(if you followed Hana) you have a conversation with Hana and Jacob, then Hana gives you a ride home.
(if you helped Kathleen to her office) you have a conversation with Kathleen in her office.


you meet Kathleen, Felicia, Veronica and Rosalind at the club.



conversation with mom and Ian at your new apartment;
you and Ian meet Kathleen and the Carnations at Kathleen’s office (and meet Dalia);
(if you partner with Rosalind) interview with Rosalind;
(if you partner with Felicia) interview with Felicia;
(if you partner with Veronica) interview with Veronica;
you meet Hana and Harper in the club;
conversation with Kathleen in her office.
weird scene in your apartment with Ian and a girl (Amber).


in the morning, phone conversation with Mina at home;
(if you agreed) lunch and shopping with Mina – you meet Felicia at the shop.
(if you had coffee with Rosalind) Rosalind is visiting you at your apartment (choice: accept the deal/do it for
free/there’s nothing you can do);
Ian texts you while you’re sleeping.


visit from Chuck in the morning.
(if you accepted dinner’s invitation from Felicia) dinner with Felicia at the restaurant, then you have a walk with


(if you agreed to help Hana out – otherwise you skip the whole day)
Hana’s gig at the pub with Jacob and Harper: you meet Hana’s bandmates, Jerrica and Spider;
you have fun at the club with Hana, Jerrica and Spider;
quarrel with Warren and Kathleen;
conversation with Hana in the rockstar room.


(if you got your reward for making the best interview with a Carnation) you get your reward with Kathleen, Lucy,
Dalia and Harper in Kathleen’s office at the club;
you have a conversation in the bathroom with Kathleen;
(if you invited Mina to the gym) you train at Veronica’s gym with Mina and her;
(if you went to the gym by yourself) you train at Veronica’s gym with her.
you ponder over past and future events while having a shower;
in the meanwhile, members are having fun at the club (scene with Abel, Sophia and Kathleen).


you have lunch with the Carnations at the diner;
you meet Mina and Ian in front of your apartment building;
you have a chat with Ian in your apartment;
(if you accepted the deal with Rosalind) Rosalind sends you a pic.
you and Ian have a conversation with Kathleen, Abel and Sophia in her office at the club;
free roam club events before the exhibition: watch members and girls in the hall and talk to Jacob; talk to
Kathleen in her office; at the bar, talk to Emma, Chuck, Hana and watch Dalia; talk to Warren in the security
room; talk to Veronica in the dressing room; back at the bar, Chuck and others; back in the security room,
check the cameras; back in the hall, scene with Jacob, Hana and Isaak; finally, end the roam in the vip lounge:
conversation with patrons and Samson;
week 1 exhibition;
(if you slip out of the room and find Hana) talk to Hana and Lucy at the bar, then have a sauna with Hana;
(if you stick around and watch Felicia/Rosalind/Veronica dealing with the 3 rd game) film the 3rd exhibition event;
have a chat with Kathleen in her office;
you have a phone conversation – with a bonus – with mom before going to bed.


your birthday: you have breakfast with Ian in your apartment;
you and Ian visit Ian’s mom (Grace), and you meet Alice and have a conversation with Grace;
meet mom at the ice cream parlour (if you told Ian you want to see Alice’s photos he sends you a pic);
birthday party at home with Hana, Ian and Mina;
drinking game with them (with 3 different winners/outcomes), then you watch movies;
go to bed with Hana (choice: kiss her/pull her close and hold her);



just another depressing flashback scene of your childhood;
breakfast with Hana at your apartment;
you and Hana go to the club;
you have a chat with Kathleen in the photographic studio;
photographic session in the studio with the Carnations;
(if on Mina’s path) meet Mina and her brother in front of her apartment building;
(if on Mina’s path) help Mina rehearse (choice: kiss her/artfully move past this part).
Kathleen’s phone call;
you meet Kathleen and harper in room 5 at the club (choice: accept her gift/help Harper down);
(if you accepted her gift) s/m scene with Harper and sex with Kathleen (if her trust points are high);
Kathleen drives you home: Hana’s waiting for you in front of your apartments.


wake up morning scene with Hana at home;
phone conversation with Kathleen (choice: call Rosalind/call Veronica);
(if you called Rosalind) photo session with Rosalind in the park, then in the bathroom;
(if you called Rosalind) have sex with Rosalind at her home;
(if you called Veronica) photo session with Veronica at her gym;
back home, pizza with Hana and movies on the couch.


mom visits in the morning and you have a funny conversation with Hana and her;
(if previously called Rosalind) call Veronica and have a photo session with her at her gym (you meet Mina at the
gym if you previously went with her);
(if previously called Veronica) call Rosalind and have a photo session with her in the park, then in the bathroom;
(if previously called Veronica) have sex with Rosalind at her home;
at home, scene with Hana on the couch.


morning conversation with Hana at home (about her chat with Kathleen and the club);
you and Hana are interrupted by a phone call from Felicia;
you visit Mina; Felicia explains what happened with Ian, then she leaves;
you chat and play videogames with Mina;
back home, conversation with Hana;
photo session with Felicia while interviewing her husband at their home;
the dude leaves and you have fun with Felicia;
conversation on the garden rooftop with Felicia;
(if you grabbed Felicia) talk to Felicia while she drives you home (choice: bring up Rosalind/go on Felicia’s date/go
with her/not interested);
back home, you have a serious conversation with Hana;
in bed, you think about Ian (choice: you call him/you don’t).


you go with Hana at the club and you meet August and his mobster friend Otto (with Nicolette) in the entrance
short conversation with Hana, then you both enter Kathleen’s office;
you talk to Kathleen, then leave;
free roam club events while you wait for Hana while she’s talking to Kathleen in her office: meet August,
Nicolette and Dalia at the bar; Dalia and Warren in the hall; check the security room; meet Sophia in the vip
lounge; talk to Chuck and Ian in the dressing room; meet Harper in the hall; vip lounge scene with Abel,
Sophia and Chuck;
conversation with Kathleen in her office;
phone call with Rosalind;
(if on Mina’s path) you meet Mina and her brother at the arcade;
(if on Mina’s path) back with Mina at her flat (choice: cross the line/don’t);
(if you crossed the line) sexy time with Mina (2 choices: accept with a kiss/don’t; push her to break up/don’t).
back at your apartment, you make a phone call:
(if you called Hana) phone call with Hana (her mom is with her, so we can finally meet her);
(if you called Mina) phone call with Mina;
(if you called Ian) phone call with Ian;
(if you called mom) phone call with mom;
in the meanwhile, Kathleen is having a shady conversation with Abel and Sophia at the club.


lunch with the Carnations;
(if on Rosalind’s path) private conversation with Rosalind outside the restaurant (choice: kill some time
together/full deal/just get a ride home);
(if killed some time with Rosalind) nice chat with Rosalind at your apartment, interrupted by mom and Ian – then
Victoria leaves and you talk to Ian and Rosalind;
(if you just got a ride home/chose the full deal) Ian and mom are visiting you at the apartment, then she leaves;
conversation with Ian at your apartment.
arrive at the club with Ian and chat with Dalia and Jacob in the hall;
long chat with August, Kathleen, Chuck, Ian and Hana in August’s office about Hana’s involvement in the
club (with a toast);
walkaround and “socialize with patrons” free roam in the club: meet Rosalind and patrons; talk to Jacob; meet
Felicia and patrons; talk to Warren and Kristoff in the security room; various bar scenes (Dalia and Andrew;
Isaak and Lucy; chat with Yoo-Ri; Veronica, some girls, Vincenzo, Joe and Jim); Samson, Nicolette, Harper and
Isaak & Lucy); sauna with Samson, Nicolette and Dalia; chat with Veronica and Hana in the hall; (if on
Veronica’s path/said hello to Jacob and Harper/helped Harper down) Dalia asks you to search for Harper; talk to Jacob
in the security room; have a look at the pool; (if Dalia asked you to search for Harper and Lucy) meet Harper and
Lucy in the rockstar room and talk to them; talk to August in his office; talk to Yoo-ri in the bar when she’s
alone; talk to Chuck, Abel, Sophia and Ian in the vip lounge; velvet room scenes where you interact with
everybody and finally have a chat with Kathleen, the patrons and Andrea (Emma and Ian scene if you asked
Ian/Chuck for help with Emma);
week 2 exhibition: Veronica and Kathleen’s show; you, Felicia and Ian (if you want); Rosalind’s show (choice:
either you perform or make Ian do it);
post-exhibition chat with Ian and Hana, then Hana only;
pondering the events while having a bath, then chat with Veronica;
(if you visit Mina) visit Mina, chat and sleep with her;
(if you invite Veronica home) you invite Veronica home, chat and sleep with her on the couch;
(if you seek advice from Kathleen) talk to Kathleen in her office;
(if you go crash at your mom’s) watch a movie with mom and go to bed.


(if you visited Mina) you wake up with Mina, then Ian visits and Mina breaks up with him;
(if you invited Veronica home) you wake up and have breakfast with Veronica;
(if you sought advice from Kathleen) phone call from Kathleen in the morning;
(if you crashed at your mom’s) breakfast with mom;
visit from Ian at your apartment and you play videogames (if you sought advice from Kathleen, you have a visit
from Warren, too);
(if you have a date with Hana – otherwise you skip all of the “date with Hana” events):
Hana comes at your apartment;
you and Hana at the ice cream parlour;
at the movies with Hana: you meet Cynthia;
karaoke evening with Hana;
back at your apartment with Hana (choice: Hana girlfriend/fuck buddies);
in the meanwhile, Ian is busy with Amber (or Alice).



(if on Mina’s path) morning scene with Mina and Felicia at Felicia’s;
(if date with Hana went ok and you had sex) breakfast with Hana at your apartment;
go to the club and meet Sophia and Jacob in the hall;
you meet Kathleen and the Carnations in the photo studio, then you phone Ian, who’s “sick”;
Kathleen involves you in the Carnations’ first game of this week;
you have a conversation with Sophia at the bar;
in the velvet room, you watch with Kathleen and Sophia the Carnations’ punishment game (which differs
depending on who lost the exhibition 2 game);
conversation with Kathleen in the bathroom;
you meet Ian and his mother at Ian’s apartments while she’s leaving, then you chat with Ian;
(Mina’s following scenes only if you are on her path):
(if you crossed the line with Mina) you meet Mina at the café and you have a chat (if Hana is your girlfriend you
can choose to break off with Mina);
(if you didn’t cross the line with Mina) you have a chat with Mina at the park (choice: go to a hotel with her/don’t
you go to a hotel room with Mina and you have a lot of sex (while in the lift you see a movie poster with
Allison Smith, who was the winner of the exhibition video in the usb drive);
you and Mina are interrupted by a phone call from Sophia who tells you to come back to your apartment and
meet Abel;
(if you don’t go to a hotel room with Mina) you see a movie at the cinema, and you are interrupted by a phone
call from Sophia who tells you to come back to your apartment and meet Abel;
back home, where Abel and Sophia are waiting for you: have a weird conversation with Abel;
you go at your mom’s and stay overnight;
while in your old bedroom you call Ian and tell him everything about Abel’s visit (he is with Alice);
(if you call Mina) call Mina and talk to her;
(if you call Hana) call Hana and have phone sex with her;
(if you don’t call anyone) go to sleep.


morning conversation with mom and Ian;
you and Ian leave and go to the hairdresser’s – you have a chat while Ian’s driving;
Amber cuts your hair at the hairdresser’s;
back at your apartment, Ian helps you in searching bugs and installing a camera;
you and Ian talk about Darius, then you ponder over the latest events;
you call the Carnations (any order):
phone call with Felicia;
phone call with Veronica (choice: invite her for a drink/don’t invite her);
phone call with Rosalind;
you and Ian go to Rosalind’s: you have a very unpleasant chat with her loan shark;
the loan shark leaves, you talk to Rosalind and decide she’s staying at your apartment;
you leave Rosalind at your apartment and go to the club;
you meet Chuck, August, Warren, Vincenzo and Jim while they’re playing poker and you ask them (either
Chuck or August) to solve Rosalind’s problem;
back home, you chat with Rosalind;
(if you didn’t invite Veronica for a drink) you spend the night with Rosalind watching movies;
(if you invited Veronica for a drink):
shower and change, then you have a phone conversation with Hana (phone call only happens if you invite
Veronica out);
at the gay bar, have a chat with Veronica and Karli;
drink, dance and chat with Brittany, Karli and Veronica (choice: invite Veronica to dance/play wingman for
(if you invited Veronica to dance) dance with Veronica, then leave and have a walk with her: you sit and chat
(choice: do it/don’t do it);
(if you did it) you have sex with Veronica at Ian’s apartments, then you’re interrupted by Ian and his female
(if you played wingman for Veronica) dance, chat and drink with Veronica, Olivia and Brittany (choice: go home/be
(if you were bold) Brittany blows you in the toilets;
back home, short chat with Rosalind, then you go to bed.


you wake up on your couch in the morning, chat with Rosalind and receive a message from Ian: he’s coming.

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