Soal Bahasa Inggris Fix Kelas 2 Fix

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Dusun Doktukul Desa Sugihwaras Kode Pos 63552

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : II (Dua) / Genap
Hari dan Tanggal : Selasa, 4 Juni 2024
Waktu : 90 Menit

A. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, ord c.

My name is Lili. The old man is my grandfather. His name is Tono. The old woman is my
grandmother. Her name is Yeni, I love them so much. Do you love your grandparent too?
1. What is Lili doing ?
a. She is sleeping
b. She is telling about her grandparents.
c. She is singing a family song.
2. Mr. Tono is …………..
a. My grandfather
b. Lili’s grandmother
c. Mrs. Yeni’s husband
3. “Her name is Yeni.”
‘Her refers to ………..
a. Lili’s grandfather
b. Lili’s grandmother
c. Lili’s grandparents
4. Ita is my sister. Her eyes are ……….
a. pointed
b. round
c. slim
5. He is my father. His body is ………….
a. curly
b. long
c. thin
6. These words describe someone’s characteristics except …………..
a. slim
b. tall
c. orange
7. These are animals, except ………….
a. hens
b. goats
c. eggs
8. A : Can you describe your cat ?
B : …………………….
Which one is match for the dialog ?
a. It’s large
b. Its fur is soft
c. Its beak is large
9. Tiger are ……………………
a. small
b. wild
c. gray
10. A giraffe has four ………….
a. legs
b. tails
c. necks
11. These animals have wings, axcept ……………..
a. snakes
b. butterflies
c. birds
12. These are the body parts of an elephant, except……….
a. ears
b. a beak
c. a trunk
13. I’d like to eat a…………….
a. pizza
b. ball
c. glass of milk
14. I am hungry, so I eat ………..
a. cola
b. tea
c. salad
15. You can drink ………
a. iced tea
b. rice
c. salad

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang tepat!
1. The Indonesian of ‘his uncle’ is ‘ …………………… ’
2. The correct order of ‘e – i – w – s’ is …………………..
3. The correct order of ‘n – e – h’ is …………………………
4. A sheep has ………………………..legs.
5. An elephant has …………………………large ears.
6. A bee has …………………………… wings.
7. Pizzas, noodles, and hamburgers are types of……………………………..
8. Milkshake, iced tea, and cola are types of………………………………
9. The correct order of ‘l – m – k – i’ is…………………………………..
10. The Indonesian of ‘omelet’ is ‘’………………………………….

C. Read the following dialog, then answer each question!

Bacalah dialog berikut, kemudian jawablah setiap pertanyaan!
Tina : Do you like cheese?
Oki : No, I don’t. I like chocolate.
Tina : I like cheese so much. It’s my favorite food.
1. Who are they in the dialog?

2. Who likes cheese?

3. What food does Oki like?

4. What does ‘it’ in the dialog refer to?

5. What is Oki implying by saying, “No, I don’t”?

Kunci Jawaban:

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. A

1. Pamannya
2. Wise
3. Hen
4. Four
5. Two
6. Two
7. Foods
8. Drinks
9. Milk
10. Telur dadar
1. They are Tina and Oki
2. Tina does
3. He likes chocolate
4. It refers to cheese
5. He is implying that he does not cheese

skor: 15 + 20 + 15 X 100

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