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1. He had thrown a word at random that would cause a political storm.

I threw it glance at the

morning papers. He tried to look nonchalant, but his agitation was there obvious. He non
chalantly walks into his room and pours himself a glass of wine. With carelessness studied, he
reminded her of the promise made. He didn't give us a real lecture, he just did a few more or less
random observations. He was dressed in sports clothes. They they use temporary workers to pick
the fruit. What annoyed me the most was his carefree attitude. Losses were heavy on both sides.
The battle cost him a quarter of a million dead and wounded. The young doctor from the
Emergency Department had shown a regrettable lack of self control.
2. Newspapers claim that the police shot the suspect without warning. That's what they claim,
but it is unlikely that they will be able to prove it. They say he was involved in a big tax fraud.
The alleged witness will appear before the Court tomorrow. The newspapers were full of serious
allegations/accusations of corruption. If the allegations/accusations against him are proven
founded, he will lose his job. He swore allegiance to the Queen. The director of the department
of marketing betrayed the company by siding with the main competitor.
3. The discussion continued without further incidents. The meeting continues as planned. Let's
move on now to the main issue on the agenda. Passengers for the flight from New York are
asked to towards Gate no. 25. The next day they set out for the big city. Our company a filed a
lawsuit against the former director. The meeting took place in silence. He watched with interest
the unfolding of events. The work will resume at 5 o'clock. The collected sums will be donated
orphaned children from the former Yugoslavia. We decided to go to the concert as soon as we
found out that the collected sums were intended for charitable works.

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