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This presentation will explore the impact of varying power and distance on
the current flowing through a circuit containing a light-dependent resistor
(LDR). We will investigate how changes in the illuminating incandescent lamp
affect the behavior of the LDR, providing valuable insights for understanding
and optimizing LDR-based circuits.

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Overview of LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is an electronic component that exhibits a resistance that varies with the
intensity of light falling on its surface. When exposed to bright light, the resistance of an LDR decreases,
allowing more current to flow through the circuit. Conversely, in low light conditions, the resistance
increases, reducing the current flow.

LDRs are commonly used in various applications, such as automatic street lighting, burglar alarms, and
light-sensitive switches. They provide a simple and cost-effective way to detect and respond to changes in
ambient light levels, making them a versatile tool for a wide range of electronic circuits and systems.
Experimental Setup
The experimental setup consists of an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
connected in series with a resistor and a power supply. An incandescent
lamp is positioned at a fixed distance from the LDR to provide illumination. A
multimeter is connected in series with the circuit to measure the current
flowing through the LDR.

By varying the power of the incandescent lamp or the distance between the
lamp and the LDR, the resistance of the LDR will change, resulting in a
corresponding change in the current flowing through the circuit. The
multimeter will be used to measure and record these changes in current.
Variation in current due to power of
incandescent lamp
In this experiment, we will investigate how the current flowing through a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is
affected by the power of the incandescent lamp used to illuminate the LDR. By keeping the distance
between the lamp and the LDR fixed, we can isolate the impact of the lamp's power on the LDR's resistance
and the resulting current.




25 50 75 100 150

As the power of the incandescent lamp increases, the current flowing through the LDR also increases. This
is because the higher lamp power results in a greater intensity of light, which in turn decreases the
resistance of the LDR. This relationship can be visualized in the line chart, which shows the linear increase
in current as the lamp power is varied.
Relationship between lamp
power and LDR resistance
The power of the incandescent lamp used to illuminate the LDR (Light
Dependent Resistor) plays a crucial role in determining the resistance of the
LDR. As the power of the lamp increases, the intensity of the light falling on
the LDR also increases, causing the resistance of the LDR to decrease. This
inverse relationship between lamp power and LDR resistance is due to the
photoconductivity property of the LDR, where the device's resistance
decreases as more light is absorbed. By carefully controlling the power of the
lamp, the resistance of the LDR can be precisely adjusted, allowing for the
design of various light-sensitive circuits and applications.
Graphical Representation of the

Exponential Decay Curve Inverse Square Comprehensive

The relationship between the Relationship Visualization
power of the incandescent lamp The graph depicting the By combining the two graphs, a
and the resistance of the LDR relationship between the comprehensive visualization of
can be represented by an distance of the incandescent the relationships between lamp
exponential decay curve. As the lamp and the resistance of the power, lamp distance, and LDR
power of the lamp increases, the LDR shows an inverse square resistance can be achieved. This
resistance of the LDR decreases relationship. As the distance allows for a deeper
exponentially, indicating the from the lamp increases, the understanding of the complex
inverse proportionality between resistance of the LDR increases interactions between these
the two variables. exponentially, demonstrating the variables and the ability to
non-linear nature of this predict the behavior of the LDR-
relationship. based circuit under different
lighting conditions.
Variation in current due to
distance of incandescent
In this section, we will explore how the distance between the incandescent
lamp and the LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) affects the current flowing
through the circuit. As the distance between the lamp and the LDR changes,
the intensity of the light incident on the LDR will vary, leading to
corresponding changes in the resistance of the LDR and the current flowing
through the circuit.

To investigate this relationship, we will set up the experiment with a fixed-

power incandescent lamp and measure the current flowing through the
circuit as we systematically vary the distance between the lamp and the LDR.
By analyzing the data, we can establish the relationship between the lamp
distance and the LDR resistance, and ultimately, the current in the circuit.

The experimental setup will involve a circuit with a fixed resistor, a power
supply, and the LDR. The incandescent lamp will be positioned at different
distances from the LDR, and the current flowing through the circuit will be
measured for each distance. This data will be used to create a graphical
representation of the relationship between lamp distance and LDR
resistance, providing a clear visual understanding of the phenomenon.
Relationship between lamp
distance and LDR resistance
As the distance between the incandescent lamp and the LDR (Light
Dependent Resistor) increases, the amount of light that reaches the LDR
decreases. This inverse relationship between lamp distance and light
intensity leads to a corresponding increase in the resistance of the LDR.

The LDR's resistance is highly sensitive to the amount of light it receives.

When the lamp is moved further away, the reduced light intensity causes the
LDR's resistance to rise. Conversely, as the lamp is brought closer, the
increased light intensity causes the LDR's resistance to drop.
Graphical Representation of the
By graphically representing the relationship
between the distance of the incandescent lamp
and the resistance of the LDR, we can gain a better
understanding of how the two variables are
connected. This visual representation will help
illustrate the inverse correlation between lamp
distance and LDR resistance, allowing us to more
easily interpret and analyze the data.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Key Insights Graphical Trends Practical Applications

The experiments have revealed The graphical representations The insights gained from these
the strong correlation between clearly show the inverse experiments can be applied in
the power and distance of the relationship between LDR areas such as lighting control,
incandescent lamp used to resistance and both lamp power motion sensors, and automated
illuminate the LDR, and the and proximity. This data can be systems that rely on the light-
resulting variations in the current used to model and predict the dependent properties of
flowing through the circuit. This behavior of LDR-based circuits resistors. This knowledge can
understanding can be leveraged under different lighting lead to more efficient and
in various applications that rely conditions. intelligent designs.
on light-dependent resistors.

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