Elements of Voice

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❑ Intonation






➢ The sound change produced by the

rise and fall of voice when speaking

, especially when this has an object

on the meaning of what is said.

Falling intonation

➢Is used on the last stressed syllable of the

sentence in:

▪ Statement(Declarative Sentences)

Ex. We live in MOScow.

▪ Questions

Ex. Where do you LIVE?

▪ Commands(Imperative Sentences)

Ex. STOP it, Sit DOWN.

▪ Exclamatory Sentence

Ex. What a wonderful SURprise!

▪ The last part of the alternative question(after


Ex. Do you want TEA or COFfee?

Rising intonation

➢ Means the pitch of the voice rises over time

and is used in the following:

▪ General Questions

Ex. Was she glad to /SEE him?

▪ Dependent or Introductory parts of the


Ex. If he CALLS , ask him to COME.

▪ Direct Address

Ex. SIR, you dropped your noteBOOK.

Rising Intonation:

Are you com⇧ing to the party tonight?

Did you fin⇧ish your homework?

Is she the one who won the a⇧ward?

Are they go⇧ing to the beach this weekend?

Will you be join⇧ing us for din⇧ner?

Falling Intonation:

I can't be⇩lieve you did that!

The meet⇩ing is at 3 PM.

She is an ex⇩cellent piano play⇩er.

The store clos⇩es at 9 PM.

He won the first prize in the com⇩petition.

Rising and Falling



You're not com⇧ing to the par⇩ty?

You fin⇧ished your home⇩work?

She won the a⇧ward?

They're go⇧ing to the beach?

You'll be join⇧ing us for din⇩ner?


1. Have you met my friend Sarah?

2. Are you coming to the meeting?

3. Did you watch the movie last night?

4. The answer is twenty seven.

5. Is this the right way to the station?

6. That was an amazing performance!

7. Can you pass me the salt, please?

DIRECTION: Identify the statement if it’s a Rising Intonation,

Falling Intonation, Rising and Falling Intonation.

8. This is the correct address, isn't it

9. Let's go to the beach tomorrow.

10. We're leaving for the trip, aren't we?

11. You haven't heard the news, have you?

12. The flight is at 7 AM on Saturday.

13. You're going to the party, right?

14. He said that, didn't he?

15. This is the correct address, isn't it?


➢Is the manner of moving between two successive syllable in

speech. A cue by means in which listener can distinguish

between two otherwise identical sequence of sound that

have different meaning.

Ex. distinguishing I Scream/ from Ice Cream.

that stuff - that’s tough

an aim - a name

my train - might rain

more ice - more rice

1.flour - flower

2.knight - night
3.sight - site

4.waste - waist

5.Pear- pair

6.right - write

7.mail - male

8.hear - here

9.week - weak

10.sun -son

11. none- nun

12.flew- flu

13. through - true

14.pole- poll

15.chord -cord

16. cell -sell


“Tongue Twister Relay”

The class is divided into two teams and create a

relay-style game. Each participant has to say a

tongue twister clearly and pass it on to the next

team member. The key is to focus on maintaining

proper juncture between words. The team that

completes the relay with the fewest mistakes wins.


➢Accent ,the relative prominence of a syllable

or musical note.

➢It emphasis that may be given to certain

syllables in a word, certain words in a phrase

or sentences.

Ex. photograph - PHOtograph

photographer - phoTOgrapher

photographic - photoGRApic

Rules in Applying Stress

❑Stress on the first syllable

This can be applied to most 2 syllable nouns.

Ex. VACcine ,TREATment ,ILLness

❑Stress on the last syllable

2 – syllable verbs

Ex. infect, preVENT, proTECT ,transMIT, disCHARGE

❑Stress on the first or second syllable

Ex. PREsent preSENT

(noun) (verb)

existing or occurring now to offeror give


• NIKKI didn’t take the exam yesterday.

• Nikki DIDN’T take the exam yesterday.

• NIKKI didn’t TAKE the exam yesterday.

• NIKKI didn’t take THE EXAM yesterday.

• NIKKI didn’t take the exam YESTERDAY.


CONflict (noun) conFLICT (verb)

DEcrease (verb) deCREASE (noun)

PERfect (adjective) perFECT (verb)

CONtest (noun) conTEST (verb)

INsult (noun) inSULT (verb)

REbel (noun) reBEL (verb)

PROject (noun) proJECT (verb)


CONvert (noun) conVERT (verb)

REject (verb) reJECT (noun)

PERmit (noun) perMIT (verb)

REcord (noun) reCORD (verb)

PROduce (verb) proDUCE (noun)

CONtract (noun) conTRACT (verb)

IMport (verb) imPORT (noun)

REject (noun) reJECT (verb)


➢ The property of sound with variation in frequency of


➢ The relative highness or lowness of a tone as perceived

by the ear , which depend on the number of vibrations

per second produced by the vocal cords.

Ex. Thank you Thank you

I love you I love you

Falling Pitch:

1."I really enjoyed the book you recommended."

2."The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow."

3."I'm not sure if I can make it to the meeting.“

Low Pitch:

1."I need you to listen to me carefully."

2."This situation requires a serious discussion."

3."I don't appreciate being treated that way."

High Pitch:

1."Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're here!"

2."This is the most exciting news I've heard all day!"

3."The concert was absolutely amazing, the band

was fantastic!"

Rising Pitch:
1."Did you see the beautiful sunset last night?"

2."Are you coming to the party on Saturday?"

3."You're not going to believe what happened


High Pitch followed by Low Pitch:

1."You got the job! Congratulations!"

2."You're going to love the surprise I have

for you."

3."We won the game, but it was a close



❑ Refers to the speed at which you speak


SLOW- calmness ,acceptance of others, formality

TOO SLOW- dullness, laziness, lack of intelligence

FAST – enthusiasm , excitement , and information

TOO FAST – nervous, tension, anxiety, or flighty personality

DIRECTION: Say the following statement correctly and

determined if it’s a rising intonation or falling intonation

which must be used.


1. It’s unbelievable

2. That’s great!

3. Oh , sure I will.

4. You must be


5. Really? That’s


6. Don’t worry, I

7. You shouldn’t


8. I think I will.

9. Keep it up!

10.It’s okay.



DIRECTION: Read each question carefully and choose the

correct answer.

1. This refers to the rise and fall of voices.

a. Pitch

b. Stress

c. Juncture

d. intonation

2. This refers to the relative highness and lowness of tone in


a. Pitch

b. Stress

c. Juncture

d. Tempo/Rate

3. This refers to the relative emphasis or prominence given to

a certain syllable.

a. Pitch

b. Stress

c. Juncture

d. Intonation

4. This refers to the transition between two successive

syllables in speech.
a. Pitch

b. Stress

c. Juncture

d. Intonation

5. This refers to the speed at which you speak.

a. Pitch

b. Intonation

c. Tempo/Rate

d. Stress


1-5 Enumerate the five elements of prosodic

features of speech.

6-8 Give the two pattern of intonation.

9-11 Give the three rules of applying stress.


Advance reading to our next lesson.

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